I, Cho Kyuhyun, don't like EunHae

I, Cho Kyuhyun, don't like EunHae


A normal day in the dormitory is having Super Junior members come back quite tired from their schedules. Usually, they walk decively towards their respective rooms, and plop themselves on their bed, attempting to have a nice rest before eating together. Normally, there is a great silence, the perfect mood to let their eyes close slowly and let their minds be dragged into dreams. But this, all the older members know, is quite difficult as the peaceful time has been always disturbed- every single day- by the cheerful electronic sound coming from Kyuhyun's room. That sound, which is obviously defined as annoying by the most of the guys, goes on nonstop from the whole day,except those few minutes that Kyuhyun passes to eat his meal. And because, as I said, they eat all together, not even that short instant can be used by them to feel that fantastic quietness that they're waiting for without hearing the game's sound as a background.
A normal day in the dormitory with Kyuhyun is like this.
Rare instead is hearing Kyuhyun's videogame playing the game over song for longer than ten minutes. Rarer is to see the maknae drop his joystick on the floor and,with shuffling steps, go to end the music by turning off the television by pressing the button with his forefinger. Seeing Kyuhyun sit in the carpet of his room with his back craddled by the solid metallic part of his bed is another unusual scene. These episodes, more than making the members being glad that they can have a total relax, make them stare at the ceiling for a while, with puzzled looks, thinking what's wrong with their Kyuhyun. However, even if worried thoughts are hovering on each of the older's heads, none of them will come to ask their maknae what is boiling in his mind. Not because they take it easy- of course not, they are like brothers. No, they are brothers. So it's normal for them to want to take care about the 'kid' - but because they all know that they won't receive any straight answer from him.
There is no need to try and try. Even with the promise of buying him the latest version of his favorite game, Cho Kyuhyun's face stays emotionless, lips glued onto each other. No one will be able to make him spit a single word. Not Leeteuk with his gentle words, not Heechul with his sharp tongue.
That's the reason why they just stay in their spots and wait for to listen Kyuhyun's game playing the horrible song again. Thing that, even if really disturbing sometimes, make them take a sigh of relief as they'll know, thanks to that disturbance, that Kyuhyun is finally back to his daily routine.
Usually, Kyuhyun's meditation doesn't go longer than few hours- three is the longest time.
But it seems that there is something more serious up in the maknae's mind as the entire place has been quiet for more hours. A really extremely rare, unusual event.
Kyuhyun's legs, up to his chest, are embraced by the two slim, but strong arms of the guy. His face, half hidden behind his arms, is cold, impassive. He's slightly leaning his nose on one of his hand and his eyes are lazily looking at his bangs moving slightly up and down at his every breath.
He's been staying like this for half of the day and even though he feels his back aching he has no intention on getting up and breaks his position. He prefers staying curled into a ball while he's thinking deeply.
The same problem that has been chasing him for a long time now is the same that is troubling him today.
He has pondered over the same question different times, but never found a solid solution. Not that he has seriously expected to find one.
Frankly speaking, since when is it easy to solve love affairs?
"Never"-says Kyuhyun, speaking slowly as not to be heard by anyone, though he knows it isn't necessary because he's alone in his room.
He brings his gaze up to wander at the full of Cds and game's magazines floor. They jump from an object to another, until they lay to stare for some seconds at one of the covers, distant from him just a foot or less.
Super Mario, one of his favorite digital characters, is smiling along with his Princess Peach on which shoulder Super Mario is placing one of his white hands.
Kyuhyun grunts and takes quickly away his eyes from there. He finds himself really stupid as he feels a pang of jealousy while looking at that cover.
With one movement, he sends Super Mario away from his sight.
Even a smurf with big moustache and a ridiculous hat has been able to make the girl of his dreams his.
He puffs his cheeks in a way fans would squeal and define him as cute, though in reality being cute is the last of his thoughts at the moment.
He feels his head like fuming and not because he's reflecting for so long, but because he is tired of not finding any way to put an end to his torment.
He's tired of thinking and thinking, on pretending and smiling, on sleeping over or playing over to forget his problem. Because so far, he has understood that he can't smile it off. It keeps on reappearing again and again, every moment of the day and of the night. 
His mind always paints the girl of his dreams' face.
And here comes the problem.
Because the girl able to take away his time and making him put his games apart is a he. And his name starts with the letter H and he's not talking about Heechul or Hangeng nor Henry.
Incredible uh?
He, Cho Kyuhyun, has a crush on a skinny, smelly feet, yadong-maniac, great Dj, powerful dancer, awesome rapper, Monkey as in Hyukjae, Eunhyuk on stage.
Hyukjae's face flashes in front of his eyes.
His face that many people say that is not handsome.
And he agrees with them. Because his hyung is not handsome, he's beautiful.
Beautiful is the only adjective that plops in his mind when he sees him half asleep in the early morning or when he pouts whenever members takes a bite on his food or when he looks at the mirrors of the practice room and sees on them his all sweaty reflection or when he shows that big, full gummy smile.
Kyuhyun laughs through his nose, a small smile tugs the corners of his lips. 
Right, that smile which he uses to make fun on Hyukjae is the only smile that makes his heart race.
If only he smiles brightly only to me..
But there are a lot of obstacles to overcome to make this come true.
Putting aside that Hyukjae is a man and obviously has a manhood like him and the majority of the people of the world have closed, homophobic minds, there are other many obstacles and the main two have names:
Donghae and Hyukjae himself. In short, EunHae.
He knows that his hyung Donghae is a skinship person and he knows he keeps on hugging Hyukjae for fanservice. Like him and Sungmin. But lately he has started to consider the idea of Donghae seriously liking Hyukjae.
Why does Donghae keep on furtively exiting his room every night and go to sleep in Hyukjae's then? Why does he keep on drinking Hyukjae's strawberry milk even if he states he doesn't like it?
Maybe, he's just worrying too much. But he can't help it.
He prefers much more not playing because Hyukjae takes him busy by thinking on ways on how to woo him than thinking on ways on how to separate Hyukjae and Donghae in the case they'll become an official couple.
Kyuhyun sighs.
But that is quite impossible to happen, right? Because Donghae has expressed that he does want to have babies and try to correct him if he's wrong- impossible - but Hyukjae has no s and no to be able to give Donghae a son or a daughter.
By saying these things however, it doesn't mean that he, Cho Kyuhyun, is gay. It's an argument that he has already solved. At least he has solved this one.
He is not gay, gay.
Or let's put it on this way, his jaw doesn't drop for all the well-sculpted men's bodies or handsome faces. He's gay only for Hyukjae and no one else.
But Hyukjae, oblivious guy that he is, doesn't know anything. He doesn't even have a mini indea about what Kyuhyun feels for him.
The maknae can't understand why. 
He doesn't bully Hyukjae like he bullies the other. He spends much more time on him. He always plays tricks on him, teases him, calling him with funny names.... But why does Hyukjae doesn't still get it?
Maybe, it's time to use another type of approach.
The only things he knows for now is that, yes, he likes Hyukjae and has to conquer him in a way or another.
And Donghae..
He's not sure if the Brunette has true feelings towards his hyung.
He's not willing to know it. All he cares is to remove Fishy from Hyukjae.
And he's making sure he will do it.
Cause no matter how many times the other members say that Donghae looks like a Prince while he looks scary sometimes with his big smirks, Cho Kyuhyun wants to be like Super Mario.
He wants to show the world a big smile and puts an arm over Hyukjae's shoulder. And seriously, who says that the Prince always has to be with the Princess? 
The world is changing. There are a lot of new inventions. And maybe people can close an eye when they'll read a  little variation on the finale of a book, his and Hyukjae's books.
"And the Princess was kissed by the Prince a common young guy with a scary smirk"
Crazy, but it doesn't sound that bad, right?
He messes his hair and shouts a big- "RIGHT!!!"
And I wasted another day......
Kyuhyun puts his anger aside. He finally stands up and stretches his arms- "Ok... Whatever.... Hyungs are missing me.... It's time to disturb them again!"
I love EunHae, but I'm giving a chance to KyuHyuk xDDDDD
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Az_StMd #1
Chapter 1: Me gusta este kyu decidido
wildrose88 #2
Aigoo kyuuuuu why so cuteeee >.<
reading sequel now!
eun92hae #4
ohooo Kyu kekekekeke
back to gaming lol XD
how lucky hyukjae could become
haha! he is like me trying to forget this someone by doing things kyu playing games n me reading ffs or watching sj mv or videos LOL
So I just replied to your wall post and thought I'd look at your fics, when I found this! I don't remember if I commented back then, so I'll do it now. KyuHyuk is for sure my OTP after EunHae lol, I love all three so much. Really great piece of writing ^^
Come on, you should continue this one ><
Haha !<br />
Back to gaming huh ? Best story! Like it ! Hopefully it will be chaptered .