
Little Joohyun
“Joohyun,” he sighs for the 3rd time. “Stop it.”

Kyungsoo’s daughter, Joohyun smiles at him. Showing off her own pretty heart lips and putting on her eyesmile like she’s teasing her father. Again. She throws another item on the floor. This time, it’s her milk bottle.

There goes Kyungsoo, picking it up in the middle of the counter, where it rolled. He looks at the table where his daughter is comfortably sitting on the couch while staring at the window, looking at passers-by. Some would coo her from the window. Some would blatantly stare at her. Most of the time, she’s mentally judging strangers by silently staring and making a frown (Kyungsoo thinks that she got it from her Uncle Sehun)

He sat beside her, patting her little head. Joohyun giggles and it’s Kyungsoo’s favorite sound. Kyungsoo loves her laugh. She flaps her feet like a penguin, as she grins widely to her daddy who is now picking up his book, exactly where he left off. Little Joohyun, however, saw another victim to throw.

This time, it’s her baby wipes.

Kyungsoo wants to pull off his hair already. He took a deep breath and groans. She got too much of his ‘satan’ genes that when he got up, she smiled innocently again and continued her drink as if no one saw her.

“Do Joohyun, that is the last time I’m picking your stuff.” He said to the little girl, whose eyes grew bigger (like his)

Before he can reach it, a hand gave it to him. Looking up, he saw a young man, maybe younger than his age but a lot taller. Kyungsoo was caught off guard as he stands up, picking up his daughter to his arms.

“I’m sorry.” He apologizes. His daughter is now squirming to get out of his hold. “My daughter just likes to throw stuff around.”
The man laughs quite like a child too as he pats Joohyun’s head who is now busy squirming out of his father’s arms.

“Nah, it’s fine. No big injury.” Running his fingers through his hair, he smiled at Kyungsoo whose butterflies are rummaging now on his stomach. Jesus, Kyungsoo, this is not the time to rage your gay hormones. 

“Let me at least treat you a cup of coffee?” Kyungsoo offered.

“How about I treat you?” 

“Dada!” A high pitched voice entered the conversation. Joohyun is now pointing to the man now. “Dada Dada Dada!”

Kyungsoo’s cheek blushes because apparently, his daughter is calling a stranger “dada”

“Let me treat you a cup of coffee already.” The man said, persistent as he extends an arm. “I’m Jongin.”

“K-Kyungsoo.” He replies, shaking their hands together. “That’s Joohyun, my daughter. I’m sorry. She called you ‘dada’ a lot.”

Jongin gave him a warm smile as he lightly pinches Joonhyun’s rosy cheeks. Another giggle erupted from the little one. “May I?” He said as he opens his arms for Joohyun which the latter excitedly jumps in. 

“How will I know that you’re not here to kidnap my daughter?”

“Here’s my id, my cellphone and my keys.” Jongin said casually as he hands the said items. He carries Joohyun and his daughter automatically wraps her arms around Jongin. “And we’re just going to order. Isn’t that right, Joohyunnie?”

Kyungsoo keeps on looking at Jongin and Joohyun at the counter. He can’t concentrate on his notes (and to think that exams are tomorrow) and the fact that her daughter is clinging so much with a stranger. A stranger, who in Kyungsoo’s opinion, is too hot for his own good.

“Here you go,” Jongin breaking Kyungsoo’s daydream with a cold cup of iced latte, while he got himself a choco mint drink. Joohyun is busy munching her chocolate chip cookie.

Jongin notices Kyungsoo’s books and few notes scattered on the table. He notices how the man was scrunching up his nose as he reads. He didn’t ask personal questions because he seems too busy to entertain them. 

But Kyungsoo is nice. He entertained some questions, some he left hanging. Until the time comes that he has to go home because his daughter is asleep on Jongin’s arms.

He noticed how Jongin’s arms wrapped around Joohyun, rocking her slightly. Kyungsoo has never seen Joohyun flop that easily to a stranger—much less to his uncles at home. Kyungsoo smiles as soon as he placed his books back to his bag. He reached for Joohyun but Jongin shook his head. Kyungsoo was about to argue again but the younger spats a “I’ll give you guys a lift.”

“You have to do that?” He asks Jongin who is now standing up from his seat and leads Kyungsoo to the exit.

“Why not?”

“You don’t know me. I can kill you, you know?”

Jongin laughs but the kid on his arms started to move so he coos her back to sleep again. “I don’t mind being killed by you, Kyungsoo.”

“You trust me so much. You just met me.” He retorts, rolling his eyes.

“Maybe, I can see it through you.” He replies softly.

Kyungsoo thinks Jongin is a little cheesy with a not so subtle way of showing it.

He noticed how Jongin almost tripped his way down the car just to fetch Joohyun’s bag along with Kyungsoo’s. The latter rolled his eyes, hiding a playful smile. It’s sweet but Kyungsoo’s not a fan of love at first sight since that ship sailed two years ago with Joohyun’s mother.

“I appreciate the effort, Jongin.” Kyungsoo says while he struggles with his keys and keeping Joohyun asleep. “Thank you for the coffee and the drive home.”

Jongin wordlessly took Joohyun out of Kyungsoo’s arms, softly whispering a “go open the gate”

Looks like this is going to be a long night after all.

Kyungsoo just opened the door when he was greeted with a very loud “There’s the little---Oh. My. Goodness.” By Baekhyun. 

“Oh, god. Uh, Jongin, this is Baekhyun” Kyungsoo says, rolling his eyes at Baekhyun who is obviously observing the man who is carrying his daughter. “Jongin, our room is upstairs. First door on the left, you can put her down.”

The latter nods and finds his way upstairs. “Bye, Jonginnie!” His roommate waved goodbye; then his eyes darted back to Kyungsoo.


“Last thing I remember was you told me that you’re gonna study at the coffee shop with your daughter. Not bring home a baby daddy.” Baekhyun started to talk and God knows no one can stop him. “What if he’s a ? Or a thief? Seriously, Do Kyungsoo! Should I teach you manners of ‘not to talk to strangers’?”

“Okay, face, listen.” He said to the latter, pulling him by the ear. “First, he’s not my baby daddy. Second, Joohyun throws her stuff around the damned café and the man got hit. What do you want me to do, then?”

Baekhyun was about to answer back but Jongin’s already going downstairs, smiling to the both of them.

“I guess, I’ll head out now.” Looking at Kyungsoo, he gave a small smile.

“Where do you live, Jongin-sshi?” Kyungsoo didn’t like Baekhyun’s tone over the question he just threw. 

“I’m far away from here. I’m looking for a place to stay here in Seoul. Do you guys have any---“

“Perfect! You can sleep in Sehun’s room!”

“I-is it available? I don’t mean to—“

“Oh, don’t be silly! This is my offer since you helped our dear Soo back home!”

Kyungsoo asked God why did he even considers Baekhyun as his best friend.




Kyungsoo woke up to the smell of breakfast downstairs and his daughter sleeping soundly by his side.

It’s been 3 weeks since Jongin started to live with them and he can say the man has been showing excellent skills in cooking.

“He saves me from hunger, Soo.” Baek said, once Jongin left. “Sooner, your deprivation will be saved too”

Kyungsoo almost threw the cup of coffee to his direction.

The next morning, Joohyun carries her penguin stuff toy as her Uncle Baekhyun puts her down the high chair.

“Dada!” She exclaims all excited and giggly when she sees Jongin just in front of her, munching his food. 

“Hey sweetie.” Jongin replies back, smiling back at her. 

“This is nice. My daughter doesn’t even greet me anymore.” Kyungsoo backfires, angrily chomping his own meal.
As if Joohyun can understand, she turns her attention to her daddy and gave him a beaming smile. “I love daddy!” 

Kyungsoo’s eyes widen even more. Baek almost threw up his coffee and Jongin, oh Jongin was the only one who winked at Joohyun for such improvement.

“Where…did….you…learn…that?” Kyungsoo asks her daughter, caressing her cheeks. She coos at her daddy’s action. “Dada!” she said again.

Jongin stifles a laugh; Kyungsoo prefers to keep the butterflies within so he glares at him instead earning a “what?” from the younger.

“Did you taught Joohyun that phrase?” 

Jongin chugged the remains of his orange juice but before he finished it, 

“Dada loves daddy!” Joohyun innocently exclaims.

Baekhyun almost chokes to the pancake he just ate.


Kyungsoo tries to ignore what he heard during breakfast but it happened again during dinner.

Sehun’s home already and Joohyun is excited to play with her favorite uncle. Her toys are scattered everywhere (as always) so his daddy picks them up one by one until his head bumped on something..

Or someone. 

“Hyung!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus, have some decency! Don’t give Jongin head when your daughter is here!” Sehun said, covering Joohyun’s eyes. “Take it all the way upstairs!”

He bumped his head on Jongin’s crotch.

Jongin stepped on one of Joohyun’s scattered lego that he tripped his head back and groans.

“You guys, I brought a mo---DO KYUNGSOO! Not in front of the kid!” Baekhyun shouted as he runs to Joohyun whose eyes are still covered by Sehun. “Take it to the room!”


All Kyungsoo wanted was for the floor to swallow him but then he remembers his daughter will lose her father at an early age and leaving her with her two dumb uncles is probably not a good idea.

“I-uhm-sorry for the scenario earlier.” Jongin apologizes first, his fingers intertwined together. He found Kyungsoo in the kitchen, fixing dinner. There’s always this urge to just pull Kyungsoo and just simply wrap his arms around the older who is busy with their dinner. “That was uh, awkward.”

Kyungsoo wanted to say something cool like “Oh, it’s okay! It’s not every day I get that close to someone’s crotch! No big deal!” but he decided to just shrug the thing off (and his almost prominent ) with an “It’s okay, Jongin.” And a small smile. He offers Jongin a piece from his dish. He hopes that offering food is easy as offering his heart. (Too bad, it’s not.)

“How do you ignore someone you like?” Kyungsoo asked Baekhyun who is busy feeding Joohyun. The latter turns his attention to his friend then stared right into his eyes. He softens his expression a bit—he expects that Baekhyun will give a decent advice, after 3 years.

“You can’t.” Baekhyun said simply. “If you want to ignore Jongin, just confess.”

“I didn’t even said a name.” He sighs, drops his head on the table. Joohyun flinches in surprise. She turned to her dad and patted his head. Joohyun gave Kyungsoo her best smile which his father returned naturally. Placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

“It’s too obvious.” Baekhyun retorts, munching his own food. 

“Then don’t state the obvious.”

“Sometimes, you need state the obvious when your best friend is too blind to notice it.”

“I hope you choke on your food.” 

“Now, now. I wish to be choked with something bigger.”

Kyungsoo almost fell down his chair.

The ignoring began the following day.

Kyungsoo tries his best to ignore the sheepish grin, the caramel jawline and the child-like laugh around their house. He tries to be away from it—from the presence of Jongin himself. But Jongin’s Lord Voldemort; the more you don’t speak of his name—the more he appears.

He is still waiting for that floor to swallow him up.




Baekhyun and Sehun was nowhere to be found and Joohyun is bored.


Her evil mind at a young age proved that she really is her father’s daughter.

But at a young age, she can see how much her daddy stares at Jongin and how much he wanted to confess his feelings.

So she’ll do it the way she started it.

By being cute.




“Dada, game. Play game”


“Okay, Joohyun. We’re gonna play hide and seek!” Jongin ‘instructs’ the two year old as he leads her to the living room upstairs. “Dada will look for you and you hide, okay?” The little girl nods and innocently claps her hands. 

“One.” Jongin turns around to the wall and closed his eyes. “Two.” 

Joohyun looks around and paved her way to their room, where his daddy is.


She’s stops at the doorstep, looks intently at his father who is busy folding their clothes while humming his favorite song. Joohyun peeks at Jongin who is still counting ‘til ten. She smiles to herself almost giggling that caught her daddy’s attention.

“Hey, baby girl.” Kyungsoo greeted, smiling lovingly to his princess. Joohyun smiles back with the same heart-lips. “What are you doing?”

The girl is two years old but Kyungsoo can clearly see her roll her eyes as if saying “Obviously, I’m hiding daddy” 

“Joohyunnie,” Jongin shouts. “Where are you baby?” 

“Ah. So you’re hiding from Jongin?” Joohyun nods. 

“You guys have fun.” Kyungsoo said, carrying his pile of clothes and walked inside their closet.

Joohyun slowly walked out when—


High pitched giggles fill the room as Jongin carries her over his shoulders. “Thought I couldn’t find you, huh?” As he tickles her sides and her laugh roars even more.

She punches Jongin’s shoulders with her little fist, a sign that says “put me down already, dada”

Joohyun grabbed her dada’s hand and lead him back in to their room. She smiles, putting on her charm again. She made him seat on the bed and says a “again dada!” so the man, counted again.

She knows that their lock is faulty because she got stuck there before but today, two will be stuck and it will be because of her (and her Uncle Baekhyun and Sehun)

She ‘innocently steps out and pulled the door, locking it from the outside by pulling a thread that Uncle Baekhyun made for her.
“ready or not, here I—“

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I was playing with Joohyun.”

“Why is the door closed?”


“it’s closed.”

“So open it”

“You can’t. It’s locked outside.”

Kyungsoo sighs and just sat on the floor, cleaning up the last pile of clothes. His daughter needs to stay away from baekhyun and all his dirty tactics.

“Why are you ignoring me?” Jongin asks, facing him. “Seriously snobbing and pretending I don’t exist.”

“I am not—“ Jongin moves closely, their faces inches from each other. Kyungsoo backed away subtly, swallowing a big chunk of nervousness. “--ignoring you.” 

“Then why can’t you look at me in the eye and tell me you are not ignoring me?”

Kyungsoo looks up. When he does, Jongin leans his lips to the latter’s. No tongue, no lust but just pure intention of actually confessing how much he likes the older one so much. The latter didn’t flinch or pushed him away, but he closed his eyes, placing his hand on both sides of the younger’s neck to keep the kiss longer. 

“Stop smiling. I’m trying to kiss you longer”

“We can do this every day, every minute of the day, you know?” Jongin says, pushing a little force on their lips.

“You’re such a dork. Just shut up and kiss me.”




“What do you think happened to Jongin and Kyungsoo?” Baek asks, carrying a bag of groceries while Sehun opens the door for him. “I hope there’s no blood shed. Cleaning this house is hard as it is.”

“Er hyung, why don’t you ask her daughter?” 

“Why would I do that? She’s a kid, you . She doesn’t know anything about—Oh my god. Do Joohyun.”

Joohyun is smiling at her uncles while twirling the familiar yellow yarn hanged on their door. Sehun claps like a seal as he picks up her niece.

“Very good, Joohyunnie.” Sehun congratulates her as he kissed tiny temple. “You really are your father’s spawn.”

Baekhyun almost chokes on his own saliva.

-the end-

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Chapter 1: so cuteeeeee ~ i need more of this so i can drown myself in feels ~
Hyomi_ah #2
Chapter 1: ahahha I can totally imagine Sehun's proud face!

this is so great omg < 3
arterysoo #4
Chapter 1: DO JOOHYUN IS DA REAL MVP HERE HAHAHAHAHAH dada jongin though this is so cute ate aiahhhh ;;;; (janine)
Chapter 1: cute ~ and joohyunnie is so evil ahaah it would be great reading about them after they had discovered their feelings