
Bunnies and ducks

"Oh my God, oh my God, I hope I'm not late, I hope she didn't get out early, oh my God."

He glanced worriedly at his watch, 12:52 PM. Eight minutes and less than a mile to go, but the traffic wasn’t moving an inch.

“Where in the world is everyone going, anyway,” he muttered through clenched teeth, tapping his fingers on the wheel.

When the car in front of him finally moved, he thanked every higher being there was and promised to himself to leave at least half an hour earlier next time. Finding a free parking spot wasn’t that hard, but he only had two minutes to reach the other side of the campus. He ran all the way, getting out of breath and heaving in front of the main building. He checked his watch again. 1:01 PM. At least he was on time. He sat on one of the benches to try and even his breath while waiting for his girlfriend.

It wasn’t long before she came, readjusting her bag on her shoulder, black hair glistening in the spring sun. Jinki got up in a flash and went to her, bringing a wide smile on her rosy lips.

“Hey, angel!”

“Hey there, Jinks! Were you able to finish your papers after all?”

“Of course I was, I’m not first in my class for nothing. But it’s not about me, it’s about you, love. How was it?” asked Jinki, lacing his fingers with An’s.

“It was okay. I think I did well, but we’ll have to wait for the results to be posted.”

“When is that supposed to happen?”

“Next week, most probably. But I’m finally finished with them, let’s do something fun,” suggested An.

“Should we try the theme park? I heard they added new rides. Or we can just go for a walk if you’re in the mood.”

“Let’s get some ice cream from that little shop,” said the girl, turning around clapping, eyes sparkling.

“Sure, baby angel,” smiled Jinki and pecked her lips.

They had reached the car and he held the door open for An, then running around and getting behind the wheel. He looked at her and a smile made its way on his lips.


“You’re gorgeous.”

Jinki softly took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the delicate knuckles. She smiled, half shy, half amused at his sappiness.

“Should we go feed the ducks on the pond afterwards? I have a blanket in the trunk, we can sit on the grass.”

“Sounds great!”

They rode in comfortable silence, the only sound in the car the soft music from the radio. When they were finally near the park, An unclasped the silver necklace with the bunny pendant and wanted to hand it to Jinki.

“Thank you for giving me your grandma’s necklace. We’ll see if it worked, but I have a feeling it did.”

“Actually, I want you to keep it.”

“But isn’t it a family jewelry?” asked An, a little worried.

“She gave it to me when I moved out of my parents’ house to protect me. She used to say that everyone sees the rabbit as a coward, always running away, but he was also the one who made the lion jump in the well. She wanted me to keep being soft, gentle, not let the world harden my heart with its bitterness.” Jinki took the little silver pendant in his hand and ran a thumb over its surface. “It has taken me through a lot of stuff and I think she would’ve been happy to know you will have it from now on.” He locked it back behind her neck and pecked her lips. “So please don’t worry, okay?”

“I’m touched, Jinki. I…I don’t know what to say,” An whispered in a tiny voice.

“You don’t have to say anything, just believe in it.” He winked. “Now, should we go feed the ducks?”

They got out and settled on the lake’s bank on the purple blanket, the picnic basket Jinki had prepared to their side, ducks slowly starting to gather near them.

The sun was shining and a soft breeze was rustling the leaves. It was a great day. Everything was going to be fine.

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Chapter 1: aaaAAAHHH MY GOD all the feels came rushing back and I can't stop smiling ;_; I love that you linked the picture of the pendant it's so adorable. And I think the way you depict their relationship, easy-going and comfortable, is great. *sends you hugs*
Chapter 1: I loved the story. Thanks for writing it. Keep writing!