dancing with the stars.

Pretty Noona

24 year old fresh graduate who is currently in a promising internship program in Kim Enterprise Haejoo, declared that she doesn’t believe in love. Of course, she’s had a fair share of those crushes back then during high school (and some more in college), but none of them was brave enough to confess to her. Or, that’s what she chooses to believe.

Haejoo isn’t downright ugly, she supposes, for she treats her face and body well, even though pimples come and go, as well as some fat around Christmas times or birthdays. But she claims herself worthy, a much better choice than dating an ogre, that’s for sure.

She is, as any other living person would be, perfectly imperfect.

For starters, she is not good at waking up in the mornings, despite having to live by herself. She doesn’t cook either, she only cooks to survive, her signature dishes being instant ramyun and egg, be it scrambled, boiled, etc.

She also admits to being extra lazy when it comes to cleaning the house and the whole household care thingy, thus her mother kicked her out in the nicest way possible, which I quote, “Go and mess up your own house and see how long you can stay like that, I’m sure you’ll be on your knees begging to live with your mother back in a week!”

Proving herself sort of worthy for the first time ever in her life, she passed years of college living by herself, although she misses her mom’s homemade dishes.

But amazingly, some things don’t ever change. Like her naturally messy and disorganized habits, and of course, her status of being single since birth.

She’s tried making changes in herself like putting on more makeups, acting nicely and all that jazz but that resulted to her milk delivery man falling head over heels for her and she decided to abort the mission.

She’s basically back to square one.


So here Haejoo was, sipping on her bubble tea as her best friend Hyesung chirped about the latter’s day.

“Gosh, you know how awful it is to be assigned to teach those freaking 5 year olds? I mean like, I can’t even concentrate on the routine when either one of them cries every damn 5 minutes. Ugh, but you’re going to love it, I guess, since you’re good with kids and all.”

True enough, Haejoo was quite good with children, despite failing to mingle with proper adults aside from her family, her long time buddy Hyesung and her apartment’s security guard Mr. Hong.

“They’re kids. They could sense when you’re being genuine or not, they’re basically like dogs, and you said you love dogs.” Haejoo nibbled some tapioca pearls, looking unintentionally bored.

“Of course, since dogs don’t cry, remember? They don’t mess up dance routines and blame their friends or fight either! Seriously, I’m going to miss teaching those real aspired dancers who actually want to learn.” Hyesung sighed ever so dramatically, flailing her frustrated fists in the air as she watched Haejoo, looking passive as ever.

“You mean your 18 year old prodigy Kim Jong –what’s his name again?” Haejoo began, and that line saved her from being accused of a bad listener.

“It’s Kai! His stage name, I told you.” Hyesung huffed.

“And now you sound obsessed.”

“Am not! Anyway, how’s boss Park today?” Hyesung changed the topic.

“Good if you leave the ‘constantly annoying me’ part out.” Haejoo said rather uninterestedly. It was way pass her first week as an intern and all Hyesung would constantly ask about is that stupid boss named Park Chanyeol. Haejoo blames the co-interns who don’t socialize with her. Nu-uh, it’s never her fault.

“Haejoo, wake up! A guy persistently annoying the hell out of you could only mean one thing!” Hyesung said like it was the most obvious thing in the whole entire world, which it could be, if you don’t count Haejoo as a part of the world.

“Such as?”

“He’s either-”

“You said ‘one’.” Haejoo deadpanned.

“-let me finish you dimwit! A, he’s either straight from hell annoying, which I doubt he is. Or B, he’s totally into you and is trying to get your attention. How perfect!”

“One, you haven’t seen his devilish grin and until then, you’d never know how true your former option is, and two, no romantic affairs at work.”

“Damn company policies.”

“Yeah, and my conscience.”

“You too.”

The two were then left in a pregnant pause, each one deeply immersed in thoughts, but two very contrasting ones at that.

“I wonder if-”

“I wonder if the latest episode of The Return of Superman is out already.” But of course Haejoo beat Hyesung to it.

“God, Haejoo, how pathetic could your life be?”

“What were you going to say anyway, smartass?”

“I was going to say ‘I wonder if Yixing would like to meet you’, Haejoo. Unlike you, my thoughts would somehow contribute in repairing your damaged life.”

“Who’s Yixing? Why would he want to meet a stranger?” Haejoo exclaimed, to which Hyesung slapped herself on the forehead, not being able to deal with her best friend’s stupidity anymore.


Yixing turned out to be Hyesung’s co-worker in the dance studio, he teaches more of the advanced performing classes for legit adults, although Kai would appear sometimes. That being said, Yixing kind of owns half of the studio as well, for it’s an investment between his best friend Luhan and himself. The guy’s a sweetheart, according to Hyesung.

Sweet as sugar with words, gentle, and polite; but is fierce and meticulous when being on the dance floor.

I’m 24, I don’t need this kind of help, Haejoo argued.

Well would you look at yourself now? Hyesung insisted and Haejoo finally caved.

Fine. Fine, if the whole world wants to look at her fail and embarrass the heck out of herself one more time!

She honestly don’t understand stereotypes nowadays that require adults to be in some relationships when they don’t actually have time for any.

But damn it she wanted a boyfriend so badly, even the shady settings Hyesung made for her was considered a go-for. Ya know, because she’s just curious and all.


Curse that 16 years best friend of her and her stupid ideas.

Curse whatever bubble tea she was drinking that made her say yes.

Haejoo found herself in a pair of violet tight leggings, a tank top, and a loose galaxy printed t-shirt, standing like a sore thumb in the middle of talented dancers in a dancing studio.

I don’t freaking dance! She reasoned, hours earlier as Hyesung arrived in her apartment to give her some needed briefings.

Thanks to me you’re now a free spirit girl learning to dance as a part of your New Year’s resolution.

Thank all the gods out there who were keeping Haejoo still on the dance studio and not head hunting her best friend.

“Okay, class. On your positions!” a loud voice boomed from the entrance, revealing a skinny pale guy walking in with a taller, beautiful girl. Almost everyone seemed to move accordingly, except for Haejoo and apparently some more newbies.

“Ah, I forgot. It’s entrance week, huh? Welcome, new dancers. I’m Key and this lady beside me is Sooyoung.”


“And umm, it might seem a little unfair now, but we have to finish our recent number and to those who are new, please partner up. We’re gonna teach you the basics as we go.”


“Let’s start then, shall we?” Sooyoung voiced out.

Haejoo later discovered that it was a contemporary routine for two, intended to be a romantic one. Haejoo knows what contemporary dance is like, after all she thinks it’s kind of more about acting while keeping your cool jumping around and do occasional splits with a desperate kind of look on your face, but really –she’s such a klutz and here she is trying to talk about dancing.

Nobody approached her, and she was flustered. Everyone seemed to be ready, even Key’s thumb looked like it was itching to press the tape’s button, but Sooyoung did one last sweeping through the whole room and probably noticed Haejoo standing awkwardly alone.


I guess not.

“Yes, noona?”

“Where’s Sulli?”

“I believe she has to study for tomorrow’s math test, so-“

“Aish, why are my best dancers minors again? Ugh, school. Anyway, go partner up with the new girl over there.” Sooyoung commanded and for a second, Haejoo tried to look back, there ought to be some other girl Sooyoung was talking about while pointing exactly to her direction, right?

She blinked nervously as the steps were coming closer and an innocent looking high school guy approached her, hand stretched to introduce himself, “Oh Sehun, as you’ve heard.”

“I’m Kang Haejoo.”

“You’re new here, any reasons why you’d only start now?”

“I don’t know, I just felt like it this morning?” Haejoo tried, to which Sehun chuckled.

“That must be-”

“On your position, Sehun!” Key yelled from across the room, sending the two awkward kids to bump with each other due to surprise.

“Ah, lucky I caught you.”

“I’m new here, so please go easy on me with the dance steps.” Haejoo said, timidly.

“Trust me and I’ll guide you along the way.” Sehun said, slightly in a hushed tone, intending Haejoo to be the only one who was able to hear that and that alone caused shivers up her spine. This kid is seriously one, creepy kid.

Haejoo followed his steps closely as she tried to do what she thinks is decent enough to be called a dance, mind hazy and somehow forgetting her actual reason of being there.

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awesome graphics from my fav shop ching a ling!


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