Ch 11

Seeking Attention



            Yoochun waited outside the room where Junsu’s surgery was taking place. Yoochun’s family was there as well as Jaejoong and Yunho.

            “Yoochun… Don’t worry. He’ll be fine… Who is he anyways?” asked Jaejoong, taking a seat down next to Yoochun.

            “He’s the student body president.” Yoochun answered. “Hyung… I think I fell for him…”

            “Yoochun ah. Isn’t he the young man you showed us at the school festival?” asked Yoochun’s umma.

            “Ye umma.” Yoochun said.

            “We should call his parents.” Yoochun’s appa said.

            “No… He requested that we didn’t call…” Yoochun answered.

            “I wonder why not…” Yoochun’s umma looked around.

            Yoochun stood right up. Realizing why Junsu didn’t want to call his parents.

            All those things that Junsu had said before the accident. He was referring to them.

            The door into the surgery opened as the surgeon came out with Junsu in the stretcher behind him.

            Junsu was wheeled off into a ward as the surgeon stopped to talk to Yoochun.

            “He’s out of danger now. He just needs to rest and he’ll be fine. Though. We did remove glass shards from around his eyes. He’s not blind but the glass shards ran into his tear duct. We couldn’t fix it. Just warn him now… Every time he cries, he’ll be crying a mixture of his own tears and blood.” the surgeon said. “Also. He just has a few cuts, a broken ankle that’ll heal in about 6 weeks.”

            “That’s good… When can he leave?” asked Yoochun’s mom. Yoochun’s mind was drifted away.

            “About next week. But he has to rest for a week at home and then he can go back to school. Also. He needs to eat more. He’s too thin for a man his age. He’s a little malnourish but if you have him eat right for the week that he’s at home, he’ll go back to normal.” the surgeon explained.

            “Alright. Thank you. Can we go see him?” asked Yoochun’s dad.

            “Yes. He should be in room 305 right now.” the surgeon said.

            “Come on Yoochun.” Yoochun’s mom held his hand, pulling him to room 305


            Yoochun sat down in the chair next to  Junsu’s bed. Yoochun held Junsu’s hand in his, rubbing the skin slowly with his thumb, realizing everything that Junsu had said before and what they mean. He finally understood why Junsu was always alone from when he entered kindergarten, up until now.

            “I won’t let them hurt you any more, Junsu.” Yoochun whispered.

            “Umm… Am I missing something? Or did those two hook up while I was gone?” Changmin asked.

            “Come on Yoochun. Let’s go home, You’ve had a long day.” Yoochun’s mom placed a hand on Yoochun’s shoulder.

            “Aniyo. I’ll wait for him to wake up.” Yoochun insisted.

            “Alright. We’ll see you in the morning ok?” Yoochun’s mom said and left with the others.

            “Junsu… Why didn’t you tell anyone?” Yoochun asked before falling asleep holding onto Junsu’s hand.


Next Morning.


            Yoochun woke up to feel something petting his hair. Stirring a little, Yoochun opened his eyes to see Junsu starring down at him.

            “Junsu… You’re a” he yawned. “Awake.”   

            “Yea…” Junsu nodded. “Did you stay with me all night?”

            “Yea. I couldn’t just leave you like that.” Yoochun nodded. “How are you feeling?”

            “My foot feel stiff.” Junsu answered.

            “Well.. Your ankle is broken… There’s a cast on it right now. The doctor said you can leave about next week. But Junsu… Can you stay with me from now on?” Yoochun asked.

            “I can’t…” Junsu looked away.

            “Junsu. Please… I want to protect you from now on. From them.” Yoochun forced Junsu to look at him.

            “They’ll-” Junsu was cut off.

            “Don’t worry. If they get near you, I’ll protect you. Ok? I’m going to talk to my parents about it.” Yoochun smiled.

            “They’re gone now… They’re in America…” said Junsu.

            “My parents will have a way on finding them.” Yoochun smiled.

            “We’re not crashing anything right?” Yoochun heard Jaejoong call from the door.

            “Hyung…” Yoochun whined.

            “Introduce us to your boyfriend.” Jaejoong smiled.

            “He’s not my boyfriend hyung…” Yoochun pouted.

            Yoochun turned to look at Junsu who gave a small giggle. “Did you just giggle?” Yoochun was shocked.

            “I am human, aren’t I?” Junsu smiled. “I am taking in your thought. I am smiling more.”

            “Can Junsu eat normal food?” asked Jaejoong.

            “Yes he can.” Yoochun’s mom came in, smiling.

            “Umma….” Yoochun whined.

            “What?” she smiled. “I’m not the one interrupting anything.”

            “Oh. Umma. Can Junsu live with us please?” Yoochun asked.

            “But what about his parents?” she asked.

            “They won’t care. They’re in America right now.” Junsu answered, looking down.

            “Well… Alright… We have a spare room.” she smiled.

            “Aniyo. Umma… I want Junsu to stay with me in my room.” Yoochun pouted, acting like a little kid.

            “Alright- What?!” She was shocked.

            “I want Junsu to stay in my room. Then I can help him around.” Yoochun explained.

            “Um… Sure!” she agreed, but was still kind of lost.


            Junsu was released from the hospital the next week. They all drove to Junsu’s house, only to find that the maids weren’t going to allow any of Junsu’s ‘guest’ to come in.

            “You listen here!” Yoochun’s mom started getting mad. “We are taking Junsu to live with us!” she pushed passed the maids and turned to ask Junsu. “Where’s your room, honey?”

            “Up two floors, last door on the left.” Junsu explained, walking in.

            “You know we will have to report to your mother.” the maid said.

            “Yes.” Junsu answered, ignoring the tone in the maid’s voice.

            “I’ll help you up there.” Yoochun picked up Junsu in his arms and walked up the stairs.

            “Junsu! This is your room? Are you sure?” Yoochun’s mom asked.

            “Yea.” Junsu made his way over with the crutches.

            In Junsu’s room were only his other pair of clothes, the jeans, t-shirt and a thin sweater.

            “Wow… Junsu… We’re taking you out shopping once you get better.” Yoochun nodded.

            Yoochun took the remaining clothes that were hanging in the clothes, taking the violin and putting it in the case. Looking around for anything else.

            Junsu headed over to his desk and opened the drawer and took out his report cards. He held them in his hands and shut the drawer. “Let’s go.” he said sadly.

            They headed out of Junsu’s house as they saw the maid phoning to America to report.

            They got Junsu into the car safely and drove off to Yoochun’s house where they made Junsu something to eat before sending him to bed in Yoochun’s room.


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Chapter 32: Awwwwww <3 This was an awesome fic. Thanks for writing it ^3^
they're now one big family. junsu finally deserved the family moments he had missed in the let me just smile till my face splits apart :))))
omgggggggg yoosu interaction is just sooooo cute sobsobsob. im so happy now that junsu has someone ;-;...i can't even refrain myself from commenting until after i've finished the story, so i hope you'll be able to cope with me commenting randomly as the chapter progresses ;)
i just cannot-can't be coherent right now. this fic is just so realistic and beautiful. even the smallest action junsu did, even with the subtlety of feelings shown, it brought such a great impact on me. i actually even went on to wonder what his feelings were, the most prominent one possibly being loneliness, with each thing he did. i just...i just am so in love with this story for the depth the characters have, esp junsu. have to stop till chapter 4 to comment everything i feel. but i'm definitely going to continue on. will leave a comment again after i finished reading. oh can already feel the telltale of tears pricking my eyes ;-;...
Kim_Haeri #5
who wants to be live lije that??
till now,im still wondering whby su oppa isnt out of that hell and try to live allone.
stand on his own feet and he'll never be abuse anymore.
he is old enough to look for a job and live alone.

i cant belive his dad just stay silent and let it be.
for heaven sake,he is his son!!!
and he never buying even just a pair of cloth!!!
902101 #6
Hehe, congrats for reading it in one go. I wrote it a few years back.<br />
The surgery?? Oh. I'm not a doctor. Haha. Though that is the career path I am headed on. I played this one hospital game my cousin got me, it's all about doctoring and surgeries and I've seen a few documentaries about surgery too. <br />
Eh?? Did I say that she was pregnant?? Mm.. I don't remember, like I said. I wrote this a few years back. <br />
Haha Thank you. :]
wow... i didnt realize its end.... too focus, i curious about su and chun family i means the twins... ??? can U make a sequel for this story??? but I love U'r story ^.^
bohyemi #8
nigyu07 #9
i'm finish read this story....<br />
this good and nice...<br />
but poor junsu until end his father never acknowledge junsu...<br />
but it's ok, junsu still have yoochun, the babies and yoochun family.fighting Junsu!!!<br />
<br />
thanks for write this fic...^^