
His Queen


They say ghosts are scary; blades and weapons are frightening; deep scars and wounds are intimidating; zombies, the living dead, are terrifying. But what do people know? They only know how to run, hide and when the time comes, seek for it's revenge. But do they know? That the one they should be afraid of, are human itself. Themselves, yourself, myself and all living creatures that knows how to work their tongues and drop bloody words to kill one's emotion inside.


People are dumb, they tend to fear the deads, the mythical creatures, the supernaturals. They tend to fear vampires, wolves, zombies, beasts. They fear living animals; reptiles and the inky-winky tiny animals that crawls or what we call amphibians, scares their balls out.


One word to say, one word to think. Every word that will come out from your mouth will reflect to your life. Will reflect who you are. Will reflect on how devilish you are or how angelic you are. Because people minds are narrowed.


They'll doubt your strengths and make fun of your weaknesses. They'll push you around, will call you names. Will call your mother unworthy, will call your father useless.


But what is the worst thing to live off?


When people around you made fun of you, pushed your self confidence down. When you even barely holding, they'll cut those hopes your holding. Not knowing that every statement they had said, will only make their souls much blacker by each moment.


Lu Han, a chinese guy, a chinese fanboy, a chinese man who thinks of himself as his idol's king. As Kim Hyoyeon's king. He think of Hyoyeon highly, she became his inspiration, the reason why he needed to fight with his mom just to let him stay overnight and watch Girls' Generation's music videos on replay just to see his queen for a mere less than 10 seconds.


He is a chinese guy who is living inside the communist nation, the world's most populated country, China. He's living miles away from his idol, his queen, his life, his Hyoyeon. But that wouldn't stop him from being a die hard fan of her.


He, who has been living his eight years of his life sitting on a chair in front of a computer screen, who has been living his life looking down on the computer screen, cell phone screen and his tablet screen just to grasp news from Hyoyeon, had almost felt everything.


He might be afraid to admit it to himself but now every little thing's clear to him.


He had fallen in love with a member of Korea's number one girl group, Kim Hyoyeon, who may or may not even notice his presence during the past fansign events held in Beijing, concerts held inside the country China. He loves her smile, her eyes, her nose, her eye brows, her blonde hair, her cheekbones, her chin, her arms, her skinny but muscular legs, her everything. He's madly in love with a woman who is 2 years older than him, but who does give a when he himself doesn't.


Her smiles that will make his eyes creak into a form of a crescent moon, her long wavy -now short- blonde hair, make his brain go fuzzy are the reasons why he will get up from his bed and just hurt and cramp his flat out on a wooden chair.


Every time he sees her, through a soft picture, through transparent glasses on the airport, through the concert's stage, through the fansign events when she'll ask his name that Lu Han suspects that she can't even remember, he'll always think of one thing. Beautiful.


Every thing about Kim Hyoyeon is beautiful for Lu Han, for a fanboy who has been following her ever since the day 1. But that isn't what people think, that isn't what asians like him think.


Beauty is all about pointed nose, perfect jawline, long but nicely structured chins, big and rounded doe eyes, slim body and a tall structure. Beauty is all about appearance for a lot of people, beauty isn't all about being famous, having tons of money because beauty for people are only seen within the face. And the face only.


He tried his best to prove people that Hyoyeon is a beautiful woman, a kind one, a gorgeous one. That Hyoyeon has every thing, the looks, the pure heart, the skills and talent.


In which, he failed.


Not everyone likes Hyoyeon, not every SONE think of her as a worthy member. Because she herself told the netizens that waving lollipops wasn't her style, she even thought of leaving but she didn't.


Every day, a hater would come up and shove it to Hyoyeon's face that she isn't beautiful. That she shouldn't even try, her looks are just made from stupidity, that she isn't going to make it. Every day, one would call her ugly and it .


Lu Han knows that behind those giggly smiles, wide mouth laughing and eyes creaking are just lies to conceal the truth. Are just lies to conceal everything she had been through, to conceal everything she doesn't want others to see because right at that exact moment she will be judged.


Not having a pretty face like Yoona's, high and soothing voice like Taeyeon's are what kills Hyoyeon inside. She doesn't want to mind it because she knows that out of all those talents her other members have, she had one.




She tried to showcase her talent, to show people her worth but people just made fun of her. People just pushed her not to try anymore. Slowly, those smiles, laugh, choding moves are decreasing each day and Lu Han hates to see it.


He doesn't want to see his queen frowning, he doesn't want to see his queen sad or even crying. He just doesn't want to see his queen hurting.


Hyoyeon's changing, her kindness that was next to Seohyun's according to Yoona was becoming worst. She's getting cold. And because of that, people criticized her once again. She was called a , a famewhore who is still within the SNSD because of it's fame. Whether she'll be a choding or a diva , no one would care. In every movement she'll make, one would judge her for being her. For being the Hyoyeon that can never be enough for other people's perspective.


The eight members tried their luck and cheered Hyoyeon up, for once in a while she smiled genuinely but right after the eight went out of her room, she fell, her knees on the dirty floor and her palms slamming the cold cement. She cried, for hours and hours, she cried her heart out. It was hurting her, seeing herself act like she was okay, that everything's gonna be okay. She pitied herself, because she was not the Hyoyeon she used to be. She hated herself, for being ugly, for not having the goddess looks, the Beyonce voice, the diva voice. But in one flash, a smiling boy, younger than her by a few years went on her mind. She smiled even thought it's breaking her heart, she can still remember his face and his name, Lu Han was it?


Lu Han tried his best not to punch a wall, not to break his computer's keyboard, not to let tears fall from his eyes. He couldn't believe it, he just can't.


Right in front of his very own eyes is the goddamn news that says his queen have been seen dead on SNSD's dorm.


He felt like his heart was pricked by needles, slowly in torture. His mind went blank, his posters with the nine members are getting blurry by Hyoyeon's face getting brighter by each moment.


It felt like his heart was shattered like a glass.


The king has lost his supposed to be queen, the king has lost his inspiration, his will to move on forward with his life. His life of being bullied by just because he adores Hyoyeon so much, shoving to his face that Jessica's better, Yoona is, Taeyeon is. His life of making fun of because he likes a certain dork, he looks like a girl, he's gay for fanboying that crazily over a famewhore, they said, which he may call a goddess one.


He got the strength to stand once again by those smiles, her voice. But it vanished without his knowing. He adores how Hyoyeon can still smile even though it hurts her, he adores how Hyoyeon can still lend her shoulders for members to cry on, when she can't even hug herself when she's crying, when no one wants to hug her when she's feeling lost and down. He adores how Hyoyeon helps the other eight, when she can't even help herself.


He felt like he lost every little thing.


In that very moment, he stood up and went to his bed. He threw his body on his soft bed, he's glad his father is a rich man, he can sleep peacefully. But how? He looked at his left, he could see Hyoyeon's face everywhere, anywhere. He could see Hyoyeon's face smiling to him as if nothing's wrong.


A lot of people cried, a lot of them sent their apologies and respects to the family. Lu Han lazily walked towards the white coffin, trying his best to walk straight and to stand up straight. He looked down, to see his queen's face frowning with her eyes closed, to his queen's pale face. On her neck were the marks of the rope she used to take her own life. Her own miserable life. But only God knows who shed the real tears.


And on his hand is a written letter from Hyoyeon which she wrote right before she tied herself up with a rope.


'Lu Han? I hope you can understand my writing, it because I'm doing things quickly as I can. Before members can even find me. I just want to say to you that I am very thankful to you. Each support and scream that even though you think I didn't notice, made my heart flutter and jump in happiness. Supposedly, I should write a letter first to my family but instead I wrote yours first, writing in Chinese is kinda hard than I thought it would be. I can remember your name from the beginning till the end, you always beamed at me happily saying that your name is Lu Han. How can I even forget about that? Did my bestfriends, Sooyoung and Yuri find you? I told them that you live in China and I even sent them your picture with me using my phone. You look so cute there. By the way, don't be sad, I hope you can still support the other eight in my place. I wish there are a lot more people like you. Judging people not by their looks but by their hearts. Thank you for believing in me when other people don't, thank you for making me live to this extent. Look outside Lu Han, there are a lot of girls who are much better than me. I can still see you everyday, do not worry. Ugh, I am so sad Lu Han. I wish you can have me in your dreams, confessing my feelings to you, right? I like you but I was stupid enough not to tell my feelings to my number one fanboy. Good bye Lu Han, I think by now, I love you already.


Your queen, Kim Hyoyeon.'


He folded that piece of paper neatly and drop that piece of paper on his wallet. With tears on his eyes, he tried to reach for Hyoyeon's face but was stopped by the glass that was separating them. His queen loves him, he can truly now be her king.


He blames humans, those humans who fear the creatures which doesn't exist, those creatures that won't harm them. He blame those judgemental humans who made fun of his queen, he blame the humans for calling his queen ugly. People judge by other's looks and he ing hates it.


Weapons might be frightening, swords maybe scary. But do you know what, of all those weapons, a person's mouth can beat those guns, blades and bombs. A person's mouth is the most powerful weapon a human could carry, the most powerful gun a human could carry. And words are it's most painful bullets.


(A one-shot I made in an hour or two, because of my love for Hyoyeon and my love for Luhan and my love for HyoHan. I'm sorry for the mistakes as english is not my style. Hope you like it!)




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Chapter 1: its tearing up my heart (nsync
well.. thumbs up
Chapter 1: this is really unique. this is the first time i read story like this (luhan as that die-hard fan of hyo). huhuhu i love hyohan but i don't want this to happen in real life, esp i'm like luhan (in the story) :(. i just can't!
Chapter 1: This made me tear up a bit.
charm ng hyohan yan! haha <3 There not much legit moments, but you'll love them together. Excited na ako sa story na 'to. u go girl!
hyoyul15 #5
new story~ I also like hyohan, & everything about kim hyoyeon~ hohoho waiting for the chapters authornim!! Fighting :)