IV. Her Touch


(Song : "Crazy In Love (remix)" - Sofia Karlberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl8fV1jUQPs)




I watched her fall asleep last night and I am watching her sleep now. It hurts me so much when I saw Wendy's tears yesterday.



I know she was going to get hurt, I know what that damn program would do to us, I know what Wendy is going through because I have gone through myself. People like me, and her, often mix up what the reality is and what we want it to be. I could still recall the day when I found out the inconvenient truth, when my world collapsed on me. 



And I wanted Wendy to be prepared for that too.



I can’t lie about the fact that I deliberately made myself her neighbor. But, I didn’t know she also got an A.I. until the day I officially moved in. I can’t say it ruined my “plan”. But, I would never want to see Wendy being hurt like this.




Her breaths are so close that they tickle. Still, I wrap my arms around her body, trying to offer her the warmth and comfort she needs. I look at her lips and I feel the same urge I felt last night - kissing her. In fact, I have been feeling it for a long time. 



Thinking that kissing somebody asleep is rude, I hold her hand instead. Those hands that write hundreds of letter, and that one I received ages ago.



I knew that letter could never be written by my ex since people I dated don’t have such high level of literacy and sensitivity. I tried to track down to the source with my little network and they said it was from a professional. 



The letter was originally meant to maintain our broken relationship, and, we did break up in the end. Then I got my hands on the A.I. program, given by a friend whom saw me getting all dreary and lonesome all day. I got addicted and got my heart broken for the second time. That’s when I become so determined to find out who Wendy Son really is and I become so determined to dig out the so-called truth. 



I have never planned to fall in love with her, and I thought it is some kind of psychological disease that makes me fall in love so easily. Still, something told me that Wendy and I aren't much different while I was doing my little research on her.




I know I am right the moment she read me like a book, the day I came across with a forgery. I know she knows me and I know she would love me too. It sounds undoubtedly creepy of me but I believe everything happens for a reason and everything happened to me - leads me to her. My faith only grows stronger after meeting her in person.



She is more fragile than she appears to be with her words. I expected her to be a melancholic, sentimental writer and she indeed is. Yet, I didn’t know her skin could be so fair and her eyes could be so deep. 



It seems that I would scare her from her peaceful sleep if my movements are not gentle enough. She deserves all the love in the world and I would be the one who gives them to her, without a single hesitation, without a single concealment, without a single reservation.



I would stay by her side, sharing all her happiness and sadness, if she wants me to.




“Good morning.” I softly tug a strand of hair for her, as she is opening her eyes under the warm sunlight showering down on us through her window.



“Hey,” She lifts a smile and places her hand on my cheek. “You are really here.”




“I mean what I said.” I look into her eyes and I find myself.



Without a word, she just closes in and hugs me. Her body is so small that I could feel her heartbeat from her thin back. I tenderly kiss the crown of her head. I would protect her from now on.








“I’m okay. Yes.” Wendy takes a glance at me while she is talking on the phone. “I just need a short break. Thanks, Joy.”



I wanted to say something but there is another ring from her phone not long after she hangs up. “Oh, Seulgi. I’m at home.” Her eyes keep darting around as she speaks. “No, no, you don’t need to. I am fine. Yes, don’t worry. Bye.”




Wendy sighs putting her phone away and looks at her toes as she resumes sitting on the bed after having the breakfast I made.



I stop a few steps away from her bed, “People care about you, Wendy.”




“I know.” She looks up abruptly and grins. “You.”



I smile and sit next to her “Won’t you ever know if it wasn’t last night?”




She slowly turns her body away from me but I can see that her cheeks are pink, “How long?”



“So long that I forgot.” 



“So you was going to wait?”



“I know you would see it one day. I don’t mind because I can’t force you, to love me.”




She suddenly lays down and starts staring at her ceiling, “When I cried and when I stopped crying, I finally comprehended things in the way they should be.”



I remain sitting just because I want to take a good look at her face, “What is it?”



There is a short silence fallen between us, and I don’t mind. It is good. Things got a little too fast. Even myself still can’t believe I kissed her last night and we spent a night in the same bed.




She is looking back at me when she speaks. I see tears are signs, not merely expressions. By crying, it could either bring pressure to bear upon someone, maybe whom I loved; or it could be about oneself: I make myself cry, in order to prove to myself that my grief isn’t an illusion, isn’t just in my head.” 



Her fingers find their way to mine so I lay down beside her. I cried because I want to remind myself that the love was true, and I stopped crying because you are true.” Her nose touches mine and she bores her eyes deep into me. And I know your love would be real. I don’t have to cry anymore.” So she cups my cheeks and our lips meet. 




Oh, how nice it would be if our days are spent like this until the end of time.








Wendy takes me to her sacred study room when it’s near noon. She proudly introduces her babies to me - her books. They look unbelievably new even when I know some of them are already out of print years ago. How much Wendy must be cherishing these books.



While I am still checking out her mini-collection, she picks up the earpiece and throws me a look.




“Do you want to try?” I choose my words carefully. 



“I just want to ask her something.” She nods and plugs it in.



“She must have disconnected from the server.” I shrug and watch her from afar. “Maybe it’s her decision or maybe it’s just a server jam.”



Seeing there is no response, she somehow seems relieved, “Although it’s stupid of me, she owes me an explanation.”




“You know Yeri,” Wendy’s ears perk up hearing the name. “She’s a cousin of mine. And she has just moved to this city. She’s good at programming, I can ask her to help if you need to.”



“Thank you, Irene.” She smiles to me. “For everything.”



I hang my head and turn away, “Anyway, I am going back to my house first. I need to check something-” 



“Irene, do you know,” Her soft voice stops me from leaving. “I might have lost a battle but I have won a war. You make this house like home.”








Yeri is typing random numbers and codes into her computer, which is currently linked up with Wendy’s. At least they look random to me. 



She is so focused and none of us dare to make a sound. And Wendy, out of nowhere, manages to hold my hand while she is still figuring what the hell Yeri is doing. The young girl is super helpful for coming by immediately after receiving my call. Even though I have to promise her a nice meal for this flavor. 



“So, unnie,” The screen is now showing a list of names and Yeri points enthusiastically. “I have breached into the system. Here are the users whom have been connected to the same mode, which is namely, Ariel.”



Wendy is stunned reading the long lists of names and she looks unprecedentedly pale under the light from the computer screen.



I give her hand a gentle squeeze, “So what happened to Ariel?”




Yeri gives it a few more clicks and she frowns, “It seems she has disconnected herself from the system since yesterday, totally. No signs of her activities at all.”



“Nice job, Yerim-ah.” I prevent Yeri from reading the information by spinning her chair away, “I will call you later about the meal. Now give Wendy-unnie and me some time to deal with these, okay?”



The young girl stares at us curiously but eventually obediently gives in, “Alright. Bye, Wendy-unnie, Irene-unnie.”




Hearing the sound of her front door shutting tight, Wendy glues her eyes on the screen, sitting there and scanning every details listed. Feeling worried, I glue my eyes on her instead.




“Look, it’s me there.” She forces a chuckle from . “It even includes my likings and the quotes I mentioned. The photos she took when we…... ” I stay quiet and pat her shoulder, letting her know that I am still here.



And she continues going down the list, calmly. “There are quite a number of people other than me, whom are … thought they are having a special bonding with Ariel. And she is actually just a program, a voice, a hoax.”



“Wendy, I am here.” I just want her to know.



“I know, Irene, I know.” She turns to me and nips her bottom lip. “I just wish these people would understand before it’s too late. She’s customized to establish a relationship with us and I won’t miss her.”



I comb her hair with my fingers, “You’re stronger than I was. When I found that out, I flipped my and I went out of my mind. He said he loves me but actually he had said the same thing to dozens of people already.”




“Is there any difference?” Wendy takes my hand and brings it to her face again. “Between me and Ariel?”



“Of course, there is.” I trace my fingers to her chin, lifting it up to an angle where I can look straight into her quiet eyes. “People come to you for something they really mean to say to the ones they love. But she, is programmed, to be fond of everyone she’s connected to. She could not really feel but you can.”




“I look and stare so deep in your eyes,

I touch on you more and more every time.”




We stay there in silence once again but we know, we are feeling something that we have never felt before. For me, such as, her tender touch.








Here we are, again, in the same bed when everything is shrouded in darkness. The only difference is that it’s Irene bed, and we’re at her house.



I brought her to several places in the afternoon and we had dinner outside. It felt good. She said, “I don’t think there is something that I won’t love about you.” I chuckled and I enjoy her company and her every reaction, even when we aren’t doing anything special. We returned to our respective houses. Then, I somehow rang her doorbell again and let myself in before she could even react.



Perhaps I need her more than I could think of. But it’s okay. She is always there.



“Hey, miss me already?” Jokingly, she slightly pushes my shoulder. 




I giggle as I circle my arms around her waist and bury my face at the crook of her neck, not wanting to let her go, “Yes, I am missing you even now.”



“You are exaggerating.” She laughs too, trying to get her neck away from my breathes maybe it is just too itchy. “Isn’t everything happening too fast?”




“Nothing is too fast.” I plant a kiss on her neck, making her cringe. I place my lips just hard enough on her skin, so I could feel her beating pulse. “It took me long enough to find you.” 



She just envelopes her lips around mine in return. I enjoy her tenderness, in her eyes, her voice, her hands, her mind, her heart and everything about her. 



I love her and there is not only a need for her tenderness, but also a need to be tender for her - we would shut ourselves in a mutual kindness from everything else, we would mother each other reciprocally. In love, we would return to the root of all relations, where need and desire would join. I need her and I desire her.




“The way that you know what I thought I knew,

It's the beat my heart skips when I'm with you.

But I still don't understand,

Just how your love can do what no one else can.”




“It took you long enough to find me.” And she encloses me with so much tenderness and warmth, and it is intoxicating and burning hot - even suffocating when her skin touches mine. “So don’t let me go.”



“I am not letting you go. Not tonight.” The only light I see is the glint in her eyes, it also scorns me but I can’t help throwing myself to her. “And not even a second.”




“Your love’s got me looking so crazy right now, 

Your touch’s got me looking so crazy right now.


Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now,

Looking so crazy in love, got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.”




I can’t even think straight and I forget how long it has been since I have been so intimate with someone in every way, someone whom I love so dearly. It’s not the time to go slow because only with her - her touches and her kisses - I could finally feel safe, eased, free and everything I have been longing for.



“So love me.” 



It’s the last thing she says and there aren’t any chances for us to speak again for the night. But why would I need her voice while she is where my hands and my lips can feel?



So Irene, ask me anything that could put your body to sleep, but also don’t forget that I desire you - a little, lightly, without trying to seize anything right away. And I love you.






























So there goes my subtle hot -writing again lol 

I hope you guys would enjoy this chapter with all the Wenrene you need after MuBank TT


FYI I changed my username, in case you find that weird. 

And I think the next chapter will be the last.


See you around.


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Chapter 5: i feel like commenting in all of your stories but just to reiterate i enjoyed this despite the sad touch to it. thanks authornim:)
Chapter 5: this is a really good story. I like it very much. I learned many things from this story
Chapter 5: 💙💙💙
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 5: Like it
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 3: I've read this, no problem. I am pleased
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 2: Wait, I seem to have read this
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 1: This cool
Chapter 5: I've seen that movie before and It's great. I really admire your patience in writing your stories just to showcase us with a great quality fic.

Thank you so much for your hard work.
I hope you're doing well and don't worry to much
Chapter 5: I Love Ariel, the author Ariel XD