No. 900

I Still Remember

Entry 240: -

I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… Why wasn’t I stronger? Why couldn’t I protect you? I still remember but I don’t want to! I don’t want to remember how you protected me. I don’t want to remember how you use your last bit of energy to let me escape. I don’t want to! Please, someone… Pull me out of this hell.


Entry 703: -

It seems like it’s been a long time, but has it? Maybe it’s been a month or two? Or has a year passed by already? I can’t – I don’t want to - remember. I stopped counting the days, the months, the years since you’ve left. But do I still remember that dreadful day? Yes… Yes, I do. What should I do, Kris? What should I do to unravel the truth?


Return and give me an answer, please…


Entry 788: -

Kris, my flame has gotten so much bigger now. I’ve gotten so much stronger, but I have no one to protect now. Where are you now? I tell myself I can’t find you but I know that you’re no longer here; you’re gone from this world. Why haven’t I gotten stronger then? What’s the use of getting stronger now when I can no longer protect you? 


Entry 900: -

Kris, we’re going to war again. Maybe I’ll be able to meet you? I don’t know how this will turn out, but I’ll fight with all my might. Just like you did, to protect me.


Beep beep beep beep... ... ...

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