You Can Try To Handle The Truth

Paws The Music!

Loila’s POV

The taxi driver let me out at the Airport and I threw some money at him as I thanked him. I ran towards the terminal, looking everywhere to try and find a sign. I bumped into a few people but didn’t stop. I ran for a few more minutes when I stopped unexpectedly in front of Joon. He was walking while looking at the floor and I had a feeling if I didn’t speak up, he would have walked straight passed me. “Where’s Dae?” I panted like Kimchi used to do after a long walk.

“You just missed her.” He wiped his eyes. He was holding a little golden key that looked like it could be for a small piece of jewelry, like a bracelet or necklace.

 “Are you okay?”

“I’m not crying!” He yelled defensively as he wiped his eyes continuously.

“I didn’t say you were.” I handed him a tissue. “What’s that key for?”

“I forgot to give Dae something. Now she has a reason to come back!” He shoved the key into his pocket.

“She has reasons to come back anyway. I’m sure she would miss her clothes.” I giggled to try and break the mood. “Did Dae see you?”

“Yes, she didn’t stay though!” He started to walk off. He had huge strides so I had to jog to keep up with him.

“What do you mean?” I felt like a little kid trying to keep up with her parents.

“She didn’t stay.” He seemed like he was talking to himself.

“Of course. I’ve told you already, it’s her dream. She’s always wanted to be famous.” He said something under his breath which I must have heard wrong, it sounded like;

“She would’ve been famous if she stayed with me.”


“She’s such a self-centered !” He yelled with clenched hands. I didn’t think it was possible but he sped up more, almost at a run. I covered my mouth in shock.

“She is not a !” I gasped. “Don’t ever say that!”

“I have no idea why I like her. It was obvious that she was just playing me.” He was so bitter that I stopped walking. Joon was too angry to even notice.

“STOP!” I screamed. Everyone around us turned their heads to see the commotion, Joon hurried back giving bows of apologies.

“What’s wrong?”

“If you say Dae is self-centered, you obviously don’t know her like I do.” I was shaking slightly; no one had the right to be cruel to my best friend, especially not Joon, who was supposed to love her.

“I do know her; why else would I come to this busy Airport? I’m not even wearing a disguise!” Joon argued.

“You haven’t known her for long.” I held up my hand when Joon tried to cut in. “Dae is the type of person that seems self-centered. Most people would call her a princess, who only cares about her looks and has friends so she can back stab them.” I took a deep breath. “But Dae isn’t like that; you know that. Dae is a very loving person, who cares too much sometimes, but that’s just Dae. She’s my best friend, which is saying something! I’m not a very approachable person.” I laughed, remembering when I had first met Dae at work. I too, thought like Joon, I really hated working with her, until I saw her pay for one of the customer’s purchases; the customer was a few won short so Dae got out her wallet and paid for him. I started to like her more after that.


“Sorry.” Joon said quietly. “I just gave it my all and she rejected me.”

“What was her reason? Did she say she didn’t like you?”

“No. She just left; she didn’t give me a direct answer.”

“Hm.” I tapped my chin. “Maybe she feels unworthy. Although she liked the idea of dating someone famous, she always said that she wouldn’t want to do it.”

“So she doesn’t want to go out with me because I’m famous? That’s so selfish!”

 I patted him on the shoulder because I didn’t know how else to comfort him.

“Dae wants to be famous on her own terms, not for who she’s dating. I know she’ll be back. Didn’t you say that she has to anyway?”

“Yeah, if she wants to get that bracelet off.” He was holding the little key once again. “She probably hates me now, though.”

“She doesn’t hate you. Dae doesn’t hate anyone, except our manager, her little sister, her parents when they forget her birthday, her ex- boyfriends…” I kept listing things when Joon held up his hand.

“I get it.”

“But she loves presents so you should be fine!” I held up my hand for a high-five but Joon ignored it. I high-fived myself and we continued walking.


“We’re outside now!”

“We’ll go back to the car.” Joon said, he wasn’t as angry anymore, I think he was still hurting though. I could only guess what he was going through, since I had never confessed before.

“Are you sad about Dae?” I asked, playing dumb. He looked at me quizzically as he opened the car door.

“I’m not sad about her.” It was my turn to look at him quizzically. I seriously thought he was sad about Dae, why was he acting so weird then?

“Did you want me to drive?”

“What?” He smiled briefly then put on his hard expression again. “You don’t have your license.” He started the car and began to drive slowly out of the car park.


“I know!” I was sitting in the passenger’s seat and hit Joon in the arm. He pretended to swerve the wheel which made me scream. “Not funny!” I pouted while he laughed. “I know why you’re acting funny.” After some deep thought, I finally understood why he was being so expressionless.

“You do?” Joon raised an eyebrow. I giggled, I was always impressed by people who could do that.

 “Of course I know. You want me to buy you lunch!” Joon sighed. “I’m wrong?”

“I don’t even know anymore!” He smiled. I got out my phone and began searching all the gossip sites. I gasped which made Joon drive slower. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s happened again!” He pulled over and I showed him my phone.


MBLAQ’s Lee Joon sheds a tear

The MBLAQ members have been quite quiet these days but just when you think they are out of the picture, some bystander captures a new piece of gossip. Luckily for you, we have it here first! As the title states, Lee Joon has been seen crying at the Incheon International Airport (saying goodbye to a long lost lover? Yeah, right!). Reporters have posted links here. www.mblaq/leejoon/tears/32485. As you can see Lee Joon is clearly crying, although someone is standing next to him, a woman. The woman had her back to the camera but netizens couldn’t help but comment. “Maybe it’s the same girl which was holding Thunder’s hand a few months ago!”, “How dare she let my Joonie cry!”, “I’m here for you Joon~”

Why do you think Joon was crying?

Source: Anna*, onlooker at the airport.


“It’s hardly a scandal. They follow me everywhere!” Joon laughed as he started the car again. I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Isn’t this a big problem?”

“I think it’ll all blow over, at least I’m the only one being talked about! We’re here!” We got out of the car and Joon locked it. We went inside an unfamiliar building and walked through a door. MBLAQ were standing there and I could feel the tension in the air, as the boys looked at us walk in.



~Author's Note: Hello Subscribers! The link in the article wasn't a real link and it's not even a real topic, sorry if I tricked you :)

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Yeolah #1
Chapter 54: FINISHED!! *^* cute ouob
Chapter 54: HI^^ IT'S SUCH A CUTE STORY~~~^^ Write more please??
I came across your story a long time ago, unfortunately I kept putting off reading it because it seemed a bit long.But once I did start reading I regretted not reading it earlier. I loved the entire story: the plot AND the characters. I really wished it was longer even though when I first saw it I thought it was too long. I also really loved the way you had messages behind certain sentences! You did an amazing job and I think i probably will be re-reading! I hope you continue to write because I can tell you are extremely talented!See you at your next fanfic! ^^
This is officially one of THE best stories i've ever read. And trust me, i've read a LOT.>3<~ I wish you did more than just one story. Your story is so good, i finished it in less than a day! Hope to see you in another story soon! The story was soooo awesome!
mi_HYU #5
rawr....!!!!!,DOGS FIGHTING...!!!,ahe

this is soooooooo SWEET.....
Im glad to be an A+ (: Now if you don't mind . I'll go back to fangirling about Mir <3
jellyfriedgreen7 #7
That was a really nice and different story! Glad of all the cute little dogs that played such large roles~!
Congratulations on finishing! Go Mblaq!!
Thank you for that story... I felt as if I was reading my own dream... The olny difference is that I'm not Australian (and I would chose Cheondung). That was the best story I read out of all of them. Keep writing, you have talent to steel people hearts ♥.
Proud to be an A+ ! Hwaititng !!! ^^
A sweet story
Chapter 50 is brilliant