
I'm Sorry
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L E T T E R     N U M B E R    T H R E E   




"I waste at least an hour every day lying in bed. Then I waste time pacing. I waste time thinking. i waste time being quiet and not saying anything because I'm afraid that I'll stutter." - Ned Vizzini




Zico was a nervous reck. He had no other way in explaining the way that he was feeling. Or has been feeling these past couple of weeks.

It's been three weeks since he walked into his house to find cops inside his house like it was a crime scene. It's been three weeks since he walked into his house to find his beautiful wife of four years hanging  from it's very own ceiling.

It's been three weeks since the love of his life, his best friend, his everything has left him. Never to return.

Now it was the day that he has been regretting. The day where her friends and familes would show up crying, screaming, asking god why he had taken such a wonderful girl away from their lives.

Greiving, shaking, eyeing the closed casket with flowers adorned all over and that wonderful, that beautiful picture placed in front of it. The one with her face smiling the most calmest and sweetest smile that anyone could have ever had the lucky chance in seeing in real life.

Today was Seo Maeri's funeral day. 

And today was also the day where another part of Woo Jiho had wilted and died.


Zico's bloodshot eyes opened widely as he saw the person standing in front of him.

He couldn't face her. No, he couldn't. How could he face this woman when he had made a promise to her four years ago to keep her daughter safe. To make her happy, to always bring a smile on her face.

How could he when he was sitting right in front of her daughter's very own casket. Not when he couldn't keep his promise. Not when she had gotten hurt in the end.

"O-Omani. I-I-" 

Mrs. Seo shook her head as she pulled Zico in for a tight hug. 

She didn't have the heart in blaming him for anything. Besides, it wasn't Zico's fault that her own daughter had taken her own life. She should've known herself that something was wrong.

She should've been there for her. The day that she had forgotten to call her was the day that she had also found out that Maeri had killed herself.

If there were someone to blame for this whole thing it should be her.

She was the one that had given life to Maeri. She just hadn't expect her to take her own life when her own mother hadn't even pass the age of fifty-five yet. 

Not when she didn't even have the chance in holding her grandchild. Not when she should have known something was wrong.

Not when Maeri was her own god forsake

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Chapter 5: So sad and beautiful :')
iprincesscasey #2
Chapter 5: Ah..I'm crying..i'm...this was pretty...prettily written..and it felt real..ah ㅠㅠ..
meeb00 #3
Chapter 5: hey there just popped in to say things. lately i've been put in several difficult situations.. and reading this makes me feel loads better thank you for such a good "pick-me-up" story ^^
Chapter 5: wow I have no words for this story! it was just what 5 chapters? it was amazing :) ♡
taekwoonxx #5
Chapter 4: omg i just love this story ;;;
Chapter 3: awhhh poor zico ~~~~~~ qqqqqqqqqq OTL
Chapter 2: I thought that the reason for her suicide is that's she feels dirty but i like the idea of psycho too
really good story
good luck author-nim
Chapter 2: Omo, this story is so so sad, but so beautiful in the same time! Will Zico be able to find his happiness in the end?? Hmmm...I wonder...Please update soon!!