Date Night

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“Hi, sorry that took so long,” Lea greeted as she walked out the front door.

            “No problem,” he said with a smile, “Are you ready to go?”

            She nodded and he led her to the curb where a shiny red car was waiting for them. Her jaw dropped as she identified it as a Ferrari that probably cost more than her income for a decade.

            He frowned, “Is there anything wrong?” He asked as he held the door of the passenger seat for her.

            “Nothing,” She gulped, sliding into the seat. She tried not to let the show of money intimidate her.

            A second later and Daehyun slipped into the seat next to her, “Buckle up,” he said and she was quick to obey. She almost squealed in excitement at the gentle purr of the engine as he pulled out of the driveway. “You live in a pretty crummy neighborhood, babe,” he said with a frown, “I’m surprised Youngjae lets you live here.”

            “He can’t tell me what to do,” Lea said with a snort.

            Daehyun briefly looked up to flash her a grin, “You’re so feisty… I like that.”

            Lea wasn’t so fluent in the language of flirting and was unsure how to respond to that. Instead, she cleared and said, “So, where are you taking me?”

            “I thought I’d let you decide. Anywhere you want, babe.”

            “Meat,” she automatically said.

            He blinked, “What?”

            “Meat? Like grilled hanwoo or something. Is that okay? Are you a vegetarian or something?” She asked in concern.

            “Well, no. I just thought that you might want to go somewhere nicer. Like French or Japanese or something. I know this great sashimi place…”

            Lea did not take all that time and effort getting ready just to starve while nibbling on a few slices of over priced raw fish. She pursed her lips, trying to tell herself not to be so demanding, “Well, I guess that’s ok, too…”

            Daehyun was quick to recognize her reluctant tone, “Beef works too. I think I know a nicer place not far from here.”

            That perked her attention. Lea sat up straighter in her seat, nearly bouncing with excitement.

            A few minutes later and they pulled up in front of a classy-looking restaurant. But Lea didn’t care about the outward appearance. All she cared about was the meat.  

            “Is this place okay with you?” He asked, hesitant. He had never brought a girl to restaurant with a rating under five stars and was unsure how to feel in this situation.

            But Lea was excited, “Yes, it’s perfect! Let’s get seats!”

            Luckily, Daehyun managed to bribe the waiter with enough cash to get them a private room in the back, and he felt a bit better about the situation. The waiter led them into the small, but cozy room. He took their drink orders, then left to give them time to look at the menu.

            It was warm in the room and Lea stood up to take off her coat. Daehyun’s jaw dropped. He hadn’t given her outfit much thought, and to be truthful, he hadn’t expected much ever since witnessing her in her t-shirt and shorts combo at the party, so to say that he was pleasantly surprised was a gross understatement. The golden bandage dress hugged every curve and pushed up her chest so that it overflowed into delectable cleavage. Her sky-high heels added to the effect, making her tan legs look miles long.

            Daehyun his lips. Of course, he had seen her in her swimsuit, but the athletic two piece did not do her nearly as many favors as this gold get up. He had no idea she had a body like that. He only wished she’d turn around so he could take a good look at her .

            “Lea… You look amazing.”

            She paused, self-consciously tugging on the short hem before sitting down. It was impossible to miss the way his eyes devoured her body without any shame. She smiled back at him, “Thank you. You look nice, too.”

            And she was telling the truth. Daehyun was dressed simply—in a dark collared shirt and pants, but he had his honey-colored hair slicked back, and the effect made him look masculine and mature. She remembered her earlier conversation with Ye-eun and couldn’t help but her lips as well. She didn’t think she’d mind too much if she had to do anything physical with the man. He wasn’t dangerous like the older leaders of BAP and besides, the young man was gorgeous.

            Luckily, their waiter walked in at that moment, interrupting their moment, or else Lea wasn’t sure what would have happened. The waiter set down Daehyun’s old-fashioned and Lea’s cosmo, which was still the only drink she was familiar with—well, that and tequila shots, but she didn’t think it would be too lady-like to down shots at the dinner table.

            “Are you two ready to order?”

            Daehyun smiled and gestured for her to start. Lea glanced down at the menu and was dazed by all the delicious pictures of meat. There was so much to choose from. Before she could make up her mind, a beautiful “all-you-can-eat” sign caught her attention on the bottom of the page. “This!” She immediately said, gesturing wildly to the sign, “We definitely need this!”

            Daehyun’s mouth opened in surprise, “Are you sure, babe?”

            “Yes! I can’t just decide on one. Please, oppa?” She pouted.

            He stood no chance against her aegyo when she was dressed like that, “Of course, babe. Anything you w

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singingintherain476 #1
Chapter 5: Hey... just found this story and its really interesting... wonder what your plan was for the ending:)
sidnerella #2
Chapter 5: I really hope you continue this story! I love it and you have me really entrigued. :)
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 5: really liked this chapter! oooh, I wonder if Mimi is preggers??? hmm, either way, Lea's refreshing to the boys, well all except Himchan :) loved her interaction with Jongup & Zelo... looking forward to the next chapter, have fun on your vacay & thanks for updating!
Anfia976 #4
Yongguk and Lea please
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 4: I loved this chapter! I could only imagine the astonishment of the waiter! hahaah, I loved the line, he prepared the food fast, to make sure he wasn't eaten! Lol! I really like how this is going & can't wait for more! poor Youngjae, must be worried sick!
junghyojin4 #6
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh i'm hungry @.@
Chapter 4: Talk about cuteness overload OmG >.< thanks for the update xD