Tale One

Tales Of The Warriors [BAP drabble dump]

Once or twice –


(or thrice, or a million times)

There was a boy who wanted to go back.




Being forced to be a hero, then forced back to your ordinary world is cruel, so very cruel.


Jongup wants to go back. He misses the magic world with all its sparkling and exotic creatures, the three moons. But mostly Jonhong's sassy replies and Yongguk's wide smiles, the comfort it brought.

(He misses the Jongup he was with them around.)


The city is bustling, lit up by half a moon, few stars and thousands of neon light. It's all artificial compared to the magical world he yearns for; Arifillia was much more captivating.

Jongup sighs, he closes his eyes.

If he foucses enough he can imagine the sky in Arifillia; millions of stars, their brightness is stark against the darkness of the sky, the three moons pale and magnificent. The breeze is pleasant, it smells of grass, and Yongguk's green tea. Yongguk calmly is sipping his tea with peace (with grace) wisdom of the world folds in his gummy smiles and warm eyes.

 Jonhong is probably sketching away the serene look on Yongguk's face in his sketchbook. Every stork of his hand is precise and full of elegance Jongup hadn't seen on anyone else.

Then Yongguk would probably notice (he's a sneaky bastard) and tease Jonhong about it.

And if Jongup focuses more, he can definitely hear Jonhong's haughty reply "My devine skills are above your face, hyung," to which Yongguk mockingly replies "Whatever you say, your Majesty."

And Jonhong, the ever prideful boy, tucks the drawing away to complete it some other time.

Jongup can almost feel their happiness as if he's with them. He can hear it in thier laughter, and taste it with the tea they're sharing. But it tastes bitter in his mouth.

And it's so much unfair. He misses them so so so much.

He wants to go back.





"Hyung, What do you think Jongup is doing?"

Yongguk's eyes twinkle lightly, a sad smile playing on his lips "He's probably reminiscing about us, little prince," He mutters softly, lovingly, almost whispering; it hurts to admit the truth.

"Yeah, he definitely is," Jonhong nods in approval, his smile is fond, heart bitter.

It does, it does hurt.

"Say, hyung, is there no way to bring him back?"

"There must be a way, but don't let your hopes up, little prince. I haven't heard of anyone who came back." And Yongguk also hadn't heard of anyone who came to their world other than Jongup. So it must mean something, right?



Once or twice – 




(or thrice, or a million times) 

There was a boy who wanted to go back.


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 1: So sad , yet beautifully writing all at the same time.