Chapter 13.


"Do you want to hang out with us tomorrow?" Hakyeon asked Taekwoon.

Taekwoon raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Hang out?"

"We all meet up and walk around town and maybe watch a movie or something." Jaehwan said excitedly. "Wanna come?"

The rest of the lunch table stared at him, waiting for his answer. Taekwoon felt pressure being pushed upon him to say yes.

Not that it didn't sound fun, it just made him feel uncomfortable to be invited into their plans considering the fact that he hasn't known them long.

Taekwoon concentrated on what to say. He was too busy, mentally arguing with himself that he forgot the others were watching him.

"Y-you don't have to come." Hakyeon gently said, snapping Taekwoon out of the argument in his head. "We're not forcing you to go."

Even though Hakyeon had a gentle, happy expression, Taekwoon could see a hint of disappointment on his face even though Taekwoon hadn't even answered yet. He remembered what Hongbin had mentioned before.

"You know, Hakyeon and Wonshik want to be your friends."

"We all do."

Taekwoon realized how guilty he would feel if he didn't go. He just couldn't refuse.

"I can come." he finally answered.

Hakyeon's eyes lit up in joy and excitement but he kept it under control as he spoke. "Really? That's great! We'll stop by your house tomorrow."

Taekwoon looked at Hongbin who gave a slight nod in approval and a reassuring smile. He felt like he had done the right thing.


The rest of the school day was a blur to Taekwoon. He remembered taking a test or two, then the next thing he knew, he was walking out of the school on his way home.

Kids were scrambling all around him to get on the buses. Taekwoon wondered how he didn't get run over by the mob of students. When he finally got out of the crowd and onto the streets, he sighed in relief as he was alone.

He anxiously took out his music player and headphones and put one ear bud in. He was about to play a song but he hear a voice.

"Taekwoon!" the voice called which came somewhere behind him.

Taekwoon swiftly turned his head to find Hakyeon, Jaehwan, and Wonshik jogging towards him. He stopped walking to let them catch up.

"We wanted to walk with you to your house." Jaehwan answered, without letting Taekwoon ask the question.

He shrugged and continued to walk silently, unlike the three other boys who were noisily chattering to each other. Taekwoon normally isn't in favor of lots of noise, but he felt at ease in the loud chatter from the other boys.

But soon, they began to ask him questions, like how his day was. He answered with short, simple answers, not wanting to reveal much about himself. He'd rather learn more about them.

"How was your day?" Jaehwan asked.

"Good." Taekwoon simply said.

"Has your day ever been more than just 'good'?" Wonshik questioned.

"Probably not." he responded.

"How do you not have days that are better than good?" Hakyeon asked, frowning.

"I don't know,  my life is boring." he answered, unsure of how to answer that.

It kinda felt like he was being interogated which made him slightly panicked, but he tried to push it out of his mind and remind himself that they probably just wanted to make conversation with him.

But it didn't really help. Their questions felt really nosy.

Their conversation steered its way to their plans for Friday. It made Taekwoon excited to think about it, but he needed to be careful. He wasn't sure if happy emotions could contribute to him randomly bursting into flames.

"It will be pretty dark outside if we watched a movie." Wonshik said.

"That's okay." Jaehwan said. "I have flashlights at home. Plus we can take shortcuts to our houses, through the paths in the woods."

Taekwoon tensed up. Was the other boy talking about the woods that he had just burned down the other night?


The woods that Taekwoon had set ablaze, in the other day, had easily been put out by firemen. He'd heard from the television, that they were not able to figure out the source of fire, which made Taekwoon sigh in relief as he watched the news that same day.

Taekwoon wanted to avoid those woods as much as possible. It doesn't matter if the angry outburst was behind him now, something about going back there made him uneasy.

"I don't think we should watch a movie. I think we should.... I don't know, explore town maybe." Taekwoon suggested.

The other three boys went silent, thinking about the suggestion.

Hakyeon cleared his throat. "Yeah, sounds good. We can go watch a movie some other time."

Wonshik and Jaehwan nodded. They seemed okay with the idea and had no complaints.

Thy continued walking until Taekwoon realized they were by his house. He muttered goodbyes to the other boys and walked on his way to the front door.

Right before he unlocked his door, he heard a shout.

"BYE TAEKWOONIE! SEE YOU TOMORROW." a voice shouted. Taekwoon blushed in embarrassment of how childish the nickname sounded.

It took him a second to process which voice had said it. Surprisingly, he recognized it as Hakyeon's. He thought it would be Jaehwan who had said it because of his regularly bubbly personality.

He fumbled for his key with flustered hands and unlocked the door before any of the neighbors look out to see the source of the loud noise.


Author's note: Heeey guys! Sorry the update was a few days slower but I just couldn't really write for these past few days. :/

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Chapter 17: Love this story so far ...
Please update >.<
Chapter 17: Update soon author nim! I love your story!!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 17: Minhyuk should b punish! he pick on hyuk then now wonshik.
imsodoone #4
Chapter 3: Its awesome and i like it!
bunnybear44 #5
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Aww poor Leo! I hope he puts some trust into his new friends soon :) at least one of them and with at least part of his secret! I love this story! :) keep updating whenever you remember!
Berry-tan #6
Chapter 16: Oh ! Minhyuk did it again?
Kokechan #7
Chapter 16: Thank you for updating despite you being busy! Take your time and fighting!
Berry-tan #8
Chapter 14: awwwnnn~~ 7: