When He's Sick - 4

When He's Sick
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When He’s sick – 4


“We have an emergency here!” the manager called out at the station upon getting out of the car. The doctors and nurses immediately brought out a stretcher and came running to the car. They were suddenly frozen when Sehun and Baekhyun came out and carried out the upper body with Kyungsoo and Chen visibly assisting them from the inside. The car that follows revealed Xiumin and Kai running towards them and you can see Chanyeol in the driver’s seat. And to top that, the body being carried out is none other than Kim Junmyeon’s body.

“AREN’T YOU GOING TO DO ANYTHING?!” the manager can’t help but snap making the hospital staffs be back to reality. They immediately said sorry and started pushing the stretcher towards the emergency room. Knowing that it’s a VIP, they had Suho in a separate private emergency room as one nurse asked the boys to stay outside. The manager and Chanyeol came running after they have parked the car. By now, a lot of people had known about exo being in the hospital building, but they didn’t care, all they could think of is Suho’s health.

“How is Suho hyung doing?” Chanyeol asked.

“We don’t know, the doctors are still checking on him.” Kyungsoo replied.

“It was good that they had Suho in private ER, I already have requested security as well as had contacted the company regarding what happened… if any news will come out now, they’ll immediately release a statement. Don’t worry boys…” their manager said making them nod. All are feeling anxious with the fact that it seemed like it’ll take forever for someone to come out of the private ER.

“What takes them so long?!” Kai asked making the others look at him.

“We don’t know what is Suho hyung’s situation that’s why we have no idea as well.” Baekhyun replied making Kai sigh. Baekhyun just gave the younger one a warm smile and patted his shoulder, this is the usual thing that their Suho hyung does when they get nervous and anxious over something. He’ll simply pat their shoulder and give them a warm smile.


“It’s been 30 minutes why is no one coming out now?!” Sehun snapped out his frustration as he ran his fingers through his hair making Chen pull him into a hug.

“Don’t worry maknae, Suho hyung is fine, he’s our guardian, he just need rest…. He’ll be alright.” Chen whispered on his ear making the younger one nod. He really can’t stand this, he’s been holding his tears since earlier. Inside the car on their way to the hospital, Suho they settled Suho’s head on Sehun’s shoulder as he has a broader one. He can hear his rough breathing and cold sweat even with a hot body temperature. They even had to endure the hot temperature inside the car since they turned off the air conditioner knowing that it may affect Suho. He can here Suho’s soft mumbles as if he’s in pain making him feel sad.

If there’s one thing that he wants now, that is to see his Suho hyung and know if he’s fine. He doesn’t want him sad or burdened by something. Sometimes he doesn’t agree to his words but he doesn’t want to hurt him or have him burdened by him so he’ll follow what he says. There were times when he’ll come home late and since he shares the room with him, he’ll nag him about coming home early next time. The next time he went out, he came home early and even approached Suho to tell him that he did. It made Suho smile and that simple smile warmed his heart. He knows that it somehow lifted a worry from his hyung who only thinks for the betterment of the members.

Chanyeol frustratingly brushes his fingers on his hair, he never thought of Suho being in this situation. He knows that he’s hardworking but he never thought that they’ll end up here. He can still pestering him over small things and Suho would never get ‘really mad’. He might act like he is but he’ll still end up accept and jive along to whatever trip he does. Once when Suho went to India to film a variety show with his idol friends, they honestly felt empty during the days he was gone. There’s no one who talks and nags yet in a good way as they just get updates from him through their group chat. He asked him to bring curry and when he came back; he really did brought a lot of curry for them; that is how precious their hyung is.

Everyone lifted their head up upon seeing the private ER’s door open.

“How is he doc?” they chorused as they approached the doctor.

“I am their manager, how is he?” their manager butted in.

“He suffered fatigue and exhaustion. He also lacks a lot of water in his system and it seemed like he hasn’t eaten anything…. We spotted few rashes on his arms so we are suspecting dengue though there’s no outbreak, we’ll know the result after the blood test is done. For now we’re bringing Junmyeon to his private room. We’ll not release a medical record to the media without your permission and lastly, don’t worry about my team. Since I’m the attending physician, I’ve got it all cover, we always respect our patient’s privacy.” The doctor explained making them feel a bit more worried over their hyung.

“Can we see him then?” Xiumin asked.

“We’ll inform you once he’s brought to his room, for now can I talk to you sir to fill up some forms.” The doctor said as he eyed the manager making him nod.

“Do we have any more questions gentlemen?” the doctor asked the boys but they all shook their head for a no.

“Don’t worry, he’s a fine man, if the blood test says negative regarding dengue or other viruses, he’ll just need a thorough rest and he’ll be back on track… smile and release the worry I bet he’ll not like it if he’ll see you guys like this.” The doctor gave them an assuring smile as he even patted Sehun’s shoulder that was hanging low making the younger one lift his head up with a pout but managed to smile to him.

“We’ll excuse for now.” the doctor said as the nurse beside him gestured the manager to follow to fill up the forms living the boys behind.

“I hope everything is going to be fine.” Baekhyun uttered.

“Lay called earlier, he wanted to book a flight now but there’s no available flight so he’s flying back here first thing in the morning tomorrow.” Chen informed them.


“Gentlemen, Kim Junmyeon is already transferred to private room 4848.” A nurse came to them and said making them nod and thanked her.

“Let’s go.” Kyungsoo said as they all stood up and head off to their precious leader’s room as it seemed like it’s killing them for not being able to see him for a while.


They had to pass by the door of the emergency room and they can obviously see how chaotic it was outside. They can see fans and media all trying to get in; thanks to the tight security they are being blocked right away. They all feel bad for the other patients as well as the hospital staffs but they can’t do anything. A mental telepathy or what but they formed a line in the hallway that was visible to the glass door and gave everyone a deep b

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Hanikjm #1
Chapter 4: Your create this story so beautiful.. just like real one that happen to them.....really like to read it...
milkitoast #2
Chapter 5: So cute!! They are all so sweet!!!! Thankyou for writing this!!! Just the fluff I needed <3
lily2109 #3
Chapter 5: It's been three years since I found this great fanfic and I still read it every time I'm thinking about the hard times that suho must've gone through as a leader of exo.indeed he's the best leader in Kpop.the leader of leadears =]
Chapter 5: Aww I really enjoyed this one thank you ♡♡
Chapter 2: I just found this
I know it's old ... 2015 but I don't care I love it
annaflafi #6
love it
annaflafi #7
Chapter 1: hjj
Chapter 5: I was wandering around my twitter when i saw a tweet with a gf of suho coughing during the Nature Rep fanmeeting event. So i straightaway google sick suho fanfic and this came out first. What a bice story and just what i need. You did a good job. thank you :)
ExoticRiceOpener #9
Chapter 1: Aww poor Suho :(
Justareaderlol #10
Chapter 5: This story has to be one of the best EXO stories i have ever encountered!!!