Chapter 9

Only One

They were together again after that night. Happier than ever. They fall for the old routine again. Like years ago when they will sleepover on each other’s house only that it was more different this time. They are real couple now. Not that they were not three years ago, but now they did what a couple did. They let the other party came to their live, they shared stories from the past three years they had been away.

Sehun can’t get any happier than this. Tao prolonged his stay in Seoul and they went to date almost every day. Tao even companied Sehun to the place for his photoshoot. Sehun was contended. He had his brother back, and now he got back the one love he wished for every night.

But of course, everything won’t go that smooth. Just when he thought he had a complete and happily life, another struggle came. Tao’s brother asked him to go back to China and Tao told Sehun to tag along. He wanted to introduce Sehun to his brother. But Sehun was a little bit hesitant. He was afraid that Tao’s brother can’t accept their relationship because they are both men. Moreover if he knew who Sehun was. He must not let Tao be with Sehun.

All the thought swam around Sehun’s brain. He was sitting on the plane, looking outside the window for the dancing cloud. For the first time in his life, he was anxious, or more precisely afraid, to meet someone.



“What are you thinking?” Tao asked him, holding his hand.

“Just well.. How your brother would take the news about us. You haven’t told him anything about us and I wonder if he could accept us, accept me.”

“He will. He loves me, he wants me to be happy and my happiness is you, so I know he will accept us. Don’t worry about that.”

“Okay.” Sehun smiled at him.

“Listen. If.. If we ever breakup, I want the reason to be because you or me have fall out of love. I don’t want any other reason for our breakup, if it ever happened of course. I love you and I don’t think I’ll ever fall out of love for you so if one day we ever breakup, it will be because you don’t love me anymore, which I won’t let that happened too of course. My point is, no matter what my brother, or anyone going to say about us, I want us to not giving up on this relationship. I don’t want our relationship to be shaken by someone which is not me or you. Do you get me?”

“I do.”

“Pinky promised me.”

“Okay.” They linked their little fingers and touch their thumbs.

“You can never break a pinky promise.”

“Fine with me.” Sehun gave Tao a big smile, holding his hand and leaned on his shoulder. “I’m glad it’s you.”

“You better.”


It was eight past ten when they arrived at what Tao called as his house, although it looked more like a palace for Sehun.

“So.. You are a big catch, huh?” Sehun said.

“I’m flattered. Thank you.” he smiled.

The butlers bowed to them and Sehun was going to bow back when Tao grabbed his shoulder and told him to walk straight. They walked to the dining room and saw Tao’s brother sat in one of the chair. They spoke in Chinese and Sehun didn’t know even one bit of it. But Sehun assumed that they were doing the long-time-no-see-glad-to-see-you-back thing from how they interact. Sehun heard Tao said his name but he didn’t understand so he just gave a simple smile and bow when Tao’s brother looked at him.

“My brother said nice to meet you.”

“Well, please do tell him I feel the same.”

Sehun ate the dinner in silence. Tao and his brother were talking and Tao translated it for Sehun once in a while. The dinner was rather pleasant for Sehun except the not knowing what to say part. They ended the dinner and Tao walked Sehun to his room.

“I supposed we have to sleep in different room tonight.” Tao said while closing the door for Sehun’s room.

“Yeah. I have a question actually.”

“What is it?” Tao hugged him from behind and rest his chin on Sehun’s shoulder.

“Who do you introduce me to your brother as?”

“My friend.”

“Okay.” Sehun stiffen.

“I’ll tell him in a few days, I promise. Just not tonight. It was too soon. I want him to like you first if it’s okay with you.”

“It’s okay. Take your time Taozi because I can wait.” Sehun turned back and gave Tao a peck. “I would always wait for you.”

“I swear my brother will like you in no time.”

“I hope so. And I hope we could get along.”

“Yeah, but remember that your boyfriend is me. I wouldn’t let anyone take you away even if he’s my own brother.” Taozi pecked him.

“Silly. Now go to your room before somebody finds you here.”

“I’ll miss you.”

“Stop being cheesy, we are only a wall apart.”

“And that’s too far.” Tao grinned. “Goodnight, Hun..” Tao hugged him so tight.

“Goodnight, Tao.”

“Where is my goodnight kiss?” Sehun snorted and give him a kiss. “And where is my—”

“I love you. Now go.”

“Good. I love you too. Call me if you need anything. I’ll be here in a second.”




Sehun was the first to wake up the next morning. He walked to Tao’s room and was about to knock when Tao’s brother and his servant walked up to him.

“Good morning, ge.” Sehun tried to speak in mandarin.

“Good morning.” Xiaoming gave Sehun a smile and walked closer to him.

Xiaoming said something in mandarin while smiling and looking at Sehun. He didn’t move his stare, but his servant nodded his head.

“Master said, he knows about you and young master Tao’s relationship.” his servant said in Korean. “And master told you to break it off before master did it himself.”

“What?” Sehun asked, startled.

“You don’t know who are you dealing with. Just do take the warning and do it before it’s too late.” he said something in mandarin to Xiaoming and his master smiled to Sehun and walked away.

Sehun was shocked with Xiaoming’s true self. What should I do? Should I tell Tao about this? Will he believe me? All of the questions swam in his mind. He opted to welcome himself to Tao’s bedroom and locked the door. Tao was still sleeping so peacefully. He didn’t even have the heart to wake him up. Sehun sit in the bed next to Tao and swept away some hair from his forehead.

I don’t want to lose you. I will not breakup with you and I want to be selfish for this one time. We made pinky promise. I can hold on to it, right? You will agree with me, right? Sehun chanted inside his mind while Tao’s hair. He kissed Tao’s forehead, making the sleeping man stir and opened his eyes. Tao smiled to him and he grabbed Sehun’s arm, making Sehun fall flat on him.

“I miss you.”

“It’s just been one night, silly.”

“One long night.” he snuggled his head to Sehun’s neck.

“I love you. You know that, right?”

“Yes I know. But you should know that I love you more.” Tao kissed Sehun’s neck.

I really hope you do.


Some days past after that incident and Sehun still had not telling Tao about it. He would be a little too still when Xiaoming was present between them, but every time Tao asked if he was okay he only told Tao that he was still uncomfortable with the language barrier and Tao would believe it that easily. He didn’t want to lie to Tao, but he didn’t have the gut to tell him about his older brother’s warning.

They spent most of their time outside the house. Tao brought Sehun to see the places he grown up at. His school, the café he used to visit, the restaurant he likes. Basically everywhere in his mind. Sehun didn’t mind though, everywhere was fine as long as he was with Tao. But all the happy days will always end up at Tao’s house which means meeting Xiaoming and Sehun really dislike it. Xiaoming always looked so kind but Sehun knew what the smile he was wearing means.

It was the second day before they planned to go back to Seoul when Xiaoming asked them to stay at home and accompany him since it was his day off. Tao broke the news to Sehun and Sehun can only nod. They had lunch together, but that two brothers’ voices that could be heard. Sehun kept quiet all afternoon. They walk to a small house behind the mansion.

“This is where I learn wushu.” Tao told Sehun.

“You did wushu? For real?”

“Yeah. Why are you so surprised? Am I looked not strong enough to do wushu?”

“But I helped you from the bully that time.”

“Well, I just don’t have the mood to fight that time and you just appear of nowhere.”

“You should have told me!” Sehun pouted.

“Don’t make a cute face. I can’t help but want to kiss you.” Tao said in a whisper.

Sehun just wished that he didn’t blush because they were just behind Xiaoming and his servant was behind them. They went in to that house and they told Sehun to sit on a chair, out of the line.

“Grab your sword, Tao. Let’s fight. We haven’t done it in years already, aren’t we?” Xiaoming said as he grabbed one of the wooden swords.

“Fine for me, ge.”

Sehun didn’t know what happened. The thing he knew was that Tao and his brother was about to fight. He was going to stand up, but Xiaoming’s servant pushed him back to sit and stood beside him.

“You should break it off before this happened.”

“What do you mean?”

“Master Xiaoming can’t take this kind of embarrassment in his family. If he can’t make you leave master Tao in an easy way, he will make it in a hard way. For now, just please watch the show. There is nothing you can do though.”

When Sehun looked back at them, they were already fighting against each other. Xiaoming threw a hint on Tao’s leg and he fell on his knee.

“Why are you not going all out, Tao? You used to be better than this. Or you just out of practice because that man over there made you practice another thing?” Xiaoming asked sarcastically.

“So you do know. Huh! I should know it.”

“You are my only brother, Tao. How can I let this kind of thing happened to you? How can that man change you to someone you are not?”

“Ever hear about love, ge? That’s what changed me, not him. You should know it better ge, since you have a fiancé already.”

“But you can’t love a man, Tao! You should find a woman and I’ll let you!”

“Sorry to disappointed you, ge. But I won’t let him go, with or without your permission.” Tao stood up and walked towards Sehun.

“Stop there. One more walk over that man and Jiwon will kill him.”

“I knew it, your servant is not Chinese, his mandarin is too off. Did you use him to threaten Sehun before?”

“I might have.”

“Tell me what do you want, ge.”

“Send him back to Seoul and you have to stay here from now on.”

“And if don’t?”

“I’ll kill him.”

“Don’t ever lay a hand on him or I swear I won’t forgive you although you are my brother.”

Tao looked scary on Sehun’s eyes. Sehun didn’t know what they talked about but the tension was there. He asked the servant what they were talking about, but he shrugged it off.

“Then fight me. If you win over me, I’ll let you go. But if I win, you have to break everything you have with him.”

“Fine. I’m going all out now, ge.”

“Please don’t hesitate.”

They went back to fight. Sehun never see that kind of face in Tao. Tao looked so scary. He didn’t have any idea what’s going on, but the fight was getting intense each seconds. Tao kept on getting hits from Xiaoming and he looked more tired.

“You can stop this fight. You know what to do.” the person beside him said.

No. I believe in him. Tao told me to hold onto him and I will. Sehun was biting his lips and kept on scratching his hands. He was getting anxious because Tao looked to wear out of the fight. If it continued, Tao will die. He bit his lips harder every time Tao got hit and he can already felt the salty liquid that was his blood from his lips.

Tao was lying on the ground. He was worn out and bruised but his brother kept on swinging his that wooden sword and hit him.

“Stop!” Sehun run to him and he got the hit instead.

It hurt like hell. He wondered how Tao can take all the hits in his body while Sehun felt like crumbling just by one hit.

“Stop hurting him. If you did this just for me to leave him, I won’t do it. I promise him and I’ll keep it! You should kill me first if you want me to leave him. But I believe that Tao will either kill himself too or hating on you for the rest of your life and both of it will let you with no brother at last!”

His servant walked beside him and told him what Sehun said in mandarin. His brother was sweating and panting from the fight, and the information he got seems like only raging him up more.

“How dare you!” he swung his sword to Sehun.

Sehun was waiting for the blow, but it never came. When he looked up, there was Tao in front of him, panting. His sword pointed to Xiaoming’s neck and Xiaoming’s sword lied on the floor.

The next thing Xiaoming did, let Sehun startled. He smirked and walked away from that place. Tao collapsed on Sehun after Xiaoming left. Some other servants run in to the place and helped Tao and Sehun to their room. There was no more reason for Sehun to not stay at Tao’s room, so he did what exactly it is.

He stayed at Tao’s room after the doctor checked up on him. Tao was sleeping. He had bandages all over his body, but he was still breathing and that’s what relieved Sehun. Sehun curled up beside him on the other side of the bed and let the drowsiness him out.



When Sehun opened his eyes, he was met with another set of brown eyes with deep eyebags and he immediately smiled and sat up.

“You are awake. Thanks God.”

“I’m awake now. How’s your arm?”

“It’s fine. I can handle it.”

“I’m sorry.” Tao held his hand to caress Sehun’s cheek. “You should have told me when my brother threatened you.”

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I want to give up when I saw you yesterday, but I’m too selfish to let you go. I’m sorry.” Sehun’s tear fall down.

“Please be selfish when it comes to me.”

“You don’t know how afraid I was. I thought you’ll really get killed.”

“He missed all the vital parts actually. He was my brother after all, he just did that to make you give up. Thanks for not giving up. Come here.”

Sehun wrapped his arms on Tao’s torso and cried in his neck. Tao kept on whispering comforting words to Sehun and his hair. Giving his head kisses once in a while. Their time was disturbed with a knocked at the door. Sehun sit up and help Tao to sit up too, leaning his body on the headboard.

Xiaoming and his servant walked in. Xiaoming sat on the sofa in front of the bed, wearing his usual smile. Sehun was going to step away from the bed, but Tao held him and kept him sitting on the bed beside him.

“Don’t be to tense.”

“What do you want now, ge? I’m really tired and I’m going back to Seoul tomorrow, so if you don’t have good things to say, please go out.”

“I knew about your relationship since years ago when out of sudden you asked me to bring you back to China. I needed to know what happened in your life, and after I know it, I thought it was just your little phase, but you went back to Seoul months ago and suddenly bring him back to me. Did you know how it startled me? I find it hard to accept at first, but you two looks so happy. Don’t think that I don’t notice it, everyone in this house know that you two are an item. Yesterday was just my last test for you two.”

“So you accept this?”

“You are my only brother, Tao. I will do everything for you, including helping you know what your mistake is. But seems like you don’t take this as mistake, so I don’t need to help you for anything. I want the best for you, and you have to know, that being gay is not easy. People will judge you and it’s more painful than all the physical hurt you feel yesterday. And actually I just want to make sure if he really love you. Seems like he does, right?”

“Of course he does.” Tao squeezed Sehun’s hand and smiled at him when Sehun squeezed him back.

“I told you what I should tell. Now it’s all your choice. You can do whatever you want, and I’ll support you. Just so you know that you can come back here anytime. With Sehun too, of course. We are family now, aren’t we?” Xiaoming stood up and walked away.

“Thank you, ge.”

“It’s nothing, Taozi.” he ruffled Tao’s hair before walking out of the room.

Sehun was letting out the breath he held without him realizing after Xiaoming left the room.

“What did he said? His face looks all smiley, but he is always like that as long as I know.”

“He approved.”

“What? He what?”

“He approved. He approved us. He just tested us out yesterday. Good thing that you didn’t five up yesterday. I’m really proud of you.”

“Just like that? He approved us just after you all bruised? Pffttt..”

“I told you, he just tested us.”

“He could do it in smoother way.”

“But human tend to give up when the worst comes, right?”

“I hate that you are right.” Sehun leaned his head on Tao’s shoulder.



“I love you.”

“And I love you because you love me.”

“So you won’t love me when I don’t love you anymore?”

“Do you really need to ask that?” Sehun sit up and looked annoyed at Tao.

“Just answer me.”

“I still love you on those three years when you don’t love me.”

“I still love you too on those three years.”

“But I love you more and don’t argue with me.”

“I won’t. But I really want to thank you for loving me that much.”

“How can you know how much I love you?”

“Well, I love you so so much, and you love me more, so it means you just love me soooooooo much.” and that made Sehun laugh.

“I don’t know why I put up with you.”

Sehun cupped Tao’s cheeks and kissed him, again, and again. Thank you for everything. I love you, now and forever.




I end it up here guys~

I'm thinking of making a baekyeol, but idk if I'll have time for it, so no promise~~

Anyway, thanks for reading and subscribing and commenting and upvoting~~





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mylovelytaohun #1
Chapter 9: Great story..two thumbs up for you ^^ ..write more happy ending taohun story please ;)
Chapter 9: Aww my eyes watery on the last scene..
So beautiful .. another fic of my fav.. thank you so much for all the time and effort you put on the making of this story. Wo ai ni authornim~
Madhatter_pey #3
Chapter 9: So cute. I wanna do form the cuteness of it all. Amazing story man.
Chapter 8: Woohoo taohun ftw!
wool93 #5
Chapter 9: Love love love everybody call love love love
Chapter 9: oh! cute! cute! cute! cute! cute! cute! cute!
did i already say it was cute? *w*
i hated his brother, but then he came and said all those things *u* i can't help but to like him
and their love! my, it's so perfect! i really thought hunnie would give up, but no, he passed the test!
congrats for the perfect fic <3
i loved "not alone" and "only one" was just the perfect complement <3
kennocha #7
Chapter 9: Aww. it's finally done :')
daisyqurl #8
Chapter 8: This is such a great story i love it...>w<
Chapter 8: Ooooooh, sooooo cute
Poor hunnie, good thing he found taozi
I love this story, i'm looking forward to the next chapter
oddalls #10
Such an interesting concept! <3