We never go out of style




Yong guk plays with the cigarette in between his index and middle finger. Letting out the smoke from his mouth into the dark night, summer air, he leans onto his motorbike, watching the building up front. It’s a library and it’s almost closing time, people are beginning to file out but he can't see the person he's waiting for.

He waits for another fifteen minutes before he sees his cherry lipped salvation. A smirk finds itself on his lips and he lets the bud fall from his fingers before stepping on it and moving towards the person.

(Himchan had been the last person to come out of the library. He had been just so immersed in his book that the librarian had to come and tell him that it was closing time. He issued some books and walks out but then his eyes fall on a person standing outside and he halts.)

Himchan feels his breath get caught in his throat as he sees Bang Yong guk walking towards him, the mysterious aura, the dreamy eyes, the captivating blush inducing smirk. He knows he's fallen because he can't move. And he knows what's going to happen next. 

They have this attraction that they can't stay away from each other for long. It’s like no matter how far they try to get away from each other, they always find their way back to one another.

Himchans breath hitches because Yong guk is just so close in a matter of minutes, and he closes the distance between them. He doesn't even care that all the books he was carrying are no longer in his arms because his hands are tangled in Yong guks hair, his cheeks are flushed and he's so glad it’s late and he was the last one out. 

Everything else is hazy and addicting until they pull away for air. Himchan can't look away from those deep eyes.




Yong guk drops him home and like always Himchan doesn't invite him in. It's always like this. They have marked territories, these invisible lines that they don't pass even though they crave for each other like drugs.

Himchan watches as Yong guk retrieves into the night. He looks at Yong guks dark hair, his sleek back, his perfect features under the moon light. His white shirt hugs his back when he drives away and Himchan lets out a breath that he didn't even know he had been holding. He closes the door and they fall back into their normal pattern.

Himchan returns to his normal routine of classes, part time job, hanging out with his friends and such. And Yong guk to whatever he does. They always meet in shadows and then disappear back into the darkness.

 It happens once in a while like getting a fix so when Himchan moves into his new better furnished apartment; he's not surprised to see the roses at his door the very next day after shifting. Some of the thorns are still there, like a reminder of the consequences of falling in too deep. They are deep red but Himchan loves them none the less.

 Even with the pricking of his finger, he accepts them with all their sides.




Only a few days after Yong guk appears again and Himchan knows he should just tell the other to leave because he knows where this leads but he’s already addicted to the other...  They mingle their breaths in the hallway in front of Himchans door.

He leaves the other breathless and like always, disappears again. Himchan traces his fingers over his swollen red lips and lives with the memory again.




Time passes and Himchan completes his degree, finding a well, stable and good job. He meets a good guy, a colleague. The guy makes him laugh, has a Busan accent, and is very handsome. Daehyun would make a good partner for anyone… but just not him. Because he still walks alone, late in the night, hoping maybe Yong guk will show up.

Daehyun and Himchan grab dinner one night and Daehyun is nothing but a gentleman. He wanted to drop Himchan home too but the other likes the night air so he politely rejects.

Himchan likes following the stars home so when the lights of a car follow up behind him, he doesn't pay attention. Only when still after a while, the car keeps continuing on with him does Himchan turn around and look at the expensive black car, and the person inside decides to stop and get out.

Himchan feels his mind go blank and feet refuse to listen to him. Like, as always Yong guk is quick for taking in his addiction. It’s passionate and deep, filled with emotions albeit a bit rougher as well. 

Himchan doesn't know when or how he ended up leaning against Yong guks car and being corned between the two, he just knows Yong guk’s here and he's real. Himchan curls his fits into Yong guks shirt and he just can't get enough. When they pull back, there is something dark in Yong guks eyes and it gives Himchan the courage to say

'Take me home...' It’s a whisper, in between breaths but it’s there.




They drive to Yong guks place in this quiet engulfing sweet high. Himchan can't help but smile because Yong guk just can't keep his wild eyes on the road. They reach and Himchan crosses the barriers they had put up, hand in hand with Yong guk.




 It’s like stepping into a fantasy, a rather dark one since Himchan is the embodiment of light where as Yong guk is the exact opposite. His condo proves Himchans theory. Himchan slides his finger along the black sofa placed rather stylishly. Himchan looks back at Yong guk as the said man takes off his coat and the white shirt he's wearing hugs his frame sensually. The lights are off. Himchan bites his lower lip. He needs to ask though, he's been thinking so he asks as Yong guk lights himself a cigarette. "I heard... That you've been hanging… around someone else"  

He knows Yong guk’s looking at him even though he's facing away from the other. He knows because his body burns under the intense gaze the other is giving him. He wants ask more; ask what are they? because he needs to know but his mind won’t form words. He can feel Yong guk getting closer and he tenses as the smoke blows over his shoulder. 

A low chuckle escapes Yong guks lips. ".” He curses in a voice little above a whisper, like with the puff of the smoke he lets out. "We shared one (cigarette), good kid, got corrupted too young" Yong guk slowly wraps his arms around Himchans waist, pulling the other back into his chest. He leans his head on Himchans shoulder.

The cigarette bud fallen and burned into the carpet. Yong guk steps on it for good measure. He takes in a deep Inhale and let's out a pleased exhale, his breath causing goose bumps on Himchans skin. He smirks into his neck "You're so intoxicating Kim Himchan..." His voice dropping a few octaves, sending a shiver down Himchans spine. 

"I can't stop thinking about you... And I" he pulls the other tighter into him. "I need you"

Himchan closes his eyes, knowing this is it. He can't wait and neither can Yong guk. They had been putting off this dose but now they can't last without it. He's already had too much of this drug called Bang Yong guk and now he can't let go.

The city lights are bright outside and the view from Yong guks condos window is beautiful. But neither of them really cares as the world blurs out and it's just them. It's just those dreamy eyes, the mysterious aura, and the discarded white shirt that hugs Yong guks frame perfectly. It’s Himchans swollen cherry lips, milky white skin and the pink of his flushed cheeks.

It’s the sound of their breaths mingled into each other and it’s everything perfect. It’s like a dream and neither of them wants it to end. It's flawless and it's so close to that emotion, that they both feel so strongly, that lingers on their tongues waiting to be spilled for the other, that they try to convey it through these moments between them. 



 It's love.




Hey everyone!! :D

So... I know I was suppose to update real quick but yeah... both my computer and my tablet were like 'nope' and so my computer wouldn't turn on.. and my tablet jumped (slipped) out of my hand and its lcd broke T_T My computer, my baby, is back on working now. Yay!!! :D but my tablet still needs repairing... T_T sigh.. 

Anyways!! I hope you enjoyed! :3 

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LoveBabyCass #1
Chapter 1: Oh wow! This is amazing! Well done author-nim!
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 1: Perfect! Beautiful! Amazing!
Chapter 1: This is sooo them
thank you dear
Chapter 1: This is amazing!! I love it :D
Chapter 1: BangHim is so precious, thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 1: Unfortunately, their relationship is so blur=3= But I luv how the way u make it beautiful, Author-nim^^ BangHim is so precious n I ship them 2 no end (eventhough I'm so deprived bcause the lack of their moments n fics nowadays-_-) Nice story!!!^^=
jeonxox #7
Good luck!