Chapter 11.


Taekwoon couldn't stop worrying about Sanhyuk.

He didn't know why he cared so much. He only met the boy recently. He isn't suppose to care, he's only there because he needs to tutor Hakyeon and Wonshik. Besides, they don't want him as a friend.

Do they?

Taekwoon sighed quietly as he tried to clear his mind. He needed to go somewhere, where he can feel better.

He knew where to go.

Taekwoon grabbed his key and phone and walked out of the house. His destination was a 10 minute walk so he plugged in his headphones. His music never fails to entertain him when he walks so he likes to listen to music pretty often. Taekwoon taps his fingers against his leg to the beat of the song as he walks. It made him feel somewhat carefree and calm. All he had to do was to complete that feeling.

When he reached the building, Taekwoon opened the doors like he regularly does and the strong scent of coffee hits him. He was at his favorite place: the cafe.

Taekwoon comes here often and gets the same thing every time. For some reason, the barista never seems to remember. You would expect baristas to remember the customers that come often but this isn't the case for Taekwoon.

Taekwoon kinda wished that he could be acknowledged as a regular. He didn't really like saying his order over and over. The barista just doesn't remember.

"Hello sir, what would you like today?" The barista asked as Taekwoon approached the counter.

"A mocha" Taekwoon said.

He paid for his drink and sat down as he sipped his drink. He felt a lot better as his sugary sweet beverage warmed him up. Not that he was cold.

Taekwoon sat at a table next to the window and stared out and he took small sips from his drink. It gave him the best feeling in the world. He felt like he could think through everything just by sitting by the window of the coffee shop and drinking a coffee.

Suddenly someone tapped his shoulder.

Taekwoon frowned and turned to see who it was. Who would want to bother him?

He turned to see yellowish blond hair and dimples.

"Hi Taekwoon." Hongbin said with a smile.

"Hello Hongbin." Taekwoon said slowly.

"How was tutoring Wonshik and Hakyeon?" the blond boy asked.

"It was good." Taekwoon responded. "Didn't seem like they needed help."

Hongbin chuckled."They're stupid in their own way but when it comes to school, they know what to do. They don't really need help."

Taekwoon raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Well anyway." Hongbin continued. What happened to Hyukkie and Minhyuk?"

Taekwoon began to explain what happened. As he talked the smile disappeared and worry lines began to appear on Hongbin's face. He probably felt even more worried than Taekwoon does.

'Of course he would.' Taekwoon thought to himself. 'They're actually friends.

When Taekwoon finished the story, Hongbin fumbled around for something on the floor. Taekwoon saw a bag on the floor and Hongbin picked it up, pulling out a large black camera.

"What's that for?" Taekwoon asked.

"I like to take pictures when I get stressed. It makes me feel better." he held up the camera and faced Taekwoon.

"Say cheese."

Taekwoon blinked in surprise as the camera made a clicking sound to take the picture. Hongbin then looked out the window and snapped some photos of the sidewalk and the roads outside. When he finished, he began checking his photos.

"What do you do when you're stressed?" he asked as he studied his new photos.

Taekwoon wanted to lie but oddly, he felt oddly comfortable around Hongbin and told him the truth.

"I come here." Taekwoon said softly

Hongbin smiled. "Yeah, it is a nice place. I sometimes come here." Then he frowned in confusion. "Why haven't I seen you here before?"

'Because you probably didn't know I existed before' Taekwoon thought.

He shrugged his shoulders.

Before Hongbin could say anything else, his phone vibrated. He gave Taekwoon the 'one moment' sign and checked to see what it was. He blinked a few times as he stared at his phone and began texting.

He stood up from his chair and grabbed his bag.

"Sorry, I gotta go. Hope to see you here sometime." he said and began to walk to the door. He abruptly stopped then turned to Taekwoon. "You know, Hakyeon and Wonshik want to be your friends." then gave a friendly smile.

"We all do." he said, then left.

Taekwoon sat there frozen and blinked a few times. He was trying to register what just happened.


As Taekwoon was walking home, he was concentrating on what the blond boy had said earlier. 

"They're stupid in their own way but when it comes to school, they know what to do. They don't really need help." 

"You know, Hakyeon and Wonshik want to be your friends."

"We all do."

Those words kept swirling around in Taekwoon's mind. Taekwoon was glad they wanted to be his friend, but he knows it won't work because he isn't normal.

He wished he could just be normal.

His ability has done nothing good and has only brought destruction and disaster. It took the only people he loved away and left him all by himself. Because of his ability, Taekwoon isn't able to make good friends and it forces him to limit his emotions.

Thinking about it infuriates Taekwoon but he has no way of letting that anger out without destroying something with fire. He clenched his fists tightly as they began to glow red hot.

He needed to go somewhere empty, fast.

Taekwoon began to run as fast as he can until he found the woods. He continued into the woods and kept running until he found a large empty field in the middle of the forest.

He didn't care that things caught on fire.

He let his anger go and shot fire in every direction, hitting the grass all around him. The grass caught on fire and began to create a fire ring, surrounding Taekwoon.

He screamed and cursed and the fire grew as his anger did until all Taekwoon could see was fire and smoke all around him.

Taekwoon froze in realization of he just did and his eyes widened with horror. Not sure of how to stop it, he ran. He ran the opposite way from where he came from and continued deeper into the woods.

Taekwoon was wildly panicking and with each step he took, fire appeared in the footstep and began to spread. It was like a fire trail.

He didn't care that the forest was burning down, he needed to get somewhere with water.

Luckily, he saw a pond and ran full speed towards it. When he approached the edge of the pond, he dove right into it, and steam flew everywhere.

The water was disgusting.

Taekwoon got a mouthful of muddy pond water when he jumped in and spit it out as soon as he hit the surface. It was the worst thing Taekwoon had ever tasted in his life. He spit multiple times to get the taste out of his mouth, but it was no use. 

The coolness of the water made Taekwoon calm but his hands were still hot and his skin was very warm. The heat mixed with the cool muddy water created steam which rose into the sky and disappeared.

Taekwoon got out of the pond and began to walk home as if nothing happened.


Author's note: Here's some Leobin for you. Don't worry, Neo is the one and only.

Sorry I haven't updated as quickly. I am saving up money to buy a new laptop.

Thanks for subscribing! <3

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Chapter 17: Love this story so far ...
Please update >.<
Chapter 17: Update soon author nim! I love your story!!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 17: Minhyuk should b punish! he pick on hyuk then now wonshik.
imsodoone #4
Chapter 3: Its awesome and i like it!
bunnybear44 #5
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Aww poor Leo! I hope he puts some trust into his new friends soon :) at least one of them and with at least part of his secret! I love this story! :) keep updating whenever you remember!
Berry-tan #6
Chapter 16: Oh ! Minhyuk did it again?
Kokechan #7
Chapter 16: Thank you for updating despite you being busy! Take your time and fighting!
Berry-tan #8
Chapter 14: awwwnnn~~ 7: