The Spanish Cherry Blossom

Symphonic R♡mance ~ Audition Finally CLOSED!!!

chapter five

"School is like a stage. if you want to be late, you gotta be fashionably late."

The Spanish cherry blossom. 

The sun shines into the pastel-colored bedroom where a body shuffles through the bed blanket. Piles of clothes and jewelry lay all over the room. Despite the constant ringing of the alarm, the person in the room made no effort in trying to stop it or even getting up. From downstairs, smells of cooking bacon and eggs flow up towards the second floor. A stomping footstep walks heavily up toward the bedroom. Upon arriving, the figure opens the door with great strength and with a deep inhale the girl screams, "Yah! Sakura! When are you planning to wake up!" After the sudden burst, she grabs the cover off the girl lying in the bed. Sakura groans from the instant ray of light that sting her eyes. "Wae? What time is it?" Sakura murmurs while rubbing her sleepy eyes. "It's time to get up for school." The other girl replied but after a few second of silence, Sakura find no importance to go to school nd concluded that she should continue sleeping by falling back onto her bed. Overcoming with rage, at the top on her lungs the poor girl screamed, "YAH! GET YOUR UP!"

After finally getting out of her bed, Sakura washed and came back only to find the other girl sitting on her bed preventing her from falling back in. She sighed and went and sat at her dressing table. "Young-Ji ya, you know you don't have to always wake me up right?" She said as she start putting on her daily makeup routine. "Yah, if I don't do it you'll probably be expelled already. The first week of school is not even finished yet and you're already on bad terms with the teachers plus the student council." "So? it's not my fault that they care that much." Sakura said as she sat wondering which earring she should wear today. "Yah, at least, try this year ok? I feel scared whenever Choi Kangji stare at you when I'm next to you." Young-Ji said and picked out a set for her. "Yah, do you think I like him staring at me? If he was the last man on earth, I would rather die than have any kind of interaction with him." Sakura said in a serious tone and puts on her cherry blossom necklace and ring.

After finally leaving the house after a long time in the bedroom, Young-Ji continues to curse at her for making her late once again. When they arrived at school, they already saw a group of delinquents already on their knees in front of the gym teacher. Sakura quietly swore, but it didn't take long before the teacher saw her and Young-Ji at the entrance. He waved for them to come closer with his stick and made them kneel with arm raised while the boys were forced to do planks. "Yah," the teacher said, "where do you think you're going wearing makeup everyday huh? Report to the teacher's office after school today all of you! And you, Sakura, don't you dare think about skipping detention again!" They all got up and started to head off to their own classroom. After they are out of the sight of the teacher, YOung-Ji started giggling at Sakura's frustrated expression as she quietly said "aish, ."


Ming's note


Hey all ouo I know I said I'll be back on Decc 7 but clearly I didnt XDDD but here is the next character to be revealed! Congrat to Sakura for getting picked! oh oh oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! looool I hope you all had a great day and hope you're still alive with me ouo kk i gtg bye!!! love you all!!!!!!!

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Chapter 6: Ya'll I'm sorry for not commenting on this sooner-- but congrats to the chosen characters!! GaLam is adorable hahahah ~ I'll Patiently wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 14: HAHAHAHA OMGGG I had a good laugh reading this chapter =)) These people are so cute okay?! Congratulations to GaLam!! Such a cool name btw :) I missed this. Thank you so much for the update! Reading this chapter surely made my day :) Also, it's okay. You should also enjoy life outside AFF so it's totally understandable. Okay wtf am I saying right now. Hahaha yaay! I'm so excited for the next chapters. Fighting! <333
lemony1004 #3
Chapter 14: lol I love how realistic the dialogue of the classmates are :)
December28th #4
Chapter 9: LOL, now I know who attempted to 'harass' Sakura. Look forward to the next update! Good luck!
December28th #5
Chapter 14: Congrats to GaLam!
Chapter 3: Aaaaah Joon and GaLam are both really cool characters ((I'm glad to see that North is doing well ^-^ Trust me, Dannie is suffering under homework rn but I'm sure she'll totally fall in love once she crawls out hahaha)) Congrats to the chosen so far, I will anticipate the next update ((:
Chapter 9: YAAAAY! :) Happy to know more about Joon :D I actually can't wait the time he'll warm up. Haha! He's so cute, tbh. I'm sorry for the late comments. Huhu. Been very busy but I'm free again. Yehet!
lemony1004 #8
Chapter 12: The cherry blossom ring is sooo cute. and lucky she has such a caring friend~~~ lol it sounds a lot like my dormroom in the morning
yamitan7 #9
Chapter 9: Yasss Joon~~~ lol. Was kinda wondering when he was gonna come out haha. But I feel like Kangji and Joon are kind of friends.. like love-hate relationship? XD
Chapter 11: Ahaha!! Sakura is such an interesting character. I like her already! Haha. Congratulations to Sakura! <3 Your titles are always so catchy. I love 'em :) Happy holidays!