
Go Away

Hakyeon pointed at the screen of his computer. "How does this place look?" Taekwoon glanced over and shrugged.


"I don't know." He said. Hakyeon groaned dramatically.


"Taekwoon-ah!" He said and hit the younger man in the shoulder. Taekwoon frowned and rubbed his arm.


"What do you want me to say?" He asked. Hakyeon stuck his tongue out.


"I just want to know if the place looks like we could stay there for a night." He said.


"I hate having to go out of town for meetings." Taekwoon muttered. Hakyeon sighed and leaned over, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek.


"I know. But seriously, do you think we can stay there?" Taekwoon looked back at the screen and frowned.


"I've heard about that place..." He said slowly. "It's supposed to be haunted." Hakyeon laughed.


"Haunted? Yeah right. C'mon Taekwoon. Do you really believe in that stuff?" Taekwoon shrugged.


"If a ghost kills us I'm blaming you." He replied with a straight face. Hakyeon laughed again and kissed Taekwoon.


"Don't worry." He said.




Hakyeon's eyes fluttered open. They were at the old hotel, in their room. It was clean and the staff were polite, so Hakyeon didn't really have any complaints. Taekwoon, on the other hand, seemed like he was completely on edge. It wasn't until he'd fallen asleep that he'd started to relax. He was still asleep, a peaceful expression on his face. Hakyeon smiled slightly and kissed him on the forehead. He closed his eyes to fall back asleep before he heard someone else breathing.


It was too harsh to be Taekwoon's, who was still asleep. It wasn't Hakyeon. Hakyeon's eyes flew open and a shiver ran down his spine when at the edge of the end he saw a shimmering apparation of a lady in a bloody dress watching them with wild eyes. She locked eyes with Hakyeon.


"What are you doing here?" She hissed. Hakyeon swallowed back his fear.


"I'm trying to sleep." He answered. She made a loud hissing sound and Hakyeon held a finger to his lips. "Quiet!" The ghost lady blinked in surprise and drew back.


"What?" She sounded a bit astonished that Hakyeon wasn't scared of her.


"Taekwoon-ah is still asleep. I'm not gonna let you wake him up." Hakyeon answered stubbornly, his fear melting.


"You dare-"


"Yes." Hakyeon cut in. "Lady, we have a big business meeting tomorrow and if you wake Taekwoon up he will never fall back asleep and he will be cranky and irritable and the meeting will go horribly." The ghost hissed and came closer. Hakyeon sat straight up and met her fierce gaze. 


She grabbed his wrist and Hakyeon almost yelped. Her hand was ice cold and he couldn't even feel it there. It was just like freezing cold air was wrapped around his wrist. But it burned as though it were a fire gripping him.


"Don't you speak to me this way." She snapped. Hakyeon used his free hand to grab a pillow and hit her with it. To his surprise it actually made contact. The ghost let go and stumbled back. Hakyeon quickly got out of the bed and stood up. He crossed his arms and glared at the ghost.


"You are going to be quiet!" He demanded. "I am not in the mood for your ghostly hijinks and. I am most certainly not in the mood for you to be waking up my poor boyfriend! I don't care if you mess with people after we leave, but you are NOT going to mess with us! So you are going to go back to your grave or wherever it is you came from, and you're going to stay there! Do you understand?" 


The ghost stared at him in shock before meekly stepping back and disappearing. Hakyeon sighed and got back into bed. He laid back down next to Taekwoon, who, somehow, hadn't woken up and was still sleeping peacefully. Hakyeon closed his eyes and fell back asleep.




The next morning Hakyeon woke up to Taekwoon shaking his shoulder. Hakyeon sat up and stretched.


"Morning Taekwoon." He said, smiling at the other man. Taekwoon frowned.


"What happened to your wrist?" He asked. Hakyeon glanced down at his wrist and blinked in shock. It was purplish, as if it was bruised. It must have happened when the ghost had grabbed him.


"I..." He looked back at Taekwoon and then sighed. "Maybe you're right about ghosts existing..." He said quietly. Taekwoon frowned and sat down next to him.


"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.


"Well... I kind of woke up last night and there was a ghost lady and... Yeah... She grabbed my wrist at some point. I hadn't realized what she did to it..."


"How did you get her to not kill you?" Taekwoon asked, looking confused.


"... I told her to be quiet and that she wasn't going to mess with us because you were sleeping and we have a big meeting?" Taekwoon was silent for a moment. "You had seemed so tense, I didn't want you to wake up and freak out over a ghost..."


"Hakyeon." Taekwoon said after a moment. Hakyeon looked at him questioningly. "I know how to deal with ghosts. I grew up with them in my house. I wouldn't have freaked out."


"Oh." Was all Hakyeon could say. Taekwoon shook his head. "Hey, I still wanted you to be able to get enough sleep."


"You're such a dork." Taekwoon said.


"But I'm your dork~"



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This is cute
Chapter 1: Aww..Hakyeon is a sweet boyfriend..luckyyouTaek..x3 I think I will die because of the ghost if I were Hakyeon..xDDD
nanaluska #3
Chapter 1: Cute~~ If I were Hakyeon I would die becuse gohst? ssooo ssccarrryy xD