Six - To our own Neverland

You Should Have Chosen Me

(Song: Zendaya - "Neverland"




“So I suppose you two are official?” Joy casually throws out the question as they are having lunch together at the school’s cafeteria. Not much people are looking, which is a good thing for everyone. And so Irene and Wendy just exchange a quick look which only the two of them can read. 



“We would like to keep it low.” The tutor flashes their concerned friends a soft smile after the young brunette pats her arm signaling her to be their spokesperson. “No one knows what people would say about her if they are told we are together. Her breakup has already caused a fuss around the campus. We both agree It’s the best for us, and for Mark of course.”




Seulgi nods while reaching out another piece of meat, “Still, I am happy for you two.”



“So,” Yeri puts down her bread and shows them a slightly puzzled face. “No one else knows about it except us three?”



“Yes.” Wendy chirps in English. “I didn’t tell Mark. But I will, eventually. Don’t worry, Yerim-ah.”




“Alright then.” Joy looks at the other pair of couple and glances around lowering her voice. “Just let me know if any of those es dare to talk behind your backs.”



Irene frowns and shoots a glare to the student, “Hey Park Sooyoung, watch your tongue.”



“Thanks, Joy.” But Wendy, as the kind girl she is, smiles brightly towards her supportiveness, not forgetting to hold the frowning girl’s hand under the table also. It works, it instantly smoothens the crease between Irene’s glorious eyebrows.




“I guess you unnies are right.” Yeri lowly mutters as she takes another bite of her bread. “I think the only Seulgi-unnie and Joy-unnie are being so high-profile here. And I can’t even take them sometimes.”



Joy switches on her evil face and headlocks the little squirtle-faced devil after hearing her remark, “Yo, kid. I’m listening.”



“It ain’t my problem though.” Seulgi cooly shrugs it off as if it’s none of her business. “It’s her who can’t control her damn hormones and keep teasing me even when people are watching.”




“Kang Seulgi!” The taller devil yells but her hands are still busy from the wrestling with the smaller one.



“Just admit that.”



“You’ll sleep on the couch for a week, starting from today.”



“No! I’m sorry, Sooyoung-ah. It’s all my bad, I shouldn’t wear tank tops and short shorts ever again…...” The bear’s face falls, begins to plead and beg.




“Look at them. How adorable.” Quietly watching them bickering rather cutely, Wendy lightly nudges Irene who is busy telling Yeri to clean the bread crumbs on her shirt across the table. “And you, you look like a mom already.”



“I don’t want Kim Yerim as my child though.” The older girl grumbles like a real old person under her breath.




“Don’t you think Yeri’s kind of cute too?” She widens her lively eyes at the negative response. She thought Irene would share the same thoughts with her as she always does. Yes, she always does.



“You’re way cuter.” Irene grins widely that half set of her gorgeous teeth show.



“Don’t you talk sweet here.” Wendy shyly flings her head to the other side trying to hide the crimson cheeks of hers. “You and Yerim do look alike in some ways.”



Irene lets out a childish giggle as she just loves the reaction from her dear Seungwan, it is just as what she has expected. “But I want our kid to look like you, Seungwan-ah.”




She agapes, pushing this teasing master away by her thin shoulder, “Bae Joohyun!”



“Are you copying Joy? You know I’m smarter than Seulgi.” She leans a little closer and twirls a strand of Wendy’s locks with her slender index finger.






“Stop what? Man, you’re so good to tease-”




“Eww, you two are gross too.” Yeri who has already finished her whole bag of bread is now scrunching her cute nose at the couples.



“Get your own girl, Satan spawn number 2.” Irene scoffs while raises her chin proudly, embarrassing Wendy further.




Wendy thus buries her tiny face into her tiny palms at the situation since Joy and Seulgi are still bickering, “Lord, what have I gotten myself into?”



Really, who knows a girl, who did not go out unless she had a cap on and did not smile much, could be such a playful ert when she is with the “right” person?








Wendy continues her study in school peacefully. Irene is still the chemistry tutor she has been. 



The only differences are, people can now see Wendy’s warm smiles, along with Irene’s delicate face and silky hair, more frequently and very clearly. Everyone can also see how they have both become much brighter than before.



And Jackson has taken notice of the change, particularly. He might appear dumb sometimes, but he cherishes and cares for his friends very much. He sees Wendy as his friend too. 




So, in one random day, this boy with thick eyebrows carefully approaches Wendy outside her classroom when the lecture ends, “Wendy, can we talk?”



“Sure,” She is again surprised by him because she has expected most of his friends would distance her after the breakup. It seems her expectations towards people aren’t always right. “What is it?”



“Hmm, I just wanna say you seem to do well these days. After you and Mark......” He starts rubbing his nape, hard and hesitantly. “Is there, I…...”



“Jackson, just say it.” She kindly reassures the nervous boy with a soft smile. It reminds her a little of that time Mark confessed so she pauses a little. “It’s okay.”




He looks up and slurs fast, “Are you seeing someone else? I don’t mean to judge you or anything. I’m just happy for you because you look happier.”



“Easy,” She is still smiling so softly. “And if you are talking about Irene, yes.”



He takes a breath slowly before opening his mouth again, “It’s good. Now you’re in good hands. I have no problem with that.”




“Really?” She asks for a confirmation.



“Really.” So he confirms, firmly.



Wendy straightens up her back and heaves a soft sigh folding her lab coat that was laying in her arms. “How’s he then?”



“More or less the same old dude.” Jackson chuckles as he’s relieved. “That’s why we all still treat you as our friends.”




“Thank you.” She soughs, quietly expressing her gratitude and appreciation.



He gives her a thumbs-up, “You’re a good girl, you know. And I’ll see you later.” 




“Bye.” She bids her goodbye as he disappears at the corner of the long corridor. After Jackson is gone, Wendy walks in the opposite direction and takes the stairs instead, heading towards the upper floor, which belongs to another department.



She greets some of the professors as she brushes shoulders with them. She actually doesn’t know her way, she is looking for an office whose door has a familiar name written on that. She didn’t know this floor is so huge until now.




“Wendy?” Irene has spotted the petite figure among the sea of people in a split second when she was stepping out of the elevator, “Are you here…... for me ?”



The student quickly turns around and timidly answers, “I just want to pay you a visit.”




The tutor calmly and swiftly fishes out her keys, “Come with me first.” She knows it’s not a good place and time to show her affection towards her Seungwan. And so, Wendy finally finds Irene’s office which is located at the far end of the corridor, because she’s just a tutor after all. It’s still big, quite cozy too.



“Why so sudden?” Irene closes the door behind her while Wendy’s sniffing around curiously. It’s her first time visiting another safe haven of Bae Joohyun after all.



The younger girl sweeps her fingers across the edges of the books which are neatly arranged on the shelves, “Where have you been? I thought you don’t have a lesson at this time and you’ll be here.” 




Irene’s ears perk up like they’re animals’ as she thinks she heard something from Wendy’s tone, “You aren’t being possessive, are you?” Who really knows why she would be playful when there’re only them.



“No!” Wendy protests in an unusually loud voice. “I was just surprised, and curious. That’s all!”




So the older girl clings onto her and grins again at the lovely expressive face, “I went to return some books to the main library.”






She proceeds to cup those squishy cheeks, “Is something bothering you, huh?”



Wendy immediately diverts her gaze down to the floor, “Nah, just tired.”




“Do you remember what we said on the Ferris wheel that night?”



“Of course, I do.”



“Then you should know you’re one very special person for me. You have a special place in my heart.” Irene is now a tender lover, not the playful kid anymore. “I’ve been hurt for a few times but I know you’d be someone different when I first saw you. So I waited and waited. Even when you got together with him, I still waited. Because everything you do proves that I’m right,”




“Whenever I was frightened,

Or if I ever felt alone,

I turned to the night sky,

And a star I call my own.”




“So I don’t mind waiting some more,” Irene tenderly holds her special person in her arms. “Because you know how much I love you now. I can be patient, I can be brave. Just like I’ve promised you that night.”



Wendy doesn’t reply to Irene’s sweet confession verbally. She replies her physically and she hugs her tighter. She has always felt sorry making her wait for so long. It took her so long to see.




So the slightly taller one speaks again, “I don’t know if you’re worried about Mark or your parents or the gossiping ones. I want you to know you are not alone anymore.” 



“Even it won’t be pretty in the end?” She whispers against the fabric of her jacket.



“It’ll be pretty if you believe so. Trust me.”



“I trust you. Always.”




“Somewhere I could run to,

Just across the milky way,

If you like I could take you,

It's just a light year and a day.”




“So do you want me to walk you back to the dorm today?” She places a gentle kiss on the crown of her head before breaking the hug.



“I don’t wanna go back so soon today.” Wendy curves her lips upwards. “Can you walk with me?”




“Sure. Anywhere you like.” 



They leave the office and the school after Irene has finished packing her stuff. There’s no destination at all but Wendy doesn’t feel lost. They are just aimlessly strolling on the streets but Wendy doesn’t feel bored.



Perhaps it’s because they both know where they are heading to, but not so physically. Perhaps it’s because it is something more than love. 








It’s the end of the semester and it’s time for all sorts of contests and competitions. Most importantly, it’s time for fun. 



Being encouraged by everyone around her, Wendy has finally joined the singing contest. It’s her first time in this university, so surely she’s nervous. Although Yeri, Joy, Seulgi, and Irene all said she’s winning in no doubt.




Wendy is naturally anxious under the spotlight. It’s not only about winning or not. She wants to give her all, her best on stage. At the same time, she is worrying different kinds of accidents that might happen to her. As if she’s the most unlucky person on the plant. What if she slips on stage? What if she sings off key? What if she forgets the lyrics?



Seulgi has even promised to play the piano for her, showing her support and providing her company. Still, Wendy has to practice day and night in order to ensure she won’t make any stupid mistakes. However, Irene has successfully convinced the others not to nag Wendy anymore since she knows Wendy is stubborn in this aspect. Irene knows they should let her do what she feels comfortable with. Irene knows Wendy like the back of her palm. 




And now Irene has just found a seat in the auditorium along with Joy and Yeri. The contest will start in minutes. She has no idea why it would be so crowded. Not wanting to miss out Wendy’s performance, she hurries to the washroom.



On her way back, she bumps into someone, who is much taller than her.









“Are you here to support Wendy too?” Mark points towards the stage with his chin while his hands are rubbing on his jean-clad thighs.



“Yeah.” Irene nods repeatedly as she casts her gaze on the stage, thinking rumors have reached his ears finally.



“Great...... And she’d win,” He lifts a weak smile. “I am lucky enough to watch her sing once before. I know she is good.”



“That’s how we have been telling her too.” She shakes her head more weakly “But you know, she won’t listen. Her biggest enemy is herself. So I let her be as long as she knows I’m here for her.”




Mark stares at the older girl sincerely, “You really know her. Singing has been her greatest passion. And she’s really good at it, she has a talent. So I figure I should come.”



“She’d be happy if she knows you’re here.” Irene eventually looks back at the boy that used to be the boyfriend of a girl she loves deeply.



“Would she?” He blinks. And the first singer is up already.



“Yes.” She nods once again. It’s an average performance so none of the two bothers to spare a glance.




He shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans, gazing right into Irene’s eyes because he really means it, “Take care of her.” He can’t say he doesn’t love Wendy anymore. But he is willing to let go. He has heard things about Irene and he trusts her. 



“I will.” Irene responses in the same intensity because she also means it.




Exchange a genuine smile, they part ways as their minds are flown off miles away. 




“Isn’t it Mark you were talking to a minute ago?” Joy yanks Irene’s arm as the latter sits down between the two satan spawns.



“Yes, problem?” The older girl cooly adjusts to a comfy position on the chair.



“What did you two talk about then?” Yeri joins in by poking Irene’s other arm.



“Nothing.” The tutor glues her eyes to the front. “Nothing to worry about, kids.”




Joy looks over Irene’s head and communicates with Yeri with their unique satanic sign language. They both agree not to probe further because an annoyed Bae Joohyun is a scary Bae Joohyun that even demons shouldn’t mess with. They keep their mouths sealed and patiently wait for Wendy’s turn to shine. So far, the performances are boring anyways.



The three are nearly dozing off when Wendy and Seulgi are under the spotlight. The former has both of her hands clutched onto the mic and the latter has hers placed on the keyboards. Their eyes immediately search for the person they long to see, and they see them. 



As for Wendy, she also sees Mark, Jackson and other boys. She is happy that they are all here. All of them.




“Through all my make-believe,

There's some reality.

In your reflection,

There's much more than you see.”




Irene swears Wendy herself has no idea how beautiful she actually is, and how well her singing really is. And she thinks she has just fallen in love once more, deeper this time as she thought it couldn’t be deeper before.



Her breath is taken away when Wendy parts her lips and hits her first note. On the other hand, the same thing happens on Joy while Seulgi’s fingers are flying above those black and white.



Perhaps it’s something deeper than love.



Yeri who has never been in love, of course, doesn’t understand. But she would one day. Now, she is just enjoying her unnies’ performance as a friend. And she just knows that Wendy means a lot to Irene, Seulgi means a lot to Joy, and vice versa. A lot like much more than themselves.



No one dares to make a sound while Wendy is singing and Seulgi is playing the piano.




It’s a good song, for Irene’s ears, although she fails to catch some of the lyrics because Wendy chose an English song. She can feel the song from Wendy’s melodious voice. It calms her. Maybe it’s good for her soul too. Thunders of applauds and cheering boom through the roof of the hall the second Wendy and Seulgi finish their song. They are more than satisfied as they exit the stage.



And surely, undoubtedly, Wendy wins. Mark and Jackson are clapping hard. Irene is watching with a motherly smile. Wendy doesn’t forget to thank Seulgi and Joy and Yeri when she receives the trophy. Lastly, she ends with, “And it’s a song for you, Bae Joohyun.” Then she turns around and leaves despite the roaring audience.



Mark smiles at that remark. Jackson also smiles. Seulgi is surprised. Joy and Yeri are hugging each other tightly not wanting to squeal like a dying hyena. Irene’s heart and cheeks explode, and her limbs melt. She said she would wait and Wendy has just ended her wait. Now everyone knows.




Ignoring the curious eyes shooting at her, Irene dashes through rolls of chairs to get to her special someone. 



“Son Seungwan.” She holds her shoulders in place when she reaches her at the backstage.



“Hey, I did it.” She laughs because happiness has filled her up right now. 




“You don’t have to.” Irene bites her lower lip trying to keep the tears in her eyes.



“I want to do it.” Tugging the trophy under her arm, Wendy intertwines their hands and leads the older girl to the back door. “I want to do something for you, for us too.”




“All that you hope for,

You hope for today,

Is the love someone gives you,

In an unconditional way.”




“Oh my god, this is so unreal.” Irene uses her free hand to wipe a tear that has escaped. 



“But this is real.” Wendy pushes the door open and drags her girlfriend outside. “Come with me. It’s our time now.”



“How about the three rascals?” 



“Leave them be. I said it’s our time. Only us.”




“Wendy.” Irene halts her steps when they are in an open field. “Thank you.”



“You’re welcome.” The girl faces her and winks at her.



No one is there except them. Although it doesn’t matter now. 



Irene pulls Wendy close and awards her effort with a kiss.




“I love you.”



“I love you too.”




Wendy doesn’t like to answer Irene’s “I love you”s with a simple “me too”. She feels like she has to say it out loud too. Because she means it. 








Irene always loves how the vastness covers her like a blanket, especially when it is a sapphire night, so clear, just like a blanket of dark blue. But tonight’s different. Her life has been different for a while now.




“What are you thinking?” A figure lying beside her asks.



“Nothing in particular, really.” She replies shortly.




Irene soon hears the sound of Wendy’s clothes brushing against the grass, “Come on, don’t you still hide anything from me. We have been together for a while now.” 



“Fine. I’m thinking about your graduation ceremony tomorrow.” She turns and uses her left arm to support her head because she wants to take a good look at her face. “Yes, it has been some time already, Seungwan-ah.”



“I’m sorry only parents can go.” The younger girl shows her girlfriend an apologetic smile before pecking her cheek. “I want you to be there too.” 



“It’s okay, Doctor Son.” Irene lets out a soft giggle after receiving the sweet treat. “Just an hour or two then you will see my face again, don’t miss me that much.”




Wendy is still not used to the teases so she sits upright, changing the topic, “Anyway, guess who I saw today?”



“Who?” Irene follows suits because she wants to share this night sky with Wendy a little longer. 



“I saw Mark. And we talked.”







“He told me he’s really working in his father’s corporation,” Wendy makes a pause since she wants to make sure Irene’s listening. “And he was with another girl when I saw him.”



“Are you jealous then?” The older girl calmly jokes.



“Of course not.” So the younger lands a solid smack on her shoulder. “I’m happy that he’s seeing someone new.”



“Hm, I’m happy too.” Irene echoes genuinely while rubbing the sore spot. “Ew, you hit hard. I thought you would only hit those notes this hard when you sing.”




“Whatever.” Seemingly she isn’t satisfied with her answer so she gets up on her feet, even though she has noticed the protesting pout from the other girl. “I’m heading back to the house, it’s getting chilly.”



“No,” Irene shadows her close and eventually has to circle her arms around her petite waist in order to stop her from leaving. “Just stay here a little more.”




“I don’t get you. We can look at the sky on the balcony. Why do you have to lay there?” Wendy complies as she’s staring at the said place which is just a few feet away from them. 



The two has rented a new apartment a year ago. It’s because Irene said Wendy’s soon graduating and she’s already an intern in a hospital, it’d be better if they move closer to the hospital instead of the university. Also, Irene got the driver’s license and her own car. So she insisted.




And Wendy knows Irene insisted because she wants to live with her; Irene wants to drive her to school every morning before she goes to work; she wants to spend more time with her. But she didn’t spoil the fun. She just listened to Irene’s excited speech and nodded with a smile when it ended. It’s because Wendy wants so too.



It’s about time anyway. Irene likes to spoil her from time to time and Wendy wants to return some flavors. Like Irene didn’t tell her it’s a house with a small garden and she didn’t tell her she’ll pay most of the rent. Just because Wendy briefly mentioned she wants to grow lemon and rosemary while they were baking one day. 



Wendy also knows if she’s a caring mother, Irene’d be the reliable father. So they are living together and life is good.




“No, it’s different.” The slightly taller girl mutters next to the other’s ear and tightens her grip. “It feels different when you lay down in the open and feel it. It feels like it’s just above you.  It feels like it’s yours and you can touch it.”




“We can sail away tonight,

On a sea of pure moonlight.

We can navigate the stars,

To bring us back home.




So Wendy looks up at the sky again, but she feels the same. She guesses because she’s with Irene. It’s all it matters.



“Am I your favorite sky then, Joohyun?” She tilts her head and Irene’s breath is just a centimeter away. “I’m yours and you’re touching me.”



Irene laughs joyfully and turns Wendy around. “You are always my favorite, Son Seungwan. But you’re something more than my favorite sky. You’re my favorite everything. I want you in everything I see, I touch, I smell, I hear and I feel.”



They stare at each other for another minute and they kiss engulfing by the moonlight.




And so it’s the graduation ceremony. Wendy dresses up for the formal occasion and meets up with her parents who flew all the way here from Canada. She misses them so much. They hug as they greet. She could see them clapping and cheering for her as the mc reads her name and she steps up on stage to receive the certificate. She thinks she saw her father cry.




“We are so proud of you.” Her mother said as they meet again after the ceremony. Her father is standing behind his wife but his smile says everything. Wendy thought they wouldn’t be proud of her anymore because of Irene. She assumed parents normally would consider a girl as a mismatch for their daughter. Not to mention Bae Joohyun isn’t a son from a “wealthy” family and she isn’t a lawyer or something.



They walk out of the hall and her father speaks up, “Congratulations, Seungwan-ah. But it seems someone is waiting for you too.”




It doesn’t take long for Wendy to see what her father saw. Of course, Irene is standing there with a huge bouquet of flowers with her shy grin. It’s so huge that it blocks almost half of her body but she is clever enough to stick her head out to check when Wendy would come out.



“Congratulations.” She walks up to her front and shyly presents her the flowers, which the latter gladly accepts under her parents' encouragement.



“Thank you.” She steals a quick glance at her parents and they are smiling so widely. “Didn’t know you would really be here.”




“Joohyun,” Her mother cheerfully shakes hands with the girl. “Can I call you Joohyun? Finally, we meet.”



“Sure. Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Son.” 



Her father does the same ritual, “You are prettier in real life, Joohyun. Pictures Seungwan took don’t do you any justice.”



“Well, thank you very much, Mr. Son.”




Wendy can’t help but chuckles at the polite Irene. She has never seen it before. “Mom, dad. She’s now a wine chemist for that French brand. She declined the school’s offer to be a lecturer last year. And this brand has been wanting to hire her since two years ago.” She proudly introduces her girlfriend to her parents.



“Acknowledge us about wine, Joohyun-ah.” Her father claps. “You must be good.”



“It’s just my luck.” A humble Irene is another rare Irene for Wendy.



“Now, let me borrow Joohyun for a while, may I?” Her mother lifts a mysterious smile. “I’ll meet you again at the car park.”



“Okay, mom.” Wendy frowns a little as Irene is dragged away by the older lady.




“So,” The man pats his daughter’s head. “Tell me more about Joohyun.”



“Like what?” She doesn’t get her parents too sometimes.



“You mother and I have known that Joohyun loves you and takes care of you.” He gently smiles. “But why do you choose her instead of Mark? We just wanna know.”



“It’s simple, dad.” Wendy chuckles again recalling all the things that have ever happened between them. “She’s not just my lover, she’s also my best friend. With her, I can see us.”



He nods, “Very well. That’s my daughter. Now walk with me.”




They reach the car park and the two females are already there. Wendy seizes the chance to ask as her parents are busy arguing where they should go next.



“What did my mom say to you?”



“Just regular things.” She opens the car door and clears the compartment a little for her three passengers.




“Bae Joohyun.”



Irene abruptly turns around looking straight into Wendy’s eyes, “We’ve talked about us. If you really wanna know, let me rephrase it. I know you are probably sick of Peter Pan and Neverland jokes. Still, Wendy Son Seungwan, I need you to know - you have brought me to our own Neverland, created by you and me, together. And I am not leaving, I hope it’d be forever.”




“In a place so far away,

We'll be young, that's how we'll stay.

And with your hand in my hand,

I am closer now to finding,





“Bae Joohyun.” She calls her name once again, but in a very different tone. She managed to hold back her tears when she got her graduation certificate but she can’t now because it’s Irene.



And Irene freaks out cutely seeing Wendy’s teary eyes, “Oh my god, I’m sorry. Is it too bad? You hate Neverland puns that much?”



“No, you stupid-”




“Oh look, our baby is crying.” Her mother announces after settling down things with her husband.



“Happy tears,” He side-hugs his wife happily. “This one is definitely a keeper.”



“I agree with you this time.” She wiggles her eyebrows since they are as lively as her daughter’s.




Wendy whispers as she gives Irene a quick hug, “I won’t let you go so it’s a forever.”



“Deal?” Irene pulls away and beams.







“Great. Now let’s go to Joy’s cafe and try her waffles!” Her mother merrily hops onto the car and her father follows after flashing them a contented look.



Irene mumbles while getting to the other side of the car, “Didn’t you tell them Joy’s waffles are terribly sweet?”



“It’s Joy so they insist,” Wendy shrugs. “I guess we can ask Seulgi for compensation. Or call Yeri along if you’re really worried.”




“Then who is paying?” Irene widens her eyes in horror thinking if Yeri is there and she will just inhale all the food she sees. That kid would never find a date if she keeps eating like that.



“Of course, it’s you.” Wendy jokingly blows a kiss as Irene opens the door to the driver’s seat. “Don’t worry, you will be compensated too.”




Watching Wendy get into the car as if their conversation has never taken place, Irene’s lips slowly form a smirk. Then she’s energized as if she’s the Duracell Bunny as she drives the car.



It would be a long day.

























So I am finally back! Life has been hectic for me lately ;u;

First, sorry for any typos as it's very late already and I don't wanna keep you all waiting.

And I know it isn't the best ending but I hope it'd be a nice closure to the story of how Wendy discovers herself is a bendy straw lol


I hope you like the endings for all the characters ^-^

Tell me how do you think.

(p.s. you can also find me on Twitter @AD_saudades)


See you again soon~ 


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WenRene_77 13 streak #1
Chapter 6: thank you author-nim to these wonderful fic😊💙💝
Chapter 2: Just noticed that this has been on my bookmarked and I don’t have any progress😭 I should finish this tomorrow><
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 6: Wendy is the mama and Irene is the papa lol.
elrein #4
Chapter 6: This is so good. Beautiful. Thank you for writing this:")
Chapter 6: i love this sm! thank you for writing author nim! you did so well
killuagotic #6
Chapter 6: beautiful i loved it 😭
Chapter 6: Coming back to re read this beautiful story again. Can't help but still thinking they are so sweet
Wow 💙❤️
Chapter 1: Coming back to relive the feeling and the moment... <3
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 6: This is a nice story... thank you author-nim