


A/N: this is like my 1AM self writing. I hope you like it anyways.



Baekhyun stayed silent as he ignored the pity stares he got from the maids behind him.


“young master, it’s already past midnight”, one of the maids said carefully. Baekhyun wasn’t sure what she was implying. Was it that he was past bedtime or that the day was already making it’s way to another; that his birthday is minutes long gone.


There is no way he was going to sleep. Maybe his parents were coming from abroad any second, it was his birthday, they had to be here.   


They already missed  seven in a row. There was no way they are going to miss his thirteenth.


The maid must have had lost it because right then she was forcefully dragging him to bed. Baekhyun found it futile to struggle against her.



When he woke up the next day he found a small box wrapped in a light green wrapper on his bed side table. It was the staff’s doing. His parents didn’t bother to call or even send him a card.


He left the box unopened.



It was two weeks past his birthday when he noticed a boy with a mop of curly brown hair in his large mansion. He thought he must be hallucinating because Baekhyun was sure he was the only teen in this house.


He was sitting on the coach while hugging a pillow and his head resting on it. His brown curls looked so soft and so tempting that Baekhyun couldn’t help but run his hand through them gently. It didn't take him long to regret it because then the boy jolted awake, startled. His eyes widened as he looked at baekhyun’s.


 “oh ” the boy hissed. 


He stood up abruptly startling baekhyun as their faces were a little too close. This was the closest baekhyun was to anyone.


The boy fled away before baekhyun could express anything.


However that may have been because baekhyun doesn't have the ability to speak.








Baekhyun had tried many time to move out from his mansion. Away from the smell of money and expensive furniture that he never used but the staff seemed so keen on keeping clean. But he couldn’t, what was it? he didn't know. 


It might have been the fact that he grew up in this place. 



After eleven missed birthdays, baekhyun finally understood that there was no other place he belonged to other than this big mansion that had empty rooms more than what he could count with one hand. It was this big mansion that he yearned to fill with happiness and warmth that he belonged to yet whatever he did was met with coldness of this house. The coldness of this house is where baekhyun belonged to and he no longer fought it.




The twelfth missed birthday, his eighteenth, baekhyun no longer cared if it was missed. It almost seemed that only he knew his date of birth. Maybe he is the only one.


However all that didn't change the fact that baekhyun still counted the days he spent alone. He didn’t stop counting the days where there could have been good mornings and good nights. Caring less didn't make it hurt less to baekhyun.


He woke up the day after expecting a small box with a green wrapper but that day there was nothing. It hurt a little more, that he didn't find anything.


He lazily patted his head to tame his bed hair as he walked to the bathroom. He wore his plain clothes and made his why down to the kitchen.


Baekhyun already sensed that today wasn’t like everyday the moment he opened his eyes. What he didn't sense happening was to find the same soft brown curls on the small dinning table in the kitchen. The boy was sleeping again, his head resting on his folded arm. 


Baekhyun found his arms aching to touch those soft curls, and he did.


The boy’s round eyes were suddenly wide open and he stood up abruptly. Baekhyun was startled. Not because the boy’s face invaded his privacy like last time but because this time his eyes were met with a chest rather than a pair of eyes. 


“oh !” the boy hissed, and baekhyun would have laughed voicelessly at the familiarity of the scene if he wasn’t spellbound by his deep voice. His voice and his height were so intimidating that baekhyun would have thought it was crazy man in his house if it wasn't for his hair.


 Although the hair didn’t make him look less crazy it definitely made him look less intimidating.


The tall boy didn't run, instead he looked almost sorry as he stared at baekhyun. The boy bowed down to pick something up that he dropped, baekhyun wondered when did it drop. Baekhyun recognized the box immediately for it was the same small green-wrapped presents he finds on the days after his birthdays.


Baekhyun frowned. The boy smiled, it was about time.




Baekhyun found out, after a long one sided chat with the boy, that his name is chanyeol, park chanyeol. Baekhyun found the name familiar so chanyeol told him that was because his mother, park jaehee, is the head maid in this mansion. 


This was the first time baekhyun felt, oh he couldn’t talk. He felt sorry that he had to talk to chanyeol through papers and written words. Because what they shared was something worth more than that.




Baekhyun learned that chanyeol is the one that always got him those small gifts,  and baekhyun immediately felt guilty when he confessed that he opened none of them. Baekhyun had a total of six boxes in his closet.



It didn't take long for both of them to become best friends that were almost never apart. moreover, it didn't take long for chanyeol to start calling him baekhyunie. No matter how stupid that nickname sounded coming out in the form of chanyeols deep voice, baekhyun still felt warm. Just hearing his name being called by someone made him happy. 


His relationship with chanyeol was digging itself deeper in his life. Baekhyun found himself wondering if Chanyeol had a life out of this house.


There were times when baekhyun would randomly fall asleep on the couch while listening to chanyeol talk to him but find himself on his bed the next day. A grin would find it’s way to his face at the thought of a very tall chanyeol carrying him to his bed. There were days where chanyeol would stay over. 


It went from sleeping on the couch to sharing a bed with baekhyun while linking his fingers between baekhyun’s. 


Baekhyun doesn't want to ever let go.



It was on his ninetieth birthday where baekhyun noticed how lonely he really was. He hugged his knees and placed his cheek on his folded arm, for some reason baekhyun felt less lonely this birthday it might have been because of chanyeol hanging around him too much. Even when he wasn’t there, his voice seemed to echo around the big mansion. baekhyun found comfort in that.


He must have been really sleepy and already in dreamland because baekhyun saw nineteen candles lit up before his eyes.


“Happy Birthday, Baekhyunnie!” 


Baekhyun couldn't control his tears, those unshed tears that he thought he never really had, oh how lonely he had been.


Chanyeol gently wiped them away as he hugged baekhyun. 


This was one of days chanyeol slept over.


This day baekhyun slept with a smile that never left his face.


Baekhyun did find the small box the next morning.


“oh baekhyunnie you’re awake” exclaimed chanyeol.


baekhyun smiled as he looked over at chanyeol. He was already dressed up as if he was leaving, baekhyun frowned. 


Chanyeol must have noticed because he immediately spoke “oh don't worry baek I’m not leaving you alone”


baekhyun smiled.


“you are coming with me”, said chanyeol with a very huge grin.


 Baekhyun frowned again, that was the first time chanyeol suggested leaving the mansion.


After a lot of convincing from chanyeol’s side, baekhyun finally agreed to go with him.


They only went to the park. Baekhyun didn't know having picnic could be so fun until he noticed that what they where gazing at in the sky was no longer the sun but the stars.


From then on wards it was baekhyun who suggested going to the park.



His next birthday was also not missed. Baekhyun found a smily chanyeol holding a cake that had twenty lit candles. Baekhyun couldn't help the tears that fell in torrents from his eyes. Chanyeol didn't hold baekhyun’s hand this time instead he pulled him in a hug that neither of them wanted to let go from even as they slept.


That day baekhyun felt his heart beat for the first time.

He liked that feeling.


Baekhyun had also learned about chanyeol weird likings. How he preferred sleeping on the soft pink rug next to the fireplace rather than the bed and how he’d refuse wearing any socks or slippers in the house.


Baekhyun started doing the same, he felt like a child again.





It was on his twenty-first birthday that baekhyun let tears of sadness out of his eyes again after a very very long time. It was then that he realized that he was abandoned when he was five.


His parents died and a letter was sent to baekhyun’s mansion stating that even if he was a disowned son, he was the only one with the right of inheriting all their wealth.


Baekhyun was held tightly by chanyeol that night and he found comfort easily under the taller’s touch.


He shared his first kiss with chanyeol that night. Moreover he was surprised that he initiated the kiss as much as chanyeol was.


Baekhyun then found himself liking the kisses he shared with chanyeol more than anything else.




On Baekhyun twenty-fifth’s birthday, was the day he shared his first time with chanyeol. The pleasure and happiness that overcomed him that night was amazing and baekhyun was sure he’d never let go of chanyeol ever, because finally he felt like he belonged. It wasn't chanyeol as a person or the mansion as a place, but the feeling itself of being with chanyeol made him feel so secure and happy.


Chanyeol is the reason baekhyun is alive.


On baekhyun’s twenty-sixth birthday chanyeol had come down with a fever. He stayed in bed for almost two days and it made baekhyun worried.


“Baekhyunie I’m sorry I had to be sick on your birthday” chanyeol let out as he breathed heavily. Baekhyun frowned as he scribbled down something on his notebook.


‘You idiot! You don't apologize for being sick!’

Then he scribbled some more.

‘Just focus on getting better yeol, I love you’


Chanyeol gave him one long assuring kiss.




On baekhyun’s twenty-eighth birthday, It was already  their seventh anniversary as a couple.

Chanyeol took baekhyun out to a nice dinner, then to the park they spent years under it’s sky stargazing.


Baekhyun cuddled to chanyeol chest as he let his scent take over him. Baekhyun slept again with a smile that night and chanyeol had to carry him to the mansion.



Days where spent together as Chanyeol was now living with baekhyun. They slept at night tangled in each others arms and woke up in the morning with their face inches apart.


They never ate lunch nor dinner if the other wasn't around. It was as if one was incomplete without the other, and this rarely happened for they where practically stuck to each other. Their days were only filled with warmth, smiles, subtle kisses, and love making.


Baekhyun found himself forgetting how lonely he used to be, those days were long gone. He no longer stayed up late waiting for someone to care, he closed his eyes knowing that chanyeol was there.  And that was enough for baekhyun.



On Baekhyun’s thirtieth birthday, he sat quietly on the coach waiting for chanyeol to came home. He waited for his stupid smily face as he held a cake with already lit candles on top. He waited for chanyeol’s figure that would come in trying hard to not stumble and fall.


Baekhyun waited and waited.


He finally gave up to the dark abyss of sleep.


Baekhyun was blinded with sunlight as soon as he woke up. It took him seconds to realize that he was sleeping in the living room. Why hadn’t chanyeol carried him to their room as usual?


Why didn't he find a small green box next to him was beyond him?


The day was spent with the stillness of the house that missed chanyeol’s laughter. Baekhyun didn't like it one bit.


He woke up again the next morning with the muffled cries of someone in their kitchen. Baekhyun didn't bother going to the bathroom first as he made his way to the kitchen. He found his maid, park jaehee, sobbing on the ground as she clutched on a piece of paper.


“y-young master, I’m sorry” She was so out of breath yet she still managed this sentence. Baekyun didn't need hear more nor read what was written. His legs gave up and he collapsed to the ground. His tears seemed ready as if they were expecting themselves to be unleashed so soon.


chanyeol is gone.


His Chanyeol is gone.

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Seoulqueenka #1