Chapter 8

The Misadventures

Kyungsoo was expecting to wake up late in his peaceful and quiet bedroom. But no. A sharp ringing sound arising from his bedside table disturbs Kyungsoo from his beauty sleep. When he reaches out a bit too far for his phone, Kyungsoo falls out of bed and lands not-so-gracefully on his face which causes his drowsiness to suddenly vanish as pain rushes through his body. Looking terribly bedraggled, he lifts himself up from the floor and grabs his phone hurriedly before answering it. Whoever this is, whatever they have to say better be important.

“Mph…” Kyungsoo groans.

You sound happy.” Kyungsoo instantly recognises the voice when it makes the sarcastic remark. It couldn’t be anyone else except Kai. “Guessing you slept well, huh?

Deciding to play it safe, Kyungsoo acts as if he doesn’t know who’s on the end. “Who is this?” He drones while mentally cursing himself for falling out of bed.

You know who this is,” Kai responds knowingly and Kyungsoo is possitive that if he could see Kai’s face on the other end, that kid would have a devilish smirk on his face.

Kyungsoo wasn’t feeling particularly happy that his precious sleep was abruptly disturbed, and falling off the bed onto his face didn’t help either, but when he heard Kai’s voice on the other end, he felt his stomach flip. “Why did you call me so early? I fell on my face trying to get my phone," Kyungsoo whines, wanting to get some sympathy out of the younger.

Kyungsoo hears Kai snicker on the other side before he responds with, “do you want me to kiss it better?” He lets out a booming laugh when Kyungsoo flusters and splutters from embarrassment. Changing the subject before things get too awkward, Kai says, “sorry about the other day.”

Kyungsoo bites down on his bottom lip. He remembers the sharp pang his head received when Kai had pushed him to the ground. “Was it my fault?”

Nah, Yixing’s fault.” He pauses to let Kyungsoo speak but quickly adds, “what did he say to you, by the way?

“Um…” Kyungsoo tries to recall the conversation he had with Yixing yesterday, wrecking his memory in the process. “He just told me that you wanted to talk to me. I went to find you and the next thing I knew, my head was slammed against the wall.”

Oh, sorry about that.” Kyungsoo smiles to himself when he hears the sympathy in Kai’s voice. “I really didn’t mean to react like that. Honest. But, if it makes you feel better, I pushed Yixing harder than I pushed you.” He adds on a distictive chuckle that Kyungsoo soon joins in with.

“Kai, what’s your opinion on Junmyeon?” Kyungsoo asks sceptically, uncertainty writhing under his skin.

What’s it to you?” Kai replies bluntly.

“H-has he been giving you any… problems? Because of me, I mean.”

Kai pauses for what seems like an eternity before he speaks again. “He just doesn’t want me near you. I don’t know why he hates me so much. I mean, I'm such a loveable person!

“He’s just worried that I’m going to leave him for you. He has done the same thing with Jongdae and Baekhyun before.” Kyungsoo thinks about the conversation he had with Jongdae the day before. “Junmyeon and Jongdae were best friends but when Baekhyun became friends with Jongdae, Junmyeon got jealous and bullied him.”

Are they all good now?” Kai asks, suddenly interested by the topic.

“Yes. Junmyeon, Baekhyun and Jongdae are all good friends now so I’m sure he’ll warm up to you eventually.”

As long as he doesn’t try to murder me, I think I’ll be able to handle him,” Kai chuckles on the other side.

“I’m sure he won’t do that. Junmyeon is one of the nicest people in the world.”

You sure about that? Would the nicest person in the world push you down the stairs?

“He pushed you down the stairs?!” Kyungsoo cries, looking mortified. This causes an outcry of laughter from Kai’s end while Kyungsoo is thankful that Kai can’t see his cheeks glow an embarrassing baby pink colour.

He suddenly halts his boisterous laughter to say, “To be honest, Kyungsoo, I think you’re a better contender for the nicest person in the world.”

Is this a dream? Did he seriously just say…? Kyungsoo looks down at his feet and wriggles them against the floor. “Y-you think so?” His voice trembles more than jelly in an earthquake as he tries his best to keep his balance on two feet.

Kai simply hums in agreement. “It was nice talking to you, Kyungsoo. Buh bye!

After Kai hangs up, Kyungsoo sighs contently and makes giddy movements to put his phone back on the bedside table. How is Kai able to sound like such an while being equally as charming? He leaves his room in an unexplainable rush, bumping into his feeble mother on his way out.

“Oof!” She stumbles a little, clinging onto the wall while trying to keep herself from falling down. When her eyes meet with her son’s panic-stricken eyes, she smiles the pain away. “Sorry for getting in your way, baby.”

“No, mom, it was my fault, I ran into you, I shouldn’t have been rushing, I hope you’re not hurt, I’m really sorry, I--” Kyungsoo is halted by a finger being put against his lips as his mother hushes him in her voice as soft as silk. His heart rate reduces to normal and he pushes his mother’s finger away from his mouth. “What are you doing out and about anyways? I thought you would still be asleep.”

“I came to ask who you were talking to on the phone,” she says innocently, oblivious to Kyungsoo’s bashful state. “I was just a little curious but I can see that it was none of my business.” She bids him a silent farewell before returning to her bedroom and shutting the door very gently behind her.

Kyungsoo breathes a huge sigh of relief and slouches against the wall. Note to self: don’t speak too loudly on the phone. He violently pushes himself away from the wall and slowly paces down the stairs, his main destination being the kitchen. He feels goosebumps cover his skin like a veil when he sets one foot onto the cold floor tiles and he clutches his bed shirt that covers the region of his stomach. He hops, skips and jumps to his favourite cupboard in the kitchen – the cupboard containing the cereal. Flinging open the cupboard door, feelings of despair flood his mind when he comes face to face with an empty cupboard. No cereal, no food whatsoever. This isn’t the reality he wanted; he was looking forward to a great big bowl full of cereal but that is simply not possible at the moment. Wading through the depths of despair, Kyungsoo takes out a frying pan from a different cupboard and decides to make pancakes instead. Still mourning over the absence of his dearly beloved cereal, he mumbles to himself, “What an awful start to the weekend…”


Author's Note:

Sorry for disappearing these past few days. I have been a bit distracted by food, video games and TV recently but now that I have a holiday for a week, I'll be able to upload more frequently... maybe... possibly... hopefully...

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emmetropia #1
Chapter 1: I was just reading the first few lines of this chapter and i just had to stop and tell you that that is one of the prettiest introductions i have read in a while. Ok so going back...
taeganger799101 #4
Chapter 23: Great story! The characters interacted with one another well and the Kaisoo moments were so sweet! >.<
Chapter 23: This was too cute where's the sequel or epilogue preferably both
myungyeolfab #7
Chapter 23: Awh so cute! I love it
WoAiNini #8
Chapter 23: That's so sweet <3 It got me laugh and squeal so many times especially because of squishy Soo's cuteness haha. Great story, author-nim. I love it!
setareD #9
Chapter 23: I can just say that I loved it....I love schoollife stories<3
Xoxo127 #10
Just at the foreword n i agree! Kaisoo too much angst!!