Chapter 9: Pandora's Box

The Life That I Fought For
   Kai walk over to me to hold Sara for a moment because the thing with Sara when I'm here, she won't let no one carry unless its me but when I'm gone then she lets Kai carrying her. I then button up my blazer and Kai handed her back to me when he did I pick her and cradle her as we walk together. It's kind of weird on how they let us leave like this .
" So ." Baekhyun said 
I guess he can feel the weirdness in the air. 
" Come on out with it ." I said
" Why did you come to Seoul ?." Suho ask 
" Yeah I was wondering that too ." Xiumin said as he walk beside me 
" Yeah ." D.O. said 
Jerk .
" I came to Seoul because I'm in the witness protection program plus I was doing really bad job of life when my brother died. I got into alcohol and getting tattoos illegal, I stood out all night to play in a band but as for the witness protection program. Those guys four guys are still after me ." I explained
" Why ?." Lay said
" Because the first time is when they me then the second is when I witnessed them murdered a big CEO of some major corporation ." I said
" Holy hell ." Chen said 
" Yup ." I said as we walk into the apartment 
" Wow ! This is huge for an apartment ." Kris said 
" My adopted parents bought for me and I asked Sara to come live with me because I have PTSD ." I said 
" Ah, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ." Kris said 
" Yeah it's usually common among soldiers ." I said
" Well you did have some traumatic events in your life, so I don't see why they wouldn't let that fit the bill ." Kai said as I place Sara on her bed in her room then I left as I close the door behind me 
" I know but still I want to know what stop my heart ." I said as I head towards my room to change my shirt 
I grab a black long sleeve v-neck shirt sweater and put it on as I walk out of my room I pull the sleeves up to my elbow on both sides then I finally sit the guys. 
" What else do you guys want to know ?." I ask 
" How are you so quick not to mention your hearing abilities ." Kris said 
" I trained myself to do that just by mediating even my sense of smell 10 times better than the average person ." I said 
" Whoa ." Xiumin said 
" I've been seeing therapists so far they said I have Atychiphobia which is fear of failure. Also there's Athazagoraphobia which is fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting. Along with Autophobia where I'm afraid of being alone. Then there's Kakorrhaphiophobia is the fear of failure or defeat. As well for Paralipophobia is a fear of neglecting duty or responsibility. But then there's one from earlier today which you guys already know ." I said 
" Whoa ! That's a lot of diagnosis's ." Chanyeol said 
" Yeah it is ." I said 
" Why is that ?." Luhan ask 
" Because I have a difficult time and I'm still having one but when you have a father that disowned you then kidnapped you, following along with torturing you for 72 hours. As well seeing someone that you love and possible the only person that cares about you, dies right in front of you and you're holding him in your arms as he dies; he chose for you, to live. Then picture that you were getting by four different guys not only that but they deicide to cut your face. Plus there's another can you imagine is where you're getting tracked down like a dog also having your family saying nothing that you're trash to them. Secondly you're living every day in fear because you think that those four guys found you and then gonna kill you, due to the fact you witnessed them murder a some CEO person ." I said as I choked on my tears 
" Aigoo ." Tao said 
" Really Tao but wait a minute you've heard the story before I mean you read reports ." I said 
He really has nothing to say to me right now !. 
" Oh Kai ! Did you ever found my necklace ?." I ask him I look towards him 
" No, but I heard from some students said that a male student found it then pocketed it ." Kai  replied 
Man ! God is making my heart break really hard. 
" What kind of a person does that ? You think they've enough decency to find the owner of the necklace or give to the teachers ." I said as the tears came out 
" Why is the necklace so important to you ?." Tao ask
" Because its the only thing she has left of her brother and that to her is a glimmer of hope, to her basically way to make her want to live and make her brother proud of her. Even though she down here on Earth, alive and well but on the inside she beating herself up because he chose for her to live while the father and the mother aren't too happy about ." Kai said 
Oh. My. God !.
" Thank you for interpreting that for me and you've officially earned my trust as well my respect for you ." I said 
He nods 
" Well then I guess we to find out the male student that pocketed the necklace ." Kris said
" But how we don't know who it is beside the person gender ." Lay said 
" Do you guys why well I'm still a CIA agent ." I said 
" No ." Suho said 
" I was a hacker for them ." I said 
" Why ?." Sehun ask 
" Because I kind of hacked the President of the United States of America ." I said 
Stated of shock is in the air. 
" May I ask why ." Baekhyun said 
" Hey ! I didn't know until I had Secret Service knocking on my door ." I defending myself 
" Come on I mean how know something ." D.O. said 
" I really didn't know and I seriously don't know I did it by when I started hacking it kind of came naturally to me ." I said
" It came naturally ." Lay said 
" Yeah it did ." I said 
My body feels nervous I then hear something even though its faint I still hear but BOOM !!!. I screamed and headed towards the closet when I got I emptied out as fast I can but there's goes again BOOM !!. I started crying I jumped into the closet and closed it behind me I then covered my ears to stop hearing  the thunder. Soon as I'm in closet I hear running footsteps towards the closet I hear banging on the closet door. 
" Arete !." Lay said 
" What's wrong ?." Xiumin ask 
" Damn it ! Come on out please we can help but we can't if you don't tell us what's going on ." Tao said 
" Make it go away please ! Somebody it go away !." I cried 
" Make what go away ?." Suho said 
" Arete, what is it that you want to go away ." Chen said 
BOOM !!! And I screamed again please I just want someone to make it go away. 
" Wait a minute ." Tao said 
" What is it ?." Kris ask 
" I know what she's scared of ." Tao said 
" And that is ." Kai said 
" Listen and watch what happens ." Tao said
BOOM !! And I screamed once more. 
" She's afraid of the thunder ." Chanyeol said 
" We have to do something or the fear kick her heart into overdrive ." D.O. said 
" Yeah but what ." Luhan said 
BOOM ! BOOM !!. I yelled in fear of the thunder. 
" Kris, do have your dre beats on you ? You know the big ones that you can put over on your head ." Tao said 
" Yeah why ?." Kris ask 
" He's going use your headphones to block out the thunder for her and from I heard those headphones will do the job of blocking out sound ." Lay explained 
I heard scuffling around the room and drawer open and then close as well. 
" Arete, can you come out for a moment ." Sehun  said 
" No ! Please ." I cried 
Then I see Tao open the closet door then headphones on me and then I hear my favorite song Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin. I look at them and they can see that my eyes are widen in fear as well they're puffy and well red, due to all the crying. BOOM ! But this time I see lighting and yet it still scares while I tried my best to pretend that isn't there but how can I pretend that isn't there when I can see in front of me. 
" Please I just want it to be over ." I mutter to myself as I hold my legs yet while rock myself back and forth as if I'm a child
Then I look at Kim and saying something to me yet barely I make out 
' close your eyes and imagine that your studio, you're a playing a song ' Tao mouthed to me. 
Then I look Kris, he also mouthed something at me 
' Its okay I'm here I promise ' I don't know why I look at Kai but he say something that comfort me ' don't worry I'll take of Sara ' he mouthed 
I mouthed ' thank you ' as my world to darken. 
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This is my first Fanfic for EXO I hope it goes well :) please be nice :D


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