Jongdae .:.:. PLMR

Please Love Me Right

I can feel the tension as we all sit in the room, waiting for the return of Chanyeol and Baekhyun to return from their search.
    Sehun and Jongin are gone.
    The first one to notice was Chanyeol as he went to check their rooms downstairs, and apparently their beds were folded neatly and most of their belongings gone, including their rucksacks. When I went to go check the front door while everyone panicked and started to search, I also noticed that their coats and shoes were gone.
    So where did they go?
    I don't panic like everyone else, I like to try and keep calm, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried, hell I'm terrified, what happened? I do however, notice a few things. For one Kyungsoo seems awfully quiet, more so than usually, and if anyone even goes up to him his eyes widen double the size they normally do and he looks absolutely scared out of his skin to even talk to someone.
    Junmyeon is sulking, he doesn't smile at all, the only time he was pulled out of his frown was when Chanyeol had explained they were gone, for that moment he pulled a shocked and concerned face, before returning back to his frown.
    And Yixing...Yixing seems nervous, not as jumpy as Kyungsoo, but it's as if he's scared that whatever he says will hurt someone.
    I feel like whatever happened to Jongin and Sehun has something to do with these three, in fact, I'm certain.
    Finally the door to the living room opens and an exhausted looking Chanyeol goes through the door first, then Baekhyun, who shuts the door behind them. Minseok jumps to his feet immediately, and we can all see that he's on the verge of breaking.
    "W-well? Where are they? Did you leave them somewhere? Are they injured so you couldn't bring them back?" His voice screams 'panic'.
    "Hyung, we couldn't find them, there's not a trace, we looked everywhere-"
    "Did you look in the town?"
    "I did," Baekhyun answers, still trying to catch his breath back obviously.
    "But they have to be somewhere," Yixing speaks up quietly, however his voice is strained like he's about to cry, and slightly hoarse. Minseok nods towards Yixing who averts his eyes up to said male. "Yes, Yixing is right, they have to be somewhere, they can't just..." he runs hands through his hair quickly, the stops and pulls on the hair, continuing, "They can't just leave, unless," then suddenly he stops tugging at his hair and his arms fall by his side.
    "Unless someone took them-"
    "But hyung their bags were packed," I finally speak out, because I know if I don't say something them Minseok is only going to assume the worse and start pointing fingers at anyone and everyone he meets. Everyone knows that deep down Minseok has trust issues, after what happened with those three, it does make him act a little odd around people, even if he does work in a cafe.
    "That doesn't mean someone couldn't have persuaded them, who knows? Yifan could've still been lurking around the fair, that bastard, I knew I should've just led him out this place myself, now he's running around with Sehun and Jongin and-"
    "No! It wasn't Yifan!" The scream from Junmyeon scares me to death and I turn my head to face him, like everyone else in the room. Minseok is so silent it's scary and the fact he's sitting right next to me, I'm worried his going to lash out. But he doesn't, he just sits there and heaves out heavy breaths, staring holes into the floor. And I realise that at this moment, a lot of things that shouldn't be revealed are about to be.

"I..." Junmyeon stumbles over his words for a moment, and to try and at least help him speak properly I lay a hand behind his back and rub circles, feeling him tense up for a second before he continues in more of a steady pace. "I saw him last night..."
    "You saw him last night?! Yifan? Why? How? He's here, I'm right?" Minseok explodes, and I do nothing but continue to rub circles and shoot a glare at my hyung, he's obviously feeling a lot of emotions at the moment, but to throw them all at Junmyeon I know is not the right answer.
    "I've been seeing him for a while," he says strongly, his hands clenching into balls on top of his legs, and I'm slightly taken back by the sudden strength and stop with the circles and remove my hand, as I do so, he raises his head to meet sharp eyes with Minseok's wide ones.
    All of a sudden he's on his feet and I regret taking my hand away. He faces up to Minseok and his voice starts to rise, but all I can do is watch as everything he says spills out.
    "You're so taken back in your own world Minseok! You're just reflecting everything that happened to you on us times a million in hope that we'll turn out better! But it doesn't work like that! You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Jongin and Sehun ran away! With all the chaos you create, and all the hate you have, you know, why don't you at least speak up about your hate? Maybe then we could've actually talked about it together as a family and get your frickin' trust issues sorted! Yifan was drunk, and we've all been that way! When I saw him he was swallowed up in depression, and it was horrible, why couldn't you at least be humane about it and talk to him about it? But no, you let your past go over your logic! If you don't sort out your family soon, then I'm leaving too!"
    And with that, he's out, leaving behind an utterly shocked Minseok.
    No one says anything, what is there to say? 
    Minseok hyung it'll be alright?
    Mineok are you okay?

    Words at the moment are useless, the only ones that did any impact were Junmyeon's.
    "Did...did anyone else know about this?" His voice is fragile and broken, and it sounds like he's already crying but I don't dare to look up at him and keep my head low to the ground.
    No one says anything, until all eyes go towards Yixing, who everyone expects to be the last person to speak up, "I knew about it...but only last night, when he...when he left..."
    Silence once again, until Minseok asks, "He's gone?"
    "He's gone."
    "And no one knows where...where Sehun and Jongin are?"
    Minseok stays fixated in his place, while everyone searches eyes around, as if there needs to be someone who knows.
    No one says anything for a good solid two minutes, until I look to the person on my left, who starts crying. It's Kyungsoo.
    Kyungsoo hardly ever cries.
    He cries and cries and I end up wrapping my arms around the younger into a tightening embrace, he doesn't hug back, just cries like a lost child.
    Sometimes I feel like I should cry too, maybe it would be good for me. But then, if everyone's going to cry, who's going to hug them?
    Everyone just looks down, as if holding back their own tears, which they probably are, and the sound of the door lashing against the wall makes me look up to see Minseok is gone.
    Leaving the five orphans in the room to cry.


So the truth is coming out .0.

Anyway, I'm like super busy so I gotta go!

Wuv you~

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Chapter 13: why is everything falling apart? :'(
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 12: Damn soo!! Its kaihun not kaisoo!!!
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why is it always KrisHo that's tragic??? WHY???
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Chapter 10: Did sehun really like kai? Or he usung hin... sorry I just suspicious
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Chapter 10: why are the babies thinking of leaving???
the hyungs will go ballistic WTF
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Chapter 9: I want kai pov
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Chapter 9: WOW... SeKai...
be careful what you wish for Sehun
vernonpup #9
Chapter 3: o: wow what
2453 streak #10
Chapter 8: enjoy!
we'll wait for your update!