Individual Story

The Most Beautiful Moment In Life
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~ 2015 ~ 


Tae Hyung was wandering the streets of his neighborhood one Sunday afternoon. He was afraid of returning home. He didn't want to hear or see his parents fighting and always seemed to find himself walking the dark streets alone, with nowhere to go. 

The sun had set and the cold autumn air was getting to him. His stomach was grumbling uncontrollably and he was thirsty. He had no money and nothing but a thin shirt to keep him warm. He had no choice but to return home.

He took the long way, taking a lap around the block before slowly dragging himself to his apartment building. It was an old, run down concrete block. No safe haven to him. It wasn't a home. It was hell. He hated living their, he wanted a large house with a yard so he could keep a dog. But that was just a dream that he felt would never happen.

He arrived to the fourth story and walked down the hall, looking at the ground, glancing at neighboring apartment doors, gazing at the dark sky. He wanted to distract himself with whatever he could, to tune out the faint screaming he could hear coming from his home. 

He stood in front of the door, listening to his mother scream at his step father. Demanding he give her money so she can pay the water bill. As usual, he had no money because he spent it on alcohol. 

He turned the handle and pushed the door open. It was messy and the stench of alcohol filled the air. He tiptoed quickly down the hall way and quietly entered his bedroom, closing the door behind him. His parents didn't hear him return home and continued to argue in their bedroom. 

He laid on his bed, putting his headphones over his head and turning his music up loudly. He didn't want to hear their screams of abuse and hate anymore. 





The sound of sirens and cars horns echoed throughout the cold night. Jeongguk was wandering the city streets alone. He bumped into a group of thugs on purpose, they weren't happy to see him and forced him into a nearby alleyway.

The three young men began to beat him up. He was defenseless against them but still tried to fight back. He was just a kid, he didn't work out and wasn't particularly strong physically and mentally. He couldn't fight back even if his life depended on it. 

It was just past midnight when he returned home. His body was covered in bruises and dirt. His mother rushed out from the lounge and gasped at the sight of him. 

"What happened this time dear!?" She reached out to hug him but he slapped her hands away. He ran to his room, slamming the door behind him, locking it shut. 

She began to bang on the door, "Open up! Let me clean those cuts up, you don't want an infection." 

*Stop nagging and go away..* He thought as he curled up beside his mattress. 

She eventually gave up, and left him alone regretfully. When he heard her leave, he stood up and undressed in front of his mirror. He lightly caressed his bruises on his rubs and stomach . He stared at his face, the blood on the corner of his lip had dried and he had a bruise under his right eye.





Jimin was busy practicing at the gym. His coach stood beside him, screaming orders at him. He was exhausted and frustrated, but continued to work hard. It was what he wanted, he wanted to be pushed to his limit. He was preparing for a boxing competition that was only three months away. 

"Harder! You aren't hitting hard enough." The coach screamed. Jimin tried hitting the punching bag harder, but it wasn't good enough for the coach. He sighed in frustration and stopped him. 

He forced Jimin to face him and removed his gloves. He wrapped his large hands around Jimin's fists, "See, firm, hard." The coach said as he tightened Jimin's fingers. The coach stared into Jimin's eyes intensely. The coach pulled at his arms, "Do you want to win this?" 

"Yes!" Jimin yelled. 

"I can't hear you! Do you want this!?" He bellowed loudly.

"YES!" Jimin screamed at the top of his lungs. He hadn't realized it himself but his fists had tightened up even more. 

"Well, you have a long way to go." The coach let him go and turned away, "You haven't even got a 20% chance of passing the first round. You need to work harder." The coach walked away and left the gym. 

Jimin stood their alone, he faced the floor, sweat dripping from his chin and fringe. His chest rising and falling as he took deep breaths. He was devastated. Jimin screamed and threw his gloves at the punching bag. He had been working so hard and to be told that it wasn't good enough broke his heart.  





Seok Jin arrived home after his piano lesson and as he entered the front door, he handed the maid his jacket and removed his shoes. He greeted her with a friendly smile and asked if she was tired

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Chapter 41: Your story really amazing. It taught me about friendship, family and love. I'm crying soooo much and i can't stop.
ChibiJams #2
Chapter 41: This was such an amazing story. It was written so beautifully. I cried so much at the end... Oh my god my heart man. Even though it was sad, it was beautiful... I love it so much. Definitely one of the best stories I've read.
kanzabygxo #3
Chapter 41: Chapter 40: I'm in tears... this was soooo beautiful... Omg I'm crying sooooooooooooooooo much
shineeshawolslover #4
Chapter 41: a very good story author nim... i love your story...and my bias is jin crying river right now...but overall your story is the best
kanzabygxo #5
Chapter 30: Chapter 29: Omg I cried a riverrrrrr...that line " thanks guys you saved me again " OMG FEELZ :'( :'(
Chapter 41: Oh man I knew my gut was right and yet I wish it wasn't, poor Seokjin to have suffered as he did but as the boys in the story seem to believe, I also say Bangtan OT7 forever, not just in this story, but in reality as well. Thank you so much authornim for creating this story, it is truly one of my favorites and definitely among the most memorable stories I have read.
jjang_mishi #7
Heard from my frnd that it is an intense fanfic
Can't wait 2 read it
Totomatoes #8


But it was great. Knowing that after how much ed up they were back then and knowing that they come to a warm ending. It wasn't completely happy since I feel like there will be a feeling that something- someone was missing maybe that's just me.

But I loved this story so much, thank you for the wonderful chapters ♡
Chapter 41: This is so sad. Why I Need U is my bgm now? This really show how friendship will always be strong as long as we believe each other. Hoping that Seokjin is okay and the others too. Because time heals wound. Thank you for this beautiful story you give us. May friendship bloom in our heart. :)