
Well-deserved Rest

What Kibum should be doing right now is getting his beauty sleep, probably dreaming about being surrounded by hot shirtless guys near his pool by his villa. Which doesn't exist. Instead, he's been awake for what's approximately thirty minutes, waiting for the demon child's cries from next door to die off.

Really, Kibum is a patient person and usually he'd just put on his ear buds and try to ignore the screams. Except, it has been going for four days now, and Kibum is done with this bull. Every single night, the Satan's spawn will wake up at some ungodly hour in the morning and start crying, effectively ruining Kibum's eight hours of peace. It's the only time in which Kibum can actually relax and forget about work, and this brat decides to interrupt it. It's parents obviously aren't doing a very good job. 

Kibum tosses and turns, willing himself to sleep. He grabs his phone, squinting at the sudden light hitting his vision, and checks the time. It's three in the morning and he should be up in four hours. Just great. He sighs and stands up, putting on his white slippers and reaches to his wardrobe. He pulls out a light, knit, white jacket and quickly puts it on.

He's about to cut a down. No one interrupts his sleep, let alone four times a row.

Locking the door behind him and throwing the keys in the jacket's pocket, the black-haired male is already writing his nagging speech in his mind, and also planning the parents' murder. He walks the short distance and knocks loudly on the wooden door, ignoring the numbing pain in his knuckles.

Soon enough the door's opened and Kibum's words die on his lips.

He expected to see a young coffee-deprived woman, not a shirtless Adonis. Despite the amazing view in front of him, Kibum remebers what he came here for and pulls himself together, forcing his eyes to bring themselves to the man's face (which is a sight as great as his body, Kibum notes).

"Can I help you?" Kibum is already doubting the man's intelligence, judging by the dumb question he just asked.

"Yes. For the love of God, please make your child stop screaming it's lungs out every night. I'm sure I'm not the only one bothered by it." The speech Kibum formed in his head earlier sure as hell involved way more yelling, profanities and colorful adjectives, but the circumstances have changed. He can't bring himself to yell at someone as handsome as this guy.

"Ah, really, I'm so sorry... My sister brought her son over for a few days and asked me to take care of him while she's out the country. I've no idea why he always cries at night, though..." The shirtless Adonis seems genuinely sorry and Kibum is almost ready to forgive him and just throw himself in those nice strong arms. The raven coughs, suddenly embarrassed by his casual appearance. He didn't even brush his hair, dammit.

"Good enough, but it still doesn't help the fact that I have to deal with dark circles because of your nephew. Call his mother or something."

Shirtless Adonis sighs dejectedly. "I'm awful with kids, but there was no one else she could ask. And international calls are too expensive."

Kibum nods in understanding. "Google it then, I don't know."

The other male's eyes suddenly widen and Kibum stares at him in an understandably questioning manner. He's almost convinced that the guy is mental at this point.

"Hey, you hear that?" Kibum furrows his eyebrows.


"Hear what?"

The silver-ash haired male smiles so brightly Kibum's almost blinded by it. "Exactly! Yoogeun stopped crying!" 

Kibum's eyes light up and his mouth forms an 'O' shape. "Great. I'm going then." He turns on his heel and is about to go back to the comfort of his warm bed, when a child's voice interrupts his actions.

"Jonghyun, who's that?"

Kibum looks back out of curiosity, and is met with the most adorable child he's ever seen. Thruthfully, the only thing stopping him from squealing is the fact that it's probably nearing four in the morning and his neighbors are still asleep.

A tiny black-haired boy, most likely around five, stands next to Shirtless Adonis (Jonghyun, was it?), wearing a Power Rangers pajama and on his thumb.

"Ah, Yoogeun. That's just a neighbor, he came to tell me that your crying has woken him up." 'Jonghyun' explains as Kibum turns around fully to face them.

"Pretty." The child points at Kibum and the latter blushes slightly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Thank you." Kibum smiles.

"I'm sorry for waking you. I won't cry more." Kibum curses himself for calling such an angel Satan's spawn. How can he be mad at this cute little thing?

"Hey, what's your name?" Kibum's eyes shoot up to the asking male.

"Kim Kibum."

He nods. "I'm Kim Jonghyun. I'll see you around then, Kibum."

"Bye-bye!" Yoogeun waves at him and Kibum waves back, a smile marring his features until the door is closed.

And now it's time for a well-deserved rest.

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Notanangel #1
Chapter 1: Cuteness overload *dies*
FreezingLove #2
Chapter 1: OMG why is this so cute??*squeals*
Very Cute!
Chapter 1: Yep it really is short haha. But ahhh so cute and you just have to add up Yoogeun here neh? Ughhh fluffiness overload <3
SteampunkInformants #5
Chapter 1: Omg please write more.
That was way too cute.
It can't end there!
Rellamellow #6
Chapter 1: What do I have to do for you to make this a chaptered fic? This can't be the end. ;-;
Please please please make this a chaptered fan fiction. Like Kium coming over to help Jonghyun with Yoogeun and they slowly fall in love and when Yoogeun's gone they first get kinda awkward but then boom love and just- please. <3