Chapter 2

Night and Day
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Chapter 2: “Paper cuts and so do swords”

A white carriage pulls over at the front gates of the Sangdokchi palace, and everyone else within starts to panic at the said arrival, except for Krystal, staring at herself in front of the mirror as her maids styled her hair into small curls at the end. They paint her lips with a light pink color before letting her slip into one of her long dress ruched bodice, ivory in color to match her shoes, which she hates entirely because they feel like weights on her ankles.

Five hours till the engagement party, and she is meeting her fiancé for the first time in 3 months since they have last seen each other at a meeting, almost not even noticing each other until both their attention have been called for. It hasn’t occurred to Krystal then she will be marrying him, nor has she recognized him to have grown to quite a dashing man himself, if she has given some thought in that.

Krystal decides to meet them at the courtyard where the two royal families are to have lunch together. By families this only includes the siblings from Honsang for the Prince and his wife have travelled to the West: Duchess Boa, eldest and responsible, who is to be soon wed to the King of Taemoon; Duchess Irene, lovable and innocent, who is so petite Krystal cannot tell the girl is three years older, and of course Sehun, the wannabe King Krystal’s going to marry. In her side of the family the attendees are the most immediate ones, the Queen of Sangdokchi her mother, and of course the trying-to-be-an-overbearing-brother Prince Changmin.

She wears a flower crown instead of her traditional headgear, and while it fits the setting of the garden in the courtyard, she sets no impression to the duke, with how she looked today. It is not that she aims to impress him, but she does want him to appreciate how much time and effort it is taking her to get out of the bed and get the today over with.

“There she is,” the queen says almost proudly as Krystal, slouching and barely raising her head up when Sehun crosses his arms upon her entrance. She can feel his eyes burying deep into her skin – the kind where she just wants to blindfold him and punch him in the face.

“You’ve grown so beautifully, Krystal,” Irene comments.

“Indeed,” Boa agrees.

She finds her seat next to Sehun, shifting his gaze from the food being served to their table then back at his foot. “Good morning, Krystal.”

“It’s already noon,” Krystal retorts, “Your grace.”

“Still a sign of being polite,” Sehun says stoically. “Mi’lady.”

Patiently observing, Changmin chuckles. “They sound like they are going to kill each other once we leave them both to themselves. And to think the wedding will be in three weeks.”

Laughter fills the table, including from the soon to be married pair. Falsely at least, just so everyone else will be at ease at their interaction. Boa puts a hand on Sehun’s tensed shoulders, as if reading him just as fast as well.

“There is disregard for traditionally marriages from the youth today,” Krystal opens the subject, getting a shake of the head from Changmin. “I do believe that if it were possible, may we be the last generation to suffer such injustice towards the choosing of a monarch fit for a kingdom.”

Boa smiles. “I have been warned by Changmin beforehand that you have a critical way of discussing issues. But dear princess I believe it is up to a jury from the Wise to definitely have those rules amended. I do think that’s quite an idea.”

“This is me asking you, your majesty,” Krystal adds. “As the youngest court leaders of the Wise Council, may I suggest you bring such point to their table? Let it be served in their presence for a more harmonious union of future generations.”

“Actually, Princess Yoona has once thought about this before too, right after our marriage,” the prince interrupts. “I think when father sat as one of the court leaders he has discussed this and was turned down.”

Krystal’s eyes widen. “You did not tell me about this earlier over breakfast.”

“Do you even listen to me when I talk over breakfast?” Changmin questions and she falls silent, slightly embarrassed that she has once again looked like she talked before knowing the facts. “Precisely. I think Father himself told us before that while this suggestion is yet being imposed and decided on, while the old rules still prevail, you and the duke will still be married.”

“I hope the duke does not take any offense from this,” Krystal side eyes him and Sehun shrugs. “But I do want this pushed. It is unfair for the people, and almost always unhealthy for parties who might be into an abusive union since they do not know their partners well.”

Sehun smirks. “I actually agree with Krystal on this. She might end up abusing me while we’re married. Even beforehand.”

She nudges his ribs, “All you had to do was nod, Sehun-ah.”

“But you already know Sehun,” Irene responds. “He is not like any other prince and he will surely serve your kingdom well. I think you even look quite great together, don’t they?”

Pleased with that statement, everyone else including the couple all found themselves smiling at them.

“Besides it is an honor to have the only son of Honsang’s ruler, is it not?” the Queen, Krystal’s mother herself, suddenly speaks and Krystal agrees too – that is of duty, honor, integrity and grace. She may not love Sehun along the process; at least she is bringing Sangdokchi some pride into having the next in line king an heir from a powerful kingdom.

“We must get everyone ready for the ball tonight,” Changmin then concludes, drinking from his warmish tea. “The drinking ceremony and the dance of course. At 6 PM sharp, in the throne room.”

The sun is high above their umbrellas, casting minimal shadows and an widespread warmth of spring. Small talk occurs between the Honsang sisters, a stoic Sehun observing the garden, Changmin and the Queen all grins as they decide where their guests may stay the night (and hopefully, Sehun be not in her room, Krystal thinks) – it’s most likely that she’s never felt this alone in a long time.

Everything about this convergence feels too fake and hasty.

“Yosh!” Changmin has got to stop using that expression, Krystal broods over. Ever since after his journey to Japan last month, he has been using those foreign words as if they are his own and as if he actually knows what they mean – it is deliberately quite humiliating. “Let us have your majesties to their rooms so we can all prepare.”

“Will I be staying in Krystal’s chambers?” Sehun wonders as they walk back to the palace.

Krystal then scoffs. “We’re not married yet.”

“Is it too late to refuse getting tied to this woman?”

“Is it too early to hit Sehun in the face?”

Irene giggles, whispering to her older sister. “Such charming children, aren’t they?”


When in Byungmi you let the logging be a growing commerce – Nichkhun has been taking note of this from his father for the last two years he has sat in the throne to become the ruler. Four years ago, he has been just one of the men from the docks, carrying packages from overseas and delivering them to houses. Four years ago, he has been a nephew to the local blacksmith, a cousin to now his brother-in-law to be. Time has been long but also quite swift and in passing – he can never really tell if it still is all just a dream or he really is now a leader and a man everyone in this kingdom looks up to.

“Ah, he kicked!”

Nichkhun turns to his queen, sitting and beaming on their bedroom still in her robes. His hand falls on her protruding belly, trying to feel the next heir of the throne as it moves.

“Two more weeks, and you will finally see the world, my son,” Nichkhun whispers, putting an arm over Victoria’s shoulders. “I cannot wait till you meet your beautiful mother and the people of Byungmi.”

“Yah, Nichkhun! Qian!” In his pompous yet speedy footsteps, a man, well - Nichkhun’s cousin to be exact, barges into the royal couple’s chambers, grinning as he parades around in fine well-tailored clothing that of a knight, and his boots as dark and as heavy as his eyes were. “Don’t I look dashing?”

“What I do not understand is why you never call them your highness or majesties,” Seohyun follows right behind him, in her flowing ruby dress and undone curls. “Honestly, I have tried to teach him to at least call you that but it seems he cannot outgrow his old habits.”

Victoria laughs. “He cannot outgrow the friendship and easy name-calling in between us. It is good to see you all ready for tonight’s event. I wish I could attend the engagement ceremonies of young Krystal.”

“The child is a complete miniature Changmin. Even the way she speaks, it definitely runs in their blood,” Kyuhyun professes. He shudders, looking down for attention. “My boots are perfect, are they not, Qian? Do you remember when we were in island of Yesseu? I could have kicked those ghouls better if I had worn these.”

“Who will ever forget the Yesseu adventure?” Nichkhun manages to say after pensively remembering those days. They have been those paradoxical days – the darkness merging with the light, the ocean meeting the land, the undead chasing after their lives. An island oftentimes only heard in storybooks mothers will often read to children in order for them to do good while they still can, when witches and warlocks have been vanished for the safety of everyone. Dark magic is chaotic, but at the same time – an immediate source of luck and fate.

He pulls out his ring from underneath his shirt, Seohyun’s ring already exposed by her neck – and for one second Kyuhyun can attest both actually glimmered too much in response to each other. Maybe the sun has casted a mighty ray over the glass window, but he knows, living with the ring for most of his seventeen years, that it is their mother, the late queen’s soul, reacting.

“We will be back as soon as dawn tomorrow, my love,” Nichkhun tells Victoria, kissing the side of her head and clasping her into a strong embrace. He rubs her stomach and beams. “You too, my prince. Father will be back just as soon.”

Seohyun gives Victoria a hug as well. “We will bring back sweet mangoes, your majesty.

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[Night and Day] Chapter 2 is done! Comments are loved so don't be shy to leave one! :)


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AnneXue #1
OH MY GOD! I just check your message in one of my comment. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. I really like "someone other than me" and to see/know that there is a sequel to it and OH MY GOD. Why I just read your comment just know! oh my!

p.s I'll comment again if I have read all the chapter.
TheHonestOne #2
Chapter 2: Oh my Yoongie T.T I hope she's ok and could it be Seulgi who stole the ring? O.O
As for Krystal and Jongin, their relationship is quite complicated, I hope if they do separate they do it on good terms.
And I loved that Khuntoria interaction ♡♡ I hope nothing happens to her and the baby while Kh un ' away.
Can't wait for your next update!
Chapter 2: loving kai/seulgi the most here - seulgi was right in what she's saying but i feel so bad for the both of them. the kaistal break-up scene was so sad ;_; krystal really can't do much in her situation... ngl though i'm looking forward to more sestal interactions and i do think that they will warm up to each other.
Chapter 2: i really love kai and seulgi's relationship the most among the new characters (maybe because there are a lot of interactions of them, as of now) and i'm alsfmalksg loving it. i love how jongin talked about krystal, how he was deeply in love with her (i feel bad for seulgi though), he's very well written!! <3 but in the last part... jongin... just... krystal... <//3

the break-up scene gah i didn't see this one coming! i didn't expect it would be so soon // i am excited how kaistal will progress in the future.... i am really curious what krystal is really thinking and how she really feels. poor jongin

OMG sehun HAHAHAHAHA. i can just imagine him all royale just huh. sestal is like the younger version of chanyoon and they look cute bickering at each other XD.

AND taelli / seokyu spotted <33
Chapter 2: OHMY GOOOOOOOOD I hope Yoona is okay though T___T did Seulgi steal the ring or is it another person?

Anyway, the KhunToria/SeoKyu/Taelli are so adorable keke seriously all the pairings in this story are love love love. Though I feel very bad for Seulgi :( Jongin is...ah, I wish he could understand Krystal's current predicament, but at the same time I can't blame him for not, too, since he is so in love with her. Aigoo, I really wonder what will happen next huhu will Jongin really leave Krys along like how he said he would or would he come back? Eeepp!
Chapter 1: SCREAMS

ok ok ok i need to say that you've incorporated basically ALL my favorite elements in an AU--Kingdoms (with Kings and Queens and Princes and Princesses and Dukes etc) and Magic/Spells! They're all my fav when it comes to reading fantasy fics and I'm really glad you decided to write this because you know how much I love you and your writing right? And not to mention it's OT5 with a little dose of ChangYoon and YUNBOA and SeulKai and (even if they aren't together yet) SUHO/IRENE!!!!!!!!! I totally dig this already omg.

I really am excited to see how this would play out; what will happen to Krystal? Will she be firm with her decision of not wanting to marry Sehun, or would she go with it and learn how to love him? Or will she wait for Jongin faithfully and run away with him or something at the end? SQUEALS i am so excited, seriously. I'm also liking the idea of Boa-Sehun-Irene as siblings because holy shiat gorgeous genes people, gorgeous genes!!!!!!!!!! YOUR WRITING IS SO BEAUTIFUL DONT EVER STOP WRITING

On to chapter 2!!!
TheHonestOne #7
Chapter 1: Awww poor Seulgi :( unrequited love is really painful
Personally I'm rooting for Krystal/Sehun although I feel like it'll end up with Kaos talk together. I have hope that Krystal and Sehun would fall in love like Changyoon ^^ love how you included Yunboa ♡♡
i actually haven't read the other connected story but i'm looking forward to this! always admiring those who can flesh out complicated and wonderful AUs because i simply do not have the imagination or patience to do so >_< so kudos to you! so far i'm loving kai/krystal but my heart breaks for seulgi. the aesthetic of royalty!sestal is so pretty though <33
Chapter 1: love this so much! thank you so much for the update, lynde as in alsfjalskfalsg.
omgggg looking forward to kai and krystal in the next update. <33
(kai and seulgi were cute, too why are you doing this to meeee huhuhu)
TheHonestOne #10
Super duper excited! I hope Krystal ' smart mouth is the same four years later - and please don't even think about killing minnie~well, unless it's necessary