Chapter 1 and EXO's Powers

Superheroes ~ EXO AU

You probably know EXO's powers from the Mama MV, which this fic is based on. But if you don't (sinner! Kidding<3) here is a list of EXO's members and their powers.
Baekhyun = Light
Chanyeol = Flame
D.O = Earth
Kai= Teleportaion
Sehun = Wind
Lu Han =  Telekinesis (the ability to move objects with your mind)
Kris = Flight
Tao = Time
Xiumin = Ice
Chen = Lightning
Lay = Healing
Suho = Water
There they are! You can always return to this chapter lest you forget the powers. Also there will be a little bit of angst, fluff and maybe between the particular couples(Kaisoo, HunHan, TaoKris, Chenmin, Baekyeol.) Enjoy!xoxo


"I am going to end you, Jongin!" Chen grumbled, his fingers moving at a superhuman speed across the game controller, his eyes glued on the television screen. Jongin was in a similar position, but on the opposite side of the room. Both boys' eyes were glazed over with the desire of victory. Xiumin watched from the corner of the room, chuckling amusedly at his competetive boyfriend. Chen was the king of video games. Anyone who dared topple his throne would face his wrath. And Xiumin was pretty sure Jongin was millimeters away from being crushed under Chen's angry fist. 
Xiumin was right. A cheer erupted from Jongin's side of the room whereas Chen made an incoherent noise, slamming his controller onto the seat next to him. A smirk played across Jongin's face as he watched Chen's frustration unfold. However, the smirk quickly transformed into a frown of panic when Chen started to vent his anger on him. Lightning bolt after lightning bolt were aimed at the stunned champion; however Chen was so blind with anger his aim was pitiful. Jongin sighed, clicked his fingers, and disppeared in a plume of black smoke, his controller dropping to the floor with a clack. 
Again, Chen grunted out an indescernable string of curses, collapsing onto the couch. Xiumin chuckled fondly at his significant other and joined him on the plush fabric. To make the 'king of video games' feel marginally better about himself, all Xiumin had to do was pepper him with kisses all over his cheeks and jawline. Chen grunted, but the pleasure was apparent in his eyes, which shone like newly-cut crystals, and also had the delicate, beautiful quality that jewels also possessed. Each peck felt like an icy shard to Chen, but he didn't mind it at all. Besides, 2 times out of 3 the result of Xiumin's ice powers were positive outcomes. Chen sighed in pleasure and closed his precious, gemstone eyes as he allowed the familiar feeling of a frosty heat wash over him.
Meanwhile, Kyungsoo stood in the garden, facing Kris and Tao, both of whom were flushing with hot shame. The lawn looked wrecked; the flowers that had been lovingly planted by Kyungsoo were uprooted, and the dirt was thread-bare and lacked the lush grass it usually wore. It looked more like Kyungsoo had unleashed his power on the garden and not at all like a 'mature', teenage couple had decided to play tag on it.
"Look, I get that you guys just want to have fun, but you don't have to wreck the garden in the process!" Kyungsoo scolded, his expression suggesting that his innocent deer-like eyes may start spilling tears at any moment. As the most hardworking out of the 12 boys, Kyungsoo didn't want his endeavours to keep the manor looking half decent to go to waste. 
"We're sorry, Kyungsoo hyung." Tao responded, ashamed. Kris and Tao were masterminds when it came to getting out of a sticky situation. "We didn't intend to mess the garden up. Kris hyung was just flying around a bit, and I wound time back a couple of minutes..." Tao trailed off, dragging his foot across the ground in what seemed like an innocent manner. He even managed to get tears to well up in his sparkling eyes. Tao was the most emotional amongst the group and found it ridiculously easy to tear up. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, part exasperation, part forgiveness. He knew the tricks Tao could play, and all he could do was let it slide. 
"It's fine. Just let me fix the mess." Kyungsoo replied, a grin working itself across his cheeks. Truth be told, he enjoyed greatly the task of tending to the garden after Kris and Tao had made it look like it had been bombed. Bending down, he ran a gentle finger along the uprooted buds of some hyacinths and they sprung up again, regaining both their colour and livliness. Kyungsoo adored the way that flowers swayed in the wind, seeming to communicate their feelings to him. Due to his earth power, he felt the emotions of plants and trees on a spiritual level. The fact that he could crumble the ground under his heel as if it was cardboard was just an added bonus. 
It took mere seconds for Kyungsoo to fix up the garden, restoring the rich green grass and resurrecting the limp flowers from the dead. He stood up, wiped his palms on his jeans and flashed a grin at the two watching boys. He had a 'you don't need to thank me' expression in his eyes as he headed back inside. Once Kyugnsoo was out of earshot, Kris nudged Tao playfully and muttered, "You're on."
"Get these creeps away from me!" screeched Lu Han, tearing down the corridor. On his trail were a cackling Baekhyun and Chanyeol, or Baekyeol as the group had started to call them, just as a simpler name for the couple. Jets of blinding white light shot out from Baekhyun's oustretched palms, missing Lu Han by a hair's width. His arms already nursed several burns from where the glowing blaze had scalded him. This was a common pass time of Baekyeol's; pick a boy at random and chase him around the house trying to burn him and blind him. Usually they failed; their aim was atrocious. 
Chanyeol's favourite place to burn his friends was their hair; this particular group of boys were the most vain in a 100-mile radius. The walls of Tao's room seemed to be plastered in mirrors, and when there wasn't a reflective surface in the vicinity, he'd usually demand to see his features in the reflection of his friends' eyes. Since all 12 boys prided themselves on their hair, it was the place where Chanyeol would frequently aim his fire. 
Lu Han dodged a blazing inferno from Chanyeol's palms, thanking the skies above it didn't set his platinum blonde hair aflame. He was just about to yell another obscenity and order Baekyeol to stop their 'fun' game, but that seemed to have been taken care of when the playful shrieks of the two boys ceased. Curiously, Lu Han whirled round to see what had caused this turn of events. To his amusement and surprise, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were both sopping wet from head to toe, behind them standing a guffawing Suho. Lu Han grinned at Suho gratefully and joined him in mocking the soaking duo. But Suho's laughter immediately decreased when he spied the burn marks littering Lu Han's bare arms. He cupped his hand and called for his boyfriend, Lay. He then turned to Baekyeol and said sternly, "I get that you two were just playing around, but did you really have to burn his arms?"
"We figured out that you'd stop us as you always do..." Baekhyun replied instantaneously, a playful smirk flitting across his face.
"...and that you'd fetch Lay to heal the burns. As you always do." completed Chanyeol with a snicker. Exasperated, Suho rolled his eyes and turned around to call Lay once again. This time he appeared faster, taking one look at the scene and knowing exactly what to do. He headed over to Lu Han and trailed an index finger down a burn. Lu Han hissed in pain, but it was short-lived as the angry red mark disappeared within seconds. The ritual was repeated until both Lu Han's arms were restored to their previous form. Suho kissed Lay passionately in thanks, the former linking arms with the latter's. This show of love was interrupted when a booming voice sounded down the corridor.
"What happened to Lu Han?!"
All five boys turned around hastily to face a thundering Sehun. Lu Han grinned gratefully for the shield of protection provided by Sehun. The two boys were not yet an item, but the other 10 had noticed unintentional displays of affection between them, such as the brushing of long slender fingers or the locking of dark chocolate eyes. Baekhyun's eyes widened at the sight of their angered friend and signalled to his significant other. They then proceeded to bolt down the corridor at an alarming speed, Sehun hot on his heels. 
"You two would be good together, you know." Suho commented, leaning back on Lay's chest. 
"Shut up." Lu Han replied instantly, though there was no mistaking the rising blush that raced to his cheeks. 


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Chapter 3: Update soon! `(*^﹏^*)′
Chapter 3: Poor Taozi baby :'( keep up the good work!
owlheart256 #3
Chapter 2: And the plot begins! EXO's antics always make me laugh so please update soon and try to make the chapter longer!
Chapter 1: I have the feeling im going to love that story~
It has a teen titans feel to it! (I dont know if you know about teen titans but oh well~~ ^^")
Cant wait till the actual Story begins :D
owlheart256 #5
Chapter 1: Omg I love it so far! Super hilarious(lol why does HunHan turn out to be the difficult couple in most fanfics) and I can't wait for the actual plot to begin but take your time with it.