9. Classes, nursing and N's kiss

It started with a Kiss
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-- 9 --


Leo started his classes in the hospital as soon as it used to start, because he had a year to make up. I received an admission letter from the Nurse University, and I would start in a mouth.

I was in a café with Nila, who had called me because she had something important to tell me.


N:”Okay! I will split it! I’m pregnant!!!”

-“What?!??!?!?! Are you kidding me!!!!????”

N:”No! It’s true, see the x-ray!!”


It was true!!! I would become aunt!!!! I was so happy for Nila, he had been three years with her boyfriend, they were living together and she had a good position in a designer company.

When I returned at home I told the family the news; Mom was so happy about that and that night it was our conversation topic.

I was lying next to Leo in our new room, I was pinching his cheek.


-“How many children would you like to have, Teakwoon-a?”

L:”Three, two boys and a girl, or if it’s possible as much as we can.”

-“Really? Do you want as much as you can make? You are a ert!!!”

L:”Why??? I like children, I love you and I really like the way we can make them.”

-“Shut up!”


He was tickling my waist.


When we arrive from our honeymoon our parents had decided to move to a new house. It was two house in one. We were living in the west space and Mom, daddy and father were living on the east space of the house. Our room was the biggest with a doble bed size and a a big dressing room; the other two rooms were empty because one was for our baby and the other was a study room; our bathroom was as big as the room with a big bath and a shower. We shared the livingroom, diningroom and the kitchen with our parents. My daddy move to our house because my father-in-low needed him as his secon hand in the company.


The time went by, N returned from abroad, where he spent the summer studying dance; I started my nursing classes and Leo was more part of the time in the hospital that at home.

N went to my house one day, he wanted to know how I was.


N:”I’m so sorry not had gone to your wedding, ____. I left the country the day before and it was impossible to change it. I would like to see you.”

-“Don’t apologise, please. What do you think I look?”

N:”Good Lord! You are beautiful. The dress is so pretty and you look so happy, he looks happy too.”

-“Yes, we had a lot of fun!. And you, tell me about your summer!!! Did many girls fall in love with this exotic tan boy?”

N:”No! You know that I only have eyes for you!”

-“Please N, move on!! You can find anyone better than me! Okay! I will introduce you some pretty girls, would I?”


Since college had started I had made new friend. The principal nurse announced the teams work, I was with Nana a really sweet and pretty women that will drive crazy if she see blood; Lizzy who is the ace in our team; Ken the sweet boy who make patients to be calm with a blink and Hongbin the dimple boy, our art work, and the most intelligent between us.


We were sitting in the canteen at the break time.


Nana:”Wo! I really want to do the first exam. I want to be free for a week!!”

K:”Have you practice?”

Nana:”Yes! I have drew my boyfriend blood and I did it well on one try. And you ____?”


Nana:”Yes! Have you studied?”

-“Oh! Yep, but... but...”

H:”Don’t tell me you couldn’t find the vein?”


Well.... it was true.


L:”How can’t you do it properly?!?!? Can’t you feel that it is here!! Give me your hand!!! Here!! Can you feel it?? It is my vein!!! Not here!!!”

-“I’m sorry!!!!”


Yes, I practiced draw blood with Leo, but I was scared!! I really found his vein but when I had to stab the needle my hand shake and sweat, so I stabbed it where I must. Leo spent the night teaching me, but at the second try he was enough angry with me that he went to bed and didn’t speak to me for a while.


-“I get nervous when I imagine the blood coming.”

Nana:”What? But it is a pleasure!!! Blood coming into the test tube...”

K:”hum... let she dream... you know it is our only duty now and! If you don’t pass this exam we won’t too.”


Yes it was our big pain. If one didn’t pass his exam the hole team don’t pass. It was unfair but these are the rules.


I was walking in the college garden to the support classes when I felt into someone. My books felt on the floor and I hurt my left elbow.


Girl:”Oh! Dear! TAKE MY HAND PLEASE!!”


The girl who was in front of me was a blonde and small girl. She wasn’t Korean so I asked she in english.


-“Don’t worry I’m fine! Thank for helping me!”

Girl: “Wo! I see you are not Korean too. My name is Jane.”

-“Nice to meet you, I'm ____. Yes, I’m not, my parents are not korean too, but I have been living here since I was 12 years old so, Where are you from?”

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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 9: Love the story please update soon.
Ficnatic #2
Chapter 2: omo i love your stories!! a little like playful kiss but hey its interesting kekek update more author-nim!^^
StArmyLightSone #3
Chapter 4: OMG !!! Please improve your English and my name is StArmyLightSone!!! Not stone....
I am really sorry!! this week is imposible for me to upload the 3rd chapter because on two weeks I have my university exam and I am studying sooooo much T.T But please wait!!!! xD Thanks so much!!!! <3
HappyVVirus #5
Chapter 2: i read your fic :) i like it *thumbs up*