I love you


and that were Ravi and Leo sitting opposite each other until Ravi decided it was time to talk. It's now or never thought to himself.

Hyung maybe you sound strange that i'm going to say but please just hear me out, it's complicated and i raelly have no idea where to star but i will say, right.

turned to see Leo who just attended, sigh, just hoped that this would not end badly

Well here we go, since you came into my life i've neticed something happens to me, do not know how to put into words because they know how to express thet feeling, but for months... you provoke something in me, something emotional, something passionate, i like you hyung, it sounds stupid since both are men, but i really like you, and i thik that since i saw the first time and then as i got to know and i realezed the wonderful person you are, i was born this feeling strange... not even like to call it, but perhaps the best word to describe this is love. would lasta he said in a whisper

he paused felt so nervous and anxious not know how his beloved hyung going to take your statement. On the other hend Leo could not believe what i was hearing is that Ravi was just saying that you love, not that it would be impossible, true and if so it was perhaps it was just another one of those dreams that used to be so rare.

At firsti thought it was just friendship, but as we spent more time together begas to feel nervous about your presence, anxious to see you, sought excuses jus to get close to you, to spen more time together, then started to be jealous of you to spend more time and might make more skinship withN, Ken, even Hongbin and Hyuk, god hyung began to feel jealous of anyone who is able to call your attention

Ravi, i... Leo did not know what to tink or how to take it, Ravi was really confess to the. I...

do not have to give me an answer or anything like. interrupted Leo before he went. I, i just wanted you what you knew. every word Ravi said only made her heart race, and that only confirmed what the came running around in his head for some time was in love with him, and had no more doubts. Just wanted to get this out he caught in my heart, it was only that, and i know what you'll say and i do not like negative. is up. Much less if it's you, i hope what i just told not change anything between us. without letting Leo answer let the room.

Ravi...he stared at the door until react. Waiting!. shouted from within the room in which he was running out to meet, Ravi was back and in no time to turned. i... i never said that my answer was going to be a negative, Ravi. was so nervous. really, i really appreciate your feelings, meke me so happy because... woul say it did not have to hide it more if it was returned tre. Because. her voice became weaker really was so nervous that i thoughht he bo longer could talk.

Why?...  he asked turning around and confronting the end, giving an anxious and hopeful look.

Because i... saw him in the eye and all the security afforded him the look was finally able to tel his feelings. I feel the same, is strange at first had not noticed, but your mere presencelt makes me feel so many diferent things i saw you treat me with respect, i fondly listening and despite being younger i always take care of me and i really appreciate that 

For real?. he asked. You really feel the same?. asked getting closer and trying not be so effusive as it used to be because he did not want to scare the other.

Yes, i like you too but never encourage me to tell you i was afraid that hate me and stay away from me, so i thought it would be best to shut my feelings

jajajaja Hyung but if you are always silent. he said whith a beaming smile. You know i could never be to hate you or away from you, because they simply could not be away from the most beautiful and lovely person.

when he said that Leo read blushed and looked down.

Shut not be so corny. cun answer smiling. I love you Wonsik. he said finally able to hear those  words ever wanted to her. I love you too Taekwoon. And he came to the hill its new commitment to a tender kiss, and how good it felt after so long time finally willing to kiss the lips of her Teakwoonie, if that was now his own and did not care thet others think about the relationship of two men, he would never leaven his beautiful and beloved hyung.


ooo really i hope you liked found, sorry for the delay but the truth is that i did not dare to publish it because i feel i'm not good at writing stories but i like to write me more with the verses and stuff. and that nobody cares

but this good here and i hope to comment an tell me thet they tought

*** sensual reader thank your for taking the time to read ***

and many thanks to those who singned up, made me really happy i did not expect

--- for errors in my writing i'm really sorry, but as i said i'm not very good at writing because english is not my lenguage ---

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Chapter 1: This was good.. I like it b/c it's WonTaek..Really..But, there's lots of typos and grammars need to be fixed... :))
Samarcanda #2
Chapter 1: You're good but there are too much grammar mistakes and typos. Pay attention to make your works perfect
Chapter 1: I already read this a bit, but I just had to re-read it!