Chapter 41




“Let’s go to the beach.”


You push away the heat known as Park Chanyeol before letting out a sigh, “Today is Wednesday, Chanyeol.”


It was Wednesday, but the sun wasn’t up. Rather, Park Chanyeol had somehow made himself cozy in your room yet again.

After the little pool party fiasco yesterday, it was easy to say that his parents were pretty upset with him. One thing led to another and by the time you had gone home, everyone had vouched that it was by no means your fault, even though you insisted that it was since you bought the ice cream. Chanyeol’s parents were impressed by how willing the boys were to take the blame and let everyone off with a warning as long as you all cleaned up the mess you made.


Chanyeol lets out a low grunt before pulling you on top of him, breaking your train of thought. Your chests were pressed together and you could feel his hot breaths against the crown of your head. It wasn’t too unpleasant, though you were perfectly fine where you were earlier.


“After homeroom it’s just tutorial anyways,” He almost whines, “As long as we study for finals it’ll be okay.”


It’s true that tutorial lasted throughout the day, meaning it would just be a really long study period. Nobody would really be there to stop you from leaving if you were sneaky enough, but skipping school seemed a little iffy for you.

Before you could let out another reason why you shouldn’t skip school, a long yawn escaped your mouth, once again allowing Chanyeol the chance to try and convince you once more.


“I can drive us! We can go wherever you want too!”


Chanyeol actually had gotten his driver’s license a while back. He never bothered to drive though since he preferred walking with you and never bothered to tell you since you had never asked.

Pinching his ear a bit, he let out another whine before releasing his hold on you. It was too early to be planning things, or rather too late since Chanyeol was trying to plan some kind of road trip at three in the morning.


He literally drove to your house after eating dinner at home, sleepover clothes and all. And here you both were.


“Can we talk about this in the morning Chanyeol? I’m tired.” You groan, feeling the ache of having another person occupy your bed.


“It is the morning though!”


You knew the only reason why he wanted your approval was to keep the other boys out of his plan, but you both knew that they’d somehow catch on to your ‘secret plan’ somehow.


“If we don’t do anything tomorrow in school, then maybe.”


Giving Chanyeol a small pat on the back, you went under your blanket and got ready to sleep. Despite his constant complaints, you found yourself falling asleep pretty easy. The exhaustion had probably helped a bit and you slept soundly until the morning of that same, well. Morning.




“Let’s go to the beach!”


Somehow, Chanyeol had managed to make you experience same exhausted feeling you’d felt a few hours prior to this very moment.


Deep down, you knew he was a good friend, but you really wanted to smack him right now.


“You don’t even have your swimming clothes.” You try to dissuade him, almost biting your tongue after seeing another bag next to Chanyeol’s school bag.


The bag wasn’t there last night and you almost laughed knowing Chanyeol was one step ahead of you.


“I got this for you while I was out too,” Chanyeol says excitedly, pulling out a box from what seemed to be nowhere.


You were really tired and slow due to the lack of sleep. Deep down you hoped Chanyeol wouldn’t pull out anything else that would wake you up from shock. Instead, you were met with a much more pleasant surprise.




It wasn’t homemade, but the food still looked pretty tasty. Three layers of pancakes with hash browns and bacon. Apparently Chanyeol bought donuts too, in case you didn’t like the original meal he had planned.

After taking turns feeding one another, that being Chanyeol’s choice and you being almost forced, you both got ready for school and snuck downstairs to find that your parents weren’t even home. That would make sense since Chanyeol’s been at your house all night and hadn’t gotten caught despite how clumsy he is.

The two of you hopped into Chanyeol’s car and you discovered what a bliss it was to ride in a car instead of walk to school, almost wanting to scold Chanyeol for not giving you rides sooner. That would be a bit mean though, so you kept that thought to yourself. Just as Chanyeol had predicted, the drive to school was much shorter than walking, meaning less time for the two of you to be together.


As soon as Chanyeol had parked his car, he had badgered you all the way to your homeroom class about texting him after finding out your schedule for the day. He was so focused on his plans that he hadn’t noticed the three boys in your homeroom watching from a distance. The three hadn’t confronted you just yet though, allowing you to take a seat and look presentable before your homeroom teacher had arrived.

Not like it really mattered since he always marked you absent during attendance thanks to your ‘zero presence’. The only way to offset that was for you to turn in the attendance folder yourself, which you figured you’d have to do today if you wanted to escape right after homeroom without being caught.


    From: Chanyeolie is the best oppa<3

    Take your bag with you when you leave!

We can meet at the attendance office and make a break for it!!!


Chanyeol’s determination for today made him one step ahead of you. It was nice knowing he could get serious sometimes, but at the same time you were a bit conflicted about the reason why. You debated on leaving your bag in class just so there would be a small chance you wouldn’t have to go today. If you did that though, you might break Chanyeol’s heart, especially if he knew you did it on purpose.

Letting out a sigh, you stood up and made sure to push in your chair before heading to the front of the classroom to grab the attendance folder. Even with your backpack on your teacher said nothing as he waved you out of the class as if you were a fly, his face engrossed by the tiny text on his phone. Heading out the door, you still made sure the close it without letting the wood hit the frame too loudly, before you were off.


And not far behind, were three boys following you on your starting adventure.




“Woah! Chanyeol! Fancy meeting you here!”


You let out a small chuckle as you pat Chanyeol’s back comfortingly. The poor boy looked like he was having a mental breakdown with both knees against the pavement as his car keys slipped from his hand.

The plan seemed to be moving smoothly as you got to the attendance office. With only you, Chanyeol and a few other random students turning in the attendance folders, there was no sign of the other boys. Only one of the office ladies was collecting the folders as well, allowing you two an easy getaway to the parking lot.


What Chanyeol didn’t remember to factor in was that the student parking lot was easily visible from the student council room. That, and the rest of the boys all knew what instant messaging was.


“What a small world, huh Chanyeol?” Luhan says, almost too sarcastically.


He earns a nudge from Suho to tone it down before Chanyeol actually starts crying. “Sorry Chanyeol, you know the rules. No leaving campus until school hours are over.”


“If that’s the case then… Why are you here?” Chen asks curiously.


Suho merely shrugs, “Student council duties are to keep the student population safe.”


“So we’re all going on a road trip!” Tao cheers, already pulling you towards Chanyeol’s car. “And by the way Chanyeol, if you wanted to keep today a secret, you probably shouldn’t have brought your car that you never bring to school.”


Another heavy blow to the boy’s heart. Knowing how the day was going to turn out, Chanyeol reluctantly trudged towards his car and opens the passenger seat. “I’ll let everyone go on one condition that-”


“Thanks hyung!”


Chanyeol finds the car door being pulled from his hand as Tao jumps into the front seat. He is completely done, but has no choice due to the fact that everyone needed to hurry and leave before any of the teachers found out. Almost glaring at Tao through the window, he makes his way around the front of his car to find Kris sitting in the front seat.


“I still don’t trust you.” Kris states, no sugar coating atop his words whatsoever. He holds out his open palm, “Keys.”


You expected to find Chanyeol throwing another tantrum, but instead his hunched figure straightened out and had turned around to reveal a happy grin plastered on his face.


“You’re sitting with me in the back then!” He hollered, yanking you by your wrist into the back of his car.


Chanyeol’s pull might’ve given you whiplash, but you felt a pair of warm hands placed on your forehead. One placed atop the crown of your head while the other was shielding your forehead. You didn’t know who was doing this, or why they were doing it until you felt a dull thud rattle your brain. Chanyeol’s tall height allowed him to go into the car with ease, but it wasn’t as easy as it was for you as it was for him. He’d ended up pulling you inside at an awkward angle, the action sending your head on a crash collision course into the roof of the car.


Luckily someone had cushioned the impact, but even then, someone’s hands were crushed by the velocity of how fast Chanyeol was pulling you.


Chanyeol screamed. Tao stopped talking. Even Kris had adjusted the rearview mirror to get a glimpse of what was to happen next.


“How many times do I have to tell you to be careful with her?”


Silence. It was as though Kyungsoo’s rage could be masking all outside sounds beyond the car itself.


“I…” Chanyeol looked at you before doing a double take at Kyungsoo, his eyes falling down to his lap where he held your wrist still. “Sorry…”


Kyungsoo was just about to shut the door when another body managed to wedge himself into the car. Luckily Chanyeol’s car was big to accommodate the four people in the middle section, though Kyungsoo’s squinted glower grew even more irritated when he saw who the sixth person was.


“Sorry guys!” Baekhyun cheered, not really apologetic for his sudden appearance. “Suho started droning on about how important safety was in Xiumin’s car and I got bored!”


“So you came here thinking it would be different?” Kris questioned, as if Baekhyun’s behavior was being too over the top.


“Yeah pretty much.”


Baekhyun’s excited grin was replaced with a lax smirk as he waved to the other car with the remaining boys in it, knowing full well that he abandoned the rest so that he could save himself.


Kris shrugged, knowing fully well how Suho was. “Whatever, just put your seatbelt on before I get a ticket. Or worse.”


“There’s no way I’m being sent back to the other car.” Baekhyun shivers, already beginning to put his seatbelt on.


Taking a moment from comforting Chanyeol, you look into the rearview mirror to see Kris glancing at the car behind them. “Worse?”


He stays quiet and you feel Kyungsoo’s arms snake around your waist before you hear a squeak come from your other side. Chanyeol was holding his side as if he’d been shot while Kyungsoo took advantage of the moment to hold you in his arms completely.


Looking into your eyes, he took one last look at the other car just as Kris had before laying his head against the back of the headrest.


“Sometimes Luhan gets carsick.”


Tao turned around from the passenger seat to look at you with a sneaky grin, “And by sometimes he means-”


“All the time.” They all say in unison.




Being in a car with the boys was a new experience and a new memory to add to the collection. You didn’t know how funny it was to see both Baekhyun and Chanyeol bother Kyungsoo, especially when Kyungsoo could shut them up with just a single glare. It didn’t matter though since both boys would only keep quiet for a few minutes before raising hell again. Tao had a blast ordering Kris around as the car’s GPS. He got a kick out of how Kris had to follow his instructions, no matter how demanding and annoying Tao got.

Such enthusiasm had a price though, and after an hour into the trip, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Tao were fast asleep. You felt a little worried for Chanyeol, especially since he had eventually taken off his seatbelt and had begun to rest his head in your lap as he dozed off. Kris could get fined if you all were caught, but you didn’t want to wake the poor boy either.

It was because of you that he was so tired after all. You can’t imagine how he was acting so cheerful despite having such a lack of sleep from getting you breakfast to getting all of the preparations ready to go to the beach today. Not only that, but you felt a tiny bit guilty that he was so tuckered out.


Was it really your fault? No, but seeing bags under the boy’s eyes made you feel a little sad.


You must've been contemplating a little too hard because before you knew it, something had grabbed your head and plopped it down on something squishy.


“Don't get up.” You heard Kyungsoo almost growl.


Naturally you tried to move your head to see why he was so upset, but he pushed your head down even further this time, your head falling right into his lap again.


“Kyungsoo?” You ask carefully, not wanting to wake up whoever was sleeping. “Did I do something-”


“Yes, you did.”


Okay, so he was upset. But why? Your fingers curled into Chanyeol’s hair as you began to try and think of what you'd done that made Kyungsoo so upset. As your fingers began to get tangled in Chanyeol’s locks, you felt something warm slip between the spaces, pulling your hand from Chanyeol’s hair up to a plump pair of lips.


“You don't have to be so nice to him.” Kyungsoo mumbles.


His lips felt warm against your fingers, a small tint of red glazing his cheeks. Was that from the ac? Or…?


“Sorry…” You trail off carefully, “Are you... Jealous?”




You heard Kris let out a loud chuckle from the front of the car, while something had moved towards the top of your head where Baekhyun was seated. You thought it was Kyungsoo’s phone getting a notification and brushed it off as that.


“I am jealous, but that's not the point.” Kyungsoo cleared his throat, and you wondered if his voice ever sounded so high pitched like how it had sounded seconds ago. “I mean that you baby Chanyeol too much.”


“Anyone can see that.” You sigh, squirming around as you felt something tickle your legs. “He needs it the most or he ends up crying a lot, you know.”


Everyone knew that. Everyone knew, and yet you couldn’t help but feel the guilt make its way back into your system as you saw a small frown lace Kyungsoo’s lips.


“Did you even want to go to the beach today?”


Leave it to Kyungsoo to get straight to the point. You let out a small chuckle and turn your body a bit, your face pressing into his stomach as you snuggle into his soft shirt. “To be honest, no.”


“Then why-”


“Because everything is better when I’m not alone.”


You cut in before Kyungsoo could speak again. “It’s always been just me ever since I was small."


It was only natural that you’d defend Chanyeol. He was the one that made your life go from repetitive and dreary to spontaneous and full of fun everyday. Even though he was a bit annoying at times, you could tell that all of the things he did was for you. And the best thing about this was that he had nothing to gain from you, unless you counted kisses and affection.


“Gross.” You let out a short gasp and realized you were talking aloud, staring into the rearview mirror to see a small cringe on Kris’ face from your mushy words.


Giving Kris a small glare, you dove back into Kyungsoo’s lap, burying your face into his tummy. You were lucky Kyungsoo wasn’t too athletic or else your nose would be sore by now.


“Don’t get too comfortable over there,” Kyungsoo says softly. You could feel his stomach tighten up as if he were trying to flex his ‘abs’, the act making you chuckle. “We’re almost there.”


You didn’t pay attention to him too much though since you all technically weren’t there yet. Laying down like this was perfectly fine to you as well, the slight swaying from the car causing your eyes to shut. You hadn’t fallen asleep though, just enjoying the scent of fabric softener from Kyungsoo’s shirt and the sound of the engine revving in the background.


“Hyung, I didn’t know she was that lonely.”


The sound of Tao’s voice almost made you open your eyes, but you disguised the flicker of your eyes with a small squirm of your body as you snuggled further into Kyungsoo’s stomach. They must’ve all thought you were sleeping.


Well since Tao thought he could ‘sleep’ his way through your guys’ conversation, why couldn’t you?


“She won’t admit it herself, but that’s probably the case.” Kris mumbled, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel.


The more he pictured you alone the more he felt guilty for his actions at the gym. It was almost bullying, but you hadn’t said a word about it, actually protecting him instead of ratting him out.


“That, and stupid Yeol actually did something right for once.”


Baekhyun too? You couldn’t believe how many of them were light sleepers. Letting your thighs move a little bit under Chanyeol’s head, you felt him slightly shift, but make no sound after that. He was still fast asleep.


The car made a sharp left turn and you felt Kyungsoo’s hands press against your back, his fingers gently holding you as the momentum from the turn moved you away from the warmth of his stomach. There were a few more stops and bumps along the way before you felt the car come to a complete stop.


“Should we let them sleep more?” Kris asked, his voice becoming much clearer as the engine was turned off.


And leave you in the car without the AC on? Hell no.


You sat straight up and startled the other boys besides Chanyeol, whose automatic response was to wrap his arms around your waist.


“Y-You!” Baekhyun choked, his dainty finger pointing straight at you as you unbuckled not only your seatbelt. “You were awake this whole time?!”


You looked at Baekhyun with squinted eyes as you unlocked the door, “I could say the same thing for you.”


It was a bit difficult to get out of the car since Chanyeol was still firmly grasped around your waist, but since he was so willing to cling to you, you had no choice but to take him along with you. Slow steps and enduring the weight on your shoulders, you kept edging closer and closer to the beach.

Somehow, the boy hadn’t realized you two were even at the beach yet. Or maybe Chanyeol knew, but he said nothing as sand went into his shoes and the sun beamed down on his fading green hair. The beach looked beautiful and it was a shame he wasn’t fully awake to see it-


But you knew just the thing that would give him a nice wake up call.


Going as close to the shoreline as you could, you faced Chanyeol’s back towards the water, admiring his sleepy face.


“Chanyeollie~” You sang, holding him by the tips of his fingers as if you were handling a princess.


His eyes fluttered open and you wondered why boys had such long eyelashes as you watched his eyes blink once, then twice again. Giving him a small smile, you pushed his chest back and watched as he slowly descended backwards.

Before you could laugh about his misfortune, you saw a small smile light up on the boy’s face. You should’ve knew by then you were being tricked.

Chanyeol grabbed your wrists and yanked you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your back until his lips were pressed against your cheek.


“I can’t sleep knowing you’re with me.” He whispers, the sound making you flush until both of you hit the water together.




“And we have another stupid kid.” Baekhyun grumbles, watching you fall right into Chanyeol’s trap.


Kyungsoo already left the vicinity to go and beat up Chanyeol while Kris and Tao had begun to take things out from the back of the car.


“Incoming!~” Xiumin shouted, already running off to the beach ahead of everyone else.


Kris barely managed to catch Xiumin’s car keys as the latter tossed them to him without warning.


“He’s gonna blow!” Chen yelped, pushing a beach chair over to Kris before following Xiumin out onto the beach.


Tao looked at the two of them funny, “What are they-”


Both Kris and Tao forgot that Luhan got carsick easily.


All that could be heard from the beach was Tao’s scream and the sound of waves crashing against the shore.




“That’s so disgusting Luhan!” Tao whined as he kicked up sand like a child throwing a tantrum. “You could’ve puked on the road side!”


Luhan shot Tao his meanest glare before hunching over and letting out another gag, his teeth clenching together as he willed himself not to throw up again. He’d ended up puking on the grass right after they arrived, barely missing Tao and Kris. They’d still gotten splashed a bit, though only by their ankles. Kris was indifferent and washed it off with some water left in the car and hand sanitizer that Suho gave him. Tao on the other hand was still crying even as he used the sand to buff away the skin around his ankles, saying he was ‘contaminated’.


“There were cars Tao, it wouldn’t have been safe.” Suho sighed, helping Kris with the rest of the things. “Hey you guys! Help with the net will you?”


You heard Suho’s cry for help and stopped running away from the other boys in the water to see him trying to half a giant purple bag through the sand on his own. “What is that?”


“The volleyball net?” Lay interlocked his fingers with yours before giving you a small smile, your own smile not lasting very much longer before he pulled you into the water yet again.




Even with ocean water sloshing around in your ears, you could tell who was already eagerly awaiting to play. Kyungsoo was alert like a meerkat and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s go help Suho.”


Suho on the other hand was a little hurt none of the other guys moved to help until you had gotten out of the water, but still grateful nonetheless. As they set up the net and base lines, you sat eagerly on the side with Kyungsoo who was just as excited as you were.


“And that’s why Kyungsoo isn’t allowed to help set up the net anymore.” Chen explained, or more like tattled on Kyungsoo.


Turns out Kyungsoo had been a bit too eager back in 2014 when a certain anime had been released. They had gone on a mini vacation during the spring and ended up bringing the volleyball net to play once they got to their picnic spot. What had happened was that Kyungsoo tried to push the poles into the holder too quickly and pinched Chen’s hand, both boys being upset though for different reasons. Kyungsoo was never allowed to help set up while Chen has been too traumatized to help since the incident.


“Hey! Are you guys ready?”


“Ossu!” You cried out, running towards the net with Kyungsoo doing his weird giggling close behind.


None of you really knew the rules besides knowing to keep the ball up in the air and that each side was to only hit the ball three times before it had to go over the net, so the game was pretty fun. No restrictions and no foul play, well, mostly anyways. Kyungsoo was dead set on spiking the ball all the time, even when the ball was well out of his reach so he fouled a lot for his own team.


Not to mention that the boys on your team were as followed: Chanyeol, Chen, Sehun, Lay, and Tao (and you).


Poor Luhan had to sit on the side because he still wasn’t feeling well. His body was hunched over in the grass with his baseball cap hiding his face from the sun.


Suho was a good leader and managed to keep everyone on the other team mostly in check. With Kris as the main guy to spike the ball, nobody could really block his hits due to his tall height. Xiumin was a really strong player too, somehow being able to serve the ball in places that your own teammates couldn’t reach. Kyungsoo was, well… In his own world. It was still pretty terrifying nonetheless. Baekhyun wasn’t all that strong of a hitter, but could decently serve the ball will minor mistakes. He still nagged a lot though, yelling at the others for not sending the ball his way properly.


Even if your team was all over the place, you still couldn’t help but smile at how hard they were trying. It was days like these that make all hardships worth it. You just hope nobody puts two and two together about you and the boys all not coming to school. Then again, you were pretty invisible.


“Play the game properly and stop hugging her!” Kyungsoo roared from the other side of the net. You couldn’t tell if he mad at Chanyeol and Lay for being all over you or just angry because there was no competition for his volleyball playing skills.


All eyes were on you as you just laughed again and again, not paying any mind to the game. Times like these were truly times you would never want to skip out on.



A/N: Haikyuu season 3 was released yesterday and I'm hyped. I also released a chapter?? LOL 

I apologize for not updating this story in so long zz I honestly forgot about it but realized it was here after finals ended aaaaa

I hope you all liked it and understood my weeb-y references! 



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Chapter 32: I luv this story very muchh! Just one thing....whose black hoddie is that??????
Chapter 37: Man I love this story. This is one of the few stories I go back and reread when I have the time. Yeol is endearing and adorable.. but sooo annoying at the same time XD
Chapter 46: This story is so awesome.. I really loved this.. All are so cute.. Though Luhan and Chen were very mean in the beginning.. But I really enjoyed reading this.. The ending is good but I still crave for more.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
idk if I ever commented but this fic is sooooOOOOOO good, I've already read it three times (thinking about reading it again)
Byuntae-bacon #5
Chapter 44: This story was sooooo good! You have a really nice writing style :))