Chapter one

Never be ashamed





The rain the sidewalk, dripping into the gutters and the manholes, escaping from the puddles, crawling across the moist pavement. His shoes smacked off of the ground, he pushed himself further and further, crossing his arms to somehow trap the warmth clinging to his body. Jimin heard another pair of boots, slowly and slowly picking up their pace. He looked over his shoulder, Yoongi ran behind him, his black hair hid beneith his beanie as he ducked his head down to avoid the water. Jimin looked back ahead and ran faster as the water had begun to pour harder, slapping against the skin. 

They hid beneith a closed store, just beneith the door steps roof, and caught their breath. Yoongi was keeled over, huffing and puffing, grabbing his ribs. Jimin leaned against the rail and threw his head back, swallowing any excess air he could retrieve. His plump lips wide open, gasping at the water droplets that sneaked through the corners of the roof. 

"You ok?" Yoongi murmured, now standing up, his teeth chattering lightly. "You took off so fast that the others were too shocked to follow." 

Jimin looked at the older boy. The boy he loved. Yoongi's soft features clashed with his cold attitude, but Jimin new better than his poor facade; Yoongi was a troubled soul with a heart too small to fit all of his feelings inside of it, Yoongi was a boy in need of protection, but hated the idea of needing protection. His soft eyes lessend in size as he frowned, his eyebrows stringing together, creating lines in his forehead. The rain had attacked Yoongi's cheeks, sending them green and taut with anger. Yoongi looked adorable. 

"Fine, hyung." Jimin replied, looking back to the rain. "You didn't even have to follow me, you could of caught a cold." 

Yoongi scoffed, "Don't be stupid." he muttered. "You're going to catch a cold anyway, too, so why can't I?" Jimin rolled his eyes at the elder boys attitude. "Don't do that," he whined, "I just want to know what's the matter with you. You don't run away for nothing." 

"I just wanted to be alone, hyung." Jimin said quietly, "But then you ran after me and suddenly I didn't want to be alone anymore, ok?" 

"Well then you aren't going to be alone." Yoongi grinned, "You want me here? I'll stay here, whatever you want." 

"Thank you." Jimin looked at Yoongi who stared at him softly, not truly understanding what was going through the younger boys' mind, but he would stay there till Jimin didn't want him to. 

Things were quiet for a while. The boys slid down the rails and sat down, their head leaning back, resting agains the rail. Jimin his cracked lips, wincing at the fresh cut. His eyes flickered to look at Yoongi. Yoongi was messing with his boots' laces, folding his jeans above his boots and folding his coat over his chest to get himself warm. Jimin's heart throbbed, Yoongi was freezing but he said nothing because Jimin wanted him here with him. 

"Hyung." Jimin called. Yoongi looked up from his shoes. "Go home, you're cold." 

"And you're not?" Yoongi frowned once more, "If I go, you go. Vice Versa, right?" Jimin sighed. 

"Hyung, I think I might want to tell you why I left earlier."


"I was thinking, a couple of months ago, about a couple of things, one including you. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't think you'd feel the same way, or that you'd look at me in the same way anymore, I didn't know what to do. I was unsure for such a long time, hyung. You were the first man I'd ever thought about more than I would about Taehyung and Hoseok hyung. I see them strictly as brothers, but somehow I couldn't think of you in that manner. I hated myself, hyung. I resented you for a while, thinking that it was all your fault because I was different from other boys. I was normal before you came into my life, I was a boy that thought about girls and dated girls, spoke to girls and never had a romantic thought about a boy. tried to avoid you for a while, but I couldn't do it. I wanted to be around you every second of the day; I didn't need to be touched, spoke, or even looked at by you, I just wanted your presence, that's all I could ever ask for, hyung. But the longer I stayed with you, the longer I had these thoughts and the feelings that evolved into something much more than a school-boy-crush." Jimin looked up at Yoongi. "The hatred stopped, and I didn't feel like some abnormal boy who loved another boy. Somehow, right now, I feel normal. And if sitting underneith a material roof, catching a cold with the boy I love is normal then I really don't care about what anyone else would deem as normal and what they would claim to be abnormal. The feeling I feel for you, love, is normal, hyung. I'm proud now. I just wanted to tell you that I'm not-"

Jimin gasped at the pair of soft lips that claimed his, the slender fingers that gripped at the side of his neck, barely touching the strands at the nape of his neck. Jimin moaned at the pressure Yoongi was applying, massaging his upper lip to Jimin's plump bottom lip, grazing his teeth against the skin. Yoongi's chuckle caused his chest to vibrate against Jimins. Yoongi's lips left his momentarily, his lips claimed Jimin's neck, biting at the skin and it raw till the blood touched the surface, creating a raw, purple bruise. Yoongi pecked the bruise and leaned back. 

"You're an idiot, you know?" Yoongi muttered, brushing his fingers across Jimin's cheeks. "You should never of felt abnormal in the first place, Jiminie." he whispered, caging Jimin's cheeks with the palms of his hands, forcing Jimin to look him in the eye. "I love you, Jimin. Loving a boy is not abnormal - , you'd be surprised about the things that happen between Namjoon and Jin, they'd be here to tell you the same thing: Loving someone the same as you is not something you should be ashamed of, please just embrace it." Yoongi leaned in, kissing Jimin softly once more, "If you confessed this earlier then maybe this running awway business would never have happened, and we would be in bed together, warm and comfortable instead of being soaking wet and slightly aroused in an uncomfortable position." Jimin snickered. "I love you." 





As of right now, I think I just want to focus on my bangtan oneshots (and my bigbang ones I've already written and will release soon). For some reason I can't just jump back into writing for Wasted, I need to think more for that, but if you do want some banghim oneshots for the mean time I'd gladly write those for all you Wasted fans. I'm sorry if this A/N disappointed you, aimed mostly at Wasted fans, but I will get back into writing for it and there will be a new chapter soon. I won't put that story on hiatus for too long, just til I get back on track and write something good for you guys. <3


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Leah_VIP #1
Chapter 1: Omg I just felt feels that I didn't know I wanted to feel! I dont read much Yoonmin but this was adorable <3
Nice story author-nim! I love how you slot NamJin into it at the end. XD
Chapter 1: i liked it! thank you for writing this
Chapter 1: This was such a cute story!~~
Chapter 1: This was really good!