Chapter 43




That night you had a strange dream.


You were at the beach again, only this time none of the other boys were with you. It was only you and the calming breeze of the ocean lulling you to sleep as you sat under the shade of a palm tree. As your eyes continued to droop, you felt the warm sand turn cold and stringy, if that was even possible.

Eyes flittering open, what greeted you wasn’t the beautiful site of the ocean anymore, but a forest.


You were back on the island.


The sand that you were about to sleep on had turned into grass and roots, pricking against your toes as you slowly staggered into your feet. It didn’t help that you were still in a swimsuit either, your body being out in the open for the world to see besides the more private areas.

Looking around, you saw nothing but nature. No people, no animals-


And no noise. Thankfully.


Seeing nobody around still sent shivers down your spine though, prompting your hands to come up and rub your arms for some sort of warmth. It wasn’t needed, since it wasn’t cold in a tropical island, but you had more goosebumps if anything.


As if your body knew something was going to happen.


“Hurry up!”


Before you could turn around from the sudden shouting, someone had pulled your arms forward, feet floating off the floor as you smacked face first into something warm. It didn’t stop there either. You felt your body being shaken around like a ragdoll, causing you to almost puke if it weren’t for the fact that the scene was all too familiar to you.


“B-Baekhyun?” You breathe out, voice barely hitching over a whisper.


How Baekhyun had heard you despite the running and loud panting, you don’t know. But he did it anyways, continuing to run with your on his back just like the day before.

He continued to run for his life until dashing straight into the ocean, heavy steps turning into frantic splashes as he yanked you along to get away from the island as quickly as possible. It seemed a bit much, especially since it felt like he was trying to pull your arm off while swimming.


Then it hit you. Although you didn’t have your hands covering your ears like the last time, you heard no noise in the forest. It was completely empty, just like when you were alone. Baekhyun was literally freaking out over nothing.


“Baekhyun stop!” You garble, salty sea water splashing into your mouth every time you tried to speak. “We’re far enough!”


“No we’re not!” He yelled back, almost angrily.


Or that’s what it sounded like to you. And you didn’t like his tone of voice, especially when there was nothing to worry about in the first place.


“Yes, we are!”


You kicked your feet forward, causing Baekhyun to yelp at the sudden strike to his ribs. He let you go though, allowing you to swim for yourself instead of being dragged around.


“What’s your problem?” You mutter bitterly, spitting out some salt water that managed to reach your taste buds.


“What’s my problem?!” Baekhyun roars, not bothering to hold himself back. “It’s you!”




Your voice came out louder than expected and you watched as Baekhyun swam closer to you, eyes never leaving yours as he grabbed you by your shoulders.


“Why can’t you just rely on me sometimes? Or at least bother to look my way instead of giving all of your attention to stupid Chanyeol?”


His fingers dug into your skin and it made you flinch. He noticed what he was doing and loosened his grip on you, only to pull you into a hug.

Your mind was all over the place now. This didn’t happen yesterday at the beach, or at least not with Baekhyun facing forward. You wiggled in his grasp, but all he did was hold you tighter, nuzzling his face into your shoulder.


There was also a little part of you that was wondering why the two of you weren’t going under despite stopping your swimming motions, but you were worrying more about Baekhyun’s state of mind at the moment.


“Why are you talking about Chanyeol all of a sudden?” You spoke softly.


Your arms had found their way around Baekhyun’s waist and you hugged him back, rubbing small circles on his lower back as he hugged you even tighter if that was possible.


“Why him, that’s why!”


Instead of being embarrassed or even shocked, Baekhyun looked pissed. His eyes were burning holes into your entire being and you could feel yourself wanting to look away, but you just couldn’t. His gaze was too intense, and you found yourself drowning in it.

Before you could get lost any longer, the ocean around you two had suddenly risen up, enclosing you in a wall of water. Your mouth unconsciously snapped shut to prevent any water from going in. The two of you continued to sink deeper and deeper into the depths and you could feel yourself getting light headed. Everything was getting dark and you weren’t sure if it was from the lack of oxygen or from how far down you two were going. Your eyes had almost shut-


When Baekhyun kissed you.


His lips melded against yours and you opened your mouth, shocked by his sudden intimate action. Baekhyun didn’t initiate anything further though, and you could feel nothing except for your own drumming heartbeat as you breathed in oxygen from the latter.

It was as if he were trying to save you from drowning. Baekhyun pulled you close and continued to give you air as your surroundings continued to get darker and darker. Once you couldn’t see his face, you had no idea what was up from down, or if he was even there anymore.


Then you felt cold. The warmth from Baekhyun’s body had suddenly shifted to your back and neck, the feeling making you squirm even though it wasn’t a wet kind of cold. It felt like a cool breeze almost and you let your eyes shut until the smell of fabric softener and cologne filled your nose.


Your body felt and you found yourself turning over so that the warmth was against your front side again. Nuzzling your face forward, you sighed contently, feeling a big more relaxed until a sudden rumble shook you awake again.


It wasn’t too intense. And it reminded you of a cat purring rather an earthquake. Slowly opening your eyes, sunlight had suddenly poured in and you let out a small whimper before closing your eyes again.

The rumbling came back and it it felt stronger than the last, but this time it came with a sound-


Of laughter. And it was familiar too.


The light didn’t hurt your eyes so much. You could open them and make out a figure above you, looking down and smiling? That much was difficult to make out, but after a couple more blinks you confirmed your suspicions.




The so said boy’s smile grew larger after hearing your voice, but he said nothing, running his fingers through your hair.

You spend a few minutes just looking at him, the eye contact not being weird despite how you were laying on his lap. A sudden cool breeze had made you shiver and Kyungsoo noticed, though he couldn’t do much but roll his eyes.


“It would help if you actually put on some clothes, you know.”


Worried that you were somehow , you look down only to find yourself in the same swimsuit as earlier. Made sense since you were still cold.

Something told you that this was a dream, but everything seemed so vivid and realistic that your mind couldn’t figure it out. The car looked normal, except you couldn’t see the other boys, which should have been alarming since who was driving the car?

Kyungsoo looked the same too, maybe even friendlier than normal if that was possible. His face looked directly at yours as his arms wrapped around your waist.


The two of you were now laying down side by side, the environment unchanging though the seat had somehow managed to fit the two of you. He brought his arms up and looped one around your waist, while the other hand was placed atop your head, your hair again.

Scooting a bit forward, he pressed his lips to your cheek once. It was tender and soft, contrasting his usual personality. After one kiss came another. Then another. And after that many more, until he’d managed to kiss up your jawline to your ear.


You could feel Kyungsoo’s breath tickling your ear, but you did nothing to move. You couldn’t really move. It was just like with Baekhyun and you found yourself thinking he was going to kiss you again.


But instead he bit you.


The sudden action made you cry out, body automatically pushing away Kyungsoo as a fight or flight instinct. You were blinded by a plethora of white flashes before your eyes. Only this time it wasn’t a light, but many distinct squares of white, like pieces of paper.


“What are you doing?”


The papers fell, revealing Suho, who didn’t look too happy. He was seated in the shade with a pained expression, eyebrows scrunched together as he let out another sigh. There were multiple stacks of paper on his desk as well.

Though there would be more if you hadn’t knocked some stacks over apparently.


You gasp, still flustered by the moment you had with Kyungsoo.


The grass dug into your knees as you scurried to help pick up Suho’s papers. He too, was on the ground, muttering something that sounded like a mix of a gratitude and irritation. Once all of the papers were picked up, you began to shuffle them around so that the edges were straight, setting them gently on the table where Suho had been working.

You wouldn’t have felt too bad if you hadn’t seen the remaining papers soaking up water in the pool. A couple slips of white receipts were sunbathing in Chanyeol’s pool and you felt the guilt on your shoulders increase. Before Suho could say another word, you went over to the pool and plucked the pieces of paper out, settling them on the side before you felt a warm presence surround your body.


If you hadn’t been pulled around by force, you probably would’ve fallen back into the pool in shock. Instead, Suho had faced you towards him so that you two saw eye to eye. He stared at you for a long while, just observing your face as countless thoughts sped through your mind.


Was he going to kiss you? Why was he staring at you for so long?


He’d moved quick, that’s for sure. You were distracted enough for Suho to loop his arms around your waist and pull you forward so that your face collided into his chest.

“He smelled nice,” you thought. Though, you couldn’t appreciate the clean scent of flowers since your face was overheating. It didn’t stop there. His hand traveled up, thankfully, caressing the side of your head while the other arm stayed looped around your waist.


“You can talk to me whenever you’re having a hard time, you know.” He spoke softly, as if he were trying not to scare you.


As his chest deflated, you felt your body go down with it, somehow making you feel closer to Suho than you did before. You felt protected in his embrace and by then, your mouth moved on its own.


“I don’t want to be a bother.”


Letting out a sigh, you roll over onto your side, allowing the vast sky to loom high up over you. Suho remained by your side, but still scooted a bit closer so that your head rested on his arm instead of the grass below.


“Well, I wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t taken the initiative to tell me.”


His remark sounded a bit snarky, but either way Suho was still right. You chuckle and let your head fit into the crook of Suho’s neck, feeling your body want to sleep despite how it almost seemed impossible to sleep within a dream.

You let your mind wander for a bit, relieved that nothing happened. It wasn’t as if you were being attacked. It was all just too weird for you, especially when the boys were being this affectionate.


Were the meetings going to happen with all of the boys? There was only one way to find out.


“Is that all you’ve observed so far?”


Your center of gravity shifted and again would you have fallen if someone hadn’t caught you. Letting yourself settle, you looked to where Suho sat and instead found Lay. The two of you were seated on a bench while his arm replaced Suho’s place.


“I might also feel like my dreams are trying to tell me to get more friends that are girls.” You chuckle.


Lay let out a small laugh as well, but still looked forward, not staring at anything in particular or so you thought.


“Looks like you didn’t learn from the last time.”


You shake your head and continue looking forward, “I don’t want to assume anything is all.”


“Assume what?”


Lay seemed to be really curious as to what you meant, but before you could say anything, you’d turned and found him already looking at you. It surprised you, and momentarily did your train of thought falter.

Mustering up the courage to speak, you finally opened your mouth.


“Assume that everyone somehow had managed to develop some sort of crush on me-” You look at Lay who didn’t appear surprised, though he did seem intrigued. “-or something...”


Lay wasn’t fooled by your oh so convincing cover up at the end. You on the other hand just stared down at your lap, hoping that he got the message that what you said was already embarrassing enough. Before you could feel sorry for yourself any longer, you felt a pair of cold hands press themselves against your cheeks.

The feeling made you shudder and want to back away. Lay’s hands were cold from the ice cream and immediately went to cool your steaming face.


“This is the only time that you should be acting, rather than avoiding us cutie pie.”


You let out a little gasp as something cold touched your lips. Thankfully, it wasn’t another pair of lips, but rather something kind of sweet instead.

Ice cream kind of sweet.


“Say ahh~” Xiumin sang, holding up the ice cream to your mouth.


Obeying his small command, you let him scoop some sherbert ice cream into your mouth before letting out a sigh. You were content that it wasn’t ice cream, but rather a tropical sweet-sourness.


Xiumin sat in the next seat over, his mouth curving into a grin as he continued to eat more of his ice cream. He wasn’t aware that you’ve already talked to four of the other boys, but kept silent in case he wanted to somehow add to your ongoing dilemma.


“And you should’ve been honest when you thought we liked you!”


Yeah, definitely adding on to your problems.


Letting out a sigh, you realized you’d have to continue the conversation you were having with Lay in order to answer Xiumin’s question. “That would’ve made me sound conceited. And I don’t think all of you like me like that too.”


Xiumin hummed and twirled the spoon in his ice cream until he’d gotten a decent scoop, “But you’re not wrong for thinking it.”


He leaned forward until his nose barely touched yours, the two of you being able to feel each other's’ breaths. Xiumin blinked once before closing the distance and letting out a satisfying smack on your lips, before sitting back down in his seat.


“The kisses should have made it obvious, love~”


If anything, the kisses were the things that confused you the most.


“But kisses were too much!” You whined, laying your head down on the table. “And if the people that kissed me actually like me, then Baekhyun must sure have the hots for me.”


“Maybe.” Xiumin shrugged, “Though, I would watch out. He seems like a biter.”


You immediately thought about the day at the beach and hide your face in your crossed arms. There were too many boys that kissed you over the course of a few months. First it was the guy sitting right next to you, then it was Baekhyun. Or was it Kai? You know Chanyeol snuck a few kisses here and there too.

The fact that you couldn’t even remember was a statement in itself.


Letting out a groan, you swung your head back and met eyes with a masked man. Instead of the cute eye bags that Xiumin had, you say a pair of bloodshot eyes glaring you down. And it terrified you. No longer were you in a cute little ice cream shop, but instead locked away in some sort of hell.


“I hate Chen so much.” You inwardly cry.


Your body moved before you could lament over your current struggles, just barely missing the masked man’s chainsaw as he hacked away from the red gumball countertop.


That was not something you remembered from the haunted house. The more you ran, the slower you felt yourself going, as if the masked man was going to catch up with you any minute now. You really tried to run too. It was as though there was water filling your lungs and weights being added onto your legs, preventing you from escaping.

Finally managing to lug yourself down a mysterious hallway that happened to form, you felt your body being jerked to the left. It felt as though a large coil had wrapped around your waist, slowly crushing your chest and grabbing your -


Wait. Your ?


You couldn’t push the so said “ grabbing” force away, but you could look up to find a familiar face.


“Whoops~ Hand slipped.” Chen smiled, though you could tell he wasn’t really sorry.


Your mind still screamed for you to keep running, but your body immediately crashed against Chen’s, relieved that you no longer had to run any longer. It was a bit difficult since apparently the two of you were in between a wall somewhere, thus being the reason why it was so hard to separate from the so said boy.


“And you don’t hate me.” Chen giggled after hearing a faraway scream echo in the distance, “You know you love us.”


“Oh yeah, I adore you all.” You resist the urge to hiss at him.


It took awhile for your heart to stop racing before you could finally catch a break. Chen was having fun mocking your panicked screams as you were trying to escape the masked man and that definitely didn’t lower your blood pressure any more than it was already raised.


“Stop being such an !”


“And you know...”


By now, Chen had somehow lifted you up by your armpits. Your back was pressed against the other side of the wall, but it still felt as though you were going to fall. To prevent that, you ended up wrapping your legs around Chen’s waist, thus bringing you two even closer.


“I love seeing this side of you, too.” He purrs, head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.


A million excuses were formulating in your mind as to why you’d clung so heavily onto Chen. One, was that you were still in a haunted hell house and you were terrified. Two, was that Chen was holding you up off the ground. And three,


Was because you may or may not have been somewhat enjoying the moment.


“And you still have a really nice .” Chen grins.


Scratch number three, Chen’s still an idiot.


The walls around you two were slowly fading, and eventually you felt your body fall backwards from the lack of support. Luckily, Chen had pulled you forward so that you were back in his arms. With your face buried in his chest, you felt him slowly let you back down until your feet could touch the ground again.


“Thanks,” You let out a shaky sigh, though the person that stood in front of you was no longer Chen.


But a very embarrassed looking Sehun.


“Y-You’re welcome.” He coughs, probably not understanding why you were that close to him in the moment.


No longer in a haunted house, but a rather homey one instead, you look around and see a familiar picture placed upon the wall. It’s of Chanyeol and his family, thus making it that you and Sehun were in Chanyeol’s house.

Or so you’d assume, since the house was pretty familiar with the backyard pool visible and all.


This dream was seriously taking a turn for the worse. Your questions weren’t being answered, and although it was nice to see some of the other boys, you continuously asked yourself if it was really worth losing ten years of your life for some of their dreams.

Sehun watched your calm expression turn rigid, and he didn't like it one bit. He scowled, not liking the lack of attention from you.


Taking your hand in his own, he pulls you up into his body and wraps his arms around you, one around your waist and one holding your back close to him.


“What's wrong?” He says softly, slowly swaying your body along to the music playing in the background.


You glance up at the boy and look away, flustered by his sudden character change. “I need to know if you like me.”


Sehun lets out a small laugh, looking down at you fondly. “Do you really need to know that?”




Leaning down, Sehun presses a small kiss to your forehead before continuing to dance with you, seemingly oblivious to the shocked expression on your face. Humming along to the music, he presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes.


“Stop looking at me like that,” He sighs, blissful expression being replaced with his usual blank face.


“I don’t get what you mean.” You sigh.


“Okay, think of it like this.”


One moment, Sehun is dancing with you in his arms and the next, the two of you are sitting down with your legs dangling off the side of a structure. Everything around you is all white, thus making Sehun the center of attention.

He takes your hands into his own, big warm ones, lacing your fingers together and looking into your eyes.


“If you found out whether or not we liked you, would that make us any less of friends?” He asks, thumb rubbing small circles on the back of your hand.


“Well, no… But-”


“Okay.” He stops you, “And do you personally, want to date any one of us in particular?”


Face to face, you and Sehun were pretty close. His nose was barely touching yours and you could feel his slow breaths tickling your lips.


“No.” You say softly, “I just want all of us to be friends.”


“Then what you wanted to know was a want not a need, now was it?”


Looking at Sehun, his expression was soft, and you couldn’t help but smile seeing him smiling back at you.


“No, it wasn’t.” You chuckle.


It didn’t seem so easy to understand, and yet here you were. The boys were all your friends, some a bit closer than some others, but all still just as precious. Thus being the reason why you were sure that you wanted to keep it that way.


“So… You don’t love me then?”


“Dunno.” He says with a chuckle, but not before giving you a peck on the lips and suddenly disappearing into thin air.


Talk about a terribly confusing group of friends.


There was no sign of anyone in the house and the emptiness made you feel a little anxious. Since you’d just recently had a run in with the masked man from the haunted house, you’d ended up scaring yourself even more, thus taking you outside to the pool area where it was sunny and less scary looking.

You walked through the grass and already felt relieved as you felt the soft blades tickle the bottoms of your feet. Once you’d made it over to the pool area, you felt the sudden need to dip your feet into the water.


What you didn’t expect was to get dunked completely though.


The water was freezing and it sent chills throughout your entire body. Your first response was to try and swim back up to the top, but someone had pulled you to the surface before you had the chance to figure out which way was up.

You were pulled into a warm hug and the feeling was nice, especially after being dunked in the pool. Looking up at your savior, you found Kai with worried eyes.


“S-Sorry, I uh… I didn’t know you’d fall in!” He whined, wrapping his arms around you tighter. “I just wanted to scare you a little…”


“It’s okay.” Though it was clear that you weren’t all that okay.


Being soaked from head to toe made the warm sunlight feel like nothing against your cold skin. You felt yourself shaking so much that just speaking was difficult. The two of you sat for awhile, not saying anything and just enjoying the warmth from each other’s embrace.

Eventually Kai had begun to your hair as well, the wet mop on your head eventually drying up as time passed by.


“If it makes you feel any better… At least you were already in a swimsuit?” Kai says, trying to be positive despite having been the one that had pushed you into the pool in the first place.


Looking at Kai, you gave him a “really?” face, letting out a chuckle after seeing his guilty face. You turned around and placed your palms against his cheeks, enjoying how warm they felt against your open palms.


“It’s alright Kai. Just don’t do it again, alright?” You warn him lightly, pulling him into a tight hug and patting his back a little.


You were upset that he’d pulled a fast one on you like that, but seeing that he felt bad about it, you let it go. There was no use staying mad at him when he didn’t mean for it to happen.

As Kai continued to hug you, he nuzzled his face into your shoulder and let out a small sigh.


“I think I like you better like this.” He almost purrs.


Not understanding what he meant, you pulled away and looked at him weirdly, “What do you mean?”


“Your expressions.”


Kai copies what you did to him earlier, placing his hands on your cheeks. Only instead of just speaking to you, he placed his forehead against your own. “You don’t speak with a mask on. It’s nice.”


A small smile graced your lips automatically after hearing his words. Some people might say his words could come off as offensive, but Kai? He’s the type of person to mean it from the bottom of his heart, and in a good way of course.

Your emotions were usually burrowed away, but after meeting the boys, all of them spewed out whether you liked it or not. Pity, fear, anger, happiness- All of these shaped your true personality, and you had the boys to thank for it.


“I should thank you, really.” You grin, though you couldn’t meet Kai’s eyes because you were a bit embarrassed to be having a heart to heart so close.


“Then buy me ice cream next time.”


You should’ve known your time with Kai wouldn’t last that long, and when you looked up, the warmth around your body dissipated, leaving your body cold. Instead of seeing Kai, you found Tao in his place, though he was on his phone and looking a bit bored.


“And why should I?” You give Tao a questioning look, but Tao merely shrugs.


“When you think about it, who was the one that got you closer to everyone? Hmm?”


You would ponder for a moment, but it wasn’t that hard of a question. “Chanyeol.”


Tao scoffs and looks at you, “If it weren’t for me asking questions about you, the both of you wouldn’t be nearly as close.”


“That was more like harassment.” You sigh, “You’re just a bit corrupted in the head.”


“You’re right.”


Tao leans over and places both hands down on either side of you. He had you trapped with your body facing up towards his own as he hovered over you. Leaning forward, he gives you a small, but crooked smile.


“I’m corrupted, but I managed to change you too, didn’t I?”


As Tao slowly descended down towards you, his presence was beginning to scare you. Tao was never this forceful around you. Not liking the situation, you shut your eyes and brought your hands to his chest, keeping as much distance between the two of you as you possibly could. He hadn’t stopped trying to get closer though, his actions making you feel choked up.




Your eyes snap open to find Tao looking away, his body still over yours although his attention was directed at something else- His phone, to be precise.


“Damn it Tao.” You groan, pushing Tao off you as the latter continued to laugh at your misfortune.


“This picture came out great!” He laughs hysterically, “You look so scared!”


Tao didn’t stop bullying you in your dreams either. Giving the latter one last mean look, you sit up and just watch him as he continued to stare at his phone lovingly.


“It’s a shame that this is all just your weird dream.” He sighs.


Looking up at you, he shows you the picture he took. Within the little frame was a much more masculine looking Tao than you remembered. His muscles shown through his black tank top and the fact that he had you pinned down in the picture made it almost look too risque for your tastes. Since it was still a prank, the picture didn’t appear as appealing to you as it did to him.


Staring at the picture, you refuse to look Tao in the eye. “I would say delete that, but there’s no point.”


“Let me enjoy my fun, will you?” He chuckles.


Heading back over to where you sat, Tao grabbed you by the armpits and yanked you onto your feet, giving you a small pat on the back before you felt something poke your cheek.


“Sorry for poking fun at you, but it’s just too good to miss out on sometimes.” He smiles, waving at you before heading back into the house.


You put a hand to your cheek and watched Tao leave, eyes never leaving the boy’s back until he’d gone out of sight.

He’d still kissed you, and you were still embarrassed about the picture. But at the same time, you couldn’t help but smile at Tao’s own way of playing around with you. His kiss was on the cheek though, and you were grateful he didn’t try to harass you any more than the picture.


Going through the screen doors, you were met with your school gym instead of Chanyeol’s comfy living room. The sound of a basketball bouncing against the hardwood floor echoed through the big space, causing you to look for the source of the sound.


“Boo.” A voice whispered in your ear.


Turning around, you had to crane your neck up to look at the tall being known as Kris. He had his usual chic expression on his face, though his smile was still visible after successfully startling you.


“Nice to see you too.” You huff, pushing him back in a playful way.


Kris holds his hands up in defeat, heading back to the basketball court where he’d picked up a ball laying on the floor. “You in for a game?”


“Why? So I can beat you again?” You tease.


You’d begun to walk over to the courts when you’d realized, you were still in your bathing suit. Kris seemed to have read your mind though, taking off his white hoodie and placing it over your head. Despite his rough image, he was gentle when putting the hoodie on you, helping you put your arms through the holes and all.

The game was a simple 1v1 with the both of you as enemies. Since Kris had the ball first, he had no problem with just shooting a basket from where he stood. The ball fell in with a sweet whoosh of the net. He gave you a smug smirk before tossing the ball to you to start off.


As long as you had the ball, you could win. There were no rules about playing fair in a dream.


You pulled Kris’ ears and climbed all over him, holding his arms back and stealing the ball whenever she saw an opening. Kris eventually caught on with her mischief and starting breaking a few rules here and there too. He’d run over to a nearby ball cart and started making basket after basket after basket. Neither of you were keeping track of the score, but after collapsing on the floor in exhaustion, the two of you still bickered about who won.


“I know I taught you to hold your ground and all, but do you really have to argue with me when we both know I won?” Kris pants, his breaths echoing in the air.


With your eyes closed, you kicked your foot outward at Kris’ leg. “Wouldn’t dream of it buddy.”


Kris laughs, and eventually you felt yourself laughing too. You lay on the floor and caught your breath, noticing that you could no longer hear Kris’ voice, but instead an AC whirring in the background.

When you opened your eyes, you found yourself in the library. Your muscles were no longer aching and you weren’t sweating anymore, which was good. It was even better because you still had Kris’ hoodie for warmth in the cold environment of the library.


All of your memories in the library traced back to a certain secret spot of yours, and you headed over to find a familiar figure sitting on the windowsill.


“Hey!” Chanyeol grins cheerfully, his arms wide open for you to jump into, which you did happily.


His body felt nicely warm. Not too stifling, but not too cold either. After hugging him for a brief moment, you pulled away to find a frown on Chanyeol’s face. He was looking and you up and down, eyes stopping at the white hoodie that was covering your almost body.


“Is that whose jacket I think that is?” He slightly grumbles, “Wear mine instead.”


Chanyeol proceeded to take off his jacket, though he’d paused after pulling his arms out of the sleeves to shiver a bit. You look at him and let out a small chuckle, “It’s okay Chanyeol.”




Looking at you sadly, he pinches your sleeve and tugs on it a bit, lower lip jutted out as he sulked about your attire. You couldn’t help but laugh at his jealous streak, especially since it wasn’t anything big. Taking off the jacket, you drape it over your legs and scoot closer to Chanyeol. He gladly opened the side of his jacket to give you some warmth.

Once you were comfortably situated, the two of you just sat there and enjoyed each other’s embrace. Chanyeol’s body was big compared to your smaller one, thus why he was easily able to hug you like a teddy bear while you were being warmed comfortably.


“Hey… You know I love you, right?” Chanyeol says softly, his cheek pressing into the side of your head.


You hum, though don’t say anything more. It was the way that Chanyeol said it, as if he were just making sure that you knew and to get your approval.

You loved him too. But not in a romantic way. The two of you sat together comfortably and wouldn’t want anything to break you apart.


This was your way of showing your love to Chanyeol.


“So… Why the kisses then?” You ask.


Chanyeol looks away and lets out a nervous laugh, “I don’t like the others all over you. And I wouldn’t mind you as my girlfriend too, you know!”


Turning your body a bit, you look at Chanyeol very seriously.


“Being girlfriend and boyfriend means we can’t be friends anymore. You do realize this, right?”


Opening his mouth to speak, nothing came out of Chanyeol’s mouth. Instead, he looks away again and lets out a little grumble.


“We could too be boyfriend and girlfriend and still be friends.”


Chanyeol’s childness always made you giggle. His deep voice and baby-like personality never matched up with one another. “Possibly, but I like us like this.”


“Me too.”


You can hear someone calling your name and you and Chanyeol both realize that it’s time for you to wake up. Giving you another grin, Chanyeol kisses your nose and lets you go. It was like your body was slowly awakening as a new person.


When you finally opened your eyes, you were met with someone standing over you. And it wasn’t the boys-


But instead, it was your mother.




“So… How would you like to explain this?” She asks calmly, almost too calmly in fact.


There in your living room, sat twelve boys that wished they were any place else but there. Their eyes were downcast, only looking at you for a mere moment before glancing back down to their laps.

You continued to stare at them for a good measure of time to try and figure out why they were in your house while your parents were still home. When none of them spoke, you turned to your father, who didn’t look very happy either. He sat in the rocking chair directly in front of the boys, coffee in his hand as he leaned forward with a glower on his face.


“We caught them sticking their hands in through the mail slot trying to break into the house.” He scowls, taking a sip of his coffee before turning to look at you. “Apparently, they’re your friends?”




Your parents didn’t expect you to speak so quickly, and neither did you. But since you did, there was no turning back. You sigh and look at the time to see that it was a little after your normal time of waking up in the morning, meaning that you’d gotten up late again.


“I taught them how to come in because sometimes I oversleep and need help waking up.” You quickly cover for the boys, “And I know it’s dangerous, but trust me. They’re not bad guys.”


“You should be more independent.” Your mother clicks her tongue.


Her arms stay folded even as you finished explaining yourself, making you and the boys more wary of what your father was going to say.


“Well boys…” He looks at all of them again and by now, the boys are all looking your father in the eye. “Sorry we had to meet like this. You’re all my daughter’s friends, right?”


Some little squeaks of “yes” and “yes sir” were heard from the group, and you felt yourself unconsciously smile. Your father had seen you from the corner of his eye and let out a sigh.


“There are pop tarts in the pantry and some leftover fried rice for those of you that want a more hearty meal.” He announces, “And as for you.”


Your father stands up and walks over to you, looking down at you with his usual serious expression. “Next time, just be normal and give them a key or something, will you?”


He lightly brings his hand up to your head and gives your forehead a little flick before motioning for the boys to follow him into the kitchen since none of them dared to move even after he’d given them permission to eat. Everyone was shocked, but since your father was set on giving the boys breakfast, that was that.

You’d gone back upstairs to get ready and after about 10 minutes, you’d come back downstairs to find your mother sitting at the table with your father and the boys. She no longer had an upset look on her face, but a rather sly one.


“So… None of you are dating my daughter yet?” She says teasingly, making some of the boys choke on their food.


“N-No ma’am.” Chanyeol manages to let out, nibbling on another pop tart as he refuses to look your father in the eye.


“Oh… So you’re planning on asking for her hand later on, right?”


Chanyeol’s face goes from rosy pink to scarlet red in an instant. He was trapped by your mother’s wordplay, looking down at his lap as he covered his face embarrassedly.


“So which one do you like then?” Your father says aloud.


Now the attention was all on you and only now did your memory suddenly resurface. You’d somehow remembered everything from your dream that night.

The kisses, the confessions- the intimacy.


Without letting yourself be further embarrassed by your parents, you make a beeline for the kitchen, promptly grabbing a pop tart before rushing to put on your shoes so you could leave. Some of the boys had already caught on and were bidding your parents farewell so they could leave the awkward situation as well.


“Bye!” You yelled, already halfway out the door as you speed walked to school.


By now, all of the boys were either running to catch up to you or already walking beside you. You didn’t slow down though, continuing to rush to school so you wouldn’t have to face any of them.


“Can you slow down?” Baekhyun groans, barely able to keep up with you after eating two bags of pop tarts alone.


He chickened out at the chance to say anything with your father around, hence why he’d busied himself with the food so he wouldn’t have had to speak.

You on the other hand, remembered how close you two were in the ocean from your dreams and felt even more embarrassed. You actually dreamt about them, and seeing them right in front of you was just too much for you to handle.


“So… Which one of us would you date, hm?” Xiumin asks curiously.


Being one of the more athletic ones, he had no problem with keeping up with your walking pace. He’d stepped in front of you, stopping you from continuing before you’d finally looked at him in the eye.




It was at that moment that you regretted turning around to look at the others. The majority of them were staring at you rather intently, giving you even more attention than you wished to have had. It didn’t look like Xiumin was going to let you go now that you’ve stopped, so needing an escape route, you grabbed one of the boys that were closer to you and dragged him the rest of the way to school.


“Are you serious?” Sehun almost yells, watching you leave without looking back as he stood there, baffled by your decision. “And he acted the worst to you too.”


Kris lets out a small chuckle, “Well, girls do like bad boys.”


“Shut it Kris.” Baekhyun grumbles, stomping to school ahead of everyone else.


Meanwhile, Luhan was glad that everyone had stopped so he could catch his breath, only to feel more disappointed when you’d suddenly grabbed him out of nowhere and began dragging him to school.


“Really? You picked me?” He groans, adjusting his back since your hand had grabbed the same arm he was using to hold it with.


“I had a rough night, okay?” You shot back, trying to erase what embarrassing memories you had through the course of a single night.


Luhan rolls his eyes and yanks his arm away from you, though still continuing to walk with you the rest of the way to school as he watched you freak out about something.


“What’s your problem today?” He asks curiously.


You look at him and found yourself confiding in the same boy that made your life hell. “I had a weird dream about everyone and I don’t want to remember anything.”


Resisting the urge to smack you for ruining his morning for something that small, he suddenly thought of a way that he could mess with you. Seeing that you were already in such a frazzled state made it even better.

Giving you a small smirk, he pats your head in a way that almost felt loving if it weren’t for the evil grin on his face.


“Chin up kiddo. Dreams are just unconscious desires anyways.”


It was just as he’d hoped. Your face burned a deep red color as you correlated his words to your dreams. Luhan thought it was even better because some of the boys had caught up to you both and were calling your name. It make you panic even more before you’d just ended up running off to your first class of the day.


“Why is she like that today?” Chanyeol cries out, already on the verge of tears as you continued to run away from them.


Luhan sarcastically shrugs, walking to his first class of the day with a small spring in his step.





A/N: So much for making only one more chapter lol.

As you can tell, this isn't a completed story. There will be one more chapter!

I also had bad news, depending on how you want to interpret it

I recently got the idea to write a new story, but this means I won't be able to write for the Exo power!au (which had received the highest amount of votes in my last poll)

I don't intend to write two stories at once, so I'm in a bit of a dilemma 

I can ask you all for a small favor to do a poll for me though, right?

(Idk the poll view thing isn't working, so just click the link lol)


Thank you all! And there's one more chapter left for (Extra)ordinary, so stay tuned!



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Chapter 32: I luv this story very muchh! Just one thing....whose black hoddie is that??????
Chapter 37: Man I love this story. This is one of the few stories I go back and reread when I have the time. Yeol is endearing and adorable.. but sooo annoying at the same time XD
Chapter 46: This story is so awesome.. I really loved this.. All are so cute.. Though Luhan and Chen were very mean in the beginning.. But I really enjoyed reading this.. The ending is good but I still crave for more.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
idk if I ever commented but this fic is sooooOOOOOO good, I've already read it three times (thinking about reading it again)
Byuntae-bacon #5
Chapter 44: This story was sooooo good! You have a really nice writing style :))