
Living Next Door to Baekhyun
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Ugh. Oh come on not again.

I took out my phone and dialled to some number.


"Soo please don't tell me you're working overtime again."

"I'm guessing you forgot your key and you're stranded outside the apartment right now."

"Genius Soo! Now get your over here! i'm not staying outside my apartment another second cus i'm freezing to death."

He chuckled. "Yeah sweetie, i'm working overtime so if you really want the key come to my workplace."

"Oh come on you're supposed to be my sweet and caring brother, and you're not really expecting me to walk to your workplace when it's pouring hard right now."

"Sorry sis, it's not my problem you forgot your key and i don't think my manager would appreciate that i'm slacking off my work."

"Don't you dare give me bull right now. You don't even have a manager. YOU ARE THE FREAKING MANAGER." I started to yell because i'm running out of my patience right now.

"Heh. Well, you don't really expect me to be the best brother in the whole universe too right."

That made me silent. No wonder people calls him Satan Soo.

"Fine, fair enough. I'm heading over there right now." I hung up not caring for his reply. "ing satan" I muttered under my breath.

There's no way i'm going to run in the rain when I'm wearing a tank top and tight jeans. Does he want me to get sick or something? Who does this to your one and only sister anyway? Apparently Satan Soo does. I bit my lips and sighed as my lower myself to sit next to the door contemplating about life. 

Maybe i should. Besides it's really my fault that i forgotten my keys.

No. I'd probably die freezing by the time i reached there.

Well i'm going to freeze here if i don't go in the apartment as well. So yeah why not. 

No. I'm too young to die. 

Remember. My heaven is just inside the apartment and i just have to get the key.

Fine, i'll get the key now.

Okay, i made my choice and stood up.

"You're kidding me. How many times did you forgot your keys now? And you're not really going to be in the rain when you're wearing just that" I didn't even have to turn my back to guess who's voice was that.

"Shut up Baek. No one asks you."

"Fine then. So i believe that you won't be needing this too?" He held some clinking thing in my face and by that time i realised he was holding my keys to my apartment. I reached out my hand to snatch it away from him but i couldn't since he was held it much higher.

"Wow wow slow down now shorty." He kept his hand up as i tried to reach for the keys.

"What the hell Baek? Why do you have my keys?"

"Your brother gave it to me. He told me to keep it and give it to you when you reach home. I wanted to give it to you but it's cute to see you suffering outside so i have to enjoy the show."

What is wrong with this guy? How do people even enjoy watching other people suffering? 

"Gimme that."

"Well shorty you have to- " He didn't even finished his sentence when i gave him a kick to his 'thing' down there. He's now yelping in pain and i quickly took the keys out of his hand. I entered my apartment and locked the door as soon as i can. 

"You're going to pay for this." He warned and banged the door but i don't really care right now. I'm almost freezing to death anyway. And all i wanna do is wash up and sleep too.

I woke up next morning just to smell something delicious coming from outside my room. That can only mean one thing, Soo is cooking. I sprinted out to be greeted by him.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He waved at me when his wide smile.

"Morning Soo." I looked at the foods on the table while greeting him back.

"Hey i know those omelets and kimbaps and coffees are more attractive than me but i think i deserved to be look at too." He said while gesturing me to sit down and dig in.

"No you don't." I spoke while chewing. "You didn't tell me you gave the key to Baek freaking Hyun and i almost ran into the rain to get to you." I swallowed. "And out of all people why must it be him who holds the key to my paradise. What if he get in our apartment and steal some of our stuffs?" I glared at Soo.

"Oh sis, both of us knows better than that. How long has he lived next to us? And for all i know he never done something bad to us. He also offered to keep the key and gave it to you and he did do it." He took some kimbap at ate it. "What is it with you and him anyway?" He pointed those chopticks at me.

"He's an annoying and arrogant bast*rd."

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