Chapter 7.


Maybe making friends isn't that bad.

Taekwoon was beginning to enjoy their company and efforts to talk.
After walking home with Hakyeon, Taekwoon realized he was trying to befriend him. It made him happy to have someone care besides your guardians.

Taekwoon wished that he could just be their friend but it isn't that simple. He's dangerous and a threat to their lives. The idea of them getting hurt because of his abilities, made Taekwoon sick.

He had decided in his head that he could be their friend, but he had to remain distant at the same time. That meant no physical contact with them like hi-fives or friendly punches.
In order to stay distant with then mentally, Taekwoon will continue to say small amount of words to keep them from getting to know him.

It's for their own good that they don't know about his past.

Obviously, he would have to tell them that he's adopted because he looks nothing like his adoptive parents.

He'll just pretend he didn't know what happened to his real parents.


After dinner that night, Taekwoon retreated to his bedroom and did his load of homework. The homework was easy but it took a while to do because of the large amount of assigned questions.

As he finished writing down the answer to the last question, Taekwoon sighed in relief, closed his textbook then looked at the time.

It was 11:00 p.m.

Taekwoon knew his parents were asleep so it was a good time to practice his ability.

He filled a few cups of water then opened the window in case of emergencies.

He took a deep breath and summoned a small amount of fire in his hand. He used his hands to make the fire into a ball shape and tossed it up and down.

It was like a real ball.

He caught the ball then extinguished it, not wanting it to get out of hand.

He was doing good so far.

A random thought came to Taekwoon. He opened his palm and summoned some fire. He wanted to test to see if the fire would form into shapes like it did earlier. He closed his eyes and concentrated to picture a star.

He opened his eyes to find the fire in a shape of a star.

Taekwoon laughed in delight then extinguished it.

He wanted to test it again, but this time he concentrated on a picture of a square.

The fire didn't change this time.

Confused, Taekwoon did it again concentrating harder this time.

The fire still did not change.

He concentrated with all his might but the fire in his palm suddenly grew uncontrollable and embers flew from the flame.

In panic, Taekwoon grabbed a cup of water with his free hand and dumped it on his arm which extinguished it.

Breathing shakily, he collapsed on the floor, trying to process what happened. Tears sprung in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

He almost burned another house down.

Taekwoon was done for the day.


In the morning, Taekwoon was still pretty shaken up. Last night was mystery to him and it is just going to bother him all day.

When he got on the bus to go to school, Taekwoon took deep breaths to settle his emotions down.

He's going to take a break from his practices.

Just until he can find a safer place to practice.
But Taekwoon had no idea where a safer place to practice would be.

He'll deal with that later.

Right now, he had to deal with his new acquaintances.

In class, Hakyeon and Wonshik did not get a chance to talk to him. As the teacher lectured, Taekwoon kept sneaking looks to them but they were mostly paying their attention to the teacher, which was kind of a relief to Taekwoon.

He felt like a shaking mess and he didn't want them to see that.

At one point, Taekwoon and Hakyeon made eye contact and Hakyeon gave a reassuring smile which calmed Taekwoon a bit.

Taekwoon knew he was going to have to get their support, but they cannot know what they're supporting him for.


Author as Note: Hey guys! Just wanted to get a last update in before I leave for vacation. It is slightly shorter than normal if you haven't noticed.

Thank you for subscribing and such nice comments! <3 


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Chapter 17: Love this story so far ...
Please update >.<
Chapter 17: Update soon author nim! I love your story!!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 17: Minhyuk should b punish! he pick on hyuk then now wonshik.
imsodoone #4
Chapter 3: Its awesome and i like it!
bunnybear44 #5
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Aww poor Leo! I hope he puts some trust into his new friends soon :) at least one of them and with at least part of his secret! I love this story! :) keep updating whenever you remember!
Berry-tan #6
Chapter 16: Oh ! Minhyuk did it again?
Kokechan #7
Chapter 16: Thank you for updating despite you being busy! Take your time and fighting!
Berry-tan #8
Chapter 14: awwwnnn~~ 7: