Ch 9

Seeking Attention



            Junsu headed to school the next morning, thinking about the letter his father gave him. He was confused. Why is his father being so nice now? After so many years of torture? Why start now?

            “Ya! Mr. President! You there??” Junsu jumped to see his vice president in front of him.

            “…What?” Junsu asked, regaining his composure.

            “Why are you spacing you? Are you starting to fall for your vice president now?” Yoochun said.

            “… Hell no Park Yoochun.” Junsu pushed him out of the way and headed to his first class, still thinking about his suddenly half new freedom.


Junsu’s POV


            “You need to Log this function before you can do anything with it.” the teacher said.

            I ignore it, pushing her voice out of my head, I started to think about my new freedom… almost… What can I do now that I couldn’t do before??

            She said the rules still apply.

            So.. I can play my violin now without my mute. Umm… what else can I do?? Is that really the only new thing? Oh right, note to self, Let’s tell the cook not to cook anything for me except breakfast. No way in hell am I only eating a bowl of rice and probably old kimchi.

            “Kim Junsu!” the teacher stopped my thoughts.

            “Yes?” I looked up.

            “What is the answer?” she asked.

            I took a glance at the problem. “7.”

            “That’s… correct….” the teacher went back to teaching the lesson.

            Whew. Gotta stay on track next time.

            Right… where was I?? oh! Telling the cook not to cook dinner for me. I’m not going to eat it.

            The bell rang as I got my stuff packed, getting ready to head out before the teacher stopped me.

            “Junsu. I want to talk to you for a little bit.” she called me over to her desk.

            I walked over, “Yes?”

            “Are you alright? Is everything ok?” She asked.

            “Yes. I’ve just been tired these last few dates.” I answered.

            “Alright… but if there’s anything, you can always tell me ok?” she said.

            “Thank you.” I bowed before heading out.

            Knowing my lunch account is still frozen, I headed over to the music room.

            Yawning, I sat down on the piano bench. Taking out some blank piano sheets, I placed them on me as I started to play some random notes together and wrote them on the sheet, deciding which ones sounded good and which one sound never be played again


No one’s POV.


            Yoochun was walking around the school, trying to find Junsu. At Least getting the boy to eat a little, and discuss some things. Walking around the library, hoping to find him, but no luck.

            Yoochun decided to head over to the music room to practice on a song for his piano performance.

            Stopping dead in his tracks, he peered into the music room to see who was playing. Frozen on the spot, he saw Junsu.


Yoochun’s POV


            Wow… Is that Junsu playing?? I watched as he glided his finger over the keys like water would on the beach. Shaking his head to some sounds and nodding to others. I opened the door quietly and shut it quietly, hopefully he didn’t hear me.

            I jumped when he suddenly banged the keys in frustration. I walked down as he rested his head on the keys. Taking a seat next to him on the piano bench, I looked at the song he was writing.

            I added some notes on where he got stuck and started to play it from the beginning.

            “It’s a nice song.” I complemented. I knew he was starring at the ground.

            “Umm… Thanks…” Junsu answered.

            I got to the part where I added the place and played it. I stopped, setting my hands on my lap as I looked at Junsu as he lifted his head up.

            “What’s the song for?” I asked.

            “Piano performance.” he answered.

            “Ohhh. Which one?” I asked.

            “Umm… it’s at Seoul music hall.” he answered as he finished the song.

            “I’m going to be there too. So… I’ll be seeing you later then as well.” I smiled.

            “Yea…” Junsu nodded.

            “What’s the name of the song?” I looked at it.

            “Umm… I think Picture of You fits…” Junsu gave a small smile.

            “Picture of you? Good name. You know.” I looked at him, taking out a small bag from fruit snacks from my pocket, “You should smile more.” I took his hand. “You look much cuter.” Placing the fruit snacks in his hand. “See you in a few minutes at the meeting!” I walked out.


Few weeks later. At night.


            Junsu was sitting in the back, holding onto his piano music. He was dressed in his father’s wedding suit. He knew none of his family would be there, he wouldn’t need to worry.

            “Junsu. You’re turn.” his music teacher called him. “Remember, just stay relax.”

            He nodded before heading out and started to play Picture of You.

            It wasn’t long before Junsu finished that he stood up, bowed and waved at the audience.

            His music teacher came out, grabbing onto the mic.

            “I hope you enjoy my student’s performance. This song was a song that he wrote. Junsu ah, who did you write this song for?” his music teacher held up the mic for him.

            “Um… I wrote this song for all of the abandoned kids out in the world.” Junsu said simply.

            “Oh. Look! Junsu is lucky!” his music teacher smiled as the audience clapped. Yoochun came out holding a bouquet of purple and pink roses for Junsu.

            Handing it to him, Yoochun gave him a hug as he went back stage and Yoochun took piano.


            Junsu sat back stage, looking at his gift. This was the first gift he has ever got for a performance or anything. Unknowingly, a smile glowed on Junsu’s face as Yoochun sat down next to him.

            “You like the flowers?” asked Yoochun.

            “Ahh…” Junsu was surprised. “Yea…. Thanks Yoochun-ssi.”

            “Hehe. I’m hyung to you. I’m older.” Yoochun laughed.

            “But I got president.” Junsu smiled jokingly.

            Yoochun felt warm inside, every time he would see Junsu smile. He knows what task he has to do now.


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Chapter 32: Awwwwww <3 This was an awesome fic. Thanks for writing it ^3^
they're now one big family. junsu finally deserved the family moments he had missed in the let me just smile till my face splits apart :))))
omgggggggg yoosu interaction is just sooooo cute sobsobsob. im so happy now that junsu has someone ;-;...i can't even refrain myself from commenting until after i've finished the story, so i hope you'll be able to cope with me commenting randomly as the chapter progresses ;)
i just cannot-can't be coherent right now. this fic is just so realistic and beautiful. even the smallest action junsu did, even with the subtlety of feelings shown, it brought such a great impact on me. i actually even went on to wonder what his feelings were, the most prominent one possibly being loneliness, with each thing he did. i just...i just am so in love with this story for the depth the characters have, esp junsu. have to stop till chapter 4 to comment everything i feel. but i'm definitely going to continue on. will leave a comment again after i finished reading. oh can already feel the telltale of tears pricking my eyes ;-;...
Kim_Haeri #5
who wants to be live lije that??
till now,im still wondering whby su oppa isnt out of that hell and try to live allone.
stand on his own feet and he'll never be abuse anymore.
he is old enough to look for a job and live alone.

i cant belive his dad just stay silent and let it be.
for heaven sake,he is his son!!!
and he never buying even just a pair of cloth!!!
902101 #6
Hehe, congrats for reading it in one go. I wrote it a few years back.<br />
The surgery?? Oh. I'm not a doctor. Haha. Though that is the career path I am headed on. I played this one hospital game my cousin got me, it's all about doctoring and surgeries and I've seen a few documentaries about surgery too. <br />
Eh?? Did I say that she was pregnant?? Mm.. I don't remember, like I said. I wrote this a few years back. <br />
Haha Thank you. :]
wow... i didnt realize its end.... too focus, i curious about su and chun family i means the twins... ??? can U make a sequel for this story??? but I love U'r story ^.^
bohyemi #8
nigyu07 #9
i'm finish read this story....<br />
this good and nice...<br />
but poor junsu until end his father never acknowledge junsu...<br />
but it's ok, junsu still have yoochun, the babies and yoochun family.fighting Junsu!!!<br />
<br />
thanks for write this fic...^^