

It is currently 6 in the afternoon and Sungjong is sitting at his desk, gaze flickering from the blank sheet of paper in front of him to his phone apprehensively. He’d wanted to get some work done, but all evening he’s been nervously awaiting a phone call from Sungyeol, distracting him from actually getting any work done in the meantime.

Sungjong takes a deep breath, exhaling and slumping back against his chair, anxiously chewing on his lower lip. If he wasn’t good at socialising in person, he definitely wasn’t good over the phone, and thus he’s been rehearsing what he’s going to say, over and over, so he definitely won’t make a fool of himself during the actual conversation. He begins muttering the exchange under his breath once again just to make sure he’s remembered everything exactly.

“Like you said it’ll be fine Sungjong, so stop worrying.” His sister calls from his bed behind him. Even though on the walk home, Sungjong had told his sister he’d be alright, his sister didn’t seem fully convinced by his words and had thus decided to stick around Sungjong’s side as a moral support until he got the call.

She’s sprawled out on her back absently playing about with her own phone held above her head. She’s looking at Sungjong upside-down with a playful smile, so he turns to shoot her a ‘im-not-worrying’ glare, before settling his eyes back on the phone, admiring all of its cellular glory once again.

The phone then starts vibrating and Sungjong jumps in his seat, abruptly reaching to snatch the device. But it’s just a text from his sister no less.

‘not worried my ;)’ the text reads and now he can hear a full explosion of laughter from her.

“Not funny sis, can you just leave me alone? I’m trying to do my homework.” He swivels his chair around to grumble at her, as her giggles start to subside.

She gives him a suspicious look but even so she complies, pulling herself up and off the bed before making her way over towards the exit. But before closing the door after her she turns her head to give a encouragement speech. “Lighten up Sungjong, you always ace at these projects, and you’ll do just as well this time! Just think of the partner side to it as an extra challenge. You’ll succeed, I know you will.” She gives a fist pump then before leaving completely, door shutting behind her.

Sungjong watches her go, but his expression soon lightens up after she left, he’s smiling just a little at the practical joke. It was a nice way to lighten the mood he supposes, she has good intentions honestly and has always been there for him through his worst times. He trusts his sister’s judgement and enjoys her company, since it’s the only company he gets, but thankfully they get on surprisingly well for a brother and sister. He doesn’t know how he’d survive without her.

Suddenly, a jingle blares from his phone, signalling an incoming call. Sungjong lifts his phone and checks the caller ID. It’s none other than Lee Sungyeol.

Even with his sister’s sweet words and all the prep he’s been doing prior, Sungjong feels his heartbeat pick up as he answers. “H-hello?” He says, a little too breathlessly and a little too loudly.

“...Sungjong? Are you alright?” Sungyeol’s somewhat pixelated voice comes from the speakers.

“Oh, u-um.. yeah I had to run to the phone… because… it wasn’t near me… and yeah.” He excuses himself awkwardly. This definitely wasn’t apart of his planned exchange, and he’s really glad his sister left earlier because no doubt would she be choking back more laughter if she heard this excuse.

“...Right, anyway, I don’t have much time to talk right now, so let’s make this quick. Do you want to meet up at lunch tomorrow and talk project details?”

“Lunch tomorrow…. alright sure…” Sungjong replies, forcing himself to sound casual but his voice is still a little shaky.

“Okay, my locker is on the second floor, opposite biology, near the library, so just meet me there?”

Sungjong already knew that, he knows the whereabouts of all Sungyeol’s friend’s lockers too, and all their favourite hangouts, not because he’s a stalker or anything, but because they’re places he purposely avoids so he doesn’t have to have any unexpected bumps with them. “Got it.”

“Good, I’ll see ya around.”

And then the exchange is over only a few minutes after it began when he hears Sungyeol’s end go silent. Sungjong lets out an exhale of relief, thinking that could have gone much worse. He swivels back around in his chair, placing his cell neatly back on his desk, before picking up a pen instead, deciding now that’s over he can get on with his homework task finally.

Which doesn’t go according to plan when his sister suddenly peeks her head around the door once again. “You ran for your phone, really?” She questions with a teasing look, and Sungjong throws a eraser behind him with a high pitch whine of protest. The small eraser hits the door as his sister closes it in defense and her maniac laughter once again rings out, only this time muffled by the closed door.

Once again Sungjong is teased for his lame excuses but only this time it just so happened to be his sister. Sungjong slumps on his desk with shame.

It’s Friday lunch and Sungjong is currently parked right outside their meeting place, Sungyeol’s locker. He’s glancing around each direction to see if there’s any signs of the taller male approaching, making sure he doesn’t get snuck up on.

Later that night the younger had realised Sungyeol hadn’t mentioned whether he was bringing any friends and had briefly worried then that he’d been fooled but it was actually revealed by his sister that morning, that in fact most of the group had gone on a field trip today. It was only Sungyeol and Woohyun who hadn’t, and since his sister had most likely kept Woohyun occupied, Sungjong therefore only had to deal with Sungyeol, but Sungjong was still on guard, considering they weren’t being watched by a teacher this time.

Sungyeol suddenly appears then, rounding round the corner at a intense speed. Sungjong’s blinking wide eyed when Sungyeol skids to a stop in front of him, holding onto his chest as he calms his breathing.

“Lee Sungyeol! Get back here!” A muffled call comes from the distance. Sungjong recognises it as one of the English teacher’s, and he’s now tilting his head in confusion.

“I have a detention.” Sungyeol explains quickly, out of breath. “So we’re going to have to meet up tomorrow.”

“But… tomorrow is Saturday.” Sungjong points out matter of factly and Sungyeol gives him a dubious look.

“Yeah so at your place.” Sungyeol states like he owns it.

“No.” Sungjong says quickly shooting down the idea,  then becomes timid when Sungyeol raises a brow at the younger’s act of defiance. “I mean… we can’t.” Sungjong corrects himself. He has never brought a friend around to his place in all his school years, and he definitely doesn’t want to now, especially considering it’s Sungyeol of all people… his grandma will definitely question him… and certainly go on to embarrass him.

Sungyeol seems troubled then, reaching up and running a hand through his locks as he seems to consider something. The shouting gets much louder and they both turn to look in the direction it’s coming from before back to each other, and Sungjong catches Sungyeol’s panicked look. “We’ll go my place then.” Sungyeol shouts abruptly, realising his time is running out before he inevitably gets caught, and Sungjong nods slowly a little unsure.  

Before Sungjong can voice his confirmation, the English teacher finally rounds the corner, looking very much wet and disgruntled before he yanks on Sungyeol’s earlobe, tugging him the other way. “You dare think you can escape from me? There’s no way I’m letting you off this time Lee Sungyeol.” He announces in a yell. And even Sungjong flinches at the harsh treatment as Sungyeol scrunches his face in pain. And before Sungyeol can say a word of protest he’s already being yanked away, his words turning into more complaints of pain.

Sungjong watches until they disappear down the hallway, the teacher storming down at a quick speed and Sungyeol stumbling behind him as he tries to catch his balance. Sungjong is left wondering what just happened, what had Sungyeol done? How he’d managed to plan another meet up in less than a minute, that just so happened to be in Sungyeol’s house? Where even is Sungyeol’s house? But more pressingly, trying to figure out what he should do for the rest of lunch now after being ditched.


“You want to what? Change partners?”

Sungjong had ended up returning to the teacher who had originally set up the project in the first place. Sungjong has decided that Sungyeol has probably been faking nice this entire time, and this would save him a lot of trouble in the long term if he just changes partners earlier rather than later. He’s standing in front of her desk expectantly awaiting a reply while he sorts through stacked papers. “Yes. If it’s too much trouble, I’ll even do it by myself I don’t mind.” He confirms.

She scoffs, turning to look up at him then. “I had my reasons for pairing you with Sungyeol you know.” She states, which only results in Sungjong pulling a look of complete confusion at her reply. But all he gets in return is a smirk from her.

“You’re good for eachother.” She replies, like her plan is obvious.

“How?” Sungjong questions, completely lost.

“Firstly, Sungyeol always hands in his homework on time and that’s something you need to learn to do.” Sungjong wants to protest and say that the homework that Sungyeol hands in is actual in fact Sungjong’s homework, and the roles should be reversed in that statement.

“And-” She goes on before Sungjong can get a word in. “The two of you both seem so distant. I want you to open up more.” She points out. Sungjong expects to hear it about himself since he didn’t speak out much considering his lack of confidence and friends, but Sungyeol had a bunch of friends, was outgoing, boisterous and extremely loud. But then again…. hadn’t his sister said something about this the other day too? Something about Sungyeol being seemingly distant around them too.

Sungjong must have been making quite a face because the teacher suddenly laughs quite heartedly. “I know what I’m doing, don’t worry.” She reassures him. Sungjong gives a dissatisfied look, he thinks he’s heard those words said to him a lot lately.


Reaching up a fist, Sungjong raps his knuckles firmly against the hard wood of Sungyeol’s front door, awaiting someone to come and greet him.

Sungyeol had texted him with the details of location and time later that night. Sungjong’s thankful it was in text form, since he greatly prefers texting to calling, as there’s a less likely chance of him making a fool of himself yet again.

When the door opens, he’s greeted by Sungyeol, his hair is somewhat disheveled and he’s wearing a simple tee and sweatpants. Sungjong ends up staring, noticing the taller student looked almost unrecognisable without his uniform on. He just looked like any old lazy teenager. Sungjong ends up staring for longer than he realises, to which Sungyeol raises a brow and Sungjong then has to snap himself out of it, shaking his head and almost slapping himself because there’s nothing wrong with wearing sweats and shirts, yes even the most popular guys in school can wear comfy casual clothes if they want to.

“Come in.” Sungyeol insists, ignoring the younger’s strange behaviour and moving aside for him to enter. Sungjong bows his head in embarrassment and hurries inside, letting Sungyeol close the door after them.

Once Sungjong disposes of his shoes and jacket, deciding that’s the polite thing to do, Sungyeol then asks him. “You hungry?” He doesn’t even wait for a reply though, before he begins to lead them further through the house to which Sungjong follows hesitantly.

“I thought we were suppose to be discussing ideas?” Sungjong replies incredulously, and Sungyeol draws to a stop in the kitchen to turn and look at the younger. Sungjong has been glancing around each room wearingly, like the rest of the gang is about to jump out any second or there’s a prank awaiting him behind every door, a paper shredder to destroy his homework again, something. He takes a step back when Sungyeol looks at him, wondering if this is it.

“We can discuss ideas and eat can’t we?” He retorts. “So, are you hungry?” He repeats once more, before opening the fridge and looking inside.

Sungjong thinks Sungyeol is far too casual. “It’s okay, I’m not hungry.” He replies, and Sungyeol shrugs before taking out a bunch of chocolates.

“We’re going to have to work downstairs, my room’s a mess.” Sungyeol insists, taking them into the living room. Sungjong really doesn’t mind, downstairs is closer to the exit at least if things do turn sour. Sungjong takes a sit stiffly on the settee, watching as Sungyeol begins stuffing the chocolates into his mouth then. He must notice Sungjong staring again and thus he reaches one out for the younger. “Sure you don’t want one?” Sungjong glances from the brown candy, then to the box, it’s coffee flavoured he notes.

Sungyeol laughs then, it’s the first time Sungjong’s heard his laugh, when it’s not with a chorus of his friends laughter too. “It’s not going to poison you if that’s what you’re thinking.” He insists. So Sungjong decides to brave it, reaches out and taking it from the elder before popping it into his mouth. Sungyeol smiles then, and Sungjong seems to relax almost.

“Sooo what happened yesterday? Why did you get a detention?” Sungjong brings up casually then, after Sungyeol finishes consuming the rest of the candy, exclaiming how good it is.

“Oh, I don’t know why he made such a big deal out of it.” Sungyeol says around the last mouthful of chocolate. “All I did was glue his to the chair, it wasn’t that big of a deal.”

Sungjong keeps his eyes on him questioningly and then Sungyeol cracks. “Alright, so I put salt in his coffee as well, and balanced a cup of water on the door to fall on him when he opens it.” He reels off then.

Sungjong ends up laughing at that, and even Sungyeol’s lips quirk up in a sly smirk as he watches the younger.

Afterwards, the original idea to discuss details for their project doesn’t go according to plan, and Sungyeol ends up turning the tv on part way through the visit, and thus they end up watching back to back episodes of some drama. Sungjong finds himself becoming slightly less uncomfortable with each passing moment, and he’s soon slumped on the couch with Sungyeol beside him who ever so often makes a comment on how he called each plot twist that happens and complaining dramas are too predictable to which Sungjong agreed.

He peeks a glance over at Sungyeol, tracing his features with his eyes as he stares at the screen unmoving. Sungyeol is starting to surprise Sungjong, the fact that he hasn’t tried anything when he has the free opportunity too so many times now. He doesn’t know if he’s building something big up… or maybe the elder isn’t as bad as Sungjong had assumed. But he also feels like he isn’t getting anywhere with knowing more about Sungyeol either, why the other was distant. They’re not actually talking to each other, so Sungjong still feels like he knows nothing about Sungyeol. He’s determined to keep trying. Make this a challenge, his sister has said.

“I need the toilet.” Sungjong announces after four episodes in and Sungyeol nods, but doesn’t take his eyes from the screen in the process.

“Upstairs on the left.” He explains, and Sungjong stands up to leave making his way upstairs as he was instructed. When Sungjong makes it to the landing, a lot of closed doors greet him. He’d been told to go left… but Sungjong is letting curiosity get the better of him. What if Sungyeol’s room contained secrets that would reveal something about his personality? Just a quick peek won’t do him any harm, surely, he can just come up with a excuse of stomach ache when he comes back down later… Sungyeol won’t question him any further hopefully.

Sungjong sneaks towards the right, stopping when he reaches the room furthest away, there’s a plaque on it that reads ‘Sungyeol’s room’ and Sungjong declares that as enough evidence to be the one he’s looking for. Sungjong has watched enough cop programs in his time, so at this point he’s basically a detective. He’ll be able to uncover the truth in no time.

He turns the door knob slowly, giving one last glance behind him to make sure the coast is clear before opening the door completely and revealing Sungyeol’s bedroom.

Sungjong doesn’t even need to go routing to find a diary, because one glance and everything is revealed to him almost immediately.

Girls’ Generation posters. Everywhere. They plaster almost all parts of the wall, and Sungjong can see the bookshelf from here, stacked high with albums and merch. Sungjong’s covering his mouth to hide back a gasp, turning into concealed laughter.

Now this he hadn’t been expecting. One of the most popular guys in school… a closet SONE. He takes a careful step in further, turning around to examine all the contents of the room, staring at all the colourful merchandise which litters the room. This must have took years to collect, Sungjong's almost amazed and not so much freaked out.

“What the are you doing?” He suddenly hears Sungyeol yell, mortified. Sungjong whips around to face him, and Sungyeol is seething with anger. Sungjong can only stare wide eyed with fear and gulp.


A/N: chapter two is up!! finally!! I'm going to disney land paris on friday so I wanted to get this chapter up before I left 

hahah, it's a bit of a cliffhanger ending but don't worry, it'll all come to light in the next chapter (hopefully) eue;; 

also infinite's having their second world tour aaa ;o;  I wrote my previous fanfic during the first world tour and stated how I really wanted to go but in the end I missed out, but tHIS TIME FOR SURE-- 

anywaaays comments and feedback are very much loved <3 thank youuu for all the nice messages 


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Chapter 4: I'm glad that Sungyeol has stopped being a coward and even talked to the others and made them decide to stopped bullying. I like that he made an effort to be Sungjong's friend and made sure that Sungjong had a fun time on their outings. Sungjong is being too nice by forgiving Sungyeol this quickly, but I think that's just part of Sungjong's nature. I wonder, does Sungjong's sister know that he's been getting drunk on his supposed "dates"? This all seemed to be going well up until him checking his messages and finding out that his grandma collapsed. I know that it must be hard for him, but why does he think it's his fault? Also, that's no excuse to suddenly start rejecting Sungyeol and pushing him away. Anyways, see you next time! I hope things really will be better next time.
Chapter 4: I'm glad that Sungyeol has stopped being a coward and even talked to the others and made them decide to stopped bullying. I like that he made an effort to be Sungjong's friend and made sure that Sungjong had a fun time on their outings. Sungjong is being too nice by forgiving Sungyeol this quickly, but I think that's just part of Sungjong's nature. I wonder, does Sungjong's sister know that he's been getting drunk on his supposed "dates"? This all seemed to be going well up until him checking his messages and finding out that his grandma collapsed. I know that it must be hard for him, but why does he think it's his fault? Also, that's no excuse to suddenly start rejecting Sungyeol and pushing him away. Anyways, see you next time! I hope things really will be better next time.
I'm waiting. Please come back soon TT^TT
Chapter 3: I feel like Sungjong shouldn't have forgiven Sungyeol so easily (even though it's been a month). And I do understand Sungjong's situation, not having any friends and wanting to be a part of something even if it's just one friend that makes you feel being a part of something big. But, seriously, what is it that is behind Sungyeol punching Sungjong? Why did he do that? I feel really bad for Sungjong because he'd fear t get hit whenever they're too close.
I've thought maybe Sungyeol likes Sungjong and his 'gang' knows and that's why they torture him like this. But why would Sungyeol punch him then? Man, this makes no sense.
But this is a good chapter. I love the beginning and the end (kind of) and I'm dying to read the explanations you have for Yeol's behaviour.

Hwaiting author-nim! c:
Chapter 3: At first I love YeolJong relationship but when the angst come, ohmy Im crying and seriously I hate yeollie. How come he doing this? And Sungjong should never forgive him, Sungjong should tease more on him heol. Plus serve you right woohyun, I really hope Sungjong sister will broke up with namu hmmmp.
Chapter 3: Sungyeol is a ing jerk! I wish people weren't such cowards in these kind of situations! He didn't have to be all "don't hurt him because he's my friend even though you guys think he's a loser." If he was just like "we have better things to do then bully him, let's go" that would have been enough. That's still being a coward, but at least Sungjong is saved from physical pain then. Well, see you next time! I just hope that Sungyeol actually does something to earn Sungjong's forgiveness or at least stops him from doing stupid things while he's drunk for the first time in his life.
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh! The ending is hilarious! I bet he even has their autographs and has met them by this point if he's actually THAT devoted. XD I'm really looking forward to the next chapter now. So, see you next time! Good luck, I hope you can go this time! ^^
Chapter 2: Hahahahahahahaha oh my a SONE is hiding is yeol's room xD and tbh I thought it was a bit suspicious when he said his room's messy. Most boys don't even care if it's messy, they just try to clear the tables and make some room to sit but that's it. Sungyeol's secret sure is funny xDDDD

Thank you for updating! ^^ have fun~ and good luck in getting a ticket for infinite effect~ ♡
Chapter 2: Ohmy Sungyeol ah hahaha Im laughing so hard now. I hope nothing happen to jongie, dont be mad yeol ah.