Im Jaebum

Her Charisma

My head was blank at his words. 

Like a sheet of paper...
" Uh, yeah?" I said curiously.
" I-i didn't know who to talk to anymore..." he shook his head " Even the hyungs can't help me."
" What is wrong?" I ask.
" Jaebum Hyung is getting out of control... He is always mad and snappy..." Jackson said with unhappiness.
Jaebum had a big temper and everyone knew that. 
Since his training days no trainee would hang out with him or make fun of him cuz he would just go crazy.
He was never like that around me, he knew I would just yell back ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
" Did you pull a prank on him again?" I ask
" Yeah..." Jackson said embarrassed.
" B-but it wasn't anything extreme but he got so mad, Momo. We haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon."
" WHAT?!" I say.
" He is a leader! How can he be so irresponsible? What did Sajanghim say??" 
" He doesn't know yet. That's why I need your help!" he said desperately.
" Please, Momo! You are our only chance! Our comeback is due and we need our leader!" Jackson pleaded.
I shook my head. These kids... But how could he get so mad? Was he overreacting? 
" Okay. I will go and find him..." I say after a long break.
10 minutes later 
I step out of the company and breath in the summer air.
A soft breeze meet my skin and the air was so warm.
" Ahhh..." I sigh with delight.
Since I started training my free time was pretty much nonexistent.
It was so nice too actually be outside, even for a short period of time.
I look at the couples holding hands and walking happily.
A sting of jealousy went through me.
I wish I could be like that. Carefree and do whatever I want...
One day... One day.
I sighed with relief when I saw a figure sitting on the bridge.
As I came closer his head was down and tears were roaming his face.
He is crying?
" O-Oppa." I say as to a child.
His head was still down and not moving.
" Why are you here?" He said harshly making me step back.
He is still mad.
" I-I." I mumble " You what?!" he yelled.
" Do you wanna get thrown out?! You are just a trainee! What are you doing outside? " he said finally looking at me.
Why was he so angry, and his eyes. 
So full of rage.
" I just wanted to help! Why are you being like this?!" I say back.
He sighed and sat back down looking so fragile all of a sudden.
" I am sorry. I don't know what I am doing anymore." his voice broke and I almost cried.
I felt his pain and just wanted to hold him.
" Jaebummie, tell me what's wrong." I say quietly trying not to cry.
" You haven't called me by that name in years." he said bitterly.
" Jebal." I whisper.
" I am not a good leader. I never was. I don't even know why they put up with me anymore. They deserve better and I just keep screwing up. I can't help it its just my temper. And I keep hurting them. " he said.
" J-just like I hurt you." A tear rolled down his cheek.
" Jae..." I whisper but my voice gave out.
" Dont. Please don't. I am sorry, Momo. I really am." he said and got up.
" I have to get back. They are waiting for me." He said looking at the ground.
Finally he looked at my face.
His face was full of worry and regret.
He stepped closer to me putting his warm hands on my face.
Without thinking I lean into his touch.
I missed this. I missed him. 
" Why are you crying, baby?" He asked softy. 
What? I'm crying? I touch my face and it was completely wet.
" I-I couldn't help myself. When I heard you talk like that." I whisper.
I look at him again and his beautiful brown eyes were looking at me so attentively.
" You are NOT a bad leader. You are NOT a bad or weak person. You care and love your members. You are the strong person everyone wants to be and most importantly...
You are my Jaebummie..." I say.
With his hands still on my face he leaned in as my heart was about to explode.
I could have sworn he could hear it.
Thump thump thump 
" Saranghae, Momo." he whispered over my lips as I tremble.
Slowly he connected our lips with a soft slow kiss. 
His lips were so moist and full as he moved them ever so slowly driving me crazy. 
He bit my lip on it hard as I tried not to moan.
" Don't hide it baby." he whispered his lips swollen and red.
" I won't baby." I giggle as he smiles. 
This is where I wanted to be.
In his arms.
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Chapter 2: can we get an update please? love this story so far and already waited a long time for an update:P
KN7x13st7 #2
Chapter 2: Aww, Momo and Jaebum are cute together. Do we get a backstory of these two?
KN7x13st7 #3
Chapter 1: Japanese, not Japanise, and it's cool headed not cold headed. LOL lots of chaos going in the dorms in the morning. Does this take place during Sixteen?