


Chapter Nine




Tao glared holes into the back of Taeyeon’s head.


The older male been in a pissy-fit since the incident at lunch yesterday and had refused to speak to Taeyeon, short of a few sharp words. It wasn’t just the childish boy sitting behind either, it was her whole family, whom had suddenly taken a stance against the girl. If their awkward silences weren’t enough to tell Taeyeon, the disapproving glances also drove it home.


So, instead of being cooped up in a hotel suit with several people who thought she was a cold-hearted , Taeyeon volunteered to go out and get some breakfast, something cheap and easy. Her plan was to get away from the standoffishness and get a coffee, sit in a cafe and think about life for a few minutes before actually getting their breakfast. However, this plan was ruined by her future-brother-in-law, Tao, who was sent by Nan to help Taeyeon pick up the breakfast. Now, she had to sit on a bus with-- or more like, in front of Tao while he mentally cursed the younger girl to the seven circles of hell and back.


A sigh left her lips as she twisted around and met his glare with a eye roll. “I can literally feel your eyeballs on the back of my head. Care to direct your useless anger somewhere else?”  


Tao only got angrier, shooting foreward to get in her face. “What the hell is wrong with you, Taeyeon? Really, your own cousin? That was so y and dumb, I almost can’t even believe it  came out your mouth.”


“Well, it did, so deal with it. I only spoke the truth, that--”


The older’s hand itched to slap her in the face but he resorted to groaning instead. “Are you listening to yourself? Come on, it’s like everything revolves around you and that big head of yours. Not everything’s about you, Taeyeon. I’m sorry about your wedding, but it’s not going anywhere; you, my mother and yours have had the whole thing planned out since a week after the announcement party, so it’s not there’s any pressing business to get to. So cut the act out if, that’s your problem.” he spat.


Anger swirled in Taeyeon stomach and she curled back her lip. “My wedding isn’t my problem, it my homewrecker of a cousin. That is pregnant with Kai’s child, not any other man’s and now that Kai finally made the right choice-- to be with me-- he’s trying to get him back. And that’s not going to happen on my watch.”




Luhan stared wide-eyed at the tall boy standing next to him.  His heart, which had slowed in dread after hearing the question, sped up in panic after hearing the answer.


“, that’s great.” his aunt said with obviously faked enthusiasm. “Why didn’t you tell us before, Luhan?”




“We were planning to invite you all to dinner and explain a few things as well. I guess now is good time to lay everything on the table, hmm?” Sehun’s arm wrapped around the back of Luhan’s waist, guiding him to sit down on the couch next to his aunt.


“Perfect time, actually. We still have sometime until the reservation….So, how did this happen, I wasn’t told Luhan had a boyfriend.” Sooyeon asked carefully.


“Well, I live down the hall from Luhan and instantly smelt the shifter on him. I haven’t seen a lot of my own kind in the area, so asked him on a date. A few dates later, one things lead to another and now we’re here. This little one was an accident but blessing in disguise also.” the elder boy lied smoothly, pressing Luhan into his side and patting his stomach.


Instantly, Sooyeon brightened, an excited smile gracing her lips. “You’re a shifter? You know, I wouldn’t have said anything but I would’ve preferred a shifter.” she sniffed slightly. “How do you hide it...alpha?”


Sehun nodded. “Shifters usually are recognized by their pack, and I have none. Both my parents were lone city wolves, from an old pack that dissolved years ago. The few shifters I have met told me I smelt like an alpha, so I just assumed.”


“Well, this is great! I’m glad we got to meet you, after Lu here kept you a secret. I’d love to sit and talk, but we have breakfast to get to. Perhaps we can all have dinner together tonight?” Sooyeon asked, as she gather her things.


“Of course, that would be lovely. I get off of work at 6. Where do you have mind?” Finally, Luhan returned from spacing out in horror, snapping back to the conversation.


“Hmm, how about the Japanese place down the street, the one Lu took us to last year? How does seven sound?”


“Absolutely divine, Mrs. Xiao. Let me walk you out.” Sehun stood, taking Luhan’s warm and protection with him and he could finally feel the burning gaze of Kai.


When he glanced over, the older male was glaring at Luhan, eyes boiling with anger and jealousy. Luhan almost felt bad and flinched back, but realized Kai had no right to be angry with him and glare right on back. Their staring contest was only broken by Baekhyun, who pushed Kai towards the door.


When the door closed  and Luhan could no longer hear their footsteps, Luhan finally crumpled, falling back into the couch and curling into a ball. He heard Sehun approach tentatively until he reached the couch and placed a hand on the small of his back.


“I’m sorry, Luhan. I couldn’t listen to her tear you down like that anymore. You didn’t deserve it.” Sehun said quietly, rubbing circles into the tense muscles of his shoulders.


There was a soft sniffle and Luhan finally lifted his head, wiping the few tears that had fallen away. “Don’t be sorry. You saved me from being a disappointment in my aunt’s eyes.”


“You’re not a disappointment, Luhan, you’re far from it.” Sehun chagrinned slightly.


The younger sighed, patting Sehun’s thigh. “You don’t know my mother, but I guess it’s time I tell the tale once again.”


“Only if you want to, Luhan.” Sehun encouraged.


“I want to.” there was a moment of silence before Luhan spoke up again. “My mother was the second born, a strong little omega, determined to stand out and make her own way but destined to be married off, for one political tie or the other. From childhood she’d been told of her standing in the shifter world, had been taught to childbear and nothing else, except for menial chores the would benefit her husband and household. The idea of sitting around all day and take care of little children scared her, so at the age of 16, she left the reservation. By then she’d already been betrothed and in and out of trouble for being improper or something of the sort but leaving was something she hadn’t done before. After running away, it all became rumors: where she went, what happened and how she got pregnant with a little half breed. They found her a few months later, pregnant and living in some apartment just outside of Shanghai. A couple more months passed and I was born, my mother dying a few hours later due to complications. That was the end of her story and the beginning of mine, but now all I seem to be doing is reliving it instead of just telling it.”


“You’re not your mother, Luhan. Her life is totally different from yours and you’re not a disappointment either.” Sehun brought Luhan closer to him, crushing the small distance between them.


A small, watery smile graced Luhan’s lips. “Thanks, Sehun. For everything.”


He pressed a kiss to Luhan’s temple. “No problem, Lu.”     



a/n: hello everybody!! filler chapter, i know and dull ending, but things will speed up and get exciting next chapter, so anticipate pls! 

leave me a comment to tell me if you liked this chapter or hate kai's guts lmao 

If im luckly, I'll update The Lair tonight, maybe, maybe not! Thanks for reading, ily you all ^.^ 

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Engel24 #1
update plz :)
Chapter 17: Omg! The little babe is here ^3^ Tae-oh will kick once he's grown up
joanna20 #3
Chapter 17: Oh no!!! I hope those bad people or will stay away from luhan & tae-oh. Kai u better man up & apologize to luhan. Take up yr responsibilities of a father, husband & mate proudly. If u dont, i will kill u personally. U alrdy jerkish enough with your attitude and action towards luhan & the baby.
also this is the very first story i read when i signed up to aff, ive been here for almost a year (theres just a few days till its been a full year)
and im glad that this still gets updated^^
Chapter 17: ohmg dont leave it here!!!!!
HeartlessRose #6
Chapter 17: Oh my goodness I was so happy when I saw you updated! Definitely did not disappoint. Tae oh, ugh so cute <3 I'm so happy that Luhan gave birth safely. I really don't think Kai is all that deserving of him at the moment but I hope he'll redeem himself. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 16: Kai does not deserve someone like LuHan.
Chapter 16: Ohhh so excited for next update. Excited for Lulu to give birth :)
Chapter 16: Omg! I need more! Thanks for the update!