Together Forever

Together Forever {Yoongi oneshot}

"Hey, Yoongi?" You called out to your bestfriend who you were sitting on the park bench with, just watching the children play around on a slightly dark, breezy day.

"Yeah?" He answered, not looking at you.

"Remember the play we did when we were nine?" You asked.

"Oh you mean Peter Pan?"

// " But whyyy? I wanna be Wendyyyy~" The nine year old you whined. "Oh come on, Y/N-ah. Please? You'll get to throw fairy dust everywhere if you're Tinkerbell." Your teacher plead.

"But Tink won't end up with Peter Pan. I want to be with Yoongi till the end." You put on a fake sad face.

"Y/N, please? I'll ask my mum to make you brownies~" Yoongi smirked, knowing that you won't say no to his mum's brownies. "Ugh fineee. But I'm not letting you get even a single bite." You said sassily. //

"You were so cute back then. Ah, good times." Yoongi said. "Why are you suddenly talking about this?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just...miss the good 'ol days." You replied.

"Hey, you know Solji and I have been going on dates right?"

"Um yeah, why?" You started to feel uncomfortable. You were afraid that he might say... "I'm dating her."

Oh no. He said it.

"N-nice. Uhh well, I-um I gotta go. I need to fetch my sister from school. Bye now." You said as your voice cracked abit, due to trying to hold in your tears.


"Why Yoongi? Why did I have to fall for him? I knew I was gonna get hurt if I fell for him, so why did I? I'm so stupid." You kept on crying non-stop.


You went to school early today, hoping that you wouldn't bump into Yoongi but well, life is fair kay. There he is, with Solji, making out at 6 in the morning, in school grounds, thinking that no one is there to see them.

"That's it. I'm done."

You quickly ran back home and just cried all day. All day, you did nothing but lie on bed, staring into nothing. That was when you thought about doing the most stupid thing you could ever think of. Killing yourself. "If this pain isn't going to go away, then I will."


"Guys, I'm really worried about Y/N. She didn't come to school today. And she's NEVER missed a day even if she was sick. I think I'm gonna check on her. See y'all later." Yoongi said to his friends as he quickly ran to Y/N's apartment. Boy was he shocked to see Y/N, hanging in the middle of the room, lifeless.
"No, no! Why did you do it?! Y/N!" He shouted, tears slowly flowing. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or not. You just found your bestfriend, dead and lifeless. What else can you do? He then noticed a blue paper, folded neatly on her suprisingly tidy bed.
He opened it and it read :

my dearest Yoongi, maybe you don't know this but, i really really really really love you. not in a friend way, but way more than that. i was afraid to tell you because it might drive you away from me so i kept it to myself - for eight long years. i thought you kinda did like me back so i waited and waited for you to make the move since it would be shameless of me to make the first move. but when you told me that you were dating Solji, i couldn't take it. my heart couldn't take it. i was too broken. you would probably think it's stupid of me to actually even think of killing myself but it hurts a lot more than you think. and trust me, i've been having suicidal thoughts while waiting for you. im really sorry that i broke the biggest promise that we made to each other; being together forever. just because im dead doesn't mean i don't love you anymore, i will always love you, dead or alive.

yours, Y/N .

"NO! Y/N you can't do this to me! Y/N I just dated Solji to forget about my feeling that I had developed for you. I liked you too. I just thought you didn't like me so I went out with Solji. You have so many guys crushing on you Y/N, I just thought I didn't have a chance, that's why I gave up on trying to win your heart." Yoongi was in the corner of the dark room, crying to himself.


"I'm not going to let your death break our promise. Whether it means I'm going to die or not, I'm still not letting that promise be broken." Yoongi said as he got up and made his way to the kitchen and grabbing a knife. "I'm really sorry for being a coward and not confessing to you when I had the chance. I love you so, so much." he walked up to her, kissed her cold, chapped lips for as long as he could before stabbing himself. Lying in a pool of his own blood, he smiled before shutting his eyes, forever. Now they can be together, forever .



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Chapter 1: Omg this was so cute,yet sad.