
Hidden Princess (hiatus)
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Krystal decided to drive her car to school today, not caring what people thought of her anymore. It was too late to try and stay unnoticed, she just needed to be careful of her real identity. But she did a good job hiding it for 18 years already, she didn’t have anything to worry about.


She promptly parked her Porsche in the empty parking lot and was greeted by Kai and some girl who parked his car next to hers when there was still parking space everywhere else. She walked out of her car noticing his hands entangled with the girl next to him.. "He's still a playboy after all" She thought. She expected he'd change after acting like that to her but she knew she was just kidding herself, he was just playing. She brushed it off.

Before Krystal could walk away Kai smiled at her sweetly and waved frantically like an idiot. 

"Good morning princess" he greeted, making the girl next to him scrunch her face in annoyance

"I'm not your princess" Krystal snapped back

"Are you jealous?" he smirked

Krystal confidently walked up to Kai and kissed his cheek, before staring at the other girl beside him

"Should I be?" She asked

The girl besides him stormed off. Kai was frozen, shocked at Krystal's sudden brave actions.

"Don't fall for me now, mr. playboy" She smirked.

Krystal beat him to his own game. 


Kai only brought a girl along with him to see if Krystal would react, or show jealousy, to confirm any hint of her return of feelings for him. He was confused about the kiss and wasn't sure what she thought of him, or what it all meant. She was a puzzle that he couldn't solve.


Kai's playboy reputation started when his first girlfriend, or now as you call it, ex girlfriend, left him for someone she met shortly. He felt abandoned and betrayed and didn’t think he was good enough. Since then he's been dating girls randomly to get his mind off her, all just being a casual fling. Everything was a façade to hide the hurt he's been through.

After meeting Krystal he changed his ways, not knowing why. He was more interested in teasing the used-to-be nerd than he was with dating random girls, since time seemed to move faster.

He always masked his insecurity for commitment with cockiness and overconfidence, and the self esteem he lost from his ex was boosted from being wanted by so many, it kept him sane from the pain of being abandoned.

It was only until Krystal came, repetitively putting him down, making him hurt did he realise that it was all useless, that he was only lying to himself.

Through acknowledging this he healed slowly, and finally moved on. It was Krystal's bluntness and coldness that achieved that.

He started to waver once again unknowingly, and developed an innocent crush for Krystal because she was the first to make him feel different. She was realistic and wasn't full of lies. He trusted her words.

But Kai was always blinded and stupid when it came to love. He always fell too hard.



Krystal took a seat beside Sehun again for class, since they were now official seat buddies. He smiled at her which was an unusual thing, but she didn't take much importance on it.

It was still early so there weren't many people in class, and the teacher wouldn't come for another half an hour so Sehun wanted to take the initiative to hint Krystal on their past.

"Soojung-ah" He whispered quietly

Krystal was a little bit shocked that he initiated the conversation, but smiled back and replied

"Ne, Sehun?"

"I was wondering what your family does" He asked straightforwardly

Krystal was a little taken aback, and couldn't reply for a few seconds, but she made up a quick lie. 

"Uhm, they run a small business, like most parents do around here"

"Do they go to a lot of business parties? Our parents might know eachother" He continued

Krystal was in shock that he continued asked her personal questions since he never really talked much. It was so random.

"Well, they do go to some here and there, but probably small scale since we're not that rich" she made up.

'Lies', Sehun thought

"Ah, really? I met a lot of kids at business parties. They were fun.. Did your parents ever take you to any?" he continued, already knowing the answers to his questions.

'Why does he keep talking about business parties…'

"I've been to a few too, I don't think I've made friends though" She replied after a bit of thinking. 

"Ah, I see…"

Krystal had a puzzled look on her face which made Sehun feel insecure

"Do you really not remember?" He asked with a bit more aggression, he's been quietly hinting her a lot for a while now but she just seems to not get it, pabo.

"Remember what?" She looked at him confusingly

"Look at me properly" He abruptly demanded

Krystal looked at him for a few seconds too long until it became awkward

"You're kinda handsome? I guess?" She said, flustered

Sehun smiled at her cute reply but face palmed himself on the inside

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Editing my draft now! Will update tonight ^^


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izla122 #1
Chapter 25: Pls let it be a Sestal story. Because there's a lot of connection that it can be a Sestal story. Please be a Sestal story authornim. Update soon too authornim.
Luhanexodeer #2
Update pls
Emi_changiraffe #3
Chapter 25: I love this story too much !!! Both sestal and kaistal are so cute please take your time I will always wait to read your stories .
Chapter 25: it's okay authornim:) take your time..
btw your story is really good^^
Chapter 14: Omg SeulKai (Seulgi and Kai) should happen if this story's gonna be Sestal. And. . .seriously why is there a lot of Kaistal moments? For a love triangle, Sehun has less moments with her apart from blackmailing her. I really want this to be Sestal!
Chapter 10: Sestal sestal sestal
Chapter 9: Chanyeol u bias wrecker XD you're just too funny
Chapter 8: Woooh u go girl, Soojung u freakin rock!! Lol I'm so sorry if I keep commenting nonsense sh*t that no one cares about XD
Chapter 7: Fudge, Chanyeol just tooo cuuutee!! My heart! This chapter was hilarious, couldn't stop silently laughing to myself
Chapter 4: Omg Chanyeol's just too cute and funny XD