SMG: The Beautiful Sacrifice


SMG: The Beautiful Sacrifice

written by creamcoloured- and fluffyclouds-
with the help of snowcandyy29


She was a beautiful lady. Appearance or Personality. Her soul was pure, yet she was easily tainted by men. She would've survived. She could've survived. If she hadn't protected her dearest friend. She would've lived happily after with her prince charming. But... she didn't. She regarded herself as a sacrifice, a beautiful one to aid her friend to becoming stronger than before. She was selfless, and yet she was already gone. So, let's talk about her story. Shall we?

Major Characters

----- (---)
-Born in South Korea.

---- (---)
-Born in South Korea


Minor Characters

To be revealed

 Please don't hesitate to ask questions. Comments are much appreciated and I will reply to all of them with all my heart.  Also, new characters will be added everytime the story progresses. When the story has reached the point where I can continue on, the main characters will be revealed. 



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Taelin #1
this is really interesting , i hope that you got good marks , hwaitiing