Chapter 1

I beg you, help me


A young man ran as if life depended on it. Beads of sweat ran down the side of his face and his body bathed in perspiration. He had begun his terrible race from across the country and had been entitled only to a night of rest. His whole body ached but he had to hurry to give information that his master had given him within a period a week, round trip included, otherwise, in the best case, to suffer many blows whip and in the worst, to be locked up in dungeons and to collect to his body countless abuse to the weariness of his master. It would depend on the mood of it and the number of days of delay. The thought to envisage the pain he would have to bear gave him the urge to run as fast as he could, even if it meant look like a wreck and undergo some mockery once arrived at its destination.

He knew the ride by heart, he knew there was not much to browse and that in shortly he would approach a lake. He knew he had to do not hang out, especially after the threats of his master but he could not help admiring the gentle rays of the setting sun on the water rippled. The view were wonderful and he allowed himself a brief moment of respite.

When a minute or two had passed on his old watch Flak-Plouk he decided to continue his journey and ran as fast as he could, until that his lungs are on fire and demand the air. Now he could only that let his body suffer, he had lost enough and too much time.

He was in a terrible state when he arrived in front of a huge mansion at the dilapidated appearance. He entered the property and passed with envy at the stables of the building. His master had denied him permission to travel with Galadrielle, his mare for a piece of bread that would supposedly stolen. This man was not wearing it in his heart and took pleasure in pounding him.

He passed cautiously past the guards who were at the entrance of the house. Even if he knew them, he knew that a misstep would him lead almost certainly to the death: a meeting he was not yet ready to perform. Some were asleep, resting their back against the dirt walls or some objects that could act any source of comfort but the feeling of danger was always present.

He looked at the old skylight filled with harmful that lit dimly the entrance, stepped on the porch, knocked on the heavy solid wood door and waited for William, the footman, came to open it. He climbed the stairs painfully which joined a huge beautifully lit corridor. William guided him through a maze of doors to stop before a double golden door he opened.

He silently entered in the room and faced an oak desk dominated by the impressive stature of a handsome young man he had ever seen. It was to be the new boss, the former being dead there was little in the name of a disease too complicated. It had not really affected, he did not really know him and had seen only rarely.

He bowed to him and entered cautiously. He was reluctant to be the first to speak but he remembered that he had better not delay and earlier information would be passed, it would be returned soon.

"Hello, I'm Sehun. Our reserves of paper having been taken in one arson and our resources being low, my master, Listome master sent me carry you a message.  He would like you to come to his home in the course of the month will start with a handful of good men that you could provide to ensure its security. He would also talk about other matters with you but a slave like me is not allowed to know the causes. "He looked with fear the man in front of him.

This one spoke not and stared him intently. He launched with caution:

"Sir, if you do not have an answer for me or anything to tell me, I would resume my way as fast as possible. "

"Why do you leave me so soon? "

"Excuse me sir but I have to respect a schedule precise travel. If I do not respect him, I would be punished. "

"All right, William! Take him to the best room in this house "

"As you wish Sir" He turned to Sehun "Follow me please"

"No no no! I do not stay, sorry but I have absolutely go! "

"You are not a slave? You must respect me and obey me, I order you to stay for the night. I will not let you go like this. Returned to your master, you'll look like a corpse. A good night's rest will not hurt you. "

"Okay," Sehun bowed his head, he did not like being put in his place and that it reminds him of his rank.

Sehun was led into a beautiful spacious room or wealth dominated the place. His eyes fell on the beautiful fireplace with golden trim that gave a sense of luxury absolute. His eyes then rested on the huge bed with silk sheets. Everything in this room, every little detail was shining eyes Sehun and cut his breath away. He had never seen such a lovely room and say there was going to stay for the night made him feel an immense joy.

William brought him into a bathroom connected to the bedroom and prepared him a bath. Before going to his obligations, he put clothes on the bed and said:

"Enjoy this moment of rest. I would come back later with a tray of food. "

Sehun party in the bathroom, undressed and went into the warm bath that William had kindly prepared for him. He felt an incredible moment of pure comfort.  All his life he had never been in a bathtub and he was happy to know this feeling of relaxation which his master had often benefited.

He was reluctant to get out of this source of happiness but he had to agree to it. William would soon return to give him his meal and he did not want his pitiful body is seen.

The clothes deposited on the bed perfectly married the smallest fine curves of his body envelope. For a moment, he made a dash down the stupid and shameful image he had of himself to replace it with a better one.

While he admired the room, his gaze on a small library, small were heard at the door. "I allow myself to enter Mr Sehun" even if it belonged to a higher social environment that Sehun, he was invited by his boss. He had to treat it as such.

He gasped at the sight of the slave. Clean and well dressed, it was beautiful, no one could doubt that this was an exploited person. It could even compete with his employer. He came to his senses, approached Sehun and handed him the meal tray. This was strongly supplied and emitted a wonderful smell that filled the nostrils of the traveler. He did not remember to have ever eaten or seen something as good and beautiful. Not even his own master. He had the impression of being a privileged and he did not regret staying in this place for the night.

After holding company and taken the empty food tray from Sehun, he wished him a good night's sleep and went to finalize its work.

Sehun sat quietly and comfortably in bed placed at his disposal. He always slept on a bed of straw on the floor. His master had ordered the servants to organize it especially for him. Sleep on a soft bed was so new to him and he greatly appreciated that feeling of absolute fullness that invaded.

While his body was borne by rest, he felt a gentle caress on his cheek. By the time he decided to open his eyes painfully, he saw a great black shadow silently leave the room. Devastated by sleep, he fell asleep, leaving fly in his mind what had happened.

In the morning when he got up, his body felt as if it had happened a thousand pains. He did not know what to do and would not move from his room for fear of getting lost in the mansion or even someone to come get him and can't be found. Fortunately for him, William appeared.

"Sehun?! I'm sorry, I thought you were still asleep, I would have informed my presence. "The truth is that he wanted to enjoy the sweet face of the slave at rest. He felt embarrassed.

"This is nothing William! When you are a slave, getting up early is a daily. "He showed her his best smile. "Can you show me the way out of this maze that you consider a house? "

"Uh ... Well, about that, sir would like to see you, follow me please. "He felt pity for Sehun, his master was so tyrannical!

William Sehun brought into the office where he had been previously received and where was waiting patiently for the man who had offered him all comfort. This one began:

"I have not seen or even heard the arrival of a new horse in my stables ... Did you come on foot? "A serious look was etched on his face.

"Yes, my master refused me permission to use Galadrielle, my mare. "

"You tell me you ran far from the house of Listome? "

"Yes Sir, I have my legs for transportation. "

"Yesterday you spoke of a deadline, how many days does it consist of? How many days will you have still? "

"I must to be back in one week. Today is my fifth day sir. "Why is this man asking him all these questions?  "If you finish your examination Sir, I would like to resume my journey. "

"No! I will take you there. "

"What !?? "

"Listome wants to see me right? Well, I will answer his request. Let's go ! He stood up and took Sehun by the wrist.

"Wait! I have to change my clothes! "

"Keep them, I you the offers. Your old looked like rags. "

"Fine" he grumbled while following the rich man in the constraint. Thinking back, he did not know his name.

Leaving the property, all the guards watched the strangely. They went to the stables and his benefactor spoke to the stable boy:

"Prepare Aragwen and brings him to me" The boy party perform its task and quickly returned with a large black stallion. The animal ran alongside his master when he saw him. The latter his nose and climb over him. He turned to Sehun and held out his hand.

"Come on, you ride with me. "

Why? I can not have my own horse? "

"And who will rise above him in my return? "

Sehun gave him a cold stare, walked over and joined him with réticance. He put his little arms around the waist of the rider and will then gently Aragwen galloped with Listome's house for destination.

Sehun closed his eyes, his head resting against the muscular back of his benefactor. He felt the lightweight air currents that seeped into his clothes and he imagined riding Galadrielle. This feeling of freedom had missed him so much! A When was his last ride with his mare? He no longer knew it dates back to far too long.

Small arms wrapped around his waist and slightly clutching his abdomen amused the rider, he considered himself lucky to have them near him. He was afraid that breaks a little more violent arrives and pulls the hands of his bust. However, he could already feel the sadness of the end of his great moment of happiness: the house of Listome appeared in the distance.

Sehun was happy, he returned to master Listome in time, he would not punish. he was not spiteful towards his master for imposing such a trip. He now knew what the word meant comfort.

When they arrived, Listome was on the porch, hardened face. He headed Sehun after it alighted. His hand slammed hard against the face of his stunned slave.

"How? You, impure! Were you not supposed to walk back in a most lamentable state of in garments bathing in your dirt! "

His face contorted with the most ferocious rage made him even uglier than usual. While his hand was lifted, preparing to make a new encounter against the already heavily swollen and reddened cheek of his favorite slave, a strong hand grabbed his arm, left few traces appear. Listome with its bulging eyes met the furious look of the rider.

"Kai! "A name could finally be on that face.

"Stop it right now! "

"What? Why? "A small laugh appeared on his lips. "Why do you defend a miserable thing that? "He sent an accusing glance at Sehun.

"I have ordered him to let me bring him back. You wanted to see me right? "He sent him a sadistic smile.

"Uh, yes," These cheeks turned red and he looked down and then he turned to Sehun. "Donovan will take care of you. "

"Donovan? "Kai launched

"My butler"

As in pure chance, a large, well-built blonde appeared. He approached Sehun strongly grabbed his waist and made hard landing on his shoulder.

Donovan, like Kai assumed turned to his master and flashed a mischievous smile. "The usual? "Listome nodded and Donovan left with a Sehun sobbing, screaming and begging his master. Kai knew that something bad was going to happen but he vowed to protect the slave all costs.

Kai was sitting on an old uncomfortable seat in red suede. From the corner of his eye he watched Listome using a glass of cognac. He came to settle in front of him, slightly ed his shirt and threw him enticing looks.

"Do not you think it's hot here? "

"No, not especially"

"I should have dressed more lightly" He sent him a wink.

"I do not follow you in your office to talk about weather. Should we not discuss business? "He raised an eyebrow

"Yes, and talking business, where are the ten men that I asked you? "

"I offer you an exchange. "

"An exchange? "

"Yes, ten of my best men to ensure your safety against the thorn you possess in the foot, Sehun. "

At that moment, a shrill cry signifying a terrible pain was heard. It looked suspiciously like the voice of Sehun. Kai looked Listome dazed while the latter sported a beautiful face psychopath.

"It's time for music! "He announced all enthusiastic.

"What? "

"Sehun is a very good musician! "A mischievous smile was drawn on her chapped lips.

Another scream was heard. It was enough for make the most of the huge rage takes possession of Kai and he heads to the source of the cries: the main courtyard.

When he reached his destination, he saw a mass of slaves and servants. Some wore a neutral expression, others were shocked and a few had tears in their eyes. As soon as he came to fight their way through the crowd he did not expect at this view and to be as shocked. His blood was boiling, the veins on his forehead were visible and he desperately wanted to kill someone.


Thanks to my 2 subscribers ! :D

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