Chapter 11: Night Out

Devil Fallen From Heaven

Hana's P.O.V. 

"This one." Eunji said holding out the paper on the top of the pile.

"I prefer this one." Minhee pulled another random paper.

"That's old school, Minhee." Sookyung said and made a face.

"This one is nice." she added holding out another paper.

"Yeeaahh."Minhee murmured while looking at what Sookyung just brought out.

"But I still like this one and old songs aren't that bad!" she said right after.

"Seriously, you guys, this one's the best in there," Eunji insisted while she waved the paper infron of us.

"Eunji, this one's good!" Sookyung said in a more enthusiastic voice.

I sighed.

That's the latest thing I did for the past 10 minutes.

Okay, let me filll you in.

We're at Minhee's house, rounding up the sala.

It's Saturday. No classes. Fun night. Girls's day. I guess you've figured that part yourselves.

And they decided to help me decide on what my song is going to be for the contest next week,I mean, OUR song.

It's Gikwang's and mine, remember?

And they're supposed to be helping me. Not ignoring me.

I have been recently thinking of how old Minhee's house is. She said this house belonged to her grandmother before.

You can't see that in here.

They're rich. His father is a head on a mining company.

I know they can afford a house of their own but I guess they just don't want to destroy this house.

It's pretty big.

The size of their restroom is my bedroom. Either their restroom is big or my room is really small.

Minhee said something I failed to hear and the others laugh.

They're having a great time.

What a bunch of good friends.

As I was about to think what this house was made of, you know just for time-kill, Eunji's phone rang.

"Who is it this time?!" she groaned and pulled out her phone.

As soon as she saw the name on the screen, her expression changed.

"Who is it?" Ah, my first words for the last 20 minutes.

She dropped the paper she was holding with her jaw dropped as well.

"Oh, come on, who is it?" Minhee asked annoyed and peeked at her phone. 

Her expression changed as well.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." she said rapidly.

The phone continued ringing.

"Are you gonna answer it or not?!" sookyung complained.

Eunji gulped and glanced at each one of us. 

I tapped Minhee and mouthed 'Who is it?'.

'Dongwoon-oppa.' she mouthed back.

Leaning back to my chair, I smiled slowly.

"Hello, oppa?" Eunji finally answered.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't hear my phone. It was on vibrate." she lied.

Whatta girl she is.

"Me, and the girls. Why?"

"Sure, oppa!" she suddenly said after a pause.

"Yes." she said followed by another "Yes." then an "Of course, oppa!".

And finally, she put the phone down.

"So?" I asked, leaning closer to listen.

She kept smiling.

"Dongwoon-oppa, asked us to go to the club with them!" she squeeled.

Sookyung gasped. Minhee had her eyes bulged. 

Me? Well, I smirked.

"Okay ,  then let's go." I said casually.

Sookyung gave me the look.

"Do you realize what this is?" she asked.

I frowned a little.


"This is us. Getting invited by the most popular guys in school for a night out."

"The good ones." Minhee added, nodding.

"And it so happend that our friend here," she patted Eunji's arm. "Is currently heads over heels on one of them."

Eunji smiled and nodded. I also nodded, raising Sookyung an eyebrow.

"But you are absolutely calm which leaves us," she looked at me straight in the eyes, her fingers interwined and looking at me detective-like. " Utterly disturbed." she finished.

"You're weird." I said standing up.

"Let's go." I added after fixing my shirt.

"Good idea." Sookyung stood up and got her bag.

I laughed at her sudden character change.

Minhee was giving her amused expression while Eunji's still smiling.

Sookyung got her keys.

Yes, people, she has a car.

"Dongwoon-oppa, Hyunseung-oppa, Gikwang-oppa, fasten your seatbelts. These girls are going to blow your minds." she said epicly.

"Sure." I said, rolling my eyes at her.


It's my first time in a club.

It's not bad. Well, it's crowded and so noisy.

I scanned the area for them and found it useless because I can't see anything properly with the lights movin around and people passing around or dancing.

"Hana-ah!" I heard someone call.

I looked around and spotted Hyunseung-oppa waving at me.

I tapped the girls. "Over there." I shouted so they can hear me.

They montioned me to go along because maybe they still can't see Hyunseung-oppa over there.

I headed to his direction.

"Phew. I thought you were lost. You got me worried, you know." he said smiling.

Woah, Hyunseung -oppa is looking good.


This is the first time I see him in casual clothing and boy, I am not kidding when I say he's really handsome.

 "Sorry, oppa. It's really stuffed in here." Minhee said.

She saved us.

We are still praising the nice view infront of us.

"Ah, I know. It's weekend so, kid's stuff." he said and smiled again.

"Would he stop doing that?" Sookyung pinched my elbow with a whisper.

"Ow. Stop what?" I said rubbing my elbow. She does that a lot.


I smiled at her and patted her back.

"Live with it." 

"If I can." 

She smiled at me.

"Come on. We saved you guys a seat." he said.

We nodded and he lead us to the seats.

Two black sofas facing each other with a glass table in the middle.

I can see Dongwoon-oppa doing something with his phone with a serious expression.

I felt Eunji grip my hand. I gripped back , or whatever you call it, and released it.

"Hey," Dongwoon greeted, smiling when he saw us.


Why are these guys so good-looking again?

"Glad you could make it." he said as he put down his phone.

"Drinks?" Hyunseung offered.

"You don't drink alchohol, do you?" Dongwoon asked.

"No, we don't." I  answered in a flat voice.

He laughed. 

"That's good. We don't either. So, what would you girls like?" he said.

"I'll have coke." I said immediately.

"Me too." Minhee said.

"What is oppa taking?" Eunji asked Dongwoon.

"Ah, this, " he raised his glass. "I don't know. As far as I know , it's not alchohol." he said in a voice as if he just realized that he don't know what it was.

"Then, I'll have that one, too, Oppa!" Eunji said cheerfully.

"Me too." Sookyung said.

Hyunseung went to get our drinks.

"Where's Gikwang-oppa?" I asked after a while.

Curiousity is burning with me again.

"Oh, he can't come. Want to talk to him?" Dongwoon offered.

I stayed quiet, he punched in some numbers and gave it to me.

Hesitating, I got it and put it near my ear. 

I leaned closer to the wall and faced it. Just for a little privacy, you know.

It rang for several times until he picked up.

"Dongwoon-ah, what's going on there?"

I never talked to him through phone, well,  practically to anyone. So I'm not really sure what to say.

"Um, Gikwang-oppa, it's me." I said.

He silenced for a while and said, "Hana-ah? What's up?" 

"Ah, this club is noisy and crowded."

He laughed.

"It's a club, Hana. What do you expect? Are you having fun?" 

I glanced at the girls. They are laughing at what Dongwoon's telling them.

"Yes, I think we are." I answered.

"Good. Sorry, I can't go. Parent issues." he explained.

"It's alright, oppa. I-" I paused. My heart is beating fast now. "I miss you." 

"I miss you too, Hana." 

For a second there, I smiled.


"That was fun." Minhee said as she swung her arm at my shoulder.

It's 10 pm and my mom's going to kill me if I won't arrive at 10:30.

"HAPPIEST DAY EVER!" Eunji screamed as she back hugged Sookyung, who gasped for air that moment.

"Can you guys believe it? He sat next to me! In his own accord!" she squeeled again.

"Seems you are slowly having your happy ending, Eunji. While us," Sookyung patted Minhee's arm, while imitating someone who's about to cry.

"Oh, please." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"- we remain here. Sad and loveless." she continued.

"Live your own life, Kyungie." Minhee teased.

We all laughed.

"Girls having fun?" someone said.

On my right, I saw a man, on his twenties, with a bottle on his hand and a lousy walk.

"Keep walking." I whispered to them.

"That's rather rude, he was talking to you." another man came up.

We ignored them.

"Hey, girlies. Come with us for a while." another man showed up.

Suddenly, we were surrounded by men. About 10 of them.

Eunji gripped my shirt tight.

"Stay away from us." Minhee growled.

"Oh, if I had a nickel everytime I've heard that."one of them say.

The next second, we were fighting back.

But still we were helpless.

I heard Sookyung yelp from a distance.

The man who was paying me attention grabbed my wrist and smiled like a maniac. Wait, he is a maniac.

I did not think about anything. 

I just kicked and fought back.

Then, he punched me.

I gave a little gasp and crouched. It hurts.

'Gikwang-oppa! Help!' I thought desperately.

I never thought that would work.

Though it's the help that we never wanted.


Okay, so let's face it.

I was out of ideas for this chapter because:

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SONG TO PICK. for Hana's and Gikwang's duet.

Anyone??!! Suggestions??

And I kinda felt bad because the other members aren't THAT active in the story so I kinda made this for their parts . . . . and for Eunji. *anyone knows apink? haha!*

I love beast sooo much that I don't wanna left one out.

And dun' worry , it will be a REAL chapter soon. When you will give a nice song suggestion, that is.

T.T help me out, fellow b2uties.



*Gikwang and Yoseob are afraid for Hana: O.o


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Exo-tic12 #1
Chapter 34: Update soon!
claudiamacy #2
Chapter 34: keep updating pleaseeeee
Chapter 34: OMG!!! Keep updating it sooo good!!!! :))))))
Can't wait for thee next update!!!
Exo-tic12 #4
Chapter 34: UPDATE SOON!!
foreverbeastfans123 #5
Chapter 34: Yeah!! they like each other.. no, wait. they loved each other!! yay! :)
But the problem still not solved... what will they do?
Are they willing to ruin their parent's happiness for the sake of theirs??
Plss update soooner~
Chapter 33: *gasp* Yoseob told him!! Oh no what's going to happen!
Keep updating! :)
odinaryperson #7
i hope the wedding is cancelled.. it just cannot go on... i'm on Yoseob & Hana's side... hwaiting!~
update soonnn.. ^^
foreverbeastfans123 #8
Chapter 33: So curious.. Yoseob told his father?? What will his father do? Agree with him or ignore his decision..?
Pls update sooner~
b2utifulexotic #9
Chapter 33: Omo! Are they actually going to get together now? Curiosity is currently killing me. -_-
Chapter 33: Ooh, finally!! What will they do now with all this drama?? 8 D
I'm curious to know it! O u O