Friends ?!

Living With 31 BOYS ?!



Ring Ring Ring

Your POV

Finally the bell rang. I looked down at my notebook. I saw nothing written in there except English. I just stared at it, I was stunned. I never forget to take notes. UGHH, it must be those new guys. I knew they were bad luck. I looked back up and saw people leaving with their backpacks hanging down. I quickly snapped out of my confusion and grabbed my notebook and pens/pencils and put it in my bag.

I quickly ran to the cafeteria. Why? because the line is Really long. I'm not even lying. If you're the last person in line and finally get your lunch. You pretty much only get 5 minutes to eat. When I got there, I saw a lot of people there already in line, getting their food. What's the point? Next time I'm just going to make my own lunch when I have time.

I sat down on one of the circle lunch table and grabbed my water from my bag and drank it. This might as well be my lunch for today. I scanned the room and saw people chatting and laughing. I don't really have any friends since my "reputation" in this school. Nobody really talks to me since of those stupid, so called "queenkas" makes rumors about me.

Like how I do drugs after school, and how I flirt with every guys at school just to get attention. And that every night I'm with someone different. Like what the heck? I don't even let a guy hug me. Plus no guys talks to me.. I wish school would just be done and finished so I can get my scholarship and get out of this jail cell.

I grabbed my book inside of my bag and started to read and drink my water.

Clank x7

I looked up and saw 7 different guys at my table. I ignored them, and thought they were just those desperate guys who listened to the rumors Jiyeon made. I looked up again and realized they were one of those new guys in my class. I widen my eyes and blushed. I quickly covered my face in my books. "~~~ right?" Said a guy who sat right across from me

I looked up and saw this guys named Suga? or is it Jimin? " Yes, My name is ~~~" . "Nice to meet you ~~!" I think that's Jin? No.. No, I'm sure its V.. UGHH there's too many people. #thestruggleisreal . I asked "I'm sorry, what's all your name again?" they all chuckled. "You must be very confused" I nodded quickly. "Alright should we introduce our selfs?, I'm Jungkook".

Wow... He wasn't even one of the guys I guessed.. " I'm Rap Monster", "Suga". "Jin" he said as he smiled kindly. Gosh.. He's really cute too.. " Jimin", "V", "J.Hope, but you probably know since you sit right beside me" he said as he chuckled. I nodded and said " Yeah". "Anyways... Now you know us, do you mind us sitting here?" asked Suga. "No, no I don't mind at all, Its fine" I quickly said. Gosh, why did I say that so fast. It sounds like I'm so desperate for them to sit beside me. UGHH. Suga chuckled and said " Thank you" "No problem" I replied back.

"So, where's your food?" asked Rap Monster. "Oh, um.. the line was too long, so I didn't get lunch.." "Ooooh.." they mouthed. I smiled and continue to drink my water while looking at their lunch. God it looks so good.. I heard my stomach growl and quickly blushed in embarrassment. They all chuckled. I smiled awkwardly. Jimin asked "Are you sure you don't want to eat?" I nodded. "You can have my food, it's totally fine, I can just eat V's food" said Jimin. "WHAT?! no you can't, this is my food not your but MINE" said V.

 I chuckled at their little argument about food and who gets who's. Jungkook started to roll his eyes and said " Gosh hyungs, Just give your food to ~~~, you guys don't need to eat". V widen his eyes and glared at Jungkook and said "What?! are your stupid. You have to eat to survive, ~~~ can have my food, but you can't tell me what to do" I started to laugh. Until I heard J.Hope whispered something to my ears.

I slowly nodded and whispered "well they be mad?" he shooked his head. So I quickly grabbed V, Jungkook, and Jimin's food before they notice. Me and J.Hope started to eat it quickly. Once we were finished Rap Monster, Jin, and Suga were stopping those 3 from doing there childish arguments again. When they finally stopped and were gonna eat. They saw all their food gone, and 2 stain faces with their food on it. They glared at J.Hope and ignored ~~~.

Quickly J.Hope ran for his life out of the cafeteria and those 3 chasing after them. I started to laugh so much. I turned my head to see if they were laughing too. But  I saw Suga and Rap Monster a tiny bit annoyed that they were already creating ruckus on their first day. I looked at Jin, he was just calm and eating his food. I  asked him " Why aren't you mad about them running around school?" He replied back saying " They're going to get tired sooner or later, so what's the point of chasing after them. Plus there going to get caught too." I nodded in agreement but then asked " But, If they get in trouble, they're going to have detention." Instead of Jin replying, Suga said " That's their problem, let them learn their lesson." I nodded and started to drink my water and read my book again.

But later, I heard Rap Monster asking "Hey ~~~" I replied with a hmm. he continued to ask " Our group and you are friends right?" I stopped reading right away. I was stunned, friends...? I finally have friends in this school? I quickly nodded at him and said "Defiantly, we're friends" I smiled happily to them. All 3 of them smiled back at you. Suga said " Those other 4,  I'll tell them we made a new friend today." I smiled back as a reply

I finally have friends..  


Hey guys, It's KpopLover417

I know peobably some of you guys are mad about my other fanfic.

I just hope you'll guys will like this fanfic too?!

Anyways. I have a question about which group should i do next?


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kpopperiu #1
Chapter 2: I cant wait kekeke please update soon :)
Chapter 2: I can't stop smiling while reading! do update soon!!
I love this story it doesn't drone on
aTotalKpopLover #4
Chapter 2: im loving it already omg! looking forward :D
Chapter 2: How do you know no one is voting more than one time? We freinds? Yeah
MaceyLee #7
Fighting!~ Waiting for next update
Chapter 1: Awesomee ..!! Keep up the good work authornim