
You are not a loser

When Namjoon met Yoongi for the first time, he thought this Hyung was really tiny and pale. But until Yoongi grabbed the microphone and did his rap with his self-written lyrics. He knew why Yoongi wanted to be a rapper. He born with this talent even he didn’t really good at dancing just like himself.

They often stuck in the studio because they are alike. They love to write their own music and find the melody. In the break time, Namjoon tells him about his young story, about the younger version of him who is really smart and study well at school, but he didn’t have any dream. Yoongi never talk that much when camera is off. So, Namjoon doesn’t really expect a long advice speech from him. Yoongi just being himself, he says “It is good that you already found your dream soon because if you were late, we would not have such a good leader in our group.” A smile appears on his face, there is no word to reply that. It is too priceless, and Namjoon wants to give s the best thing, more than he does now.

It is midnight already. Namjoon’s eyelids get heavier than before. “Hey, go to sleep, dude.” He hears Yoongi talk to him, but his head gives up to the table. “No, Hyung. I haven’t finish my song..” he murmurs in his sleep, and Yoongi tries to find an old blanket in the studio then give it to Namjoon.

it is about a year already since their debut stage. Everything has change as far as time flies. Jungkook is in his second year, and it feels like yesterday when they went to the magnae’s high school for the first time. Their sleepness nights become a habit. Namjoon thinks everything is fine until he hears someone’s sobs in their empty dance studio. The room is dark, and the sound is getting calmer. He tries to ignore it, but he is so curious who it is.

It is his hyung, his Suga Hyung, or can he still call him his real name? “Yoongi Hyung?” He asks him in lowest level of his voice, tries to approach him. Yoongi sits on the floor, his back on the mirror wall. He is obliviously crying, but he tries to hide it with his beanie. “Yoongi Hyung, what is going on?” His hyung doesn’t reply anything, of course. His chest moves up and down to control his breath and tears. He looks really small and tiny and pale even in a dark night and Namjoon wants to hug and protect him so badly.

“Namjoon, I can’t make any song anymore.. I am a real loser, I am a useless person..” He rambles between his sobs, and it makes Namjoon’s heart hurts so badly. “No, Hyung.. Don’t say that kind of thing. Bangtan need you, I need you. We understand about your pain because we are family. Family do not let the other suffers , Hyung.” He hugs the elder, “Let us to help you, maybe it will help even though I am not really sure about Taehyung to be behave even for a minute..” Yoongi laugh for a while, then he rests his head to Namjoon’s shoulder. Namjoon caress his closed sleepless eyes, and It feels so comfortable, and the elder feels his burden gone at all. 

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