Chapter 1





Jimin stood behind Yoongi, tying the bandana tightly, making sure that it wouldn't slip and reveal his plump lips or his thick, button nose. Yoongi mumbled a thank you whilst he strapped his gun to his hoister that hid benieth his shirt. Jimin followed suit and glanced behind his back, where the other boys were readying themselves, and hooked his face mask over his ears and pulled the beanie further down onto his head. 
Namjoon nodded his head towards the door as he flicked his hood up, creating a shadow over his prominent features, his jaw hid by a mask.

Constant clicking sounds ricocheted throughout the room as Taehyung filled the barrels with bullets for each boy. Jimin watched the younger boy, Taehyung smiled whilst doing what he loved, passing a gun to the youngest, Jeongguk, and muttering instructions in his ear to make sure he didn't injure himself. Jeongguk nodded diligently, his eyes wide as he stared at the trigger of the gun. 

Jimin jumped at the sudden pat on his shoulder, his wide eyes looking over at Yoongi who passed him a gun. "Calm down." said Yoongi, his low, deep voice soothing Jimin's sudden nerves. "It's the adrenaline, soon you'll be putting it to use and you'll feel better when we're back home." Jimin nodded, Yoongi's fingers massaged his shoulder blades, giving him a comforting look whilst doing so. 

"Tae," Namjoon's voice was heard, "Is everything done?" 

A final click sounded. "Yup." said Taehyung, lifting his balaclava and strapping the gun to his thigh.

Namjoon headed out, they all followed. 

Jimin kept his eyes trained on Yoongi, watching how the older boy would tuck hs hands into his pockets and stroll outside as though nothing were to happen. He watched the amount of confidence Yoongi held in his stride as he kept his head up, looking pedestrians in the eye til they looked away. Jimin knew that, if he were a pedestrian being stared at by Min Yoongi, his eyes would avert within seconds. He couldn't handle the stare despite knowing the boy and being very close to him; his eyes were too raw. Yoongi looked over his shoulder, his eyebrows rising in question, practically asking why Jimin was staring. Jimin shook his head. Yoongi stopped and waited for Jimin to reach his side before they carried on walking together. 

Namjoon unlocked the van, Jin climbed inside first to drive as Namjoon sat in the passenger's seat. The other's were sat in the back, clasping their legs to their chest as their backs were firmly against the doors of the van. Their shallow breathing was heard before Hoseok spoke up first. 

"Everyone ok?" he questioned, Jimin watched the glisten in his mask. "Jeongguk?" the older boy looked at the youngest in concern. 

"Yeah." mumbled the youngest, Jimin felt sorry for the 17-year-old. 

Jimin rested his head against the metal and closed his eyes for a few moments, listening to the quiet conversations that happened every few minutes. The adrenaline he felt before was slowly disappearing, he was becoming calmer and his heart rate had gradually slowed down. Jimin peeked over at Yoongi, who was sat opposite him, for a few seconds again. Yoongi looked calm (as he usually did), which frustrated Jimin. Why was he always so calm in the worst of situations? Why couldn't he have the same amount of self control the elder boy had? 

Yoongi cleared his throat causing Jimin's eyes to jump back up to Yoongi's gaze. By the way Yoongi's eyes crinkled in the creased and created crescents, he realized that Yoongi was smiling at him, and then he winked as the van stopped. Jimin's eyes widened, he was pulled up by the onyx haired boy and pulled out of the van. Jimin winced at the sudden light that was stolen from them in the van, he held his arm up and hid his eyes from the sun rays. 

"Good luck, Jiminie, we'll meet back here for definite, right?" Yoongi whispered. Jimin looked at his hyung, finally seeing doubt in his dark eyes. Yoongi didn't think either of them would make it and so he settled on using false hope. "Right?"

Jimin smiled, "Right." and he truly believed it.

"Alright." Yoongi murmured, squeezing the back of his neck and pressing his forehead onto Jimin's, "Don't break your promise." he ordered, stepping back. 

"Listen." Namjoon announced, "We're going in within a few seconds and I want to make sure everything's loaded and you're all ready." Namjoon walked past each of them, lifting their shirts up to tighten the bulletproof vest and then tapping them on the shoulder, wishing them luck. "You all ready?" Namjoon recieved a chorus of 'yeahs', however, Jimin remained quiet. "Good luck, I'll see you all back here in an hour; I'll make sure of it." 

Yoongi took the lead, counting beneith his breath before kicking the store's door down and yelling, "ON THE GROUND NOW." 

And that's when the bullets flew. Jimin aimed his towards a guard who was aiming for Yoongi, he pulled the trigger and watched the bullet lodge into the guard's chest, killing him within minutes. Jimin watched the pedestrians and the clerks drop to the floor to protect themselves. The group had spread themselves out, making their way over to the individual clerk at different desks. 

Jimin demanded for the money, aiming the gun in the poor woman's face, watching her shake as she stared down the barrel of the gun. "If you give me the money, you won't have a bullet lodged in your skull." Jimin threatened. The woman sobbed quietly, nodding her head as she threw the money into a bag, handing it to Jimin. Jimin cocked his head, waving his gun down towards the floor. "Stay put, and if you dare move a finger I won't hesitate to shoot." 

"! RUN!" Taehyung shouted, snatching his bag off of the desk, shooting the clerk who'd pressed the security button and dashed out of the door. The boys all followed him. 

Jimin took off, his thighs burned with the amount of pressure he was putting into the run. He dashed through different alley ways in order to lead the group into a different direction so they won't get caught. Soon seven turned to three, Jimin lead Hoseok and Jeongguk. They all stopped at a dead end and caught their breath, finally looking behind to see that more than half of the group was missing; more importantly, Yoongi was missing. 

"Oh, ." Jimin groaned, "When did we lose them?" 

"I can't remember, hyung." Jeongguk heaved, struggling to breathe. "I'm alright." he said when Hoseok tried helping. 

"We have to go back and help." Jimin said, "I don't think I could let them get caught or even let them get hurt." 

Hoseok nodded and ran, he lead the three of them this time. Jimin's eyes were shaking, roaming and racing through every alley and street they passed just to find Yoongi and the elder members. They had found Jin and Taehyung, Jin was trying to help Taehyung run, hoisting him over his shoulder. Hoseok took Jin's place and ran further, pushing himself. Taehyung would surely pass out due to blood loss (they found a bullet lodged within his abdomen).

"We have to go to the van, Namjoon would know to meet us there if he and Yoongi are lost." Jin shouted from the back. Jimin hoped he was right; they made their way there within minutes. 

"They aren't here." cried Jimin. 

"Noone move." ordered Jin, "Noone go looking for anyone. They could come back and you'd be running around like a headless chicken trying to find them. We'll wait here, they'll come to us, they definitely will."

Several seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into an hour. Jimin hung his head low, hiding the teasers that leaked from his eyes, burning the cuts and scrapes that littered across his cheeks. He wanted to see Yoongi once more, he made a promise that they'd be alright, they'd survive and that they'd make it; everything would be ok, Jimin promised. It was his fault. If Jimin didn't run so quickly, twisting and turning into different directions, making it harder for the others to keep up maybe they wouldn't have been left behind - unintentionally. Jimin would trade the money. He'd trade the money for Yoongi, he'd hand it over gladly and wouldn't think a second of it; he needed Yoongi back, he couldn't come to grips of the thought of even losing him. But he had. He'd lost him, he abandoned him-

"YAH!!!" someone shouted, "WHY ARE YOU HANGING AROUND, GET IN THE VAN!" 

Jimin was thrown into the back of the van, knocking his head off of the metal floor. He groaned and rolled over, suddenly being strook by a body being thrown on top of his. Jimin hissed at the head that bashed into his.

"Drive, drive, drive!" Jin heard Namjoon shout. Jimin frowned, Namjoon? If that was Namjoon then that meant that Yoongi was with him, right? 

"Jimine." Jimin heard his voice. "We made it." 



This was kind of a short one I wrote, but I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I may carry it on for another chapter and then it'll be completed, I'm not sure yet. Remember: just comment your favourite otp and I'll write a oneshot of them!


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Chapter 1: I was seriously beginning to think Yoongi wasn't going to make it T.T

Awesome story doe!~
I got worried. Omf I thought yoongi would die. Yoonmin is my otp aside from taejin.