Telling you no and them you ask me for a yes, following by a Kiss.

It started with a Kiss
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Leo fought with his parents, but after understood his father situation he decided to allow this wedding. I didn’t know what he was thinking at that time.


Nila:”If he has haccepted... that means.. that...”

N: “He is a moron, and you must move on!”


N and Nila words weren’t lies, but despite of that they hurt so much. Leo was engaged Eunjae and I won’t do anything to change that. Leo returned at home and gave up the jog in the café, I don’t really know why but he returned, followed by Eunjae. Leo’s fiancé spent most of his time at home, even when he wasn’t there. Mom wasn’t very happy, she doesn’t like Eunjae, and she really hate that situation that his family must to tolerate.


My daddy returned some days, it would be a long visit and I was so excited, I missed him so much at moments like that. When his flight landed on and he crossed the returning gate I ran into him. I cried hugging him tightly. On the way to home I told him about the news about the family and the university. When I said to him about Leo’s wedding my daddy asked me how I was.


-“Well, you know... it’s ok, since it is what he wants. I knew he wouldn’t be mine, so I suppose that now I have become absolutely aware.”


My daddy was lookin at me with susceptibles eyes.


D:”You’re stronger than I have never imagine.”


We spent the day togheter, we walked around the city and I showed him the campus. At night I had to left him because that day was N’s recital.


When I arrived at the theater it was full, I sat on my seat and wait the lights were turned down. The first participant were a dance group, next to them daced a clasic pair, them another group and finally was his turn.


N was in white, which standed out his dark skin, and a bow was covering his eyes. When the lights were turned off I couldn’t control myself and shouted his name, I wanted he knew I was there supporting him, and I was so proud. His dance was amazing, I cried till the end and ran into the backstage. Around N was a lot of people congratulating him.


N:”I have been asked to take part in a musical as dancer!”



I jumped into him but I noticed that everyone was looking at us so I let him on the floor. I look on his eyes, he was joyful. He has been my friend for a rally long time, my friend, my support and more, I really love him in that way.


-“Well, in that case I must give you this.”


I took a papper from my pocket, N laught like a crazy.


N:”Are you serious? Wishes cards?”

-“Oh c’mon! You used to love them, how many times have you asked me for that?”

N:”Can I wish whatever I want?”

- “Ya! You have to think about that! I’m not a genie, once it’s done you couldn’t have more, so don’t waste it.”

N:”Nop, I know what I want.”

-“Well! Tell me!.”

N:”I want a date with you.”

-“A date? With me?”

N:”Yes, a date, you and I, as... boyfriend and girlfriend.” – I didn’t expect something like that.-“But it’s not necessary that the genie answer it now, I can wait till she can make my wish come true.”


I didn’t know what to say. I was very confuse, Leo was engaged and I had feeling from N too, I knew he love me more than anyone in this word. I didn’t know what to do.

I spent the night thinking about it. Why was life so difficult and love so painful?

Next morning I went down stairs to have breakfast, and there she was, Eunjae, cooking Leo’s breakfast.


E:”At last you have got up. Um... pretty pijama.”- I was wearing my Teddy bears pijama, it was soft and warm, winter was coming and the night was so cold.-“ A woman musn’t wear this kind of clothes around the house, it isn’t feminine.”


I didn't spend time on answered, she liked bother me. I caught my orange juice and my cereals bowl and sat on the table. My daddy was sitting next to Mr Jung.


D:”Good morning darling! How was N’s recital?”

- “Wonderful, you have to see him on the stage.”

D:”N is a good boy darling, you must fall in love with a boy as good as him.

-“Well... actually.... he has asked me on a date, but I don’t know what to say."


Yes, I though I was speaking to me but no! I said it out loud, so everyone on the table could hear it.


As red as a tomato I took my glass and went to the kitchen.


-“Silly! Have you to speak out loud while you are frustrated?

E:”So, are you dating the red-haired boy who works in the canteen?”- Eunjae had followed me into the kitchen- “That’s good despite the fact that Leo and me are engaged. We are thinking on moving to the city center and we would like that their parents would move with us too. An apartment for four. You must to look for a new house, maybe you could live with your boyfriend, since it won’t be a pleasure to have a refugee in my house."


She could take with my nerves out, and sometimes she looked more vulgar than his social status. Maybe I wasn’t the brither, but she was very rude and impertinent. Even that she was correct, she will be Leo’s wife, and obviously I must move if I won’t become as Cinderella. I imagined the situation and it really bother me, yeah... it will be like hell. Then I realize I was crying, my stupid imagination!


The two first hours in classes passed slower as it used to be, I was sad and confused. And Eunjae was hooked in Leo’s arm, and he also returned her his smile! He likes her without any doubt. I spent the next hours on the bathroom crying my heart out. When I calmed myself and stopped to cry I went out and saw my reflection in the mirror. My hair falling on my back, the jumper was wrinkle and the shirt was out the jeans, which was one size bigger, and for finishing my horrible combination I realized that I was wearing two differents pair of socks.

-“____! It cannot continue like this! I have to do something.”


I decided to make a decision, so I went into the canteen, I couldn’t take anything on my at that moment, but I had to go and looked for N. When I came inside I could see his red hair moving from a table to another.



N:”oh! Hi!”

-“Um… I want to know if the wish… is still..."

N:”Of course! See you tomorrow at 12?”



I left the canteen smiling, I will forget Leo and I will start again.


Our first date was great, we ate ice-cream and swung the park’s swing as children. He taught me the new dance steps that he had learnt and we laugh so much with our nonsense. I feel so good that next day we decided to see again, well I asked him on a date.

Two weeks had passed and N told me he had a big surprise, he only request me to carry the food. So I got up early and started to cook our meal, while I was humming a song that I had listened on the radio. The food looks good, edible at all, and I hope N likes them. Leo came into the kitchen.


L: “Cooking at this hours?”



He took some of the food and left the kitchen silently.


Mom woke up really late, since they announcement of Leo’s engaged she was so depressed and slept more than the usual.


M:”Good morning! Who is this food for?”


I sat on the table with everyone.


-“Um?... this food? It’s for N and me, he asked to make them- I didn’t say anything about his surprise.


D:”It looks delicious, he will like it, I’m sure. If he don’t fall for you appearance, he will do because of your food.”


Daddy comment was out of the corner, and Mom cried as she haven’t got a soul to split.


N picked me up on his motorbike, a red and new scooter.


N:”Are you ready?! Let’s go!”


Leo was coming out the house at that moment too.


L:”Are you going to ride on this?”


I saw him with a disgusting face, took my helmet and sat behind N, crossing my arms around his waist.



I didn’t know where we were going and I was a little nervous. We spent more that an hour on the road when we reached an amusement park. I have never been on one before, and N knows I would like to g

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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 9: Love the story please update soon.
Ficnatic #2
Chapter 2: omo i love your stories!! a little like playful kiss but hey its interesting kekek update more author-nim!^^
StArmyLightSone #3
Chapter 4: OMG !!! Please improve your English and my name is StArmyLightSone!!! Not stone....
I am really sorry!! this week is imposible for me to upload the 3rd chapter because on two weeks I have my university exam and I am studying sooooo much T.T But please wait!!!! xD Thanks so much!!!! <3
HappyVVirus #5
Chapter 2: i read your fic :) i like it *thumbs up*