
Switch Bodies?!!

Leo and N sat in front of their children..But what is catching their attention are the food..They don't even bother with the weird gazes that the others gave them..They even interect like usual except that it's only two of them..The others are like ~~> 0_0 "wth face"..Actually,the hyungs are talking about their plans and how to take care of each other..Of course only them who heard it..

'Leo': Guys! Can u talk and stop looking at us? And Kim WonShik,Why are you shirtless? Try to say that in loud voice like I usually do..Can you?

'N': ....Why?

'Leo': Ask me again and I will make sure you will suffering after this...Try now!

'N' cleared his throat and inhaled and exhaled..

'N': Guys! Can you talk and stop looking at us? And Kim WonShik,why are you shirtless? Are you trying to flirt and make HongBin melt even more?!

As 'N' finished his words..'Leo' look at him,almost disbelief..

'Leo': Wow..He is good than me..I will make him talk more.. >:)

'N': ;.....What's wrong with you,Jung TaekWoon? Why are you staring at me like you wanna kill me.. -.-" It's awkward as hell! Damn it!!!! Why it must be him? -.-"

'Leo': ...When did I stare u? Hyuk-ah..Did I stared at him?

Hyuk: Yes..You stare at Taek-hyung like this.. 

Hyuk look at Ken's face for demostration..He look at Ken with full of love but at the same time with anger.. (to show what 'Leo' just done)

Hyuk: Like that..*continue to stuffing his mouth*

HongBin: Surely you wanna die quick..What if you get choke again and we didn't even notice and then you die when we look again at you?

Hyuk: Leave me alone..I'm growing.. -_-

Ravi: He's right,babe..Don't be angry because you make me wanna flirt you even more.. (:p)

HongBin: *blushing*I hate you.. 

Ravi: I know..I love you too.. >v^

Ken: Ewww..Can you guys just keep quiet and finish ur food faster? I need to go somewhere else...

Hyuk: Where,hyung?

Ken: .....No need to know,.

Hyuk: Of course I need to know.. You are my lovely hyung..

'Leo': Shut up..

'N': What now?

'Leo': Finish ur food first dear..After that,take a bath and then meet me in the room..Remember..No.One.Can.Enter.Our.Room.. -_-What did I said,boys?

The dongsaengs: ....Don't disturb you guys....Okay..

'Leo': Good..Hurry Up,Hakyeon..

'N': ....Okay..

So,they do what 'Leo' them, and the hyungs gather at their room..

'Leo': We can't let them know this..They will be fangurling and it ,might be way even worse..

'N': I know..we can't let the CEO or manager-hyung know this..And of course not the fans..No..Everybody can't know..If they know,we are doom..

'Leo': And I was thinking back then..Today is the last day of our days off..right?

Then,there's a silent...None of them say a thing or breathing.. (lol..I always do that)


'Leo': I'm sorry,what?


'Leo': How would I kniw that! WE'RE DOOM,TAEK!!!

'N': No,we shouldn't panick right now..We must think the solution..

'Leo': Maybe because you enterd my dream yesterday?

'N': What do you mean,Yeon?

'Leo': Yesterday I have a dream about..we... *blushing*

Suddenly,everything is in silence again..'N' just look at his body..He is just like.."wtf is wrong with him?"..

'N': Are you okay,Yeon? Your face is red..

'Leo': I'm..I'm okay.. ./////.

'N': Hey Yeon.. *lay down on his bed* Wanna know something?

'Leo': What is it? *lay beside 'N'*

'N': Yesterday..I had a dream too..It's about me accidently kiss you and then.. you won't believe it..(No Rated M dear readers...) *turn his face to look at 'Leo'*

Their face are about a few centimetres from each others..One of them move a bit and their lips will touch..While 'N' look calm,there's 'Leo' who are strugling not to blush and feel nervous..really,his heart are beating really fast right now..It's look like his heart will explode in anytime.. 

'Leo': Why did you do this to me,Jung TaekWoon? T.T

'N': Hahaha..

'Leo': Why are you laughing? ._.

'N': You are blushing.. 

'Leo': Did I?

'N': Cute.. ^^

'Leo': Jung Leo..U really love to be inside my body right? So that way you can smile..It's not like you can't smile using ur own body..

'N': What make you think that way? - -

'Leo': Nothing..Aishh!! Ignore me..I wanna sleep..Adios..

'N': ...Okay..I love being in this body's the person's body that I love...


'Leo': I freaking hate you Jung TaekWoon..You make me love you even more..


Look like this story are lively like others fanfic..Of course I'm not sad,,hahaha..says who.. (heart: ur heart say that u r sad beause no comments or anything..just silent readers..) Shut up.. -_- (heart: You need to be honest,myself) 


Okay..I need to go now..Meet you another time..Be healthy guys~                                                                                                    //13/11/2015//

                                                                                                                                                                                    4:28 P.M (My country time)

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jjongkeylover's really short..I don't have any ide..sorry~ T^T


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starofthenight #1
Chapter 8: Please do make a sequel. This story just cracked me up I think I'm gonna cry from laughing too hard.
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: OMG YASSS please do a kinda sequel to the RaBin couple! I'm too excited
Chapter 8: I want it!! :)
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: doe omg lol and that was a great story
Chapter 7: omg dik best xD tapi ending dia je sikit la (Paham2 je maksud akak) xD but overall best gile xD
Chapter 7: don't forgot to ignore any typo,nae? ^^''
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: love the story funny and AWESOME you start awesome bye we can wait
DesdemonaDeLaMort #8
Chapter 5: So glad that you are updating again ^^
This story is hilarious.
Don't worry! We waited this long, I am sure we can wait another day or two lol
Thanks for writing ^^
Chapter 4: ada typooo xD