A place in my heart part 12

A Place in my heart

When you’re in the class of talented bunch of tweens, competition is inevitable: like when Mimi would have a singing battle with Minnie or Yesung propping his keyboard against Henry’s violin. This is pretty normal.. A friendly competition doesn’t hurt; it will help you get better. But if it’s another competition we’re dealing with.. It’s not as easy as pie.


Donghae sighs as she dips the brush on the pink paint and slowly dabs it on the canvass. She is not in the mood to paint right now but she has too.. A competition would not extend their deadline and wait for her to get inspired. She has to finish the work or else she won’t be able to face Changmin or Sooyoung ever again, but worst, she will break the promise of two Lee’s. It’s this promise that Donghae holds on to, and the kiss lingers on her lips; both their first intimate one and the sweetest public one. Yes she loved both kisses, as much as she loved the person who gave it to her. And there it was.. Inspiration.


“Ok.. It’s that time of the year again.. And the music department will have the annual Talent’s night that will showcase every scholar’s talents in both singing and dancing, and since 7 of you are majoring in music, you’ll be able to showcase them this coming Talent’s night.”


Yunho muttered at the 9 scholars gathered in the room.


“well, if you are wondering why only 7, Siwon and Kibum would be rehearsing for a local adaptation of Romeo and Juliet so they need to focus on rehearsals while Donghae needs to concentrate on her painting which will be entered in the Search for Korea’s Contemporary Art Scholar. 

Jaejoong added and Yoochun clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention since they are now busy talking and asking what the themes were for the talent’s night, and what ever bothered them.


“It’s pretty simple, the theme is ME.. Show us your best side, prove that U have what it takes to be the best in the chosen field you’re in.. It’s time to take off those mask and step on the spotlight, this is your moment.. Make it happen.”


Yoochun ended with a smile and Xiah saluted them.


“let this be your stepping stone to success, show us what you’ve got and dazzle our guests, renowned producers and directors will be coming and whoever impresses them will have hefty rewards.”


“all I can say is do your best.”


Changmin muttered, the five left and both Kibum and Siwon left as well since they have a rehearsal to do.


“Oh, I remember.. Hangeng oppa did appear on Zhang zi yin’s 2 music videos because a director was impressed with his dancing and acting. He is one amazing and talented guy.”


Mimi muttered and there was this air of jealousy in Kyuhyun’s face, he has to beat his senior, he can’t lose both girls..


“Bet they’ll be amazed with my voice!”


Kyuhyun muttered and Yesung sighed behind him, Kyuhyun turned to glare at him.


“I’m sorry Kyu, but we both know why I am Yesung.. It’s not a name I came up with by accident.. I have artistic voice and if there is someone who will get noticed, it’s gonna be me!”


Yesung was confident and Ryeowook clapped her hands, delighted with Yesung’s confidence.


“Singing is one thing hyung, but you’ll be blown away with my live stage.. “


Henry muttered and Ryeowook runs to him and gives him a hug.


“oh Henry, I’m sure it’ll be great.. Yesung oppa too..”


The two boys blushed as Ryeowook admires and complimented both, yet when their gazes met, electricity builds in between and it’s on, a competition.


“I’ll topple Taylor Swift with my performance!”


Minnie muttered and Mimi laughed, Minnie glared at her.


“With your height? You should be Miley Cyrus! I’m better as Taylor Swift.”


It’s so on Mimi, you think Minnie will take such insult?


“so I guess I’m Jonas Brothers then?”


Kyuhyun muttered and both Henry and Yesung agreed with him, nodding along and muttering uuuhuuummm


“So Eunhyuk, what will be your live stage?”


Ryeowook asked and Eunhyuk just smiled at her.


“oh I see.. well go on and do what you have to do and practice”


Ryeowook smiled and turned to Minnie and Mimi who were both having an argument on what song to do, what clothes to wear, who fits Taylor Swift, who will get to have a duet with Kyuhyun.


“Stop it.. Shouldn’t you two just be yourself, Kyuhyun likes girls who are not pretentious..”


Ryeowook happily muttered and both Minnie and Mimi shouted back at her.


“Who the hell are you to tell us what to do?”


Ryeowook cries, her feelings got hurt and seeing this, both Henry and Yesung rush to her side and determined to take revenge, screamed at the girls.


“how can you scream at her?”


“who are you two? Her boyfriends?”


Minnie and Mimi shouted back, it’s as if MinMi and Yenry exists as individuals and not separate beings when they screamed at each other.


“What if we are her boyfriends? Are you Kyu’s girlfriends?”


“really now? yes we are.. and don’t intrude useless boys!”


“how can we not intrude? You are hurting wookie?”


“that cry baby?”


Hearing this word struck Eunhyuk, he recalls why he changed to be Eunhyuk, and he doesn’t want to be the cry baby Hyukjae who can’t even protect the girl he loves.


“If you don’t stop right now, I’ll be forced to Kiss Ryeowook!”


Kyuhyun screamed as he holds onto Ryeowook’s hand, the poor girl trying to escape from the grip, but Kyuhyun held her tighter.


“I’m telling you.. stop it..”


Kyuhyun was firm and like defeated soldiers, the four retreated and both Henry and Yesung grabbed Ryeowook from Kyuhyun. If it’s competition, Both Henry and Yesung are used to competing with each other, but with Kyuhyun, their chances of getting Ryeowook as their girlfriend lessens.


“kuiaxian! How could you try to kiss wookie!”


“Yeah Kyu.. How could you?!”


“if you don’t stop blabbering and arguing I’m really going to make Ryeowook my girlfriend! I don’t want any more arguments. I want my girlfriend to be well mannered and lady like. I don’t want someone who acts like an uneducated person screaming at everyone else that disagrees with her. I want that person to be who she really is and not pretend to be someone else just to please me.”


End of conversation. Kyuhyun has his point across and walks out of the room. Both Minnie and Mimi stared at each other and extended a hand.


“I guess we went a little overboard.”


Minnie muttered and much to her surprise, Mimi pulled her into a hug.


“I’m sorry Minnie.. I’m so sorry.”


And both ended up crying while the two boys try their best to stop the crying Wookie. Eunhyuk sighs and he went off to practice his dance routine.




Time flies by so fast and before they know it, it’s the talents Night already. They were nervous and tensed and Ryeowook thought she’ll even faint as the auditorium fills up with guests and family and friends and that good looking director who just received his first award at the age of 25.


“Calm down wookie, no one can beat your piano skills!”


Henry held her hand and kisses them, she smiled at the Canadian.


“Thanks Henry.. Do your best with your Violin!”


She felt warm arms wrap around her waist and a kiss on her forehead.


“your voice is superb and perfect.”


Yesung muttered behind her and she smiled even wider.


“thank you Yesung oppa.. Yours is amazing as well”


And although Ryeowook had the lowest self confidence next to Donghae, with her princes beside her, she’ll always be the brightest star in this universe, at least that’s how she feels.


“Mimi.. I don’t think I can.. I mean..”


Minnie was pacing to and fro and this made Mimi so dizzy she has to stop looking at Minnie.


“Stop it Minnie! It’ll be ok..”


Just then Kyuhyun entered the room and gave each girl a red rose and smiled at them.


“How’s my M&M’s? I’m cheering for you both ok?”


The two girls hugged him tightly and he smiled so sweetly, this is why he can’t choose one over the other.. both are perfect in their own little way.


“Eunhyuk oppa!”


Eunhyuk turns to see the familiar face with the familiar smile and innocent eyes. Donghae runs to him and gave him an unexpected hug.


“good luck tonight!”


Hae muttered and Eunhyuk shyly smiled at her.


“thank you..”


“I’m really excited to see you dance so well.. “


“I hope I won’t disappoint you…”


Donghae smiled at him and held his hand.


“We promised each other.. We’ll always do our best no matter what.. Lee Eunhyuk.. You do remember that?”


Eunhyuk’s smile grew bigger, revealing his gums and Donghae, upon seeing the gummy smile, smiled wider as well.


“A promise is a promise Lee Donghae!”




And so the curtains go up and the program started, the music department has a lot of talented students and as each performed with their own forte, cheers and applauses welcomed them. Pressure seemed to escalate as they wait for their turn, and as Kim Ryeowook was called to perform, Both Henry and Yesung kissed her on the cheek for luck. Ryeowook nervously stepped onto the stage and bowed before sitting in front of the majestic Piano. She took a deep breath and placed her hands on the keys. She then smiled before pressing the keys and started singing. She chose a Japanese song for tonight: and just as Henry and Yesung had predicted, she is an amazing singer and pianist. The audiences were moved to tears as she played Mikazuki and one particular guest had a special project in mind for this young talented girl.


Next, Kyuhyun was called and he took a deep breath and held the mic tightly. He didn’t smile and his M&M’s held their hands together as they were really nervous for the snarky Kyuhyun. The music played and he started to sing 7 years of love. And just like Ryeowook, Kyuhyun had a splendid performance and a particular music producer had been searching such voice for an OST he’d been writing for the past month. And at the end of the flawless performance, Kyuhyun flashed his killer smile and a couple dozen of girls almost fainted.


Yesung took the stage next and he was slated to perform Resignation, a powerful ballad that requires an artistic voice filled with emotions. Girls screamed as the spotlight shone on him, he smiled and the screams get louder. He started to sing and everyone listened to the artistic voice, he was deserving of the name given to him. who would not recognize such talent? And as he took a bow, one particular guest in the far side of the auditorium had made up his mind about the said scholar, he has something good to offer.


Minnie took the stage next and she used her keyboard, why not her guitar? Well she made an agreement with Mimi that she won’t be Taylor Swift and she’ll just be herself for tonight’s performance. True in that sense, Minnie shone by being herself. She sang part of the ballad Baby Baby before dancing really seductively to Falling Out. Kyuhyun was really proud of her, because he saw that Minnie was performing on stage, just as  herself and not some pretentious girl who wanted to get his attention. And Kyuhyun was not the only person impressed with her, a director from a respected theater group had already written her name to be one of the cast of an upcoming musical


Henry finally took his violin and went up to the stage. The lights were dimmed and when the spotlight went on, he was standing at the middle of the stage, back facing the audience and his face amazing. Then the music started and he played Storm rock version and he even danced along. They were all amazed but it wasn’t the end of his live stage for he showed everyone that he can definitely sing as well. He sat by the edge of the stage and strummed his violin similar to a ukulele and starts singing Jason Mraz’ I’m Yours. Impressed by his good looks and talent, a member of the Berkley College of Music board of directors wanted to give him a summer program as their exchange student.


Last to take the stage was Mimi. The stage was dark but a voice captivated the whole stadium. She sang the first stanza in acapella and her voice was just amazingly splendid. And as the lights went on to reveal the Chinese doll singing the famous Whitney Houston original I will always love you, smiles formed in the faces of everyone inside the auditorium. It was in fact a timeless piece but Mimi had made her version and owned it; she gave the song a fresh and exciting feel. A knowing Chinese guest was nodding her head as she smiles hearing such voice amidst the Koreans, Mimi is a true Jade.


And with all of them finished, Eunhyuk removed his earphones and stretches for a while. The 6 of them wishes him good luck and he just nodded before taking the stage. There were blinding lights and deafening screams but he can only see one person and hear only one voice: Donghae. My Beautiful. Eunhyuk wore something casual that night yet everyone can’t deny the fact that he looked damn stylish in those gray pants, with the right leg slightly cut higher than the left, a pair of silver sneakers, dark grey checkered polo shirt which was open revealing his white undershirt and a painter’s cap to match; Heechul has furnished him with the best clothes and she has some taste. The song started playing and Eunhyuk slowly moved his body in time with the beat. More girls screamed as he fluidly moves with the music: he was one with the song and each movement of his body matches that of the rhythm in the song. It was powerful and very fun to watch with, even renowned choreographer Nick Bass was impressed with the Dance Machine. Yes he owned the stage, but most importantly, he owned one particular heart: Donghae’s. and as he took his bow, there were applause and screams and everyone was up on their feet and cheering for him and chanting his name Eunhyuk.


And if you think that this will be the end and they’ll have the curtain call, you are most mistaken for although it’s the end of the performances for the 7 and the rest if the Music Department students, Heechul would not be left out in these kinds of presentation for she is the ultimate star and what she wants.. she will definitely get. And if you don’t believe me that she’s the ultimate star, she had bought a star and named it after herself. Search the star registry for the name Heenim, that’s Heechul shining above you. Enough said, the point is, Heechul will definitely have her part in this program and dressed in all black, Heechul stepped on stage as the music started playing. Lady Hee Hee once again brought the house down with her own rendition of telephone and guess what.. she even danced I my me mine and mister.


But what Heechul didn’t expect that night was Hangeng’s performance. As the last performance of the night and his graduation performance, he danced I wanna Love You. The dance was not a surprise, it’s Hangeng’s forte, what everyone didn’t expect was the girl dancing with him: Donghae. Yes the timid painter from Mokpo is dancing with Hangeng while wearing red tight fitting corset top and black leggings with matching stilettos.


And so they danced a choreography that looked so complicated it was utterly fascinating and beautiful. Two knowing eyes went red seeing them perform together and with Donghae running her hands down Hangeng’s legs, this made Eunhyuk really upset and wanted to kill the Chinese dancer now. With his instincts and natural talent for dance, he took the stage which surprised Donghae, although Hangeng was expecting it. Hangeng took a bow and left the stage. Eunhyuk walked towards Donghae and whispered.


“continue dancing just like you practiced, and follow my lead.”


Donghae nodded and on time with the music, they danced to it, Donghae was really surprised and amazed at how quickly Eunhyuk learned the dance, just by observing them dance for the first time and he got it perfectly. And they danced just like what Donghae had practiced with Hangeng. Hangeng took the stage again and had his little solo. The two then held a little showdown and even removed their shirts as they approach each other before Donghae walked in between them and stopped them from hitting each other, her hands placed on their bare chest, feeling their hearts beating fast.. and now she knew those hearts beat for her.


Finally it’s curtain call.

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i totally forgot this series.. Will update this in a couple of days^^


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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 20: Oh my god,the feels.
This story is beautiful.
hehe,I can't believe that I cried.Poor heechul.
I usually don't like it when they are girls.I just couldn't avoid reading this. Gosh ,I still can't believe I actually cried for few chapters.

Author-nim,thank you for writing this amazing fic.<3
Btw,though it is late,congrats on the feature.!!
congrats! c:
congrats :D
OhHellNo #4
Update author such a good story
milkytwilight_ #5
Congrats on the random feature!
Prom15e-to-13elieve #7
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh Heechul ~~ the ending was so good. I liked it that Heechul never really left, and now she's gotten a place in hangeng's heart, and she'll be there forever. Eunhae are sweet too ^^ Heechul's backstory is really, really touching ^^
fishy44 #8
Chapter 20: chulie i never hate you, i don´t know why, but i really like you, and when i read you history i know that, i really like this fic congratulations, poor chulie
Chapter 20: Uuuwwwaaahhh this fic never fails to make me cry.. T_T i really love this fic
Chie nuna!! Jeno here!! this is the one you've posted on LJ right?